hwsstvbbin 5p by i ieneral diuty f0ll0wsmu1enza he after effects often more serious than the disease v itself ko renable precaution to avert natta i influenza should be spared he disease itself often proves fatal nd its after effects among those who re spared make the life of the victim ne of almost constant misery ask lmost any of fhoso who have been ttackcd by this trouble what their pre- ent condition of health is and most of hem will answer since i had the lfluenza i have never been fully well his trouble leaves behind it a per- istent weakness of the limbs short- ess of breath bad digestion palpita- ion of the heart and a tired feeliig fter even slight exertion this is due o the thinblooded condition in which he patient is left after the fever and nfiuenza have subsided this condi- ion will continue until the blood is uilt up again and for building up the iood and strengthening the nerves othing can equal a fair treatment lith dr williams pink pills the alue of this medicine in cases of this ind is shown by the statement of mr jdward j mcgulre pembroke ont rho says in uio fall of 191s i was at- acked with tho influenza and not in mild form either i was confined to ny room for three weeks and al- hough the influenza subsided i did ot regain my health as a matter of act i seemed to be growing worker had no appetite was subject to nlntlng spells and my feetaml ankles rero badly swollen the doctor told le that my condition had developed nto a serious caso ot anaemia and al- hough i was under his care for over wo months i was not improving in ny way at this stage one of my riends advised me to try dr williams ink pills i was loath to do bo as i egan to think my case hopeless how- yer i wa3 finally persuaded to try hem and by the time i had used two oxes there was no doubt they were elpiug me i continued taking the ills until i had used a dozen boxes chen i found that every symptom of he trouble had left me and i was gain enjoying the best of health i eturned to my work and have ever inco been in good health and feel hat i owe it entirely to dr williams ink pills i think that anyone who s suffering from the after effects of nfiuenza or any form of anaemia hould give this medicine a fair trial you can get dr williams pink pills hrough any dealer in medicine or by nail at so cents a box or six boxes or 250 from tho dr williams medl- lne co brockville ont the part of luck in musicians career musicians who wait like mr micaw- ber for something to turn up m3y have a long time to wait luck both good and bad unquestionably plays a part in every mans career many of the worlds greatest musicians were born unlucky and suffered in consequence though he never knew it schubert was as they say in the west plumb unlucky he thought he was in luck whenever he got a square deal and was always rejoicing whenever he got enough paper on which to transcribe the musical ideas teeming in his brain he was distinctly out ot luck the world owed him something more than music paper on which to write immor tal songs wagner had to wait about forty- years before his luck broke he never really emerged from obscurity until a lunatic saw what others failed to see and ludwig of bavaria a crazy king gave him a chance this was indeed luck but wagner prepared for it by writing masterpieces mendelssohn was lucky before he was bom he selected the right par ents and was born rich lie was un lucky however in being born at the wrong time he died too soon broken hearted over the death of his slster kauny from a nervous disorder had he lived in modern times the chances are that his life would have been saved but the luckiest ot all composers was liszt who never suffered want and lived to a ripe old age a fine noble generous man and a sterling musician verdi was lucky also he lived over four score years in a grand crescendo of achievement however lucky or not these mas ters all worked with remarkable energy regardles of the element of chance winter weather hard ok little ones london couple are delighted our canadian winters are exceed ingly hard on tho health ot little ones the weather is often so severe that the mother cannot take the little one out for an airing the consequence is i that baby is confined to overheated badly ventilated rooms takes cold and becomes cross and peevish babys own tablets should be given to keep tho little one healthy they are a mild laxative which regulate the stomach and bowels and thus prevent colds the tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 23 cents a box from the dr williams medicine co brockville ont why they smiled stumps was shaving himself when i he made a slight cut on the end of his nose he called to his wife for sticking plaster and was told to look in her sew ing basket at tie office everyone who entered his sanctum smiled considerably annoyed he asked his partner it there was anything wrong with his appearance i should say there is was the re ply whats on your nose stickingplaster xo said the other it is the label from a spool of cotton and it says warranted 300 yards money orders a dominion express money order for five dollars costs three cents his wifes two years of trouble is now ended says frank westlake tanlac has made all the difference in the world in my wifes health and we are both delighted declared frank westlake valued employee of the pub lic works department of london ont j residing at 40 langarth st i about two years ago my wife un- derwent an operation that left her badly rundown and she simply couldnt i get back her strength her appetite i left her and she could hardly eat enough to keep going the least ex- i ertlon would tire her out completely and her housework was an awful bur den she would lie awake hours at night too and morning found her just as tired as when she went to bed she suffered terrible splitting headaches her nerves were on edge and she got very little pleasure out of life but three bottles of taulac simply put her on her feet again she can do her housework easily now tho head aches have gone she sleeps soundly and her appetite is a joy to behold i cant find words to express my grati tude tanlac is for sale by all good drug gists over 35 million bottles sold mlnards liniment for rheumatism morning star irhis morn i watched a lonely shining star vnd i remembered once long long ago 4ow you and i one dawning early rose nd oer half waking meadows wan dered far j ifjntil we reached that fir tipped hill you know 5vc watched our stars white radiating j glows t length its fading beauty pnled and died when dawn came rioting from out the sea i until this morn i fear i did forget that wonder hour with you at my side shall i imagine too you have forgot ten me 3o be it but our morning star shines yet agnes jhnote wonson il ii a sprinkling machine is now used n many mines to lay down dangerous oal dust comes naturally mother jack why are you such a had boy jack cause i inherited nothin good i suppose a sugar made by light it is announced by professor hugh it rathboue ot liverpool university that considerable quantities of sugar have been made from carbonic acid by the agency of light this wonderful feat has been made possible by the reuslts of remarkable experiments carried out by professor e c c baly a prominent investigat or of the mysteries of light professor baly with his colleagues professors heilbron and barker dis covered that ultra violet light would convert water containing carbonic acid gas into formaldehyde a substance now used on a large scale in many branches ot industry but they found too that the light rays continued in their wonderful process eventually turning the formaldehyde into sugar water is available in immeasurable quantities and carbonic acid is merely a waste product equally abundant and the magic ot light rays ot a certain wave length will cause them to com bine and give sugar curious fact it is a curious fact that the higher the civilization of a race the lower the action of the senses actual experi ments have shown that whereas the ear of the white man responds to a sound in 147thousandths of a second that ot a negro responds in 130-thous- andths and that of a red jndian in 116thousandths rheumatic pains are relieved in a few days by taking 30 drops of mother seigcti syrup after meals and on retiring it dissolves the lime and acid accumulation in the muscles and joints so these deposits can be expelled thus relieving pain and soreness seigel syrup also known as extract of roots contains no dope nor other strong drugs to kill or mask the pain of rheumatism or lumbago it re moves thecause 50candl00 bottles at druggists 1 1 mlnards liniment for neuralgia expresses of the sky i the purpose for which the racing aeroplane is intended is not generally understood in fact there are a great number of people who regard the pilot- iug of it as a rather unpleasant means of committing suicide i in the first place it gives the design- er some idea of the amount of strain which may comfortably be imposed up on the machine during its flight through the air at speeds often exceed ing 200 miles an hour while on a practice flight on the lumiero de monde monoplane with which he intended to compete in the coupe deutsche race of 1921 captain bernard de romanet one of frances most brilliant pilots was killed by the fabric covering the wing of his ma chine pulling off while flying at about 190 miles an hour the modern singleseater fighter is another type of aerial express the gloucestershire aircraft companys bamel which is probably the fastest aeroplane in the world has been tried at mateiesham heath the british air ministrys experimental aerodrome with a view to modifying it for this purpose in designing a racing aeroplane it is necessary to do away with any pro jections likely to resist the machines progress through the air in fact the bamel is covered with a special dope which gives a very smooth antifriction surface to the machine the wing surface of a racing aero plane is cut down much lower than that of a machine designed for ordin ary purposes put stomach in order at once tapes diapepsin for i gas indigestion or i sour stomach i instantly stomach corrected you never feel the slightest distress from indigestion or a sour acid gassy stom ach after you eat a tablet of papes diapepsin the moment it reaches the stomach all sourness flatulence heartburn gases palpitation and pain disappear druggists guarantee each package to correct digestion at once end your stomach trouble for a few- cents- americas pioneer doff bmnim book on dog diseases and how to fod mailed frae to any ad dress by the author h clay qlover oo ma 129 west 24th street new york usa tlte man who does what he pleases is seldom pleased with what he docs we attribute all our successes to ourselves and all our failures to our circumstances when you find that tea or coffee makes you ner- elii vous keeps you awake at night or causes frequent mp headache its time to change to instant postum 4 this wholesome healthful table beverage gives you all the comfort and satisfaction of your usual morning cup it has charm without harm to nerves or digestion cheer without fear of a dangerous kickback made instantly in the cup at the table no boiling no waiting no waste at your grocers in sealed airtight tins instant postum for health a neroua smpl tin of insiart poetum tkeies fl rectsoil sent postpaid for 4c in stamp writs canadian postum cereal co limhed 45 front st e- totonia factory windsor oario why is a foxglove we use tke names of our common flowers and plants so frequently and so heedlessly that few of us ever stop to think of the derivations of these names yet there z no other class of words in the english language which we have collected more haphazardly from every other language in the world take the dandelion that common but wonderful flower which blooms all the year round its name is pure french mallow is greek artichoke is from an arabic word meaning earth thorn rhubarb is latin and bean anglosaxon while potato is really a spanish word some flower names have their origin plainly stamped on them coltsfoot for instance is also called foalfoot its hoofshaped leaf quite evidently gave it its common name bachelors button again shows the origin of its name in the shape of its buttonlike flower similarly knap weed which is really knob weed some flower names on the other hand are very mysterious why is a foxglove so called this bloom of the late summer has flowers shaped like tho fingers of a glove but what has it to do with a fox probabb nobody knows yet the name is a very ancient one and appears as early ts norman times the cowp which the children pluck in spring is equally puzzling its osoiamo was cuslep but that does not help us out harebell may possibly be har bell having reference to the extreme thin ness and delicacy of the stalk sugar can be produced by action of eunlight on aqueous carbon dioxide commonly cahed soda water accord ing to recent researches issue no e 23 corns lift off with fingers m doesnt urt a bltt drop a little freezone on an aching corn instant ly that corn stops hurting then short ly you lift it right off with fingers truly your druggist sells a tiny bottle of freezcne for a few cents sufficient to remove every hard corn soft corn or corn between tht toes and tha cal luses without soeness or irritation ringbone i bought a horse with rlns- bone for 30 used 51 worth ot mlnards liniment on htm and sold him for j85 profit on tinlmtit 54 molse derosce hotel keeper st phlllipe que minards liniment the stable standby classified advertisements fcauxb kttip wayeext earn 0 weekly spar tuox jt home addressing mauley music circular send 10c for music informal tton etc american muaio co kit broadway n t jtxtbam cloves huuam clovklt tub great annual write for interesting ln formation d fraaer rr i ildertoa ontario trntli wanted detectives eark big monet great demand travel experience unnecessary write dcpt w american detective system 1966 broadway nt agents wanted iast week our windsor agent j made 61 clear proflts selling- tuba flavors house to house write quick crate brothers nlakara falls canada cascarets 10c best bowel laxative when bilious constipated i to clean out your bowels without cramping or overacting take cascar ets sick headache biliousness gases indigestion sour upset stomach ant all such distress gone by morning nicest physics on earth for grownup and children 10c a box taste iik candy acne on fag gura hea cu s hard large and red pim ples itch ingwas terrible had been troubled all my life with acne on my face my forehead was a mass of pimples they were hard large and red and the itching was most terrible my face was disfigured i sent for a free sample of cuticura soap and ointment and after using them got instant relief i bought more and after using two cakes of cuticura soap and three boxes of cuticura oint ment i was healed signed mrs g s miller box 14 marshall wash jan 9 1922 use cuticura for everyday toilet purposes bathe with soap soothe with ointment dust with talcum bap1eehftmbtmiu address lymarn lim ited sil st putt st w hodtxtaj bold every- where s ointment 25 and we talcum e 5mf cuticura soap shaves without muc- help for young women mrs holmberg tells how lydia epinkhams vegetable compound helped her viking alta from the timelwaa 16 years old i would get such sick feel ings in the lower part of my abdomen followed by cramps and vomiting thii kept me from my work i help my par ents on the farm as i usually had to go to bed for the rest of the day or at times i would have to walk the floor i suffered in this way until a friend in duced me to try lydia e pinkhams vegetable compound i have had very satisfactory results so far and am rec ommending the vegetable compound to my friends i surely am glad i tried it for i feel like a different person now that i don t have these troubles odelia holmbergbox 93viking alta letters like this establish the merits of lydia e pinkhams vegetable com pound they tell of the relief from such pains and ailments after taking it i lydia e pinkhams vegetable com- poundmadefromnativerootsandherb3 contains no narcotic or harmful drugs and today holds the record of being the most successful remedy for female ills in this country and thousands of vol untary testimonials prove this fact if you doubt that lydia epinkhams vegetable compound will help you write to the lydia e pinkham medi- cine co cobourg ontario for mrs pinkhams private textbook and learn more about it c rhi eumatic twingesended the basic cause of most rheumatic pain is congestion apply sloans it stimu lates circulation breaks up congestion pain is relieved made in canada unless you see the name bayer on tablets you are not getting aspirin at all accept only an unbroken package of bayer tablets of aspirin which contains directions and dose worked out by physicians during 22 years and proved safe by millions for colds headache rheumatism toothache neuralgia neuritis earache lumbago pain pain handy bayer boict of 12 tablets also bottles of 24 nd 100 drugus aspirin the tra mark rirulrtj in aria33 ff fiayr manufsftur o m- celcrjdeer of salioiicarlil while it s vu vinotcri that aplrtn mean kyf manufactnrr 10 th polifc arairxt iniltarlonp the tabllr of lier comir w1u t iaaped kltb tfctir eeacral trad mart itxt yxytz crcu 1 j il w 1 m 3 1 c i i i lv