Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), July 12, 1923, p. 3

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tnotobacoo of quali fcy surnames and their origin mackinnon variations macklnncy mackinnlng macktnven love racial origin scottish source a given name tho gaelic form of names of the leslie racial origin scottish source a locality the family name of leslie is a clan name of the scottish highlands but it originated far from the highlands start restoration work on nelsons victory the famous old flagship the victory is being restored and preserved by a fund subscribed by british subjects all over the empire the work was started when descendants of some of nelsons officers pulled the ropes that lifted the gilded figures on the bow from their places the picture shows the scene of the ceremony just under the victorys bow is there a man in the moon until recently it wu thought fiat the moon was a cold wornout world with no sign of life upon its surface but astronomers of today are inclined to believe that life of some kind may exist on our entente a short time ago an observer who was studying one of the moons vol classified advertisnvntm m rord owxkit jucpkcsekt cs in jvu ttrhtur lum uulmeat site lux luy comfort and kecaoar orl jrour mapl fkjce write immwil acto eecll ofc- jrttttxw onuirttw waxtcb ambitious mabiuitp cotozes to undertake aooais kusuh ucft wit fcrttrt t jp conrrrutkiaahit nic tor tvfan ulklni jlutbtttl ban ejeir coxanr 231 vccul stmt lfontrtal c for tlpbom ulklnc lluatxm hit m cft rxjrlmc4 ama and hav a 4mm fa ma lous t rf marrud conplas a tffer a jiifja canoes throhgs a hage telescope wu z3stse2i amazed to see clouds of smoke and 3 em steam coming from it he was actual ly witnessing an eruption in a crater which scientists believed to have been cold and dead for countless thousands of years so interested was he that ho kept a very careful watch on otter parts of the moons surface was any change taking place he began to suspect something then as night followed night he became convinced that there was a gradual slight alteration in the color of certain parts which could be johnnys definition jobnny wfcat is a cube a cube is a solid surrounded by elx equal squares right i willie what is a cone a cone why a cos is er funnel stuffed with ice cream among the servants of tie british royal household queen mary has tha reputation of being a kind and sympa- thetic employer but at the same time due o only one causethe growth of strict disc highland clan from which these family j in hungary names are derived is clann mhicj the story of tie wanderings of the paionghain original leslie in the eleventh cen- it is apparently one of the oldest of tury from his own barony beyond the highland elans belonging as it does hungarian frontier through the num- to that group of clans which had their erous small and violent political units origin in tho ancient clan alpine no into which europe was divided in those days to the coast of flanders followed by his embarkation for scot land and final establishment in the orchids today in an old folks home i saw a little old lady rare as a winter violet fram as a bubble blown bent with her ninety yearss her mind was clear as spring water in black eyes bright as a robins an ageless humor shone i gave her a bunoii of orchids tied with a purple ribbon fragile exquisite blossoms her eyes brimmed up with tears oh she said with a scgh i wish my mother could see them from the lips of ninety years her uiotber how sweet how far away mary coles carrington thin impure blood means a general weakness and loss of health if people would realize the import ance of keeping the blood rich and pure there would be less sickness the blood is the means through which the nourishment gained from food reaches favor of the scottish klng must have different parts of the body if the made a striking romance unfortune- j blood is impure the nourishment that only these meagre facts have reaches the nerves and organs of the been preserved body is tainted with poison and dis- barthoiomew de leslyn came to j ease follows the blood is also the scotland from flanders using as hsi by which the body fights off surname the name of the fortress in disease if the blood is thin and hungary ever which he had been over- watery the power of resistance to dls- longer existent as such and tracing back to kenneth macalpin whose pro genitors came over from ireland with the dalriadic scots and who became the first king of a united scotland the chieftain from whom the clan takes its ately name was fingon a grandson of gre- sor who was a son of this king the clan name appears in various ancient documents written in other tongues than gaelic as macfinson mncfin- non and macklnnon the last named j lord spoiling having become the dominant it was malsolm de leslie a des- oue in more modern times j cendant who founded tie highland in the uprising of 1715 the clan was clan bearing that name this mal- out for tho stuarts j calm had retained the honors won by the forms mackinney and mackin- his father at the court of the scottish nlng are variations developed in the kings and had added to them many lowland among members of the clan of the highland clans were thus found- 1 j mk p1is to build up the blood they who settled there i ed by foreigners who gathered about f to enrich and purify the blood in kintvre the name became mac- them followers of gaelic blood and f first to last io to tiis ws kinven whence developed a fanciful who usually ended as was the case in j new health and strength o rendering in gaelic owing to the shut- ireland by becoming more gaelic than 5f indown people mrs jo larity of sound of maclonmhuinn pro- the gaels themselves j eale oat tells of the nounccd macinvin which in turn the clan lands in rothes ballen- r williams pink pills were has been anglicised by its fanciful breieh and fife were acquired in the meaning into loveson or love i thirteenth century by marriage ease is weakened if you are weak and run down if your nerves are fray ed if you lack ambition have no ap petite and are short of breath after slight exertion tie trouble is almost always due to poor blood in cases of this kind you should take dr williams if we had the time if i had the time to find a place and sit me down full face to face with my hotter self that stands no show in my dairy life that rushes so it might be tfcen i would 6ee my soul was stumbling still toward the shin ing goal i might be nerved by the thought sublime if i had time if i tad the time to let my heart speak out and take in my life a part to look about and stretch a hand to a comrade quartered in noluck land ah god if i might but just sit still and hear the notes of the whip-poor- will i think tiat my wish with gods would rhyme if i had time if i had tie time to learn from you how much for comfort my word could do and i told you then of my sadden will to kiss your feet when i did you ill if the tears aback of te coldness feigned could flow and the wrong be quite ex plained brothers the souls of us all would chime if we had the time richard burton vegetation three things are necessary for life to bo possible ar water and warmth j volcanic activity is a proof of the existence of heat the moon has no atmosphere as dense as ours but it is believed that she may have a narrow surrounding envelope of very thin air which would be sufficient to maintain bimple forms of vegetable life water we have never seen on her surface but it may be present in small quantities in some of the gigantic ex- j tiact craters with which her wiole surface is studded j life on the moon would be very dif ferent from life on earth we have a dense blanket of air fifty miles or more in depth which shields us from the j 6uns heat in the daytime and keeps j us from being excessively cold at night the moons day lasts a whole fort- 1 night during which time the heat must be terrific then comes the two weeks night when the cold must be intense a lunar thermometer would in fact register more than 300 degrees of frost 8t tie coldest part of the long dark ness the answer to our question then is clear there is no man in the moon life is confined to plants which grow at an enormous pace during the four teen days of sun and wither at once when the night cornea 0r jporyour p eyes 1 cleanses and beautifies j yrt murine co chicago i for frco book on ere caro i attractive proposition for man with all round weekly newspaper experience and fioq or 600 apply box 24 wilson publishing co ltd 73 adelaide street west m osquitoe minards takes the itch and stfng out of insect bites s keep chores well ddrisg hot weather every mother knows how fata the hot summer montas are to small child- linen from lilies it is surprising how many of tie manners and products of the stone j age have after centuries of disuse sprung into prominence again linen made previously from flax has for many years been growing desr- to her as follows 1 became very weak and was hardly able to walk and had to be helped upstairs i had no appetite and slept poorly at night i finally went to a doctor wo told me the trouble was lack of blood and that my condition was serious he gave me medicine which i took faithfully but did cot improve i was advised to try dr williams pink pills and did far but has advantages reggie one cawnt get very without brains cholly but it has its advantages deab boy i nevah have the slightest trouble finding you y know e food for thought ren cholera infantum diarrhoea er and scarcer in proportion as the dysentry colic and stomach troubles j flax plant has become rarer ard more are rite at tils time ard often a pre- j difficult to cultivate this material j clous little life is lost after only a few j was used for wrapping purposes before hours illness the mother who keeps j the days of the ptaraohs babys own tablets in tie house f eels j flax is the oldest of sllultlvated safe the occasional use of the tab- fibre plants and until the growth o lets prevent storasci and bowel troujthe cotton industry in the united bles or if the trouble comes suddenly j states superseded it it wss bv far the j 7 aeac is it generally doss the tablets- most important of the worlds fibre ssvi j throaia crops wiliuns mdclt tte young lover cad at last screwed up his courage and was resolved to in- so and after i had taken two or three j terriew his sweethearts father with- boxes felt that tier were helping me j ont delay i could ea better and i slept better i darling 2e said to her i am go- 1 continued using tie pills for some lng to gj mn mitlut0 j time longer and quite recovered my breto tot murmured fa cldsme strength and feel that i have rebjy 35 ae to thank dr williams pink pills that jcl wj coticnraqmckly relieves irritated skins bathe with cuiccra soap and hot water to free the pores of imparities dry lightly and apply cutlcora oint ment to soothe and heal cuticais talcum is ideal for powdering and perrotning sftsc ohtwatisnistc tilcazx sold throaghoctthcdos cnnrfimp k lichi 1u sl pil sl tt hmtrm coticsr scsp cbftres wioot msf young dauoht made well mother tells how her daughter suffered and was made well by lydia e pinkhams vegetable compound vancouver bc my daughter is 3 young girl who has been having severe pains and weak and dizzy feelings for some time and had lost her appetite through an older daughter who had heard of a woman vho was taking it for the same trouble we were tola of lydia e pinkhams vegetable com pound my daughter has been taking it for several months and is quite all right now it has done all it was represented to do and we have told a number of friends about it i am never without a bottle of it in the house for i myself take it for that weak tired wornout feeling which sometimes comes to us all i find it is building me up and i strongly recommend itto women who are suffer ing as i and my daughter have sirs j mcdovald 22h 26th ave east vancouver b c from the age of twelve a girl need all the care a thoughtful mother can j many a woman has suffered yearp of pain and misery the victim of thought lessness or ignorance of the mother who should have guided her during this time if she complains of headaches pains in the back and lower limbs or if you notice a elownees of thought nervous ness or irritability on the part of your daughter make life easier for her lydia e pinkhams vegetable com pound- is especially adapted for eucb conditions c will brtcs tie they are sold by medicine dealers o by mall at 55c a box from tbe dr w2- uras medicine co brockville ont a trick of the telegraph an inspector of railway property whose duties irad taken mm to briig- rvvt connecticut discovered tiat the foandatiaa under tie local freight iouse needed repairs without delsy ho filed tiis disiwtci to tie new york ofsoo fardssoa under freisit hcjse a bridfreport unsafe rasi men at ones in seodiag tie message tie operator co tie new york wlro pr5rentsy did not space tie losers property in tie word foacdsuoa and also rrressed too ions to forn tie letter rt for this was tie iaesvre received fa xew i before tte war tie raw material cost aboat 5160 a ton whereas today it is priced at anythrg from 300 to jt50 the enormous demand for linen made it imperative that a substitute for flax shoald be found and a vigor- ocs sesrei resetted in tie adoption of lie flax lily foaad in great abundance fa new zealand this plant was istrodecei into ens- land ss s paries flower more texn half a centary ago it was found easy to prorogate by reason of its tuibous rwts which are easily divisible then lie leaves were foaad to be fibrous and experiments yieaed string and cord lstr li pit at was foan3 use- ful for tttle parposes after yrirs of experiments by k anises of ti hoyxl horticaltaral 1 am not an invalid today you can get these pius tiroagh any dealer in medicine or by mail post- box from tie dr lliiams medicine co brocivffle ont not what ke expected a local celebrity visiting one of tie schools a a certain town tiocght it proper to ask tie yoanjsters a few quesoas can aay little toy or girc tell me be said imioessively what is tie greatest of ail the virtues taere ws no rvpiy we wili try it afain faii tie visit or what am i doiag when i give np my time rsd pjcascre to come and talk to yoa in yoor sciosir 1 know row mister execaimei joiaay smith raising iii frsad w ee wiat am i ioios litti man battfc in was tie starcia r- jciaeir c when a seventh san went off tie girl waited in suspense and ati last he returned looking very thought- j sal is it good news t sfce asked eager- ly 1 i dont know was tie reply join wcia do you mean i done know wtetier he kam take her my boy or take care my boyl money orders ypien ordering goods by mn send j a dsaion express money order 0 did for the family grocer did that wajernecoa i sold yoa do for tie wtci family customer very nearly tie doc tor is ssiiciuing losk oat here csmes eddie eddie said tie facier co a yoaag soc focbid coasting tn tie strh do yoa kci on for ta aatomobses i no rpli9d eddie ohecrfally tiey hte to 3cck oat for cif recres unless you see the name bayer on tablets you are not getting aspirin at all tfe0h tork fmod a lloa aader fwjgit fcttase society sad of kew gsrieas tie sire argentina the president of at bridgeport aastfe rasiraea a l tie tf is aow a rival public becomes his goaiatber ja to tie very bet six tte piaat will born in the se- ml untsteat for ta everywber tie laspeccor was ssjoaisfced a few ftc rably ia faci clintes as j doiecs of ferciruae ft ioart later to e a sptcial work taia ooae into a yard wjji a sat car 00a- taisiac lart aatmaj cape and also tea men wio expecwj to iare as ex- citta lira oajcitng a ye that they oripswj bad cscaped frco some piss- tag cicca three ianired 5jra actors and those of great britaie new zealand hre great aaiversines tasraaaia traare aai 3figrra and ft j preparing for careers as dentists 1 ao ssr dlscalt to caltirat tiaa orifrtrr gardes injea tie lily is far easier to caltrraiej than tax itself and st ias a yield of ximb ta aa sire e what tbiak ja the artb rill be cf sen and an aaioaatic aeroplane directed by wireless was recently tested in dents ia tie rraare tne raacbine left the groaad if chile are flew ia varioas directions and landed soccessfahy rea wre tated ta kardau ia los a art usi year fee y coablt i xre f tiat to be simple eaa by tie jcefal arc egits ased t u i ta acriuitfb stsdioa st nari un mp fey p5y tteiaaa wisdaav aad si to wart ad iatj- is tie iighftst fxd lore always keep yea con never in the house tell tckcti yoa may vant it issue nss7 j zzpt only aa mbrokea pickagt of bzyer tablets of aspirin srhjch contains dirtctions zzi dost vorksd out by pljsjcizns durisj 22 yczis zni proved szie by rasllions for colds headsche rheumatism j toothache neuralgia neuritis earache lumbago pain pain enrfy 3tver bare of 12 tablet a5 boti3 cf 24 and 305 irugsji aflrle la a lrc sxmyt ttrrr i cttict vz bcr sccreifcflerr xn- fcwsrarticr cj inttscli tttllc s peu tnvm xf amfiy ttsr trt wzi w r tux timcr rambtl trc sxi xb z17kj gsvmf

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