Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), June 21, 1923, p. 7

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for taiwaryixag qtaality is th greatest mark of distinction yards each vying with the other inl beauty the air seemed to grow morej and more f grant- fountains fell in i ccol rhythmical splashes and temple bells chimed softly in the night breeze truly it was a world by itself a world loaded with years and enchant- met- after following a winding path bordered with flowering bushes j they came upon a temple rising sarj enely like a saintly sentinel guarding i the past the pagoda roof shimmering j in the moonlight at their approach two servants lias given matchless quality fo 31 years so delicious just tvy 14 nurses th torcn hospital for incur- m tn affiliation with btlvue ana allied hospital new york cliy cnrs a three year course of traln- icjc to younk women having the re quired education and desirous of be coming nurso this hospital has dopted the eighthour system the pupils receive uniforms of the school a monthly allowance and travelling expenses to and from new york for further information apply to the t munertntendent- shelling peas too lazy work for me j and wanted to get them done sos i j i could start scrubbing again was the explanation the servant was really r j hurt if she had said this at the time things could have been put right after evsry meal the gift of the gods by pearl foley copyright standing on guard at the door pros- j ment had they made vxcept to plos- trated themselves to the ground weng trate themselves at the mandarins toy passed between them and david approach rising en masse they now followed it was all rather weird formed a single file on each side of what did it mean he wondered the idol and weng toy fell into step guards at this time of night in front with hi3 guest and together they ap- of a temple surely they did not fear proached the image for the safety of their gods david a sense of the mystic crept over smiled at the incongruity of the david as he stood before the statue thought the necessity for humans to the soft light from the candles the protect the symbols of their deities aroma of burning incense and the insido the entrance two more guards mellow chimes of the temple bells as bowed themselves to the ground i the night breeze swayed them all the temple was but dimly lighted tended to envelop him with a sense of as they entered but almost immedi- the unreal the supernatural in the ately a soft glow permeated the place j shadowy temple the image might have and david became aware of a circular j been a reincarnated spirit so lifelike formation of servants around a huge did it appear the delicate colorings idol in the centre of the temple he showed the features up in startling watched them curiously wondering relief this was no dull stolidfaced chapter vii contd guest had no paramount reason for what there was about this pagan reli- idol the tranquil expression led as david looked into the eager eyes departing at so early an hour as gion to call forth such devoutness davids thoughts to the nazarcne and and listened to the pentup thoughts eleventhirty weng toy settled back and evidently midnight worship was it indeed seemed that the christ was rollintr out from one who a fewlno- in his chair and motioned david to quite customary at least the man- in that chinese temple tolerant and ments before had all the savoirfaire do the same darin showed no surprise but were patient with a blindfolded world a of a woman of the world he again david discovered experienced the pleasurable thrill of some extensive trayelli meeting at last un antidote for his himself had covered not an ubisuu- hitherto ennui his worldweariness cant part of the worlds territory not reverent besides the group were blessing would fall on him from the but their tctea tcte was over all they compared some very interesting facing the door and had been when j slender upraised hand too soon as footsteps came along the notes from the arts of rome they their mast entered for no move- 1 to be continued hall david was surprised at the light- wandered to the antiquities of egypt ning change in his companion the thence to the jungles of africa animation died from her face and in you undoubtedly have a valuable an instant slio was the calm hostess assortment of souvenirs of your with duties to perform he decided travels mr weng toy it wasnt deceit indeed it puzzled yes not a mean collection at all him to fathom the reason dual na- they are a little step from here in a tures he had heard and read of but back compartment of the compound tuis was his nearest personal ap- you f would care to see them how- proach to anything of the kind and he ev wondered if it were a mere fancy that interrupting him david assured the the east and west were fighting for mandarin that while it would give him supremacy in this winsome aru fas- no small pleasure to have old memor diluting find of his 3613 tn work ox play it gives the poise and steadiness that mean success it helps digestion allays tblrst keep ing the mouth ccol end moist the throat muscles telexed and pliant and the nerves at ease d38 j darin showed no surprise riut were patient witn a dimaioiueu iron pattern iri1 is his host had done they worshipping after all he asked i feeling almost a conviction swept j relling and as he himself their attitude was by no over david that if he but knelt there ln 4 ses 4 1 nnt an insifnifi- means prayerful solemn it was but for a brief moment some wonderful a year size requi but if her work is hard- so is her the annual renovation i have always maintained that cimting find of his ies reviveu he would much prefer if j housecleaning is a task that may be after weng toy had made ample his host would so humor him to see done if enough p j g to apologies for his delay the three pro- the treasures of china of which lho ke matter without upsetting the ceeded to the diningroom where the hea his palace was a entable hquse from vnt fo wthu wsl weng toys manner showed he was of course when it is done piece- cfds first expericne if jinin not a little pleased at the request meal as it werevith nothing attempt- a chinese home he had heard how- and while deprecating in true chinese j ed that cannot be finished the same has endured when everything is in pr ever that it was customary in china fashion his limited possessions at day the housekeeper does not acquire feet order and she is blissfully aware and a sign of good brcding to extol ncp proceeded to gratify his guests as muc merit as wnen sne found the food to the highest point while curiosity i i at close of day a total wreck among simple frock for play or the french aviator who in january school j remained aloft more than eight hours pattern 3613 is here shown it is and a half in an aeroplane with the 0 8 and 10 years motor stopped recently took the air requires 1 yards of 36- in a glider propelled by a seven-horse- inch material 1 power motor and flew and landed pongee taffeta repp poplin ging- without the aid of a wind the mo- ham kindergarten cloth percale torized glider that he used can make lawn and crash are attractive for this more than a hundred miles on a gal- model stitching embroidery or braid ion of gasoline forms a suitable decoration pattern mailed to any address on receipt of 15c in silver or stamps by the wilson publishing company 73 west adelaide st toronto minards liniment for corns and warts appetizing bread whole wheat bread is delicious if a cup of finelychopped dates and nuts is added to the dough reason for so many smiths a dear old lady in london for the first time in her life saw a glaring rewardgreat for even if she is more qn downhearted than a man white changes are m progress she really is comoany more appreciative of them when they j ho k are completed she fairly revels in her ne heard the fresh wallpaper and new paint my m j nevef km v and soon forgets the discomfort she madp w the host did the reverse the deli- the scent of flowers filled theeumj o her iled possessions cious first course of fruit and nuts mar night r as david crossed the man followed by gelatinous birds nest compound with his host a fall moon lonkin to his mi soud worked his enthusiasm up to a sailed in- the sky bathing the court- lgnc and lmds it looking to his mas pnmrirlfanm ia a silver tiny ne culne eyes much the same as when fort to eulogize on the sharks fins bridges glimmered white oyer water- he eft it in the morning he is not which followed indeed david had falls that splashed and cooled the at- likely to offer the sympathy his wife had no idea food could bo raised so mosphere dotted here and there were expects and craves after going far above the commonplace of life but r gardens from which the flowers through a hard day o house cleaning then never before had he had such a glowed softly and drowsily in the but if he finds eve thi topsyturvy charming hostess who considered it iissl wilders h may more readily visualize the bat- an unavoidable courtesy to taste from rose like eager flaming heralders his dish at intervals a custom he beckoning the worldweary to pause tlehatnas jngjlthejw custom of his country instead he ting he exclaimed and then i stopped pairs or renova are goi ng on that guided skillfully a friendly and de- for a moment he had fancied himself the wqrk cannot b don k lightful conversation i walkmg here a small hand resting in confusion although david decided that that his and blue eyes returning shyly his 0 ovonino- was the real hend in the turn- adoring glances he sighed his hfo muse oe put up witn ana tne tamily liiwmmip and wo c0i e kept cheerful by the thought of how mine which was the more captivating too incongruous for such happiness satisfactory everything is going to bo the girl whose confidences had bub- the cold hand of fate would forever after the work is all done one has bled up so spontaneously in the bar the way for love as madly as ho to rcpe those words as often and drawingroom or the young hostess would he could never marry a chinese as much fervor as any disciple of demure yet dignified whose laugh had m s act on his part cqu0 nttered his creed in order to simineredinto i whose longjwouw be like taking one ofthe glow lashes were lifted at but rare inter vals to let him glimpse the glowing sapphires they concealed after dinner tu hee slipped away ing peonies before him and bruising i carry on through the dark days when its life out nq he would behave sane ly and rationally accompany his host admire the treasures of china and say goodbye to the place forever in david discussed with his host absent- mindedly but at least intelligently the world topics of the day he soon discovered here was another rare curio of friendship with which fate had favored with the respect and tolerance of the opinions of others the diffidence but when 1 it looks as if home would never be homo again men it seems to me do not object to tho confusion that results from all fairness he must turn back at tho house building as much as women do first step perhaps because a man is of a more tsmss fj option i know that a n tl mtirtvntftrl nave often accompanied an enthusi- that everything also is as clean as clean can be chaos can be forgotten when order soon follows living for a time in a dismantled house with nothing where it should i be and everything in view that should not be makes one think the more seri ously of tho unrest and disorder from which the whole world is suffering will rest and peace ever conio after the present chaotic conditions our common sense tells us in ans wer to that question that until men can think less of themselves and more of others no real peace will prevail no country as yet has actually found itself no one is wholly at peace with itself time and a better understanding of one another may effect a worlds housecfeaning dolly wayne a case in point can inanimate objects think well ive hugged a girl and found that cigars in my pocket wore much i broken up over it minards liniment for coughs colds o silencer for airplanes in switzerland there has been in vented a silencer for airplane motors that is more efficient than automobile mufflers master your moods oh dont let that trouble you its only one of mothers moods she al ways gets that when anything goes the least bit wrong thus did a daughter speak to a friend who was stopping with the family for a few days and who was much perturbed by the silent air of martyrdom which was worn by herp p loc pinunt m pin kait hostess generally speaking tho lady riotum iwmbi price htmrtitcains 10 arm was a cheery pleasant character but f- o i motor cultivation a new motoroperated cultivator in tended for gardeners or florists can be used between rows of plants only a foot apart skirts pleated 1 she developed moods when she was j i rr 7 j nh triov entered another courtvard nave olten accompanied an entnusij vt ed him he was enchanted and they enterea anoiner courcyaru fiij ia l young and let them get a hold mandarins wide views his equally as beautiful the mandarin astc man through unfinished houses h h rnwnn nf rlio hninlnna led the way into one of the many and been unable to see them with his id tolerance ot tne opinions u 7i i u ii now unless wo nick ourselves un whc- he could vlsualizo the i now unless wo pick ourselves up out of any unpleasant rut such as urged the firmnevswith which he inside david stood bewildered tho finished product paying little atten- ai voiced his own convictions letting it oriental spendor of the place dazzled j tion t0 t cluttered condition of tho ln whlch can u be seen however they were leashed him draperies and hangings and t coum soo on the disorder i f whole household wo are pretty sure and not allowed to run wild wonderful carved furniture appear- j unable to cover laths to g0 throu hfe a misery to our- t 8g gggem m h to one else succssfully hiding ke dlppzt luxuriant with brocaded cushions finish rooms and stairways with paper ment rose to take his departure wore strewn about the apartment in- and paint in the same way the mandarin looked at him in suri erlthfch the emblems ov sti ar s w w k to turn out like the old man of the prise is it necessary that you cut w covers on wnicn rne emuicms 01 watching a house grow and who tr t short your visit captain marsden china were embroidered in pure gold j l over its development as d s off e p j that k made the place luxuriant enough for urc uppy over ik aeyeiopmont as you vory s00 after you have got the abode of princes a mother is over her childs growth i tlem the mandarin watched the expresthey havo that bump of construction nono of us can j t our sive face of his guest well pleased which i fancy was left out of my own i dinations and nnr tendon knt this room thousands of years old j makeup perhaps it is not so much ss w f ys embroidery and lingerie co jfg 740 yonge 8t toronto themainialsutknvrhich smartssowbnarema fliheway they are made guarantee dorabk and satisfactory sanrtce thekvfinest cntteraowr mony can buy ashfor v a smarts mower hyiuuw james smart plant bftockvtac omt if we are going to collect moods let them bo good ones because after one gets moods of any typo they are apt he enquired upon learning he explained everything before uyjgltf tdesire f au sm1 cultivate risofworwa ancest0r and quiet that makes the upj others shorll or ans i have travelled a great deal mr val accompanying the redecorating lhcm at au if wo don fcel inclinedj weng toy but you have hero a room of a house appear to me to bo such a never realy nfl any g sat that surpasses in beauty and luxury i trying matter faction and even if they did what anything i have ever seen you keep i have often thought that it was a rignt have you or i or anyono to sat- it closed up of course you do not wise dispensation of providence that isfy ourselves at the expense of thoso make use of it led to tho creation of the first woman other who n tn i my niece is the only one privileged oniy aftor everything else was finish- contact with us to come here thisis one of her own ed she was spared- thatllorig watching p l l jtefcatrii tvn private rooms nothing in all china wwc woum k w f orhap th m8 dstrcssing typo too good for my child she come uld have been her fate had of mood is tha which folks acquire into existence earlier wait- w igpue no 24 ii the note of earnest solemnity in f como ln existence earner wait- yet won othors know why the last statement forged a true link ng to see order como out of that first they aro moody of esteem in davids mind for this chaos would have needed a high degree a friend of miro has had a ser- highbrcd easterner i of patience and the confusion would van for many years as a worker as he stood in the midst of these have got on the norvesi of nine wohe is a tvniin fiivt w t symbols of an aconsold civilization mc out of ten fl j i her moods at david could not help but ponder on p there was still higher wis s e h h this country with its teeming millions le tcrc was still higiiei wis- 0 day the mistress seeing annio whoxectrivetted in the footsteps ftem shown in the plan of her coming with a whole heap of peas to shell of their ancestors what would hap- hoboing the last thing of all as her safedown beside her in the kitchen pen he wondered when the fetters opinion as to just how things should an i a hand were broken and they were forced to be done was avoided for her views immediately the girl got sullen and meet the nw world the west which in certainly would have been given glum when spoken to she comparison was an infant in ca whether asked for or not she as well bare anmvcrca it was until a or so afterwards that her mis- tress knew what had caused the closed on them weng toy paused i th cla h s ww f crc trouble there is something i am going to of various animals reptiles and show you captain marsden that no sects for which a womansees no foreigner has yet laid eyes on the earthly use most prized possession of my house i if however a woman was spared and one which t know you will apj the first great confusion it is the only prcciato j on with which she has not had ex- david expressed his keen pleasure peri0 without her advice or help i at the offer but added it must surely b fcw chan d chancos are ha one of the seven wonders of the u wori if it could surpassc w3t he m this mortal life and upon her shoul- had already seen i ters usually falls a big part of tho i they passed through soveral court- burden i and harbored barbarians when china as iany other women since her time u lolled in luxury i wouid hav protested i am sure had tress as the door of the treasure house fclv- ui it seemed as though you thought lmbroidery crochef fancy needle workers wo sell your good on consignment send a stamp for reply lingerie and specialty shop 120 danforth avenuo toronto

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