Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), July 19, 1923, p. 3

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health education by dr j j middleton provlnolal board of haalth ontario dr mlddlcton will be glad to answer questions on public health mat- tors through this column address hiin at spadina house spadina crescent toronto 9tf caught off montreal island the guide under whose directions these muscalungc were caught in lake st louis about two and a half milca from ste annes claims that there are no finer muscalunge fishing grounds in the province he makes a speciality of this kind of fishing and guarantees one fish per day or no pay there is also good fishing for small mouth bass pickerel and pike and in the fall lake st louis is visited by flights of duck southward bound mr pilon the guide conducts parties for duck shooting also in season from ste annes perhaps the reason for the plentiful supply of large fish is that st annes is too close to montreal the sportsmen preferring to go further a fied but whatever the reason is there they are ship operator out with facts tanlac did so much for mo a year ago that right now i am feeling even better than before i got sick declared john croysdill 8 haldiniaud st que bec pq mr croysdui a ship tele graph operator is well known in que bec having been for four years oper- ctor at the citadel for two solid years i suffered from stomach trouble my appetite vas 60 poor i couldnt eat much but even then after meals my heart palpitated so badly from the pressure of gas on my stomach i would be miserable neai- ly all day and couldnt half sleep at night the result was i felt tired and wornout most of the time it wasnt long after i began taking tanlac that my appctito had a new start and the stomach trouble was los ing its grip aud now im always eager for mealtime to come nothing distress es mo i sleep soundly and feel fine all the time tanlac is a splendid reli able medicine tanlac is for sale by all good drug gists accept no substitute over 37 million bottles sold j classified advertiscmnttt i j 7f it rohd owxeb a ic rostjll cakd3 xtji lawtnctit m an you 1173 art anxnsj j una id launcdlatt rcspanae smussur wrllsl auto specialty co vtutbom oat oxk jiax1x each colntt to api unli to artl our made caa a suarattm product l box gives mo mil sail on atsafc isk mocuhly aay write cuks lefetrrrt llnxvi alexandria out jkmna anatttoj washington hand press we have ax enquiry fob a wasuint ton hand press that 111 ux 1 van of t eolumn tone wluoa publlablna co ltd rs adelaide st w toronto tanlac vegetable pills are natures own remedy for constipation for sale everywhere her rosary the nestlings now have found thelf wings the grass is thick and high and thunder clouds at sunset hang dark curtains in the sky the larkspurs vivid blue succeeds the poppys brilliant blaze j and father time begins to clip the coupons from tha days summer has reached its noon the rostj is drcopng in the sun aud on the garden mold lets fall her petals one by one till at her rests a little heap of fragrant crimson lies the rosary of scented beads she tells before she dies jlina irving tonight beside the pasture bars i heard the whippoorwill while one by one the early stars came cut above the hill i heard the tinkle of the spring i heard the cattle pass slow through the dusk and lin gering to crop the wayside grass henry a beers easy tricks no 30 the clothes brush mothers health needs great care care of home and children of ten causes a breakdown let our thouifnts turn for a few minutes to the problem of the preser vation of child life especially of the white races among our nativeborn population in considering this prob lem the most advisable way is in al either that or his rate of mental pro gress during his early yeaio is so slow that at puberty that is when he grows up to young manhood he has no more actual sense than a boy of 13 years there is something wrong here if probability to look at the subject from country is going to be great if it the standpoint is it worth while is going to take its place among the those who know think that it is leading nations of the world a high worth while and they have facts and standard of mentality should be aimed figures to back up their beliafs at the fact that canadian recruils in the first place this dominion show superior intelligence to those of and even the province of ontario i the united states might be due in needs more settlers of the right kind some degree to the fact that a iarrje now there are two kinds of settlers percentage of the immigrants who that increase our population those come here are of british stock and that come to our shores as immigrants consequently of a higher mentality and those that are born here our own standard due in part to heredity en- children a record f efficiency tests vironment and the system of universal was made in the united states during education which prevails in the old the war to test the physical and men- country at the present time tii efficiency of drafts of recruits re- no figures are available at the mo- quired for war service a comparison ment to compare the intelligence of of the mental capacity of those re- 1 the average nativeborn canadian boy emits was made with similar recruits or girl with those of their race and from canada and it was found thit kin across the seas but it is safe to the canadians were superior in irtelsay that canada would hold her own ligence to even the white records of in any fair test of this kind it be- the united states army what is tue hooves us therefore as canadians reason for this one- reason is that interested in the welfare of our coun- in the united states there is a heavy try interested in every condition that influx every year of immigrants from will tend towards producing a heal- south eastern europe and other parts thier and more intelligent race of of the earth there is also a large j people to do all in our power to re- negro population native born but this j duce infant mortality in canada and latter group need not be considered to have facilities for the proper feed- here for their mentality ranks far be low that of the whites to be specific the mean mental age of the negro drafts in the united states army was 1037 years that means that the in telligence of the average negro soldier is that of a boy a little over ten years of age and a little less than an aver age boy of eleven years on the other hand the mean mental age of the white drafts in the united states ing and upbringing ofthe tising gen eration so that this country can point with pride to the physical and mental status of its nativeborn population and feel assured that in health men tality physical fitness and in social conduct canada can proudly take her place as one of the foremost countries as regards efficiency and progress among the nations of the oarth to reach this ideal much work is yet army was 1308 years and that of necessary and when we know that the canada 1329 years prevailing rate of infant mortality in now a comparison of these figures ontario at the present time is roughly speaking one hundred- per thousand which means that one child out of with the actual age of the boy him self would seem to indicate that after a certain age the average youth ceases to learn anything that would every ten born dies before reaching twelve months of age we have some quaky him as being called intelligent idea of the problem confronting us red hot july days hard on the baby july the month of oppressive heat red hot days and sweltering nights is extremely hard on little ones diarrhoea dysentery colic and cholera infantum carry off thousands of precious little lives every summer the mother must be constantly on her once obeyed guard to prevent these troubles or if j other they come on suddenly to fight them when you are mrrled your hus- no other medicine is of such aid to i band w o your sole master be mothers during the hot sumnior as is liumblo and polite strict obedience commandments for brides on her wedding day the japanese bride is given eleven commandments by her mother these are rules of con duct which havo been handed down from generation to generation and all selfrespecting brides are expected to live up to them the moment you are manletf you are no longer my daughter therefore you must obey your parentsinlaw as your father and babys own tablets they regulate the bowels and stomach and an oc casional dose given to the well child will prevent summer complaint or if the trouble does come on suddenly will banish it the tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a hoi from the dr williams medicine co brockvlue out two bone hnrpoons found under peat in east yorkshire are stated to date back from 10000 to 12000 bc they are the earliest traces of mans presence in yorkshire money orders dominion express monoy ordors nro on sale in ave thousand offices throughout canada spains famous bullfights are suf fering from trade union strikes and rings the latter are formed by the breeders to inflate the price of bulls to a husband is the noblest virtue a wife can possess remombor to be always amiable to your motherinlaw never bo jealous jealousy will kill your husbands affection for you do not get angry oven though your husband may do wrong be patient and when he has calmed down speak gently- to him do not speak much do not speak evil of your nehjfobors tell no llos do not consult fortunetellers bo economical in your household and manago carefully do not beast of your fathera rank or fortune never allude to his richos beforo your husbands relations do not frequent too youthful society even though you may bo young yourself always be neatly and modestly dressed do not wear very brlght- ootorcd garments the woman at home deep in house hold duties and the care of mother hood needs occasional help to keep her in good health the demands up on a mothers health are many and severe her own health trials and her childrens welfare exact heavy tolls while hurried meals broken rest and much indoor iving tend to weaken her constitution no wonder that the wo man at home is often indisposed through weakness headaches back aches and nervousness too many women have grown to accept these visitations as a part of the lot of motherhood but many and varied as her health troubles are the cause is simple and relief at hand when well it is the womans good blood that keeps her well when ill she must make her blood rich to renew her health the nursing mother more than any othor woman in the world needs rich blood and plenty of it there is one way to get this blood so necessary to perfect health and that is through the use of dr williams pink pills mrs w t rile rr no 1 apple hill ont has provtu the great value of dr williams pink pills to mothers and tells her story as fol lows two years ago after the birth of my boy i became very weak and run down gradually i lost weight and energy until i was unable to do my housework i could not sleep my nerves would twitch and jump so that i arose in the morning with heavy aching limbs and head indigestion helped to make the misery worse and my heart would palpitate terribly i doctored steadily for a year without getting better but just dragged along feeling that i would never be well again but one lucky day on the ad vice of a friend i began ireatment with dr williams pink pills i have taken only six boxes but i wish you could see the difference i am now alile to do my work go about and enjoy myself i feel so entirely like a new woman that i advise every weak or ailing woman to try dr williams pink pills and i know they will get bene ficial results if you are ailing easily tired or de pressed it is a duty you owe yourself and your family to give dr williams pink pills a fair trial what this medi cine has done for others it will surely do for you you can get dr williams for this trick youll need a clothes brush and a friend say to your friend you think you are observing dont vou then perhaps you will tell me how many times 1 brush your back with this clothes brush- no matter how observing he is he will be wrong the chances are that the laughs of those who are looking on will acquaint him with the fact that there is a trick about the trick before you have brushed his back more than once or twice the fact is that you do not brush his back with a clothes brush at all while you appeared to be doing this you were brush ing his back with your hand while you were bruslng the front of your own coat with the brush if you will try this you will discover that it is impossible to tell when the strokes of the hand and the strokes of the brush are simul taneous whether the brush or the hand touches the back clip fftis out and paste it with others 0 the series in a scrap- book c new white metal following the discovery of a non- tairnlsihable silver comes the news of a white metal which resists both tar- nlsh arid corrosion and has a remark ably deep and brilliant lustre when polished j the day appears to have come when i the chemist by skillfully alloying his metals can malce ihem resist the rav- 1 ages of impure air produced by modern j industrial conditione- the new white metal which it is stated can be pro- j duced at a price within everybodys j reach has good casting qualities aud i is both malleable and ductile while not entirely unaffected by the atmosphere the alloy should lessen j the work of the housewife when em ployed in cutlery and it may have im portant uses in engineering fr mlnarde liniment used by physicians a world record in washing dishes is claimed by a hotel employee in a philadelphian hotel who washed up for thirtyone hours without stopping canals to irrigate the plain of jordan round the dead sea are pro posed wide areas covered with fertile soil could then be cultivated the irish sea is nowhere more than 710 feet deep there are more women than men voters in sweden the average height of a human raea increases at the rate of one and onei fourth inches every thousand years sabs airaj vim bo 3 can promote a y c tour fvrs ovwk uiiaj night and morning beep your eyes clean clear anrj healthy write for free ejc care book mllfccebcmcdco9eiinbis plonser dog kcmctuqs boou on dog diseases and how to feed mailed free to any ad dress by the author h clay olovor co ino 129 west 2t street new york usa attractive proposition for man with all round weekly newspaper experience and 10 or 509 apply box 24 wilson publishing co ltd 73 adelaide street west a enardsking of pain c r excellent for rheuma- tism neuralgia back- e ache and kindred ills mrs mcmahon tells howsite found relief by taking lydia e pinkhams vegetable compound wild animals have their own way of spreading news according to mr cherry kearton the biggame hunter even lions are susceptible to the dan ger message and have deserted many of their old haunts complete with operating theatre kitchen and saloons a derelict hospi- pink pills through any dealer in mediltal train in mesopotamia now serves cino or by mall at 50 cents a box or a native sheikh as a turkish bath the mmv1 f dr w train cannot be moved as it stands on a sidetrack which was destroyed somo chatham ont i took lydia e pinkhams vegetable compound for a rundown condition after the birth of my baby boy i had terrible pains and backache- and was tired and weak not fit to do my work and care for my three little children one day i received your little book and read it and gave up tak ing the medicine i had and began taking the vegetable compound i feel much better now and am not ashamed to tell what it has done for mo i recommend it to any woman i think feels as i do mrs j r mcmahon 153 harvey st chatham ont lydia e pinkhams vegetable com pound made from roots and herbs has fornearlyfiftyyearsbeenrestoringsick ailing women to health and strength it relieves the troubles which cause such symptoms as backache painful periods irregularities tired wornout feelings andnervousness this is shown again and again by such letters as mrs mcmahon writes as well as by one woman telling another these women know and are willing to tell others what it did for thorn therefore it is surely worth your trial women who suffer should write to the lydia epinkham medicinecocobourg ontario for a free copy of lydia e pinkhams private text- book upon j ailments peculiar to women c on scalp armsand limbs lost re cuticur heals eczema broke out in a rash oa my scalp armsand limbs the itch ing and burning were ter rific my hair became lifeless and dry and fell out in hand- fuls my clothing aggra vated the breaking out and i could not rest at night on account of the irritation the trouble lasted about nine years my mother tried many different remedies but they did no good wo began using cuticura soap and oiritmentwhichcomplete- ly healed me signed miss bea trice m closson no sedgwick maine feb 20 1922 give cuticura soap ointment and talcum the care of your skin bampleeadtfrmbymn address lymanjmra- ltaa 3m st paul st w habtreal sold every where s ointment 25 and goctaleom 2c cuticura soap eliaves without mug hams medicine co brockville ont unless you see the name bayer on tablets you are not getting aspirin at all time ago i the timid man never creates any thing he who would make must dare the pigeons that served during the war and were often under fire have been pensioned by the war office and j a keeper has been appointed to see that they receive proper care coal et cetera the isanosman does the enforce ment of the dry ruling cause muc complaint among the passengers the ships officer hardly any although it takes twice as long as formerly to coal at bermuda i the forests of the canadian rockies form one of the most beautiful of the landscape for the most part they arei coniferous and their myriad tall straight trunks and pointing spires harmonize perfectly with the towering peaks mimtnt llnlmant for ml everywhar keep stomach and bowels right by trlvlnk baby the harmlesa partly tjcuible infanta and chlwrcnarelruutor itlwinsaj0w5svrup brlnaatonlhlneraufyinff result in mawnir babys stomach dlsest food and bowels movo as j they ahouh at toothing time guaranteed free from narcotics opf- ato alcohol and all harmful insrredl- ents safe and satisfactory at all dtuulilt i accept only an unbroken package of bayer tablets of aspirin which contains directions and dose worked out by physicians during 22 years and proved safe by millions for colds headache toothache neuralgia earache lumbago rheumatism neuritis pain pain f issue no 2 23 itandj- bayer boxes of 12 tablets also bottles of 24 and iojdrugglsu aspirin i the tra3 mark rgttrd in crnada of payer mcnufacturt of mtno- arilrac1tcr f hailcyllraid while li i well known tlet arplrln mais iiarr manufacture to asafat the public ajralnxt imitation the tt f ctyar com- n will bo atamjped with their central traclo mark tha liejar cock

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