stouffville april 19 1923 w h ere an ath ere the swiss government has ap propriated 500000 francs for the purpose of assisting the emigration of unemployed workers especially as farmers to canada saskatchewan now stands first in the world in regard to the number of rural telephones per capita with a telephone for every nine of the population the canadian pacific railway has a survey party jn the eouyn gold- field plotting a route in case it should be decided to push further northward the line now being built from mattawa to quinze construction work on a 39 mile extension of the acmeempress line running from drumheller to the bull pond will be commenced this year according to statement made by d c coleman vicepresident of the canadian pacific railway organization of the okanagan fruit growers into a cooperative as sociation has now been accom plished among the main difficul ties which faced the cooperative advocates was the raising of ade quate credit to finance the whole scheme this has been overcome the united states bought cana dian produce during february to the value of 26719205 in compari son with 20116356 canadas ex ports to the united states in 1922 exports of canadian produce to the united kingdom were 17874260 in february 1923 and 15316265 in february 1922 canadian exports of whiskey for the year endingmarch 31st 1923 amounted to 339181 gallons valued at 2698377 for the previous year the quantity exported was 192910 gallons valued at 882729 ale and beer exported during the past year amounted to 1454629 gallons while for the previous twelve months the amount was only 421- 960 gallons auction sale of reg horses reg shorthorn and grade cattle hogs etc to be sold by public auction at lot 19 con 9 whitchurch near musselraans lake on wednesday april 25th 1023 the property of dr f a dales team reg clydesdale mares in foal mare driver 10 years old horse 9 yrs old general purpose shorthorn cow milking strain reg shorthorn cow milking strain heifer calf milking strain shorthorn cow holstein cow due in august grade brindle cow ayrshire cow due april grade cow duetolay 1st grade heifer 16 monthsold 2 heifer calves j4 and 3 months old jersey bull 4 tfionthsold sow bred 6th afril 6 young pigs masseyharis bihder j ft cut seed drill cultivatoh coin cultivator single plow riding plow gang plow rake tej50lfjeijilterna- mount albert wm ellis and family are moving to siloam wm robertson now wears the smile a boy miss minna dike is at present visiting friends in the city quite a number from here atten ded the dance at zephyr last week miss mckinna principal of the schofcl has resumed her duties after two weeks illness robt fleming of markham spent a couple of days in this neighbor hood on business israel thirsk is the new mail carrier on the route south of the town miss hammill of toronto is visiting with her uncle john hopkins at holt e mackintosh c w davidson and w t russell have installed radio sets miss anna dike who is teaching near auiston spent her easter vaca tion at the home of her parents mr and mrs ab dike the entertainment in the metho dist church on friday evening was well attended and a good program was given wm steeper has been confined to his home for a few days through illness but we are pleased to learn that he is better again mr mctavish of toronto has pur chased mrs vandewaters house and lot near the railway station and will take up his residence here garfield oldham who had the mis fortune to have his leg broken in two places is able to be around again on crutches the young peoples society of the presbyterian church will hold a tea and entertainment on monday vpril 23rd mat little mr mctavish j bor- irwky mr mackintosh harry spang mrs j mclean mrs l toole and mrswalton were among the tor onto visitors this week missvnickawa of toronto will ap pear here on friday evening next under the auspices of the mission circle this concert was postponed from a former date on account of the illness of miss nickawa mr and mrs john harmon are leaving this week for the west where they intend spending the summer months with their son who resides there we wish them a pleasant trip and a safe return david arnold of battleford sask who has been spending the winter months with his mother and other relatives in this vicinity left for home last wednesday accompanied by his nephew murray stokes who nds to try his fortunes in the west murray is a general favorite and will be much missed by his many friends here here and there in the district whitchurch council the usual run of suckers is re- whitchurch council met at van dorf saturday isst with all the members in attendance communications read as follows northejn ontario fire relief com- i mittee requesting a grant ontario i department of lnds and forests sssjssrz sj dred last saturday night naughton bros of aurora for merly of elgin mills who for a nam stration plots for reforestation pur poses a binns requesting op portunity to submit prices on gal vanized steel culverts when requlr ed ber of years carried a large stock of i a deputation of ratepayers waited groceries fruits dry goods and boots on tne council re watercourse on for sale good collie dog also heavy set single harness fred cook ring- wood phone 7924 8np tional wagon box hay rackl rows set sing le sleighs logging chains barrow 2 set single harness ness cutter wagon box gravel sjt 4 section har- disc 2 hg box wheel- hippletrees set sets double har vered buggy bees and bee supplies bushel basket turnip pulper sharpies tubular separator quantity alfalfa hay quantity sweet clover ha grain consisting of oats mifed oats rye seed barley 50 bushels rye 60 bushels seed barley no reserve as dr dales has sold his farm terms small pigs grain hay feed and all sums of 1500 and under cash over that amount six months credit on approved joint notes or 6 per annum off for cash sale sharp at one oclock f w silversides auctioneer claremont a quiet wedding was solemnized at the manse claremont when ross norton son of joseph norton of the fifth line of uxhridge was united in marriage to miss gladys pugh daughter of h s and mrs pugh of glen major the ceremony was per formed by rev a mclellan and the bride and groom were unat tended notice to creditors in the matter o f the estate of elizabeth mckuen late of the 1 township of avhitchurch in the vrtintvof york widow- jlftwased notice is hereby given pursuant to section 2s cap 129 rso that all persons having claims against the estate of elizabeth mckuen late of the township of whitchurch in the county of york widow deceased are to send by registered letter or deliver to t herbert lennox solici tor for the executors of the said estate of the said deceased on or before the first day of may 1923 their names and addresses and full particulars of their claims duly veri fied and the nature of the securi it any held by hem and thatrafter the said first day of mayl923 the executors will isroceeclfo distribute the assets of the estate among the parties entitlegfhereto having re gard only to the claims which he shall then have notice and that the said executors will not be liable for the said assets or any part thereof so distributed to any person or per sons of whose claim notice has not been received by him at the time of such distribution dated at aurora this 9th april 1923 t herbert lennox solicitor for executors aurora mrs isabella tate unionville george mckuen lemonville executors and shoes have sold their business to mr r l davidson of yorkton sask formerly of cookstown last weeks uxbridge journalthe only liberal paper in north ontario has this to say stouffville is making a great fight to get a new post office building which they claim is badly needed to meet the require ments of the town lakefield near peterboro has a fine post office building although a smaller town we believe stouffville is justified in making demands for a new build ing samuel duckworth a farmer liv ing near newmarket was arrested in that town on saturday charged with an infringement of th pur food act it is alleged that duck worth went from house to house selling butter of an inferior variety in which fat was one of the prin cipal ingredients as he asked only 45 cents a pound for his product he made a number of sales as tne regu lar market price is over 50 cents he appeared before police magis trate clay on monday and was re manded for trial for a week the spring freshets have wrought havoc with the dam at willow lake near unionville washing out a big slice of the embankment and destroy ing abutments mr enock thom son the owner of the pond spent five or six thousand dollars on the dam last summer and fall a total loss markham board of trade and council are likely to unite in leas ing the grounds of the markham agricultural society for use during the summer as a park and baseball field the rental is to be 350 for the season the society receive a very good revenue from the grounds during the season for the main building was leased a a rink at a rental of over 600 for the winter farm lands continue to sell well in york county despite the low prices generally prevailing for all kinds of grain and farm produce one of the latest to be sold is that of john forester on lot 2 con 3 whitchurchtwo and half miles from yonge street this valuable farm has been turned over to robtmilne of richmond hill for 11000 the buildings are fairly good and the land moderately heavy and the farm is withineasy awm ji h good road sotem cream wanted ship creamto usand be independent ed wurms bus team in charge of driver traviss took a notion to bolt for the livery barn while standing at markham station on monday morn ing last week just as the s40 pas senger arrived and while the driver was busy with the mail bags the driveway to the station yard was partially blocked by a big milk truck and wm thomass wagon mr thomas was engaged in transferring his milk cans to the truck when the bus team emerged from the yard and the bus struck his wagon upsetting it and throwing out his 7yearold grandson lionel trinnellof toronto who received two broken fingers geo b padget of markham town ship is reeve of a municipality which has no debenture debt a compara tively low tax rate and a surplus from last year he is also warden of york county and the crack bowl er of the council flvepln league yet george is not satisfied until the barren sand wastes of king town ship are reforested the suburban school problem solved the st law rence market reorganlzed an tne equalized assessment of markham township reduced to a minimum he is striving hard to accomplish all these things and as a natural result is one of the busiest municipal men in ontario when he was elevated to the wardens chair by acclama tion last january he surprised the council by announcing a policy he intended to carry out during the year so far he has lived up to his platform era stouffville creamery company phone 18602 tires are selling fast and you had better not delay lay in a stock at the bargain prices i am offering one special that i call your atten tion to is the eagle no 1 guaranteed tires 30x3 at 1000 no 1 k s cord guaranteed tires 30x3 at 1550 no 1 guaranteed tubes at 20j seconds 100 remember xve are sewlng our tires and tujes at thtowest last year prices we have fnstahed a k r wilson reboring arwfebabbiting machine if your old motor is knocking or pumping oil bring it to us and we will make it run like new special value in use cars g a m davison ford cars trucks and tractors unionville ont srigley st near newmarket collectors return of uncollected taxes were presented several of those appointed as road overseers notified council of their inability to act fletcher thompson submitted for approval a plan of subdivision of part of lot 65 con 1 the treasurer was instructed to pay the following accounts as pre sented naughton jenkins solicitors fees and disbursements 4260 wellesley hospital 21 days main tenance n robson 3150 standard bank annual rent secur ity box 300 st michaels hospital 103 days main tenance del neaton 15450 banner press envelopes letter heads and other forms 2750 wm holman shovg snow bet lota j70 and 71 con 1 2000 also to pay to jas churley for 1 sheep killed by dogs 600 and to the northern ontario fire relief committee a grant 20000 resolution were passed relieving the collector from the collection of 2736 income tax assessed against 6 school teachers from whom he had failed to collect as they had removed from the town ship also 600 dog tax for the same reason accepting as satisfactory the collectors statement of uncollected taxes amounting to 144802 of which 22504 has been paid since returned and of 15600 percentage collected on defered payments of taxes also approving payment by treasurer of his salary and allow ance of 2000 for postage and revenue stamps approving of plan of subdivision of part of lot 65 con 1 presented by fletcher thomp son appointing a number of road overseers in lieu of others previ ously appointed but unable to act the following commissions were appointed reeve crawford deputy reeve baker and councillor leary to select a plot of land in a suitable place for reforestation and report at next meeting councillor leary to widen road at guinane corner councillor baker to clay hill on 7th con opposite lots 17 and 18 at estimated cost of 75 reeve crawford to repair hill on sideroad between lots 20 and 21 con 5 at an estimated cost of 125 council adjourned to may 20th next at 10 oclock am then to meet at vandorf hall as court of revision and general business dressmaking i am prepard 11 do drjmsmnjilig iiierrault wilufeew ht your home mrs frank tfafbers pfione 4704 8p i you pay for the package did it ever occur to you that the cost of package tea includes the price of the container nothing like this to pay for when you buy our bulk tea we have awery choice grade of orange peco black tea that surpasses any of the bulk varieties at 80c pound another popular grade of ceylon tea at 60c pound try a cup today and be convinced f c rowbotham phone your order to 5601 the home of good groceries ringw00d garage during the coming season i have decided to handle british american ylgasoline this high grade product is so well and favorably known that further recommendjraon is unnecessary i have a supply on hand ai the present time trv this good gas also british amerjcacoal oil by the barrel for tractorsj3ndtke highest grade of cylinder oil asksisji tires tubes and other accessories always on hand guaranteed repairs and a square deal j r mckenzie prop car for saje chevrolet 490 ofil9mnodel in firstclass conditiotylex scott phone 181 k p lost gold broach pin rebjcgat shape set with pearls fijfer kindly notify eli lehmaftrpfigne 150s i p claremont cattle for sale springers andneef rjgefs also yorkshire whit saggf due april and may applvlfb cooney lot 34 cong markham phon 620 tf8 for s two cows spri horses 5 years old phone 2904 jtisstwo fsteekley eggs for hatchrw from bred to lasbarfed rocks 50c for 15 j 0spng claremont rr 3 phone stotoville 6616 9np eggs for hatching i from a laying strain bathed ply mouth rocks of oactock set ting of 13 for 50fcfrank wagg altona phone 9006 l0p public notice parties having privy vaults above or below ground are hereby notified that the same shall be cleaned on or before may 1 and from maytfj nov 1st they shall be thorongmysdisin- fected by addingbncermonti not less than two poondaof chlorlrie of lime dissolved jjjjtwo pails of fater also take notice that all decayed animal or vegetable matter from cellar buildings and outbuildings must be removed by may 1st i by order of the local 1 mohj stouffville april 1923 farm foh sale the east half of lot no 31 and the east half of lot no33bjtfh in the sixth concession of th-town- ship of markham an thacounty of york these arefirsjclass farfns and plowing tcepeon all done possession by awfl 1st 1923 for further particulars apply to joseph g hoover rlngwood p o or to mccullough button barrlstersb stouffville hydro electric is coming get your house in shape beforo spring cleaning and be ready for the juico i reg w gyatt elcciiicnl contractor mansion house stouffvlho or apply tribune office 15p j a number of good- uisegkam s rod driv rators wagons plows cultlva- dlmon kppv parators tors etc will be sold cheap for either cash or terms also note parties needing repairs for masseyharris machines kindly leave yourorder early and save disstppointjhelit sfxktree sole agent for masseyharris mach ines and repairs also verity plow shares tfs eggs for hatching white leghorns a pen of full sisters to the pen hens that won egg- laying contest atuttawata4s two years ago 15 ststttng frank bruelsphone 2814 9np peas for sale quantity seed peas for sale also i am prepared to take injhhnber of cattle for pasture jjin foote lot 21 con 10marknam phone 2115 stouffville 9p for sale one pure bred holstein cowduo to freshen in may one pure bred holstein cow due to fre shen in sept one pure bred yearling bull with a 24 lb gravdad ana a 31 lb sire manure apfeadergood as new one stifftook cujmvator deering mower in gfiqdrjrder and heavy wagon wrj7 klees bethesda phone 8510 9np for sale about 400 bushels cleaifbeed oats extra clean alsoatfantity mixed grain for feed dsvtt hoover or call at lonsboughs warehouse lonp for sale ten colums of bejd newextractor and new honey trakfor sale price reasonable thembees always do well eh hoover rri stouff ville phone 203 9p for sale quantity of sed qa7 oac no 72 true to varbyand free of wild seeds levi fwrsyth phone 1111 sp hatching egg h c whitewyjvadbttes egga for hatching fto 240 egg strain 500 per 15 tilman hoover stouff ville p o lip property for sale about acre in villagc-opstouit- villo on which is goojwrame house largo barn ouuuijjwngs and fruit good water a4 the spot for re tired farmer apply w c hop kins 8p for sale cheap all kinds of wagons harness and farm implements inood order also several heavy and light scales cook stoves anil helters highest prices paid forlive poultry hlgh- est cash price or hides wool or horso hair h herman stouff- ivillo phone 1903 i hor forsalle k hprie in good con tnjjjioj u milk milk direct from the producer to the con sumer the stouffville dairy wil supply you rich fresh milk at 24 tickets for 100 trial order soil- cited p e wintersteln prop phone 6403 and ask us to call u f o notice farmers are requested to antl pate their needs in shingles wlro fencing coal and binder twine as we wish to place your order wa can save you money e honsberger secretary reds reds reds pep and vigour real s c r i reds 1 and 2 utility pens 100 for 15 no 3 special pen 200 tor 15 no 4 special pen 300 for ib ordere allied as filed paul boad- way stouffville p for sale this is the season to order your joyce and sqare timber a quantity left yet lengths 10 to 26 ft on hand 50 dry white oak and white ash wagon tongues at 175 each doubletrees axles and small orders promptly filled house to rent on lot 5 con 6 whitchurch good garden and orchard r ratcliff phone 4809 barred rocks eggs eggs eggs- and more eggs and why not because every bird in my pen is a proven layer and out of hens with government trap nest records they are full of health and vigor i feed my own prepare rashions these produce strong futil ity which means early eggs and lots of them the cockerel heading this pen is a perfect type of barred rock weighing 9 pounds these eggs are bound to produce strong healthy chicks eggs for hatching 200 for 15 orders filled as booked if you intend planting gladiolus or dahlias this spring i have some of the finest for sale f o hessel stouffville shaw business schools have been traininc younjr people for rapoihible wellpaid positions since 1892 shaw studenta have won nrat place in every competitive teat in toronto for the paat ten years write for prospectus of day or home- study courses p melntosk chif principal 21 schools in toronto