address communications to aflrontmist 73 adelaide st west toronto will canadian cheese faces strong canadian and new zealand the i prices that have been obtained during competition the past two years have been about in a study of the marketing of can- equal varying only according to the adcan dairy products the dairy and season new zealand has been quot- cold storage commissioner mr j er higher early in the season with a ruddick discovered that canadian canadian taking the lead in november cheese is slipoing backward on the and december three main forces export market canada has held the have been at work according to the field in tho export trade in cheese aldmry commissioner in pushing new most to herself but new zealand is zealand cheese on the british market i d found to be gaining the ascendency in first cheese grading second the op- e3k the inarkets of great britain tltjtl f s ks i understand that somejtered grain the sow- farmers who tap their maple trees use i well under such conditions wi covers for uie sap buckets will you with comfortable sleeping p durin his visit to england last the development of a please advise me whether or not cov- free from draughts dry and pwy rjmmer tho dairy commissioncr us suite the british taste s are worth while and the principal of bedding however should rnese that tmater attention was be- of the canadian advantages of using them conditions be impossible if a poi answer in seasons of little storm pen can be placed in a field wiu texture of t cheese purchased j p j f p production during th f nen facing the south and 4 flow irh re r egg ers may in feeding poultry for egg produc- jvantageous ed in a bulletin entitled the maple thirty or forty yards from the pen t0 cheddar cheese since the can- sugar industry issued by the do- j force the sow to come out for food a c was produced in six minion department of agriculture and in walking backwards and for- months it was necessary for a con- that one farmer with a thousand trees wards she will get the necessary exerj s proportion of it to be con- made coo pounds of sugar while his cise remember that an active he served in order to meet requirements nbighbor running a plant of equal size thy mother produces strong healthy f the remainder of the year new when tho chemical composition of an egg and the omnivorous nature of the fowl are taken into consideration it is obvious that elements from the threo natural kingdoms vegetable animal and mineral must enter into poured out all of the sap during the offsprings lias kept it up ever since same period because continuous rain in feeding the brood sow the aimjing the season of nonproduction n bad so thinned tlie sap as to make it should bo to keep her well nourished canada was able to command intme- jmpracticable to boil it down an- j never under or overfed but with suf- diato attention new zealand has so other case is recorded of 90 pounds of ficient feed to supply all the require- increased her output of cheese that ugar being obtained from 290 pails ments in building bone and good firm she now supplies about the same am- of sap and storm water which should aesh during cold weather an excess ount as canada and new zealand if thesap had been pure have yielded 0 liquids should be avoided because shipments are on the increase 290 pounds of sugar another ad- j 0 the extra effort on the part of the under the stimulus of tho war vantage of the cover is that it pre- animal to heat up this liquid the prices new zealand developed iter vents bits of bark moss leaves and meal should bo allowed to soak for a cheese industry at a rapid rate and other debris from blowing into the considerable time to become moist- pails covers are made of both tinened using slop or dairy byproducts and wood they do not lie flat on such meals as short3 or middlings the pail but rest against the tree ground oats are to be preferred above the spile thus allowing for an the ue of somo 0 the heavier air space between the cover and the mea is permissible such as corn top of the bucket this is important barley or pea toeal du the latter because ungathered sap on a warm j shollld be fel sparingly an in a mix- day is not so liable to deteriorate from j twe with the first mentioned meals rermentation if air is admitted mangels or beets should be available r l is there anything that can for feeding in connection with the be done at this season of the year to meal ration these should be given at zealand coming into the market dur- any well balanced poultry ration the it of was found that tho popularity of the cheese from tho two countries was about fairly evenly divided as between first of these furnishes by far the greater part of the nourishment either in the shape of whole or ground grain or as green feed the two others however play an important role and should on no account be over looked in feeding to obtain eggs in addition to the specific experi ments on feeding conducted by the experimental farms throughout the dominion the various egg laying con tests have provided most valuable data on this subject experience has proven that one of protect small fruit trees from being girdled by mice answer mice are most likely to give trouble in a young orchard that is in sod they work about under the gestive organs cool and in good order snow and when food becomes scarce aresiahle to gnaw the bark of tender young trees the trees may be pro tected by tramping tho snow firmly around each tree or by mounding them up with earth in the autumn the midday feeding and should be fed whole the grain ration i3 fed morning and evening roots add suc culence to the diet keeping the di- winter care of sows practical hog raisers recognize that the brood sows care is more difficult and this is needed in order to keep the breeder in good condition which pre vents the laying on of an excess of flabby fat the excessively fat sow is more liable to drop her pigs small puny and weak during the period of gestation let the sow have the run of the barnyard where she can root in the manure pile or around the straw stack for seat- by feeding roots the amount of liquid required by the sow will bo greatly lessened if the sow is confined to a pen where tho floor is cement or wood a few sods should be kept on hand to supply mineral matter these can be thrown into the pen as required sulphur march 11 1923 jesus in gethsemane luke 22 golden text christ also hath once suffered for sins the just for the unjust that he might bring us to god 1 peter 3 3 lesson setting the opening parti to drink it was come to his disciples of tho twentysecond chapter finds in matthew and mark we learn that je3us and his disciples in the upper jesus came back to the three disciples room here jesus institutes the three times in the course of his agony lord supper after the observance of j as if he were seeking the reinforce- the passover and now the dread ment of human sympathy in his salt and charcoal kept in a separate event symbolized in the supper is i struggle found them sleeping each box will prove beneficial as a regu lator and appetizer for sows under such conditions care should be taken to avoid the laying on of excess fat and where a ration comprised entirely of meal is fed without care the sow is liable to derangement of the digestive organs which sometimes results in the devel opment of an abnormal appetite at farrowing and is a cause of the sow devouring her young pruning the season when pruning operations may be commenced is here and orchardists should now be considering the best scheme to adopt in their par ticular case except in extreme cases pruning should bo moderate and should consist more of thinning out here and there with as little heading in as possible in young orchards newly set out it may be necessary to adopt a system of heading back to cive out lateral growth which will bo bio to produce fruit spurs in later years in bearing orchards light an nual pruning should bo given so that at no time will it be necessary to ma terially alter tho balance between the root and top by a severe heading back or excessive cutting out in old bear ing orchards which have been some what neglected a considerable am ount of top should probably be re moved to encourage new wood growth so that a new fruiting surface may be established as beforo mentioned however light annual prunings are to be recommended for recent work has demonstrated that unpruned trees tile wood removal but in all cases the trees should be attended to annually the vigor of the tree is in inverse ratio to the amount of severe heading back practiced this does not mean however that no pruning is to be advocated for a certain amount is necessary in any case to maintain the prcper shape of a tree and some pruning should be given to eliminate the possibility of having to give dras tic treatment at a later date to rectify long neglect the lesson is however that only sufficient pruning to main tain tho shape and general vigor of tie tree is to be recommended indiscriminate heading back delays iruitfulness and reduces vigor light annual prunings will not materially impair or delay fruitfulness and will eliminate future trouble a little enlargement on this latter statement is perhaps necessary to make clear the point we are all aware of the advantage to be gained by heading a tree properly a tree with its head starting from one point on the trunk is weak and doomed to an early death to correct this pruning is necessary again we all know that in pruning one should try to cut out all crotches drawing nigh judas has departed on time he came he found them asleep his mission of betrayal the great though jesus had asked them to crisis of jesus soul has come and he watch the first time jesus singles seeks communion with his heavenly out peter for reproach couldest not father the approaching ordeal is far thou watch one hour at the same more than one of physical and mental time he says the spirit truly is ready suffering it is impossible for us but the flesh is weak jesus knows to understand the experience of the that their sleeping does not indicate eternal son of god at that supreme callousness or indifference to jesus crisis when he was carrying up our but rather frailty of will and purpose sins ill his body to the tree and where understanding fails it be comes us to refrain our lips and be silent i the agonizing master 3914 vs 39 40 he came out to the mount of olites matthew says unto a place called gethsemane the word gethsemane means oilpress it was an enclosed plot of ground be longing to some friend to which jesus had often resorted matthew also tells us that his soul was exceeding sorrowful even unto death his dis ciples also followed him the less intimate disciples stood in the back ground while he look with him as his immediate companions peter james and john who were with his also on the mount of transfiguration pray that ye enter not into temptation they also have an ordeal to pass through and it is jesus desire that they find strength through prayer to god for their trial v 41 he was withdrawn from them he must even withdraw him self from the companionship of the the best mixtures of grain for scratch island feed is that composed of equal parts i eighth the seventh and nova scotia the difference in points of all comparatively by weight of wheat and cracked cornl i provinces was comparatively with half a part of oais if wheat is vlf t v 5492 for the highest to 5448 for tho not available at a reasonable s price a lowest the oit satisfactory feature in his own present experience je3us knew how there was a real conflict be tween body and spirit in his case the spirit has triumphed over the flesh but the struggle enabled him to sym pathize with those in whom the flesh had triumphed vs 47 48 while he yet spake a multitude composed of the chief priests elders soldiers and tho gath ering mob and he that was called judas he was the leader and had undertaken to deliver jesus into their hands for thirty pieces of silver one of the twelve a tragic phrase it was one of those who had been with jesus that betrayed him drew near unto jesus to kiss him this was the cus tomary greeting of the disciple for his master in this case it was a pre arranged identification of jesus tho whole conduct of judas is deliberate and calculated in the case of peters denial of the master the temptation finds peter off his guard but the be trayal of jesus by judas was not sud den but premeditated betrayest thou mixture of cracked corn and oats in equal parts plus half parts of barley and buckwheat will prove quite satis factory in addition to this scratch grain a dry mash which may well consist of equal parts by weight of corn flour bran middlings finely ground oats and half a part of fine beef scrap should be kept constantly before the birds in hoppers as also should oyster shells and grit in the event of beef scrap not being obtainable at a fair price it may be replaced in the winter by raw or cooked meat such as horse flesh provided that the animal was healthy or this part of the ration may be eliminated entirely provided that milk is always available an ample provision of fresh water is an absolute necessity even when milk is given in very severe weath er the water may be replaced by snow provided that it is given in a recep tacle large enough to prevent the lit ter from getting soiled and that an ample supply is kept available the birds must also get a sufficient quan tity of green feed either in tho form of sprouted oats mangels beets jeru salem artichokes cabbages or dry and steamed clover or alfalfa as a gen eral rule sprouted oats give the most satisfactory results though their pre paration entails a little additional work this question is often asked how much feed should bo given to a flock of fifty birds in order to get a satisfac tory egg yield but it is one that each breedir must answer for himself as a result of his own observations when feeding the following method of feeding has given excellent results and is one that can be recommended in addition to the dry mash etc kept constantly beforo the birds give a light feed aboi a handful per bird of- scrj eh grain in a deep litter as soon of the contest is that a decided im provement is reported in texture moisture and in salting relative to the last mentioned mr geo h barr the officer of the branch in charge of the contest writes the canadian markets are gradually coming to re quire a mildlysalted butter and but ter for exportmust contain loss salt than most creameries are using at present one to one and a half per cent in the butter being quite enough for the british market o good judgment is one of the essen tials of good farming corrugated galvanized direct from manufacturers to con sumer write far prices special tarns to farmers the metallic roofing co limited 306e 1194 king st w toronto rojwratw ui law cott this sturdy doublaaouon finotford loaded it disotrcbs fjlrtly into bamtw or forms economic to odtnue mixes concrete for soon mo etc laa s power mounted oa sktdjor traau it your own wjlnvor our type kbrcmae ee ottr booklet u free tfo owjd madly- ft mulr forsmtt benrmt i omuls mim itation in the wilderness was a test l v roosting ti consider for a moment tho relation 0 how jesus would begin and carry wcely bring ourselves to think of it between pruning and nutrition the on his mossialishipj the experience as having the value of example and roots of a tree function by gathering in tho garden is a test as to how he inspiration in our experiences of llfe v comparison between trees pruned pnt foods in solution will com unpruned showed little difference jj i i certain age that trees pruned lightly have yielded almost as well while those severely headed back were not only later in coming into bearing and poor yielders afterwards but were also less vigor ous than the lightly pruned and un pruned lots where light heading back practiced for tho first threo years was adopted tho and in favor of tho unpruned but those trees which had been pruned were of decidedly better shape and in better condition for futuro work than the ones where pruning had been neglect ed these results havo simply justi fied tho practice of pruning during tho first few ycar3 of a trees life with the express purposo of obtaining a desirable amount of growth placed where we want it in the case of somo trees this will require consider able cutting out and somo cutting back for the first three or four years in other cases it will require very lit- the son of man with a kiss matthew three they cannot enter into the i tells that jesus used the word friend a it gets light in the morning if meaning of his agonv kneeled down j in addressing judas might notj sprouted oats are fed they may be matthew adds that he fell down on his remorse of judas begin here given m the forenoon in the propor- face the altitude of utter stress of v 54 they took hi and led him tio of one q inch pel bivd or if soul hebrews 5 7 makes mention of jesus offers no resisnco he rebuk- a nml h given af they can he mixed in with it the wet mash ay consist of the same ingredients i as tho dry mash but moistened with either milk water or table scraps the bird3 should not be given more of this than they can clean up in fifteen min his strong crying and tear i ed the violence done to the servant of vs 42 48 father if thou he will- the high priest icr followed afar ing in all his prayer he recognizes off peter had bejfih to fail already 00kf0cjn s7baxr5tn4aw o gffeotiv remeay cousrbij colds distent- l per influenza heave and tvormoi among horses and mules absolutely harmless and as safe for colts as its is for stulllons mares or geldings r give spohna occasionally as a pre- 1 ventlve twoalzea at all drug stores i the will of god as the supreme thing i lie had said he wfs ready to go with it is not a prayer to bend the will jesus to prison and death of god to his will it is a prayer that iii have yields slightly bettor u to al whlc are acute as ilmbs lhus ie will of god it possible may be a pt s than trees pruned but orotcned are sure to p en the carried out in some other way bull ojwls conscious of a certain rover ixm u iji mmb that comes closest light angle with the strongest this is pruning so here arc ihv liff of rsfj hk and sacrifice the life of the young tree ta in th wilderness was a test consummated on calvary that we can utes the other green feed previously j mentioned is besl feci either suspended from a wire about six inches above the level of the birds heads or placed on nails driven into the wall at about thei same height about an hour before roosting time a good feed of scratch hould be given and the feeder judge of the quantity neces- completc his miahhii w a and yeti wc are definitely encouraged sary by examining the hens crops im- ervice to be completed by a by the scriptures to think of him in mediately after they have gone to parts of tho tree for elaboration bv leath not will 1 ut way looking unto jesus the roost if the crops are well filled and th leaves thtrant f3 zrd th sm the note of loving awl a 1 o t there is no surplus of gram in the lit- rourflv be dividr a trustful submission to the pill of qmto w that s h tcr rougni be divided into two i fi t i endured tho cross despising the maj r0 inu kthetin classes nitrates as supplied for ex- nw and is set down at the right ample by nitrate of soda and carbo- to the superior claim of the divinehand of the throne of god hydrates these latter are tho will jsus believes utterly in the sider him that endured such contradic- elaborated forms produced bv tho lovingness and wisdom of the divine tion of sinners against himself lest leaves from the solutions obtained by will- it is more than the will of god be weaned and faint in your the amount fed is sufficient if on the other hand their crops are not for conj t quantity should he increased irrigated farms in southern alberta in tho famous vunxhau dlstrlst bow stive irrigation projoot an ospeolally good location for mixed farming- and dairying splendid oi- portunlty for young men now living in districts whero good land cannot b bought at reasonable prlocs this is not pioneering tho first 10000 acres aro fully settled and another 10000 acres now ready for settlement maximum distance from railroad seven miles oood roads telephones and schools easy pay ments extending over 18 years this in the best xnd buy in albota wrlto for further information to oawada lard and inrioation oompajiv xnaitei medlolno hat alherts tho roots and arc stored close to the the will of his father minds heb 12 2 3 though ho point of manufacture in order that j ssk ssffiwii the leaves can manufacture these increased icstly his clinging toood l the things which he suffered with the increasing agohy we may earn of him carbohydrates sunlight is neccssaryy njs swcal there nre so many pc0 today so that if a tree becomes too thick of b th aoes not mean the who have bitter cups to drink so in the head thus shutting out sun sweat was of blood but rather that many men and women who must go from the centre of lower portions of it was so profuse that it dropped from forward on somo via dolorosa to some the tree those parts shut off from him as drops of blood drop from a groat suffering and sorrow sometimes tho sunlight will not be able to manuj wound but it is not the less striking sacrificial and vicarious thero are facturo carbohydrates and will as a physical manifestation of his mental cups ahat may not be taken from the consequence become unfruitful an- aml spiritual agony and the reality lips uniil they are drained it is a u temptation holiness is not a glorious trvth that countless thou- but decreased in the event of much grain being left on the floor as stated at the outset in feeding for egg production method is equally as important as materia and regular ity is the key to success v w lee poultry husbandman the dominion educational butter contest ontario shows up hardly as well as might be expected in tho dominion educational butter scoring contest of 1922 in the average score for other reason why some pruning is cs- n pu n it is a le sinds have ieen inspired to say thy flavor and in standing for workman- xsril oftw v w amid imptlation i wul b tdoliev because christ trusted j ship based on the scores for texture all tho parts of tho teo by admitting sleeping disciples ifis 51 himself to the father though dark ncorporttion of moisture color salt- tho necessary sunlight vg w he rose up from the pathand sad the lot though in ing and packing sne stood last of all t- j t 7- t j prayer it was a victorious risinc loncv jriel though pining sickness the provinces the oruer of the other we do not do juttiee to god seed j noiilt 0 fee s waste awayweie in premature dc- provinces being british columbia first when we put it into poor ground nor pcea by a great crhnncm of env jcishi tvigk us to iy thy quebec second aberta third new to good ground when we put m poor 3r j was not an unanswered will tte don whatcvorvthe exper- brunswick foirrtii manitoba fifth seed prayor becauso he received strength iences of our life may bo i saskatchewan sixth ivinco edward kendalls spavin treatment rill tfet that lama hone baric on tho job attain for troro than forty years n kendalls spavin cure it has bceniemovinff ipavins tplint riimbone thorousnpln and all kinds of body growth get uctlqur jtugfitls laiau alto the f ft inok a trealbe on the hutu ana hu dlstattt or utile direct 0 dr b j kendall company enotburg fells vl osa kendalls spavin treatment