Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), March 22, 1923, p. 7

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address communications to agronomist 73 adelaide 8t west toronto x y 5 will you please explain the confront the man ox woman who teeling for layers this method is about as certain as the trap nest experi ments with capons feeding costs excellent flesh produced without confinement handling baby chicks by l stevenson ontario dept of agriculture the writer carried on a series of crates for two weeks produced the ction of bacteria in relation to soil works on the land if things are noi experiinent with poultry when con- 1 same high grade of flesh following fertility dearly thought out and provision nected wth the agrlcujtura experi- is the feed cost of an eightpound answer the action of bacteria in made for obtaining the seeds and ment station vancouver island two ounce capon the soil is to bring about the decay j other material needed to insure the g r presents the fo feed cost to t end of f the organic matter and so reduce greatest success vnen the spring as ft worth of m it to a condition that it can be used rush comes it may be too late consideration- as food by plants in tho process of j there is such a difference in the decay acids are created which makej quality of seeds of various kinds and j determination of egglaying plant food available the nodules on varieties of vegetables that this a test was made of the feeling leguminous plants are caused by bac- should be considered when ordering method to determine its accuracy teria making possible the utilization take for instance the- onion the thirty hens that were under trap- of nitrogen from the air this nitro- seed of this vegetable loses its ger- nest record were subjected to the gen and in fact all soil nitrogen minating power very rapidly and if feeling process for eight days janu- occurring as plant or animal remains one obtains old seed or uses old seed ary 17 to 24 cannot be utilized by succeeding crops that one has on hand there may bej the results of feeling were check- until it has gone through preparatory f if any plants germinate more- ed up and tallied perfectly with the processes first it is broken down over even if some plants grow there trapnesting indicating that it is to ammonia then built up to nitrite may not be enough to insure a good quite possible for any careful person and then to nitrate the form in which stand particularly if the root mag- to determine which hens are laying crops take it from the soil these g happen to bo bad sometimes by feeling the bird for the presence 10lal lee co processes depend entirely upon soil also the onion seed bought may be of the egg in the oviduct in the early these birds were sold for 5243 each bacteria i from strains which require a longer morning beforo she leaves the parch wholesale leaving 11179 per bird e n b i understand that sweet warm season for- development than we the method also has an advantage in j from this we can deduct 20 cents the clover sometimes introduces from 40 have in many parts of canada and j that it eliminates the necessary con- 1 price paid for the bird as a dayold to 50 pounds of nitrogen per acre and the result will be a large proportion finement of the birds in a trapnest chick and have 9179 cents per bird also supplies humusforming material 0 thickneeks seed that will germin- f ora period which is frequently longer j for labor and shelter sm feed cost to rear duringf ourth month 162 feed cost to rear during fifth month 1317 feed cost to rear during sixth month 212 feed cost to rear during sev enth month 213 feed cost to rear during eighth month 234 feed cost to rear during de cember 20 days y 144 handling baby chicks in another experiment a thousand would it be a good plant to grow to ate well and its special strain or sejthan is actually required to produce he turned down as a green manure i lection are very important with other an egg v answer sweet clover would un- kinds of vegetables also the greatest the great disadvantage of the feel- o chicks were procured from doubtedly prove a very excellent difference perhaps being in strains of ing method is that it is impracticable reliable local breeders the first green manure but on account of its cauliflower cabbage and tomato but for pedigree breeding inasmuch that th remaine ln t i high value as a food for live stock it also such staple crops as beets car- the eggs from individual birds cannot on secono i they wero would seem unwise to turn it under in ro parsnips and turnips vary miich be recorded j tra to the brooder but wero the crop stage dealing with this j shape and trueness to type and in experiments with capons i fed until fortyeight hours old very question at an agricultural con- other ways if cafe is taken to order ference held at winnipeg dr grisj seeds from a reliable source and to dale deputy minister of agriculture get not the cheapest but the best the thirty cockerels wero operated on j tho following hints on general treat- when twelve weeks old these birds ment are given were a thrifty and wellgrown lot do not chill or overheat the chick- for canada pointed out that where difference in price between the best averaging 2 pounds in weight after j en or disastrous results will follow sweet clover can be grown successr seed and the ordinary will be repaid capon they were kept under the if they pant they are too hot and if fully and the grower understands how many times in the satisfactory crop same conditions as the cockerels the they huddle together they are not to handle it it would seem profitable that is obtained- provided that it isf cost fev a pound increase in warm enough to use it for animal food and to re- looked after and that the season is we was s less for the cock- do not overfeed during the first turn the manure to the soil favorable ere up to six months of age at this week careful attention to the vegetable time the cockerels and capons weighed j change the water daily and sea crop after the seed has germinated the same these birds were killed for that it is perfectly clean will do much to prevent a poor crop christmas trade when 264 days old there are cutworms root maggots j and yeighed plucked 8 pounds 2 flea beetles and other insects to com- j ounce3 the percentage of offal was bat and great vigilance is required in i being but 18 per cent of the order to prevent damage from being j to weight the birds were not crate done rather than in trying to control j fe but were finished on a liberal these insects after they are well under mhk ration the quality of the flesh tketobacco c quali ty open flame and ignition with explo- the first farmer was the first man nurse crops for seeding clover nurse crops are almost universally used when seeding clover their most important functions aro to reduce the cost of production of the clover hay red clover being a biennial or per ennial that produces little or no for age of value the first season to shade the young seedling plants from the hot july and august sun and to leave a sturdy stubble that will retain the snow and protect the clover from tho heaving action of frost the cereal nurse crops in order of their revenueproducing qualities would usually stand oats barley and wheat in eastern canada in pro viding shade at the right time and way the poisoned bran mash is the best remedy for cutworms and a sup ply of this should be on hand to apply just as soon as there is the first indi cation that cutworms are about for root maggots affecting cabbage and cauliflower corrosive sublimate is the best remedy another treatment is necessary for the root maggots affect ing onions which often destroy almost not tending to smother the clover j all or all of the young plants bui leedhng later- in the season the order would likely be reversed wheat bar ley and oats in sturdiness of straw and theability to withstand the wea ther and hold a blanket of snowon the field the order would be wheat ats and barley tho investigational work with nurse crops at charlottetown over a period of six years has been along two lines first to determine the best rates of seeding nurse crops and second a somparison of different cereals as nurse crops for clover the experiments on rates of seed- lag nurse crops were arranged in con nection with a fouryear rotation hoed crop grain clover and timothy four rates of seeding were used each year with both oats and barley the rates used were 1 2 2 and bushels per acre with oats and 1 1 2 and 2 bushels per acre with the barley the returns though riot con clusive re seeding for clover were quite marked in the second year hay timothy in favor of the light seed ing of the nurse crop the rate of 1 bushels per acre of either cereal pave the best average returns for the two hay crops in the rotations when the returns from tho rotations were made up as a whole roots grainf and hay seeding at the rate of 1 bushels per acre with oats andalso with bar ley gave the highest average return per acre the experiment with different sorts of cereals as nurse crops was planned also with a fouryear rotation of hoed crops grain clover and timothy the three cereals wheat oats and barley wercvused the rates of seeding were wheat 1 bushels oats 2 bushels barley 156 bushels a sixyear aver age of the hay produced places these in orderof value as nurse crops oats wheat and barley taking into con sideration the value of the hoed crops and grain in the complete rotation then the average return per acre would place them in the following ordbf oats barley and wheat summing up then the different fac tors to be considered in the selection of a nur3e crop for clover we are rather surprised to find that oats sown at a rate that will give first quality seed grain stands at the top with barley second and wheat third tho rosults also indicate that these cereals are all satisfactory nurse crops when sown thick enough to produce tho best quality of seed grain letins dealing with these insects can be obtained free on application to the publications- branch department of agriculture ottawa there is often a temptation to sow seed or set out plants too early in the spring with the result that the seed either rots in the ground or else the young plants are killed or badly in- was excellent and the wholesale price received was 30 cents per pound the advantages of caponizing are that an excellent quality of flesh can be pro duced without confining the birds in small feeding crates and the tender flesh can be retained to a greater age and weight the cockerels made just give plenty of green food feed sour skim milk whenever pos sible do not forget to supply charcoal grit and shell mako all change of food and feed ing gradually clean and disinfect brooder often do not use damp mouldy feed or straw never allow chicks to crowd in brooders or colony houses place chicks on the range in colony houses after the eighth week do not let the cockerels and pullets as good gains and when milk fed in run together on the range seeds sown in hotbeds the plants early part of the season is important from which will not stand frost- if we are to prevent a loss of crop melons egg plants and peppers these j a blooming time and when the plants require a longer warm season than most plants hence the necessity of starting them in hotbeds in order to prevent serious losses of the fruit crop it is important to begin early if foliage of fruit trees is de stroyed the crop for the following ifii u i3 u ie jured by frost and when a resowmg year jj de reduced very much if or a replanting is made it may be ink there is any crop at all that too late to obtain good crops the year it u have a bad effect 0 this following hints may bo of service i crop alio the tent eater- seed to be sown early in spring the j p are increasing in eastern can- young plants from which will stand a canker worms are bad elsewhere some frost beets carrots lettuce and 0 insects are destructive onions parsnips peas radishes kohl- tlle trees snou b sprayed to rabi garden cress salsify spinach parsley and leeks seed best sown in hotbeds the young plants from which will stand some frosts cabbage cauliflower celery seed to be sown after danger of frost is over unless it is planned to protect tho plants beans corn cu cumbers melons potatoes and squash seed of late cabbage is not sown until may but the plants will endure frost and seeds of swede turnips should be sown late although turnips will stand frost kill them before they have done ap preciable harm disease must also be controlled if loss to the crop is to be prevented as caterpillars begin to work and diseases are active just when the leaf buds are breaking or have broken tho spray materials should be on hand and the pump in good order to begin spraying spray calendars can be obtained from the dominion and provincial departments giving best formulas to use and times to spray with information about the insects and diseases to be destroyed the conservation of moisture in the fruit is setting it is necessary to have a good supply of moisture in the ground to insure the fruit setting should the weather be hot and dry at that season hence early cultivation to conserve moisture and warm up the soil so that growth will be active and there will be a flow of sap to the set ting fruit is very necessary c danger from gasoline the writer happened recently upon an advertisement which began some thing after this fashion if a quart of gasoline will carry your ford a distance of four miles how far will one gallon of it carry the roof of your house certainly here is food for reflection plenty of people there aro who never stop to figure it out until after tho explosion carries roof and walls and everything else before it the danger of using gasoline for cleaning or other purposes lies not so much in its being inflammable as in the fact that its vapor when mixed with air in the proper proportions i3 highly explosive a slight draft will carry the vapor oftentimes to an sive effect will occur regardless of the fact that one considered oneself sufficiently removed from such to be in no danger we recall a disastrous fire which oc curred in a country town and which was due to the fact that two men sought to empty a barrel of gasoline into an underground tank they were working in the open air unmindful of the fact that the wind was blowing directly from them toward the build ing where double doors stood ajar gasoline vapor was carried into the building and found its way to an open fire at the far end the explosion which followed blew the whole side of the building out let the roof fall in and more speedily than it takes to tell it the entire structure was a mass of seething flames this is the time of year when gasoline for cleaning pur poses is used oftentimes within doors because of inclement conditions out side it should be remembered that the cooking or heating stove tho ker osene amp or anything else of this kind offers the spark which will set off the explosion should tho gasoline vapor mix with the air in just the right proportions be careful and all historic nobility rests on pos session and use of land emerson irrigated farms in southern alberta za tlto yamotus vrttxjuul emstrici bow river xrrltfauon prujftot aa especially good location for mixed farming and dairying- splendid op portunity for younsrjnon now living- in districts whero good land cannot b bought at reasonable prices this is not pioneering the first 10000 acres are fully settled and another 10000 acres now ready for settlement maximum distance from railroad seven miles good iroacdo telophonas and schools r basy pay ments extending over is years tms is the ztest xand buy in alberta write for further information to- canada iakb and tu1q t1qk roompabt ttmioasp y medicine hat alberta radio receiving sets farmers protect your crops by get ting last minute weather reports with a westinghouse radio receiving set also latest market reports concerts church services etc canadian west1nghouse co limited hamilton ont district offices toronto montreal halifax ottawa fort william win nipeg calgary edmonton vancouver saves r on lobar ac ililng concrete hand with a hoe is ft lackurckla jot rnnd think or th9 labor coat tho brantlorfr 13 the dest valuetarmsizli mixer it is thfrrlbht eli on small jobafounda- tlonar horse irousra ellos etc many fann ers use it lor mlxlnc ictd fertilise etc made lor hind or power on lajdj or mounted on trucks with or without cosine write lor booklet hod shapley 4 mulr co untiled btanltord 0 welhn streel poor fruit and veretnble crops how to avoid them tho ions canadian winter givos fcumer fruit growers market gard en nml dwellers in cities and towns abundant timo to think over tho work of the coming growing season and to plan how to mnko use of tholr timo in order to obtain tfco best possible cnps but rmclrmes opportunity is nglctcd d sufficient thought is galvanlzad copptrbaarlng metallic shingles firs llghtnlnrjt rust and storm proof makm wator by condonitng dow and frost send postal card for folder the metallic roofing co limit d 403 1194 king st w toronto dont wait for someone to be in pain to get kendalls spavin treatment in tho house forall external hurts and pain for all muscular troubles kendalls spavin treatment makes good kenaston sask dorember stb 1m1 measecend meoneeopyof yourtrhti3eostnis hops1l i have uird your kendall spavin cure lor over eleven yeatsand found it ono ottbetetllniinentii hara eterusetlforaukindiofaores fslgaej mzkmax gel a botlh at your druggist to jay regular forhorsctreatmcnl refined for humanusc dr bj kendall company enosburg falio vi usa an old industry in a new setting maplo syrup and maple sugar now delicacies wore originally used by settlers as a substitute for cano sugar whlotn was of course almost impossible to obtain in somo parts of quebec and eastern ontario tho old methods of collecting sap and converting it lulo syrup aro still used tho picture showsa farmer collecting syrup in wood en palls and boiling it at an outdoors fire the upper central picture shows the modern method of tapping and col- nt jivcr tj tho many probcmswhwi iecltb sap in sanitary recoptcclcs snd tho upper lofthand picture shows the scientific metiods of handling syrup 1nrr tik m faeifiilafisway will find s i a astern r arater s to de 07 service to eastern cancdun fanners and help to meet thl needs in securing competent than help tho canadian pacific jsallwor 1- prepared to utilise its tcldoorend orsialkuon to provlds auch helpitosi a number of countries tho canadian pacific rtlhra vijl now roetlxo and arranjro to fill applications for male and female fsrfn 2ttp to bo supplied from great britain belgium hoilcnd dcnrarr switzerland rrd jvorwar in all of which countries tho company has roprtsontitlvos vho hava farmed in and aro familiar with eastern canadian conditions and who aro now in touch with such men and women ready and aaisoas to- coma to canada thh governments cf tho countries ahovo mentioned nave expressed their willlneness to old tho rma ration cf this class of their people io order to fill such applications zztltt actor vy find briry tho help to whm farmer nt tho proper tnw and tiih a clear undorsian dinar of tho require ments and obligations of each a printed application for help form haa been prepared which can bo ohtand from any cf tho offices listed below tho company will rnaho no charge to tho fcrm for thla serrlco tor will tho fanner bo required to make any- cash rdvareo whatsoever towards tho travelling expenses of his hrip to tho rcarost raltety station the inyonoo ton necessarily asked for in thesis tvslicailon form wmch wlil bo hold ba etrlctcst confidence covers tho following jvoiftu tho hird of help wanted mnlo or fern ao married cv unmarried date rtiulrcd endfer bor lofts nationality desired monthly wsos aiuzvd mnd of woric offered ttc montreal pq- a v iwcj jc l due noiwojj ijirj aztat cjr kentv1ue na ceo i ctatuuo ficn msr dominion atlantis br department cf colonization and development canadian pacific railway j s dexnis chief ccramlwkncr montreal i t a m

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