stouffville august 2 1923 the new overland slocal happenings dr barker will not be in his office on saturdays during the months attention to the higher hood and radiator which certainly do make the new car most attractive is a feature of the new car lower seats with an extension of the leg room for the driver distinguish the new car in so far as comfort is concerned triplex springs of course are retained as this patented principle of spring suspension has proved a wonderful factor in pro tecting car and passenger from road shocks the new rear axle has the special merit of being of the removal shaft type making tearing down of housing unnecessary in case of emergency w h todd chas ward stouffville ontario also wagons buggies harness etc ox hand if i4mjwi mm i lu- wfptmammmmvab s lost a light feet long betwee and 6 con 9 or 11 con 7 whi dan hall stouffville about 12 elhte lots 3 lots 5 and apply to if you are looking for a place tc holiday call at the station and the agent will give you a splendid book let suggesting beautiful lake or land trips in various parts of can ada dont forgt the herb lennox picnic to be aeld at island grove near jacksos point on monday august 6th it will be greater than ever this yyar the prime minister and his catine be there an excellent wfortunity to see and meet the new ministers house wiring you want the hydro in your home this fall then let us quote you on wiring your house ready to turn on the power all work is guaran teed to pass hydro inspection we also wire churches and other buildings dont delay this matter be ready lewis j kennedy phone 2204 stouffville church street the local crop of raspwerries will beabout all picked this weekexcept- ing the brandy wine berries which are just coming on one grower informs us that this is the finest berry to preserve as they are free from seed and are a fine quality they are a large dark berry the methodist picnic to mussel- mans lake last friday was much enjoyed by the scholars it looked like rain in the early part of the afternoon but it did not materialize and thus the youngsters and their elders were able to make merry all afternoon and after the supper hour if you want to purchase a ford truck at a real bargain price see yv h smith rear buttons store it is in excellent order and has good punctureproof tires the rev frank vipond a return ed chaplain from overseas preached in the anglican church here last sunday next sunday the former pastor rev mr nind will conduct the communion service at 3 oclock the union church service was well attended last gunday evening in the park rev mr coulter being the preacher for the occasion next sunday evening rev e morton of the christian church will deliver the serqph some one evidently bent on putt ing up a trick on john spence of whitchurch indulged in a danger ous pastime on saturday evening when they topk his car from oppos ite the mansion house and removed it to the east end of the town the car was undamaged and apparently none the worse for its removal hut mr spence was considerably delayed in getting home on account of locat ing the necessary conveyance many hundreds of cars were parked on the main street saturday evening and until most of them moved off it was pretty hard to locate a stray bus the dairy cow s the most profitable thing on the farm keep more of them our service makes it possible the growing demand for our butter calls for more cream agents for lelaval cream separator you cant beat them stouffville creamery company phone 18602 open tuesday thursday and saturday evenings almost every week since the dis appearance of fred pratt proprietor of the mansion house the daily star has run a two column story parrotlike in its makeup in that it repeats the same story each time this is only one phase of the cheap news provided for the average citi zens in stouffville realizes what a lot of humbug statements are made in those articles if the stars de sire is to grow big in size with this sort of news jt will grow equally sniall in the public estimation lost a sinallroll of bills finder kindly communicate with bebeebe and receive reward on monday evening the mennonite church was filled and chairs were 1 placed in the aisles to accommodate the crowd who witnessed the illus trated lecture given by rev i w sherk who is on furlough with mrs sherk from the mission fields of nigeria west africa mr sherk threw on the canvas some so views illustrating the conditions and cus toms of the country in which the missionary labors there he im pressed the audience with the great need for christian helpers in that land and fixed in their minds a pic ture which may be as a guiding star to the young people to turn their thoughts to this supreme work of carrying the gospel to every crea ture in addition to the lecturethe views themselves were especially well selected and thrown on the canvas in an unusually clear form rev and mrs sherk who have been spending some time here will shortly leave for the states mr sherk is himself an american while his in telligent wife is a canadian and also a gifted speaker everyone irrespective of politics is cordially invited to the lennox picnic to be held at island grove on monday augusyeth thebfia vay attractions wul be wepworth seeing this is the greast annual picnic in the worldsso one should riiss it over saturday night someone en tered swifts garage and made away with a new inner tube and a blow out patch thi3 petty theft was no doubt committed by some local party or parties who are strongly suspected new tires in the build ing were hot disturbed with the harvest at hand and the small boy with his pocket bulging out with green apples one realizes that the summer is fast passing away just while we mention green apples however let us remind the small lad that green apples and coulic are still as closely knit as ham and eggs mr amos lehman has installed a new model national cash register in his model shoe store- this mach ine registers the amount of the in dividual sale the total days sale keeps track of cash or charge orders all of which must total out with the amount of cash in the cash drawer otherwise someone has made a mis take in the giving of change on saturday there were three or four suspicious looking characters in town and because of their actions the police department in toronto was notified it was feared they might bo connected with the gang who committed the robbery in to ronto last week but they left town without any new developments quality service threshing coal on hand schumacher feed bran and shorts quaker flour for bread we carry the fulopep line of chicken feed phone 4501199 v a meeting of the last year chau tauqua guarantors fs called at bakers store this thursday even ing at s oclock to wind up the business of the committee there may never be another such opportunity for the public to see and hear the prime minister and the members of his government as will be afforded at the lennox picnic on august 6th the womens institute postponed their picnic from wednesday to fri day this week on account of the bowling tournament on the former date the picnic is at 4 so so come along to the park on that day aug ust 3rd abram yake of stouffville has been raising a pen of prize ducks but one afternoon last week he went out to find the whole eight of them lying dead there were marks on the backs of each quack but what put them there is still a mystery mr yake determined to find outand suspecting a weasel or other small animal he set a trap that night next morning he was surprised to find a dog as the victim whether the canine was the perpetrator of the crime is not clear to anyone but he got the benefit of the doubt and was set free owing to the derailment of one of the cars on the afternoon four oclock train for toronto at can- nington on monday afternoon it passed through stouffville more than two hours late no one was in jured when the derailment took place the melvin business colle bridge ont which reo august 15th with a staffjsxperienced in high grad teaching and actual bookkeeping willprovide a full course of bsinescraining second to none pulsregistering during july will wallowed a substantial discount for terms c apply to a mcf mustard principal uxbridge gold a reliable ball in your twine can means money in your pocket the other kind means wasted twine and serious delay every man knows this the thing is to find the reliable kind plymouth twine has satisfied thousands and will satisfy you it does not tangle or fall down and its even in size plymouth runs full length and ties more bundles than other brands buy it this year and order early always the best it is always satisfactory and costs no more than inferior makes so why not use the very best we have a large stock price is right plymouth pure manilla will wear longer let us cut you off what you require short slings made of pure manilla buy the boy a cleveland bicycle and have the best in the world we sell it silvester bros stouffville ont whitby has initiated an idea which lurks in the minds of certain stouff ville citizens who have never suc ceeded in making it a reality here what was just done in whitby was to place four signs at each end of the town pavement attractively painted with the following greeting to motorists entering town wel come to whitby the county town then on the other side where the motorists will see it on leaving town are the words whitby goodbye call again lights to illuminate them at night have yet to be put in place- the other evening a young man driving a ford car at a furious rate down main street opposite todds shop just grazed the wheel of a farmers buggy belonging to a far mer on the 10th of markham there was no necessity for running so close to the buggy unless it was that the lad was driving so fast he had not the car under control when he seen what happened and heard the farmer yell he looked about with a silly grin it even looked sheepish tor we happened to be close by and saw it someone has said that it takes about 140 nuts to hold a ford car together and only one to hold it on the road but that one ought to be endowed with more brains than a common we wont say it as the young man in question will no doubt read this item so enough said drive slowly through the town boys the byeelection for east york made necessary under the law by reason of hon george s henry be ing chosen for the cabinet is set for monday august 27 th on this accpunt the clerk of tho election board for the riding fhm irwin must prepare a voters list for same and an advertisment calling attention to the revision of such list appears in this issue the basis ot the list will be the one used in the recent election and every name on the list at that time will be on for a vote this time any whoso names were omitted may have the error rectified by following the in structions as set out in tho adver tisement on page eight while is is not anticipated that mr henry will be opposed the clerk of the election board must be prepared for any eventualities that may occur on nomination day instead of sittings being held in every tnunlclpallty as was the cas for the provincial elec tion a general sitting will be held in toronto complaints must be glad not later than august 7th all roads will lead to island gvove on monday august 6th jtterc herb leivnox is holding his annual monter picnic in addition to the prinje minister aid his cabi net there will he the following other attractions six brass bands boxing tournamenj baseball lacrosse foot ball babv jshgx dancing and water sports alrto conclude with a grand display of firewors rev w m mcguire was in tor onto last week attending the fare well to two missionaries who left for montreal to sail by the montcalm for england and thence on to west africa one of the missionaries mrswm fitflay is going out for the second time while miss i hollen- beck is making her first voyage mrs finlay leaves her two little children in the eare of friends at homewhile her husband awaits her in the heathen land at a meeting of the church board of the methodist congregation on monday evening an invitation was ex tended to the pastor rev geo e coulter to remain another year the salary to he the same as the past year mr amos lehman was appoin ted delegate to the district meeting at uxbridge with mr newton rae as alternate the matter of re- shingling the parsonage was dis cussed and the work is likely to be done this fall kixgwool telephone the tribune office or drop a card it you have visitors wheat is being threshed on robt milkrs larui here it is an ex l- lent saipe mrs jj challands and mrs w kershaw of toronto were the guests last week at mrs r wildgoose thj irutr was congested by autos on saturday night well have to move back the buildings soon henry grove threshed 70 bushels of alsike from seven acres thats a pretty good yield but all crops are good oats are being cut and are well filled silos silos silos sold factory to farmer also sash and doors farmers silo company markham out after july 7th our milliner parlors will be closed until fall season mrs m watts phone 312 ask your dealer for merry wives pastry flour or j white rose bread flour handled by almost every dealer- refuse substitutes manufactured by the uxbridge milling co limited what might have been a fatal accident happened to mr and mrs john spence of the 6th concession whitchurch on tuesday evening in their car they went up over a 4 foot embankment and down the othr side the car nosing into the ground when they attempted to pass ano ther auto about opposite robt rat- cliffs farm west of stouffville mrs spence was slightly injured although her husband escaped lemonville rev dr williamson was in tor onto on monday mrs holman of toronto is visit ing mrs malcolm cook miss norma little of stouffville spent last week with her aunt maggie and uncle geo mckuen we are sorry to report the eldest cltizenof this vicinity mrs white is under tho doctors care john smith is also under the doctors care from the result of a stroke we hope to see our sick around again the farmers about here have commenced harvest wheat being cut two weeks ago it being a bum per crop oats are likely to be light mr fred middleton spent the week end with friends and relatives at sharon and newmarket ye old time garden party a grand garden party will be hold under auspices ot the board ot man agement of the union clyrrch clare- mont on the lawn ofiraham brcs cairnbrogie of tire evening ot thursday angus acn the char will he taken bhon j s martin minister of aginoulture for ontario the ladies will fet tables and an old time supper will be served watch for bills later properties for sale one ensilage and straw cutter mounted 16 inch in excellent order for particulars apply to h armi- tage aurora manufacturers agent vacant lots 50 up house properties from 1500 to 900d garden farms 1 to 50 acres price from 700 to 1500 farms 53 to 100 acres prico 5000 to 15000 large farms 146 to 150 acres 1500 to 10000 we valuate and collect rentals and arrange loans phono res s004 office 1004 call or write jacob yake jeweller buttons block stouffville stouffville moirs chocolates moirs chocolates for three- quarters of a centuryhave been the first choice of young and old alike the delicious centres and rich wholesome purity for which moirs chocolates are noted have won for them an ever increasing popularity among lovers of fine candies you should visit our ice cream parlor these warm days our service is at your command try our grocery dept 1 porter s phone 198 stouffville ont i as