Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), April 19, 1923, p. 2

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address comm umcatloni t 73 adelaide st west toronto large knob at one end into which were driven largeheaded nails this was used as a weapon against robbers and wild animals according to the stories told in exodus moses rod was the instrument by which ho worked mir acles elisha used a staff to do won ders the sea the red sea or as the hebrews called it the sea of weeds corresponds with tho modern gulf of suez opposite a place called migdol v 9 where the egyptians probably to had fortifications to defend their bor- bome common chick diseasj environmental fftota dersagainst nomadic invaders es their prevention and disease the tvlj very v 17 harden the hearts of control the will ou very v aravn me uu- under natural conditions is not a j egyptians the hebrews with their j suitable medium for the growtnj an strong ense of the sovereignty of chick mortality is something which developmen 0 pathogenic organisms godj referrc things done by man to ill always have to be contended with when this does take place the par- the direct operation of god thus m a uvubi tuosvo ii tion is createa uwr as a part of gods plan for israels what this can be reduced to cannot harvest of c frtahties as a pen d n god hard the hearts be predicted at the present time it is safe to say however that should effective attention be given to some causes which are easily remedied there naturally will be a reduction in the number of deaths normal chick mortality this var ies greatly according to the conditions alty just as there is a high mfan t egyptians only because they mortality under similar conditions had rrst hardened themselves get it may not be apparent to many vte honor upon pharaoh by over- iust what constitutes chick slums nor throwing him a race of helpless just what consmuu nermitted condi- slaves were to be victorious over the how near they have p powerful egyptians and the egyp- tions to approach this un themselves would ascribe the state as contributing f israevs god i have crowding fouled soil contamin atcd utensils bad ventilation insani tary quarters insufficient or variable heat supply and unsuitable food of infection and increased virulence of disease of llock management where the young are reared under comparatively normal conditions where the fleck is small the range liberal though pro tected tho food and attention as well as the sanitary and hygienic condi tions being all that can be desired the loss usually is reduced to a mini mum on the other hand when part or all of these conditions are inter fered with the death rate frequently increases to an alarming extent in many instances the chicks life has been settled before the egg leaves the oviduct for example the hatch- ability varies greatly between eggs handled and incubated in precisely the same manner chick diseases with their resulting mortality are due to predisposing and exciting causes predispositions predisposition to disease is generally passed over far too lightly and it is regretted that such is the case if one wishes to see 0 f attached for anything just the part it plays take two hatches like protracted periods aro excellent of chicks the one where the percent- places for the colonization of bacteria age hatched has been low and with while these in every instance may not low vitality while the other bunch is bo pathogenic organisms they f re- just tho opposite strong sturdy andjquently are capable of causing diges- active as a usual thing it is no mat- j tive disorders resulting in diarrhoea iii delivered 1022 v 19 up to this juncture the angel of god arid the pillar of cloud had gone in front of the israelites of crowding little need bo said as but now thcv moved to the rear it must be apparent to all that the v 20 between the camp of egypt lanrer the number the greater be- and the camp of israel the cloud inrird from disease close served as a wall of separation between comes the hazard irom msea yo armics it is difficuu to in- cohabitahon favors the quick sprtu m hebrew te at this point but we may suppose that the dark side of the cloud was turned to the egyp a canadian at harvard clarence m warner formerly of napanej ontario is another canadian who occupies an important post in tne united states as curator of the cana dian section of harvard university library through his keen interest lu canadian history he has secured enor mous and valuable collections of re cords relating to canadian affairs tlie soil can and frequently does jtiantand preven ted them from seeingl j f o1 jm tfkjsg come the source from which many they were doing while the light experimental farms the best are become chick epizootics have their serious be ginning certain protozoa capable of setting up disease in the alimentary tract are able to live in the soil when the food of pigeons practically all cereals constitute a good feed for domestic pigeons says a bulletin on pigeons just issued by the poultry division of the dominion side turned towards israel and showed them the way even in the night v 21 it is represented here that a strong wind drove back the waters in such a way as to permit the israelites the soil becomes polluted with fecesj though tne sea the miracu- theso lower forms of life become element woud then be tha cod greatly increased in number 1 his i s send the wind at the opportune favors a return of the parasites to geographers maintain that the hosts gut in large numbers re sulting in the loss of much life utensils which are left with part- of a fatal nature ventilation must be maintained without producing draughts the quarters must not be so close how ever that on opening a chicken odor ter of conjecture as to which will be the harder to raise and which will be tho more subject to disease we should differentiate between a prenatal predisposition and a tend- ency to contract disease as a result of is noticeable nor must there be suffi- environment it is commonly said cient opening to cause the temper- that a sick hen will not lay this is ature to fall during the colder hours probably true but a hen low in vital- 1 of night chills have a most disas- ity will lay and tho chicks hatched trous effect on young chick life if the from her eggs will inherit constituj chicks appear listless when let out of tional weakness consider such gross doors in the morning but soon regain defects as watery whites and chalky their normal activity when in the shells which probably appear in vary- open consider the ventilation inade- ing degrees frequently to pass un- quate if this continues the chicks detected both of these substances health will soon suffer must furnish nourishment to the de- chick dietetics has received con- veloping embryo and it cannot build siderable attention and the brands of up a normal body from materials suitable feeds and methods of feeding which may be lacking in essential subj are almost legion when chick mor- stances then again there are the tality increase a finger of doubt is unseen components of tho egg such almost invariably pointed at the food as the newer known vitamines if a j when standard feeds aro used and hen- has laid heavily for some time methods followed which have stood the food supply being deficient in some tha test of time they should bo que3- of these essential substances and hertioned only after all other predispos- there it will naturally follow that the egg must be lacking in these ma terials if vitamines are essential to the health and development of a growing chick they must be considered during the twenty days which it spends in the shell tho presence or absence of vitamines in cows milk has been found to bo dependent upon the animals food a food supply though otherwise abundant but deficient or lacking in vitamines results in a milk product correspondingly deficient possibly the same can be said of thoj the actual cause of chick disease whether it be protozoa or bacterial near the suez the water is shallow and that a strong wind blowing in the right direction might lay bare the channel and permit a passage in modern times arab tribes have been known to cross the sea under these circumstances but as driver says the fact of the israelites passage of the red sea can be questioned only by an extreme and baseless scepti cism application the story of moses and his amazing achievements is so replete with reli gious teaching that the difficulty is one of selection tho following les sons however are of paramount im- portance 1 let us have reverence for the little child no one can forsee the vast enterprises that god will ask tho young child to carry through for the forwarding of the race one can not calculate the influence of a child the attention of christian people is being directed persistently in the di rection of child preservation and education professor ellwood writ ing as a christian sociologist declares that child welfare is the central problem of civilization and social sci ence shows that it is impossible of solution without a normal family life 2 leadership and farreaching public service do not come by chance but are the result of patience discip line education and the training of the years one hears of untrained evan gelists doing much good it happens ell body supply has been called upon until ing causes of disease have been placed that way occasionally but it is we tl i j l i wimhn- thai- rtrirt t incne lno no longer an available supply exists beyond doudt to remember that one of jesus main ideas was to educate and train the dis ciples to carry on his work after his death on the whole the work of the organisms is of far less concern than jeatn w vviiuie christian church will be best carried the conditions which permit the spread fa b h trained men and womcn and multiplication of the parasites to 3 the g of a leader lies in tho extent of causing disease the clarity of his vision and in his de- littlo hope of treating the subjects votion to the cause so that no tempta- should bo entertained but rather tion of the world divides his heart for every effort should be given to proven- a moment moses set at nought the tion time and money expended injftjjj jl sanitation and hygiene are good in surances that will pay well with tho foregoing attended to unless the chicks are subnormal when hatched hens egg with regard to these elusive tho mortality should be maintained at though essential substances a minimum i have been his had he simply acquiesc ed in the bondage of his people and the ease that a prince of egypt might have these he tossed to one side as refuse 4 moses brought the world eternal gain because he led it into a new thought of god and taught men that while human oppression was a cruel thing freedom is useless without obedience to divine law we need to learn this- lesson today of what avail is it to throw off the yoke of nicholns and take on the yoke of lenin without spiritual sanctions april 22 moses liberator and lawgiver lesson iv exod 2 1 to 19 25 32 1 to 33 23 deut 34 118 golden text fear ye not stand still and see the salvation of the lord exod 14 13 lesson foreword moses may be afraid with the red sea and possibly described as the founder of the israel- strong frontier fortifications in front putting away hams for the summer i have had quite a number of years experience in putting up hams for tho summer as i havo never lost a ham or had one bothered by the insects i gladly give to others the simple pro cess i have used when the hums are removed from peas wheat barley and buckwheat which should be fed mixed and whole as they are more palatable to the pigeons care must be taken in order to avoid bowel and digestive trouble not to feed green or absolute ly new and unseasoned grain all grain should be fed in hoppers so as to keep it clean and wholesome and the hoppers should be so constructed that tho birds may not be able to turn around on the open front as to the value of the various grains that may be fed the bulletin says barley in limited quantities is a good summer feed cracked corn is a good food when used in limited quantities but care should be taken owing to its fattening propensity not to use it too freely especially with birds in confinement wheat is one of the best grains but the use of im mature or new wheat should be avoid ed pigeon breeders look on peas as essential and they generally form from 25 to 50 per cent of the ration clipped oats or better still grouts are recommended during the laying sea son rye is not a satisfactory feed hemp is heating but can be given oc casionally in small quantities to add variety to the ration and is looked on with favor for use during the mating season a continual supply of pure drinking water should be kept before the birds and in the lofts of pigeons bred in captivity hoppers containing rock salt fine gravel crushed oyster shells charcoal and pulverized mor tar in separate compartments should be constantly replenished soak an hour or more colored doth only half an houx i big lasting suds one secret of rinsos amaz ing power to dissolve dirt if you dont get lasting suds you have not used enough rinso after soaking only the most soiled clothes need a light rubbing with dry rinso your clothes dont need boiling if you use rinso but if you like to boil your white cottons use enough rinso solution to get the suds you like rinso is made by the largest soap makers in the world to do the family wash as easily and safely as lux does fine things lever brothers limited toronto r302 bmash his business founded on pansies when our son was a lad of ten years i suggested to my husband the idea of raising pansy plants to sell to people living in the nearby town we had moved from the city a few years before to a little country placet and because of johns impaired health we took up gardening as an occupa tion and as a means of making a liv ing we worked at this for several years with increasing success but i wanted also some way for son to make a little money for his very own so that he might learn the value of money and how best to use it for necessity and pleasure when i suggested going into part nership with him and growing flower plants for the boy to sell on shares my husband laughed and said that every one could raise their own flower plants but just the same he prompt ly set about making boxes and putting up shelves in the kitchen windows for our experiment the first year we sold twelve dol lars worth of the plants this en couraged us and we increased our stock and more than doubled our sales tho second year twelve years have passed the boy is a young man and a full partner in tho business with two greenhouses to manage and a continued growing de- mnnd for the products i verily we should not despise the ite nation only a gigantic personal- nn tio well disciplinedvweli equipped the salt they are smoked for several dnv oi smau beeinnines in the most ft ft3r the rear c3cape vs- israel in egypt reduced to slavery v 13 xes himself did not flinch i m th ck fl p ty there must be the laying of the first broken and spiritless lie succeeded in h faith and courage were equal to i dissolving the flour in cold water andj stoner inspiring them to confidence in lelthe most critical situations stand j ping into the mixture boiling water hovah in the sure hope that he would ystili not in the sense of remaining aniil it has come to starchy thick- deliver them out of their bondage i stationary but of continuing firm j ness i stir cayenne pepper into this the successive stages of the escape the israelites were not to lose their j until it has a reddish cast about two horse as the spring planting season ia short farm operations must be rush ed this entails long hours and with modern machinery it also means heavy work for farm horses horses working in harrows discs and manure spreaders are pulling heavy loads and in many cases they are pulling them over broken ground because tho work is hard and the hours are long tho horses must be in good physical con dition this is only possible when horses are fitted for spring work if they have been fed a liberal grain allowance they will be fat and soft and should got regular exercise to harden their muscles if they have been carried through the winter main ly on roughage with very little grain they should be given regular exercise and the grain- ration should be inl creased to one pound per hundred 1 pounds of live weight violent changes i in either the diet or the habits of horses are injurious and for this rea son tho farmer should begin getting his horses in shape a month or pre- forably six weeks before heavy spring work begins gradually increasing the grain and work so that the horse will be in shape to perform a heavy days work when the rush season begins 1 tho grain ration should be increased to at least one and a quarter pounds per hundred pounds live weight when the heavy spring planting commences the hay fed before and during thoj busy season should be either high grade timothy or a mixture of bright j clean timothy and clover the grain fed while the horse is being fitted may consist wholly of oats or a mixture of three parts of- oate to one paf t of bran may be fed bran istoo laxa tive for horses at heavy work and no more than one part of bran to five or six parts of oats should be fed during tho busy season except on sat- urdny night when a bran mash is adj visable i sometimes a horse does not seem to ba digesting his food properly in which case the teeth should be examj ined and any that are long and ragged floated smooth indeed it is a good practice to go over all the horses teeth each spring before starting to prepare the animal for spring work j by properly fitting his horses for spring work the farmer will avoid sore shoulders his horses will finish the season in good condition and they will render much more efficient ser vice than if they had begun the spring work without being properly fitted for it o opals are so soft when first takon from the ground that they may bo pulled apart with the fingers a good crack filler for floors can b made by mixing flour pasto floui boiled in water with plaster of paris built for years of service tfco brqtford codcrtla mixer lor bioall jobs is built to stand up under turd usage it cuts labor in hall kbcn build- luff silos foundations barn floors eto flany farmers uso it to mix leea or lertll- ror made for hand or power we also build larger s mixers for heavier w ork write for booklet coolo shapleysmuir co umltd 200 welllngten st brantferd ontaria asfjbmbbjwblgm brrigatsd farms in southern aierta zn th famous vauxhstu plctrlot bow river irrigation project an especially good location for mixed farming and dairying splendid p- fiorlunity- for young mon now living n districts where good land cannot he bought at reasonable prices this is not pionbkiuno thi nrst 10000 acres are fully settled and another 10000 acres now ready for settlement maximum distance from railroad seven miles good roads telephones and schools easy pay ments extending over 18 years tiiib is the best zand buy in alberta write for further information to castaua xattd and isbjoatzoif compauy limited mcino 7 alhertm ob9 h to control striped beetle here is my recipe for taking care from egypt wilb all ils exigencies and jouragc nor to be seid withpanic tebicspoonfulv to a honof 3pastej thc vinc buk th sc dangers required thc leadership of a the salvation of the lord the deliver- w be riht tuk aul he onlon ma s all man of consummate ability nnd thatancc wrought by the lord in the i i j t i kij line ashes and soot from thc stove and through divine earlier portion of the old testament i dip each joint of meat into boiling leadership mocs mit uiyme earner portion or inc uio 1 eatamont nr i to destrov anv mmn lne winter keeping iie grace was able to provide in todays term salvation usually alludes wal or then i take a syrup pail put a fesson we catch a glimpse of him in physical deliverance or material ms vp i hstout bail on same and punch about one of the critical moments of the j v j tolol to it then i rub paste over chicks ducklbmgs in any quantity from proven layers in tho following varieties white and brown leghorns anconas mlnoreas white and barred rocks ilnodo island reds white wyandottcs ultso white pelmr ducklings wc carry m complete lino of baby chick supplies hovcre brooders incubators lamps spare parts hatching ekffs oto wc pay express and guarantcu 100 naf arrival write for circular to the ttorontj heights poultry uapvly co itd aciq duflorla uu toronto thu fcoot i ene of un bit ever vritu u ir ho ji hl113 4 l fan rt wltti kirr ailment ittt hortttlnittx to uuauliotfrt i ltrt tuiti it tcjlreix nti rtcn lit trlsf aiid feetlltif 17iobokl neitlimuir oiuraiotb hcudkr cf vnit lii i1 vuj ha o to t f tifc ur diuorlit for it it ifculatcljr free km iijkie vfutefti i seanidkrwicc ju 19 jmj tkw iml im by ujrl tor great boot fticvf pivtjn tut dcttflftll of llclc hor hit ivii lti- jnr keaoftu spvln tlt- orrctforemjiluclh1iiitttrctiptat risniy coiikuw if jir4r3rtiit ljtacoiyofue boosiuf dr b j kendall co enasburg falls vi usa exodus v u the lord shall fight in that the nam until it is thoroughly cover- two holes in the centre of the bottom ieueouruned 03 m age it was believed that euch god wav ed after which i wrap it in light the p to twentypenny spike 10 pharaoh the official title of obliged toflght the battles of his peo- brown wrapping paper taking care l hnvo fl 3 wffliss inga of kgvpt all the kings of pe- his fortunes were hound up with t eee that the paner adheres to and eer lost by it 1 nave i i 1- t- i view ntnna an rhn enmp crrniinrt for the ham thus v raicu onions on the same ground for from coming in j f cr meat the bast n m crout taumar as s00n m p tn ham is r scalding hogs do not have the egyptians marched after them jtlans oven though they woro one of thoroughly dried t place each ham in wa boiling when the hog is plunged israel had escaped out of goshen thc the groat military powers of an- j n ennvas saclt tie it tightly and hang but a few degrees below the boiling withccftaintywiiivh paraoh is meant he more than a match for the egyp- 1 the epygtions marched ajtcr them marshy lands northeast of the nile delta and had reached a potnt near tho prcsen suez when an egyptian crmy suddenly nppcarcd in their rear liqulty ii directed 1518 v 16 thy rod moses rod was orig inally given him by jehovah exod 4 the egyptians naturally would not j 17 as he was a shepherd at thc time wish to lose thc valuablo slave service i of his call thc rod may havo been that ready for use w d n 100 tons an hour olafgow recently put into service its point we add a bucket of cold water if the watcr is too hot the hair will set making cleaning a difficuu task to a kettle containing fifty gallons of watcr idd a small shovelful of hard wwcmwaolviwdc pneumatic grain olovator havln wood ashes these arc a groat help building opirations they were iorela club about 2h foot long with a capacity of 100 tons an hour i i removing the hair and black scurf y you can make big profits 4 to 5 pr acre invested in fertilizers an grains has frequently made gains of 8 to 12 bushels per acre on wheat or 25 to 30 bushels on ooli and 15 to 20 bushels on corn remember it cats hist at much to grow thc crops when you set the low yield as it dees when you gtt hlg yields your proft with big yields is many times greater fertilize your crops this spting with gunns shurgain fertilizers and get tho biffjrost profit possible- coasuh our accnt or writ us affaols wanlad in trrltorles wht ve arc not reprctcltd fs if limited 1204 st clsdr street toronto

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