ym stouffville june 28 1923 fruit pineapples are over but the season for other fruits are crowding in we always carry a full line of the very finest in fruits for quality and price youll probably need rubber rings an something for a dainty eunch now the weather is warmer youll be thinking of something in a cold line for lunch we suggest canned fish such as florida shrimp sardines lobster chicken haddie tuna fish or herrings in tomato sauce phone orderscarefully filled ratcliff co i phone 7112 stouffville hurrah for 1 ji dont forget to do your shopping theweek before v we will have some bargains hvvhite foot- i tf wear if you aie iipieed of ssuit case or club bag he havethem also s fine hosiery our motto is v to live and let live a f s glehm footwear of merit s nr o jf fville phone 4301- bargains in millinery a table of specials on saturday at 200 also wools gloves and fancy goods mrs f wilsons j phone 4303 house should be done n will be turned fall fall the i rush at the 1 figure on w j mlses wh store or farm ings i all work guaranteed reg w gyatt electrical contractor mansion house stouffrllls 6 a big minjrfe lets our pre- f house build- get this loucm bird pr barndoor hanger and iiavd the bam door hang and run tight fcr am time this is positively the finest bamvdoor hangei on the market as its name implies birds cannot build in the track the track is hollow with closed ends no ice or snow in winter or trash in summer can possibly get in to clog it runs on two itroaiily braced trolley wheel alwayiunoolh and euy running hinged o tomave it flexible nd to how ihe door to twine outwtrdi and up wards if occasion rcquirci ask for the louden line orei 47 yean ol experience and practical ex periments so to male louden roods eilcienl and reliable we male everything for the barn including cow staju stanckionr litter and feed carrier hay fork and sliazi write for our new catalogue n louden machinery co du cuelph ctat 9 the tribune is published thursday afternoon terms 200 a year in advance a v nolan publisher stouffville ont editorial comment let us figure on your barn fix tures also remember we conduct a busy grocery store all goods are caretul- ly selected so that we offer only the 3icst to the public geo j lawson west end grocer jphovb 173 stouffville mount albert james liawsbh has purchased a new ford touring car z mrs burrows of richmond hill is visiting relatives here mr and mrs herb hall visited friends at newmarket on monday mr and mrs gillion of ringwood visited over the week end at mr r bodens miss millie dike has returned home for vacation from normal school in toronto mr and mrs barrett and family are visiting with the latters parents mr and mrs j mclean rev gibson inkster of toronto during his stay here was tlie guest of mr and mrs w t russell are you going to stouffviiie on monday to the big celebration at memorial park well i suess so walter draper has nearly com pleted additions and alterations to his home here which adds greatly to its appearance john moore and geo broderick reeve and deputy of e gwillimbury are this week attending county council in toronto roy aitchison who has been en gaged with harry spang for the past three months lias goie to elora wheer he has taken a position rev gibson inkster of toronto preached the anniversary services of the presbyterian church on sunday tlie annual social will be held on i july 4th mr ross boden has just returned j from a trip to western canada he reports conditions as not too flour ishing in the part of the country which he visited j the annual garden party of the methodist church will be held under i the auspices of the ladles aid wed- nesday june 27th on the beautiful lawn of mr edmund wagg citizens of mount albert united with members of the methodist church in honoring rev dr cald well the pastor of the church and his wife on the eve of their depnr tur for alton their new charge tlie event took place on tuesday night june 16th there was a large numj her present the ladles jttf presen ted mrs caldwell witli a jardinere basket and the lol presented dr i caldwell with a club bag and travel- ling rug mr and mrs caldwell j made feeling replies to the addrosi ses nccompanlng these presents the mount albert orchestra rendered music and a good program of speeches and songs made a most do- committee in charge have secured that talented entertainer bob wilson for the occasion and the mount al bert orchestra will furnish msic the latest style dresses this year are cut low in the back but not in price while not as good as a dollar a nlckle does its best it goes to church more often one consolation about the long skirts says a walkerton lady the mosquitoes wont have such an easy time of it this summer an observant writer says the city man thinks himself better oft than the farmer and the farmer thinks the city man is conceited but coming into a fortune they both move the farmer to the eity and the city man to the country john d rockefeller jr has pre sented to the toronto general hos pital and the hospital ror the sick children 10000 each and to the university of toronto 5000 to be used for research in insulin to be conducted by dr banting discoverer of the insulin treatment of diabetes no sooner does the blackbird get away with the tender corn plant and the potato bug make his first of the season onslaught on the potato vine than along comes the big city fair announcement to remind the farmer where he can most easily spend his dough when he threshes his pumpkins in considering the bank act before the banking committee criticism was offered that locents was too high a charge for a collection mr field ing effectively pointed out that 15 cents was little enough for the ser vice rendered why a hotel boy will hardly accept 15 cents for a tip now he remarked will canada be able to get along without the chinese laundry and the chinese restaurant apparently can ada will have to learn to do so under the new regulations only chinese merchants and students are to be admitted and it is not likely that either will be allowed to take in washing or serve meals kincardine reporter what is wrong with the people tnat they do not attend church this question is a predominent one everywhere thinking people see in this- attitude of the populace the weakening of or national life russia fs an ex ample of what a nation can become which allow its spiritual life to be come attenuate we need the sun day service to help cleanse us from the worldliness and lottenness that we allow to creep into our systems it is necessary that we sit aud lis ten to the servant of gou trying to point out our weakness and giving us the right line of thought to bring us again in touch with the infinite the v who remains away from church is a coward x the general assembly of the pres byterian church has spoken on the question of organic union with the methodist and congregational chur ches by a vote of almost three to one the governing body of presby- teriianism in canada decided in favor of proceeding immediately with the i consummation of union the rote which was taken at 6 oclock on tuesday june 11th at port arthur was 426 for the motion and 12 i against the vote was taken just i previously on the amendment intro- duced by rev dr drummond was 137 for and 415 against thus ended a debate which probably was with out parallel in the annuals of the church in canada and thus is a page of church history closed and another begun towns are on the east and west bor der of maine j the total distance travelled by tjie party on the way to halifax was ap proximately 1150 miles broken up into the following stages toronto to montreal 340 miles montreal to fredericton nb 559 miles fred- ericton to st john 66 miles st john to digby by canadian pacific steamer empress across the bay of fundy and from digby to halifax over the dominion atlantic rly 151 miles the tian was accompanied by a number of c p officials whose busi ness it was to look after the comfort of the party they included w b howard assistant general passen ger agent at montreal j h smith canadian press representative of the company and t l kellie of tor onto as the train passed over the vari ous divisions the divisional supts joined it and saw it safely over the line 7 the trip from halifax through nova scotia and prince edward island was made by canadian national in an all steel train in a future issue we hope to say something about the maritimes theri beauty and their difficulties stouffvujjc markets wednesday june 27th dairy chickens 25 to 26 butter 25 to 26 eggs 22 to 24 butter 25 to 2s cattle hogs c hojb s00 to s50 good butchers 550 to 650 medium butchers 500 to 600 common butchers 400 to 500 calves per cwt 600 to 900 sheep per cwt 200 to 500 sheep skins 40 to 70 hides 6 to 7 grain market oats 48 to 55 white wheat 112 to 115 goose wheat 110 to 112 buckwheat 73 to 75 june sale for two weeks in order to reduce stock and at the same time in troduce new custom to our store we are offering big cuts in prices for next two weeks mens straw hats from 150 to s850 these hats regularly sell up to 500 genuine english make the very latest nty boxes excel- choice at 35 to 50c genuine good material 175 they will wear currie garters and braes in lent material of elastic abj mens work shirts only which regularly sell u and wash well see t hats at 25c working hafor men just when they are needed your choice at only 25c a big range of kharki pants running shoes caps etc also sweaters for bovs at only 69c boats at 375 just think back to prewar prices on this line working shoes that wear like iron at- prices 375 to 450 oxfords 600 to 675 one of the best makers attend this summer sale look over our stock whether you buy or not j l little west end stouffville fa fa new goods ummer wear we have a complete new line of hot weather goods train to halifax the canadian weekly newspapers association left toronto about 175 strong on a special canadian pacific train equal in equipment to any thing that ever travelled in canada it was one of the longest special trains that has ever pulled out of toronto station it included twelve coaches of which eight were standard sleepers of the most modern type two diners with special crews of chefs and waiters wero attached and at the rear was a compartment observation coach from which the travellers were able to view the splendid scenery through which the canadian pacific railway runs these with baggage oars made up the train the engine was a modern type high power locomotive wnich contributed greatly to the success ol the trip by doing even better than the time schedule arranged the tiuin pulled into montreal s minutes ahead of the expected mom ent and the excellent record thus established on the first lap of the journey was kept up all the way over tlie line i leaving montreal siorlly after midnight the train passed out of canadian territory about six oclock friday morniiig and the party during the night passed across the state of main for the ensuing hours running bck across the line into can ada in the early afternon the dis tance across thfs corner of the united states was roughly about 220 miles from mcgantlc que to mcadam new brunswick which two little for the men mens sailor straws from 2 to 4 english make mens work hats 25c good value mens panama hats genuine from 300 to 500 mens and boys balbriggan under wear summer weight single gar- ments 75c and 100 each combinations 175 per suit summer weight hose all colors 50c pair only a few pairs left ladies ladies underwear from 25c to 100 per garment ladies combinations from 1 to 2 kiddies hats 50c to 125 this store will be open tuesday thursday and saturday even ings closed friday at 12 noon during the summer months w h shaw phone 9512 stouffville fer2i5