stouffville may 17 1923 the bell piano when a customer see the bell he knows that the name stands for distinctiveness ofdesigflrich finish and good workmanship and what after all is the chief essential purity of tone which cannot fail to place the most discriminating musical taste singer sewing machine because the singer sewing machine co recognized as the largest i n the world goes to show that this particular mach ine must be the favorite of the manufacturer tailor dressma- ker and consequently must be the best for the houseife local happenings reduced prices in millinery saturday may 19th at mrs m watts be at the bee this friday af ternoon ah citizens are ask to help fred betz has moved into the new house constructed by him on main street this spring the pavilion at musselmans lake wlu be opened for the first dance of the season on the evening of may j3rd heavy frosts over night were ex perienced in this locality the latter part of last week and sunday night the ground froze quite hard in places quality service seed corn now in when wilmot vague employed on the good roads attempted to lump from a wagon to the ground he alighted on a shovel sticking in the ground and the handle frac tured two ribs for him the board of trade held a meet ing on monday evening for the purpose of discussing the form of attraction to be put on here july 2nd which has been a big day in stouffville for some years the artistic phonograph art is truth the phono graph is artistic if itttjwtnfully expresses the record of the ar- soul of the record the soul of tist the soul of the artist the this phonograph through the wonderful singing that conveys the tone pure and clean geo e baker frank stiver of stiver bros mar keted 35 head of choice export cattle on monday averaging 1303 pounds which realized a price of s40 per hundred in all he sold 53 head 12 other exporters and the remainder were butcher cattle phones 1790217903 stouffville save money buy your boots from g h saunders over shaws dry goods store tviens work boots from 375 boys farm or school boots 250 up to 295 girls three buckle shoes 195 liadies dress shoes from 300 small boys boots 195 200 over 20 years experience as a shoe maker and repairer give me a trial g h saunders i -the- x goodwood economical general store you will eventually deal at this store because we offer the greatest bargains in groceries dry goods clothing so why not give us a trial order now we are ready with the seasons latest give us a trial with big celebrations in stouff ville on may 24th and again on july 2 chautauqua coming on july 4th and the double baseball sche dule this summer the people of this locality are sure to be provided with plenty of entertainment 4s an evidence that stouffville is an economical town inwliich to live and therefore x desirable place for anyone to jocate we are informed that oneof our citizens figures he lives on an expenditure of 19c per day and keeps a wife and child you couldnt beat this in prewar days cartage business for s in order to wind up t arid txi ress business carjsd on by the late b burkitt including horsos rigs etc is offeredfor sale frr f irtjrer informtjoif apply to mrs b burkitt ptoaffville thos kellington has sold his house in the west end next to councillor alex scott main street to a former citizen joseph park now of toronto mrand mrspark will return to town in the near fu ture in his active days mrpark conducted the planing mifrhere we understand work is to com mence this week on putting in the switch and the erection of the oil tanks to the south of blake street for the british american oil co when oil is stored here in future there will be a truck kept here for the purpose of distributing gasoline and coal oil in the surrounding country the bee to clean up the park grounds will be held this friday afternoon it was postponed last week on account of wet weather if you have a bit of news send it in or a joke that will amuse send it in a story that is true an incident thats new wo want to hear from you send it in never mind about the style if the news is worth the while it may help or cause a smile send it in sympathy is expressed for mr and mrs j w mcmullen who re side on tlie outskirts of the town on the 10th of markham over the death of their year old babewhich passed away on wednesday night last week from bronchitis the funeral took place on saturday beside the parents there are eight in the family surviving on may 24 th there will be twenty five crippled veterans in town for the celebration all patients at christie street hospital toronto it is planned to give these unfor tunate lads a right good timefrom the moment of their arrival until the return trip in the evening we understand citizens of toronto are furnishing automobiles to trans plant the boys on the morning of the holiday for baby chicks chick starter n baby chick fed blatchfords milk mash keep your old hens laying by feeding them mash seeds on hand schumacker feed bran and shorts small mangels sugar beets turnips etc stiver bros ssas open 3 nights a week j j brown last week purchased the peter raymer house adjoining the cemetery on the 10th concession for 1000 the usual christ church angli can service will be held in rat cliffs hall next sunday when a sermon will he preached by the rev archdeacon waren of toronto to the oddfellows at 3 pm members of stouffville lodge io of no 3s4 are hereby requested to meet at their lodge rooms on sun day may 20th at 230 in the after noon for the purpose of attending divine service in a body at which rev mr waren will deliver the ser mon sister lodges are invited to join they will also decorate the graves of the departed brothers c baker ng w r sanders se cretary goodwood economical general store harold borinsky proprietor officers for the epworth league of the methodist church are president miss morgason 1st vice consecration robt sil- versides committee art ileh- man miss collins mrs truman 2nd vice missionary eva hoover committee nellie stiver fannie morgason 3rd vice social and lit miss middleton committee gertrude todd miss waters mabel neal 4th vice citizenship dorothy thompson committee annie lehman jack noble f thomp son secretary hannah stiver treasurer annie lehman pianist mr hilliard assistant pianist yvonne hodgins toronto star the late frede rick t g wilson who died at his home stouffville april 10th ap points his wife fanny wilson sole beneficiary and executrix of he estate amounting to 2228363 this amount consists of 14s363 cash and securities vacant land at bond and dundas streets toronto valued at 20000 land in etobi- coke township 700 and 2 vacant lots in the village of stouffville listed at 100 rev mr templeton of toronto preached an ascensiontide sermon onthe words come along with us we will do you good at the an glican church last sunday flash light clarence gifr wanted lathing to do smith nd apply to wh the friends of jamarmstrong for many years the conservative member for north york in the commons will learn with regret of his very serious illness at his home in lloydtown coming eyesight specialist dr f e luke 167 yonge st toronto optometrist atjfboadways drug store sfouffyilje thursday may 31st glasses if required at right prices t potatoes wereoffered on the local market last weelv at soc per bag while one vendorwas asking 100 c galbraith of newmarket as sumed his duties in the gents furn ishing department of w h shaws store last week a number of local masons visited brougham union lodge on wednes day evening it being the occasion of the official visit of the district deputy grand master the new library building is being well patronized since the open- ing day last week and patrons of the reading room are deliglxted with the interior of the building the report circulated that miss carpentier who was killed in the motor accident at pickering village had at one time lived in south africa is incorrect friends of the unfortunate girl who live in stouff ville inform us that the young lady had never been in south africa her father and mother are both living near sutton and she is also survived by four sisters and three brothers boadways drug store stouffville it is the intention of the commit tee in charge that every conveni ence shall be provided for the big mennonite camp meeting to be held in browns woods on the 10th con cession the latter part of june and fore- part of july plans are being formed to have the grounds lighted by electricity and water pipes are likely to be laid from the town mains to the camp this will prove a great convenience to campers and save the male population many pleasant moments drawing water the ladies of the choir and mem bers of the two mission bands in the presbyterian church tendered a shower of miscellaneous articles to mrs geo collard on tuesday even ing the popular choir leader was taken completely by surprise when the members arrived at her home refreshments were served and all expressed their delight in being able to express their good will in such a manner judge mcconnell recently ap pointed judge in this county has been appointed as revising officer on the voters lists for this division if you wish to vote at the coming election see that your name is on either the regular or supplementary voters lists for 1922 if you have been omitted your name may be added when the revising officer sits in this division public notice of which will be made parties who are not on after this court will bo barred from voting on election day a carload peerless jparaji w vrv y i e sbslilbbil vwiwn ggwg -jw- ry jlgjaag rxijga ll iks wi cqkm fence for every purpose field fence poultry fence lawn fence gates heavy and lighter styles from 3 to 6 feet higk our prices are right there is no better quality drive in and let us talk it over silvester bros stouffville ont it is currently rumored that offi cials of the t eaton co are the purohasers of the dr dales farm at musselmans lake it is to be used for the eaton girls club and the place will in future be known as shadow lake on monday two cars of lumber were unloaded at ballantrae for construction purposes on the property fred betz is man ager of the carpenter gang which is now at work on the erection of a cook house sleeping rooms or bun- galos and a community hall theso will be three separate buildingsso that it looks as though the property is to be developed on an extensive scale as a private summer resort r j rogers district representa tive of the department of agricul ture has notified the public school principal that he will not arrange a school fair for stouffville we take from mr rogers letter that his time is all taken up and he cannot take on any more fairs just why stouffville should be barred we do not understand and if mr rogers is unable to handle the amount of work under his department assist ance should be given stouffville has as much right to demand a school fair for this district as the schools of whitchurch or portions of mark ham and we expect the same assist ance from the department repre sentative if the local board of edu cation stand for their rights they may be accorded at least the same consideration as smaller schools in the riding we have just received at this office a copy of the municipal statis tics as published by the bureau of municipal research in the county of york there are seven villages of which stouffville is the largest with the single exception of richmond hill which shows only a population of 29 more than this place in point of municipal debenture debt how ever stouffville shows only 17000 municipal and 336s9 school debt whereas richmond hill has a muni cipal debt of 1116s9 and a school debt of 26701 the village of stouffville occupies an area of 440 acres and in respect to general advantages and taxation is the most favorable of any village in york to icwate in along the county ihighwaly just west of stouffville there has been dumped a number of loads of tin cans and other discarded matter citizens of this town are credited with having carted this stuff there and it does make the approach to the town very unsightly while at the same time it is unlawful to decorate the roadside thus the guilty parties must have been in a deiemna as to what was to be done with the accumulation that gather ed about their places in the spring cleanup common decency forbids one from housing it in bis dwelling the board of health forbids it be ing left on the premises so the only thing if you have more than can he buried is to slip it along to some other fellow and thats what is being done a public dumping ground is a real necessity in every community it was with difficulty that walter brlllinger was able to secure a dry day last week in which to hold his barn raising on his property to the south west of the town after one or two postponements that affair was pulled off on friday afternoon with none too favorable weather it was damp and cold but this didnt dampen the spirits or chill the ardor with which some 60 or 70 men en tered into the task of erecting the frame of the structure to be afcout 50x60 feet the captains were david stouffer and jacob reesor both well qualified to conduct the race mr reesors side claimed the victory but it was only by a margin so close that it was dispu ted and the honors were almost equal the boys all did good work and were entertained to a tea which left nothing to be desired mr brillinger had the domestic water service installed in the new building which when completed will be a splendid barn real estate for sale nine houses in stouffville at prices from 1500 up to 9000 most of these dwellings are on the main street v gordex farms of four acres to 50 acres at prices ranaging 650 to 5000 ask us larger farms of 68 acres 146 acres at j4000 to 10000 vacant lots for sale call and see y stouffville 1923 summer fashions on display mrs m watts phone 812 save your old tires when tires are advancing in prico dont be wasteful and throw away the old ones let us see them and if they are worth it we can repair tneln at a moderate cost to you gasoline and oils we always have a liberal supply of british american gasoline also oils tubes and tires get our prices p g tarr phone 8002 jlyl moirs ehocolafes you get them at porters our ice cream parlor is now running full blast for the summer season ice cream cones and bricks always on hand phone 198 j