Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), June 14, 1923, p. 6

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f i is likely to mean lower summer pro- early potatoes and all my garden duction but in any event experience crops the customers often coming to has thoroughly convinced me that the door in other cases i delivered measured by the bank account the within a radius of two miles from thej j effort to get eggs when prices make farm it paid me to develop the home them most profitable will be followed market c h j i by results worth while j j i farmers securing premium i addrees communication toa8foiionut 73 adelaide st weil toronu jour ways to get eggs to go over every bird when prices are higher le wiu f- i know what you have to sell x x pted more peas b sales from my garden my experience in marketing crop3 within a week right around home last season taught ml that hatch me that the way to sell is to let people i suppose we all think sometimes j jifbekuiedi in i fact your hens may nac pamea more- peas beets tur- cheap and out of contrariness take the mite u a d critter it vacations when eggs are high i is sedom on t hen except at night or when she is on her nest he hides in cracks and corners since he does not chew as docs the louse but sucks blood from the hen by thrusting his bill through the skin surface poison it is true that hens do lay more eggs when hen fruit is cheap and fewir when it is high but the reason is that when everybodys hens are shell ing out eggs the price goes down be cause there are lots of eggs and when production slows up naturally the price becomes greater 1 am not going to promise that you can high and less when eggs had found it necessary to haul the stuff twelve miles to market or let it waste this time i tried different tactics many of ray neighbors did not have the same kind of produce so i resolved to see what a little advertis ing would do first i told a few whom i knew had no early gardens does not aitjct him you have to make the resu wag that ol my produc it hot for him was sold out in short order i eharg- i roini i tnai you the best method is to clean out all ed the rcgu city market price and attention being given not only to the n nke hes lav mosrheavitwhen the dirt you possibly can especially my trons wcre more than satisfied i h lrrandh4ws th corncrs v ft you would n0t such th braised but also in the type fov but i will say that it is wholly s p roigmy with beet greens bunch beets turnips and for breeding purposes farmers possible by careful sensible manafe- k stron disnf s0 carr w a f c are finding out the mistake of finish- for select hogs a large number of farmers in the province of ontario are marketing their hogs on the graded basis and re ceiving the premium for selects cooperative shipping more than any other agency is making this possible in the toronto 6tock yards alone no ie6s than 7180 hogs were received in j the month of april bearing such marks of identification as enabled the farmers who shipped them to secure the premium of ten per cent for such i selects as they sent in these hogs came from seventythree shipping sta tions and were raised by 1534 farm ers the payment of the premium for selects is resulting in more careful are being of sows ment to get more eggs than usual one with a c b a s munity i sold them last year cabi tieir p vollnr ab weh a3 or paint that goes into the cracks and bage ond pcas came on the last of j 0 makinr them too thick bef ore sell j not have half enough i m planting more during the later summed months when or paint t hat go es into the ciacks ana h and peas car ercs are alwavs hither i am going lasta f months is best especial sue- june and i did not tonjntvn four plans that i wif follows application of dis- th am ph found by experience will bring moro eggs during those months infectants while they are hot when sweet corn was ready for shippers report a distinct provement in this regard a good plan to get the internal market i put a notice in the entrance knowledge hurts nobody ignorance issrinvforthtiisual summer pfasites which are apt to be active 0 a sma s factory in a village and stupidity can well be left behind slackening ofegg produion are a this period is to feed hie hens two twomiles away i sold several hunj sir w arbuthnot lane the famous 1 broodiness parasites per cent by weight of finely ground drcd dozen ears in a week i sold my surgeon tobacco stems or leaves leaves prej ferred in the mash feed for ten days 2 3 poorly balanced rations during e 100 the spring as well as in the summer shou be m 4 heavy laying in spring that low- 1 are ers the hen s vitality so if we are going to get more higher priced eggs in july and aug ust these are our problems the solu tions may not be exactly easy but my the sunday school lesson 3 keep the rations right sometimes the flocks yards and ranges get bare and dry in late sum mer the hens continue to enjoy a experience has shown me that enough j taste for juicy and succulent food i can be accomplished to make the ef- like to see an arrangement that will pntrjnr oiipoti fsther 4- it rn golden fort very profitable indeed i keep for the hens a continual growth esther the ratnot vueen estner h 1s to 0 s vaotaen the slump in egg prices which of green food after the early spring usually continues through april and j supply is exhausted may- by july generally changes to an experiments i have studied con- upward tendency with higher pricsjvince me that while a wide variation june 17 text who knoweth whether thou art not come to the kingdom for such a time as this esther 4 14 lesson foreword in preparation with prayers for the success of her from then on i am well convinced of formulas for mash feed is possible for the lesson the whole of the book project that it pays to try to manage the flock it is absolutely essenital to maintain litllill ssi ll esther f1nds fav0r time package time to do the many things ordinarily put off on washday for rinso does not keep you standing over the washtub rubbing until your back aches and your liands are red and sore rinso an entirely different kind of soap soaks clothes clean rubbing and boiling are unnecessary the big soapy rinso suds gently loosen the most groundin dirt without weakening a single thread suy a package today on sale at all good grocers and department stores lever brothers limited toronto r306 gmmwmk inmmvm so that the laying season is lengthened i theproper proportions of the cardinal ggj flmfs jfwesf it- v h r atii j forfnrc htn rxwt fik 5lol ot a deouihiii jcwioi o ij woman arra herself in her fin- 51- esther factors such as mineral protein fibre a j w arrays herself in her fin- and mineral food mineral food is xerxes ahasuerus t garments to enhance her charms ami mineral ioou- mineral iooo is raises from his concubines to be his inner extremely important whether you queen and who uses her influence over itnfth jw hllfe use a commercial or a homemixed him to save her people from general dieulfov excavated the mash the elements of phosphorus sul- massacre which the grand vizier ace j artaxerxes 5n su he de- jphur and calcium must be present i haman has prepared for them by thj ag standing in the it is not the exception to find good wayof avenging an affront from one t a paradise sur- 5 s a d n that have stopped laying beclse then race the story of es her j fj wai1 in one out here are the methods i have used to accomplish the purpose 1 prevent broodiness if checked at the very start broodi ness will affect the egg production but little but if your hens are allowed the in 18846 ruins of the the childrens hour it is not only hard to break them but they are also apt to be through with laying for a long period the best and simplest way to make a hen decide she doesnt want to raise a family is to put her in a small crate with a wire or slat bottom this ven tilated bottom allows air to circulate under the hen she is kept uncom- j n f ortable up three the most determined hen of a lack of mineral foods has ever been popular with the jewsj of t royal rcsidenc was the 4 regulate the rate of lv or house of the women in as to extend the laying fcta lssilsbfe w3s this sounds like a formidable task i pride ot tneir race surrounded whh an e that it has also importance for the jews r warden to but it is simpler than it seems a hesince it explain the origin c f the feast y e ed 10 that lays heavily during the spring of purim one of the great jewish j nqw repa may exhaust her vitality and literally leasts see ch 0 and especially vs 26 v 2 the king held out the lay herself out she likely has the 3132 our feathered friends- the bluebird observations on hog grading there is some confusion in tho minds of hog raisers between the thick smooth and select type of hog one has only to observe hog grading in practice and to discuss the matter with graders to learn the pre cise difference between these two class es of hogs the difference is not a capacity to lay a certain number- of i sm golden sceptre the golden sceptre appears in the monuments as a long labia still better hang the crate jf d of civility to him persuaded the kmg headlike ornament- by wires so it will swing two or h sprin montht f i l ls pmittng tho a at tne otner jo ze days of this will usually break c be ex of her later bvlv r the je i s p sa the king sat with a gol- most determined hen t e er later byj 15 the jews are filled with conster- 5 jv in h hand- and when he fed in the crate the regular egg turmng ups do 9f nd mordecai sits by the ffijfg mash plenty of green food and watci i f- n- ut 0n c s fl lw called he held it out to him and he this wultol to keen the hens avrnc tppng lt dually you can take a when esther sends out other clothes tht t h d h fe tnu win tcna to keep tne nens laying much tjme to em to an to hlm he refuses to put them on but and prevent them from drying up it te t can do tfc sa ft h urges esther to go to the king and is well to go through the hen house b beg that the decree be every night or so during the late a hen rescinded to spring and early summer lifting the zil wi v 1 esther b ha one of the eunuchs vr nt fhn rof tl- tl f i rask l0 b l ack mordecais message was taken esther by hat lt is not 0 ahasuerus court and probably a v 3 even to the half of the kingdom see mark 623 this has been described as the exaggeration born of oriental politeness it was not meant to be taken too literally hens off the nest and taking them to f zz t 1 ana j and 1 any more than the offer of a merchant the crate after roosting is the best gjs5j ff tja lilimm an eastern bazaar who says to the time i find this plan far superior to starving hens which in itself checks j high as 80 per cent for short periods queen he must have been a trust production or by wetting them or any other commonly practiced plan 2 destroy parasites warm weather means more active re dee prosoective purchaser this is dangerous except perhaps for worthy man to carry such confidential when messages between esther and morde- ch 4110 say oh take it for highly skilled poultryman the flock production begins to reach ca 100 in order to preserve the dignity of court life and to prevent the assassi nation of the king it was a law of the 50 per cent 50 eggs a day per hens it is well to slow them up the most effective way i know to do persians that no one could approach i this is to reduce the amount of mash the king without being summoned not lice and mites they sap vitality lice j especially the animal protein element even the queen could appear before end mites are often confused they in it and to increase in direct proporihim except she be summoned it was are different and require different hon the scratch feed and the proporl n thirty days since ahasuerus had treatment lice are always on theltion of starch in it this should be se for esther it would therefore fowl they cant live unless they are done gradually when production goes dangerous for esther to venture on the bird where they breed hatch over 40 per cent if the flock will i p and grow there are several different hold between 45 per cent and 55 peri amders kinds of lice some feeding on the head cent with a heavy feeding of scratch i an u re iui 1 others on the neck some on the back feed you may be very certain thoi v 13 tmi not taot tftou 8ia since their feeding habits are alike all hens will not lose weight it i capc esther was of course a jew can be fought alike well investigators a few years ago found gins that sodium fluoride powder was an will quickly begin to drop i finally known she would perish in the i 4 5 absolute specific against chicken lice the scratch feed will tend to main- general massacre of her people but gj was wjge a resourceful for about 50 cents a pound your drug- tain weight if production starts tot was just as dangerous for her toj carrying out of her plans for gist will supply the commercial grade drop below 40 per cent again it isj awfl from the king as to go i sav of her people from the hor- it need not be chemically pure and lime gradually to decrease the scratch to j jrible cdjet thnt had been promulgated a pound will dust at least 200 hens i use it this way i hold the hen application let us set down some of the good elements in the character of queen esther a although she sprang from a humble home and a foreign race she did not forget her friends and rela tives when she was promoted sudden ly to the highest office in persia open to any woman that of queen she did not forget mordecai who had cared for her during her childhood nor did she forget the people of her own blood the jews when the opportunity came she showed herself their helper and benefactress b esther was a woman of extra will not lose weicrht it ic n l 10 rsiner whs u wvumw m ah- known fact that when a hen vs 3 t vt hat coura shc faced the p known lact inai wncn a nen oei mordecai but this was not known at ibi of death when she approached to lose weight her egg production the court yet when and if it were uheln monarch unbidden ch by the legs head down i rub a pinch of fluoride held between thumb and index finger along the base of the tail feathers around the vent under cadi wing down the back up the back of the neck and on the back of the head- i usually take three or four pinches for each hen within three or four days it is well lime gradually to decrease the scratch feed nnd to feed more of the mash with animal protein and other egg- building elements by following this policy carefully it tr 1 ridie cuici inai nau out v 14 enlargement and deliverance jby t persianking at the instigation to the jews from another place tha smallminded haman ch 3 she the book of esther nowhere directly studied the situation carefully and mentions the name of god this is b0 c that the king must be an ho the mention of it is brought to see the black motive of his is possible to extend the egglaying avoided another place is just a rim minister haman the king period so that more eggs will be laid roundabout way of sayfng god in himself to pive his beautiful by lereine ballantyne one of the first arrivals among our matter of weight so much as type feathered friends is the bluebird he many very good types of yorkshire comes with the robin and the meadow- and tamworth hogs weighing from lark sometimes he is the first of the 200 to 220 pounds have to be classed three to greet us so that apart from as thick smooths they fail in one or his other virtues he should be welcom- two particulars for example length ed each year for the glad herald that and smoothness of shoulder are essen- we know him to be tial factors in a select hog if it fails the bluebirds are brave little foli either of these points it does not lows and very confident that they j earn the premium condition of fat- trust us is evident from the fact that ness is also a deciding factor what they build in orchard trees birdboxes used to be regarded as a finished hog and sometimes the nests abandoned that is one with a well rounded back by woodpeckers j does not suit the bacon trade when the bluebird wears a pretty coat ofpit the carcass should show a uni- light blue with a vestthe color of j form thickness of fat from 1 to 1 brickclay a sort of reddish brown inches down the full length of the this brilliant coloration together with back the practiced eye of the grader its gentle ways and murmuring notes- is ableto decide fairly accurately just make this bird quite a prized additionl how a hog will kill out until hog to any garden or place in which it raisers can get these points establish- cares to make its home ed in their minds they will not fully because it feeds mainly upon injur- 1 understand why some of their very ous insects it is highly beneficial and good bred and bacon type hogs do not can in one season work a tremendous j get into the select class amount of good in one locality weed i seeds also form an important part of its food nnd though it eats a small- percentage of soft fruit practically no cultivated kinds are taken by it we can therefore regard it as a con sistently useful bird how lovely it would be if we could attract a few of these pretty feather ed friends to our homes if they could be persuaded to use our bird boxes would it not be a charming sight to see the little flashes of blue darting among our trees and when we con sider the number of insects those bright little eyes can detect as they go up and down each branch would wo not find thornvaluable little friends to have around the lawn or orchard tents awnings fla0s and sails also boat hardware guns ammunition fishing tackle golf good8 and general camping outfits tents to rent fcr all purposes i ho d pike co limited manufacturers 123 king st east toronto sporting goods house the swimming hole when the sun rides high in a summer gkv 1- and your shadow is short as your p queen whatever she would ask and at j nose f tor it may mean a substantial differ- no na smcc tne the psychological moment she made i on the country road where the earth encc in the years lncomo from the relieved that the mere utterance of the he accusation against haman ch 7 dustdry i farm flock heavy winter production f5amksl vsli 3 i us now set do of puffs up through your naked toes forced by lights and skillful feeding n pas tl f esthers defects bearing in mind that rorcca py ngnts ana skuiiui leeaing wlm ot plead before the king for her thev reflect the characteristic feelings il jf later in the year when prices get bet- later times the jews did not jamasaaaawn gbbbbmgt tires j tubes we ill sell for ten days only or while they last fabric and cord tires and tubes at the following prices all high grade standard tires and guaranteed for 5000 miles no seconds price cord tires i people then god himself remembering cf f people his ancient promise of israel will de- esthers patrio liver them but thou and thy fathers cru an harsh in its f scrapes when the grasshopper monotonous drone half asleep in the withering grass when the thirsty leaves scarce turn their leaves in the listless breezes that pass i and galvanized copperbearing metallic shingles rtn lightning ruct and storm proof motallto roofs shed clean rain water send pottal card for voider e the metallic roofing co limited 404 1194 king st w toronto mrimumm fabric so x sy x x x x x reg tires price 31 32 33 34 35 4 4 m 1525 2520 2695 3960 4080 4305 81 32 32 33 32 4ss 31 4 4 4i 900 1890 1995 2970 3060 32 29 heavy grey 230 140 31 395 215 33 425 240 32 all tires and tubes shipped cod subject to examination toronto tire corporation limitel wholesale and retail 153 king st west toronto so x 32 x 34 x 31 4 4 tubes x 4 x 4 x 4y reg price our pries 3500 3035 3860 3975 4985 2625 2280 2895 2980 3740 290 290 490 160 225 265 patriotism was too cruel ana narsn in its feelings for out- housc otc if esther will not inter- s she pushed hor advantage with cede on behalf of the jews she will be thc p xerxes to an oxtreme and visited with a special judgment which rcfed that hainans ten sons should i when the heat waves quake will involve all of her family eventu- j hanged ch 913 the spirit of j shiver nnd shake j ally the other jews may escape the do- rev is too strong edith cavell on the crest of the sunbaked knoll rmm f her has ta k us c bettcr wby nnd she come away with me to the willow tree cirpemsdis tbreyetirofnodisveryin that shelters the swimming hole urging esther to appear before the adequate she and her jewish coun- king for israels sake he has urged trymen evidently thought that god come awa wlth mc wherc hc wlllow other arguments hut now he pleads u be pleased with the slaughter- tr09 on very high grounds god may have 0 75000 of their enemies here j happies the water cool elevated esther to the queenship for n we must not forget thnt this where the skatebugs dash and the the express purpose of delivering her no of god was common to tho shiners flash people from the threatened catas- jews at this time it was thc chief l the depths of the magic pool trqvhe toskof jesus to show his countrymen where the lilies float at the agsas v 16 a deep chord amontr esthers a r thought of god heartstrings has been touched nnd now vibrates with a nobe response she resolves with calm determination and with her eyes open to the grave dangers involved in her course to enter unsummoned the inner chanibir of tho icing she requests that all hi jews in susa should lend her their spiritual support they are to fa3t for three days this genera abrse- ment will be accompanied no doubt mossy ford users stransky vaporizers save 20 to 40 of gasoline jwr frcidl if net mmv4 fur so dyi utel irw tlm fitt accniosy oistrinutons oiii sfrl wmi tcrente brink where the thrushes bathe where the robins drink como away with me where the waters free dance merrily over tho shoal come away with me to the willow tree that shelters the swimming hole cave scout a rfuamc i the hosse oo tfcu vvifcl y02 ctceot offciil to i ta vttoot il it cast 70a dctbtefl if you gtta kotm it rxii nre too luc red h book a trflrtuw on the horm i jnutortnalnljiitanxeglai tui fcor4 oltn klvt lira hu dums itovto rrcoitlwtlifl httit tteca wltl cji on t rrvus oi oiul awcac frjns am iwijy ulf 4 prittn borvnen renwdl- ajk ttiurdtuitfccaccrref atmtlt catuorworirntonlirwl 13 dr b j kendall co ecotbmt fiu vu usa issue no 23 23

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