Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), March 1, 1923, p. 2

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the cow puncher by robert j c 8tead copyright the uvuaon book co length the worm ts full of sorrow explorer s premonition and it needs voices to give that sor- j- row words and perhaps turn it into a strange story is tod bj mr hopeas this letter does howard carter who recently won i she hesitated and i realized then fame by discovering with ixrd carn- how much i had asked it is the arvoo tie tomb of king tutankhamen story of my life my sou she said wno aied about three thousand five yet if it would help hundred years ago he says he owes without names i hastened to ex- his sucre to a curious premonition plain without real names of places for moro than thirty years mr cart- 0r in that little whitewashed r been searching for relics such i home whore the brown hills rise as those he has now found he met around and the placid mountains took with failure until the idea came to him down from the distance and a tongue that he would find wiat he wanted in of spruce trees beyond the stream a certain spot and he acted upon this elands sentinel against the open impression with remarkable results i prairie she is carrying on not in de- he fe cer that the tomb for j spondency and bitterness but in eer- whicu was searing was un vice and m hope and so her sisters nj superstitlous aa this world over must carry on until their sweetness and their sacri- esjptu living near the tomb firmly fice shall fih up and flood over au the believe that it was the ghost of the valleys of hate and if you should dead king that led mr carter to the chance that way and if you should spot win the confidence of young three- another strange story of this roman- yearoluv he may stand for you and tic find concerns mr carters canary say with his voice filled with the i tne day mo tomd was opened he found honor and the gory and the pride of a gow crown in tne iotm of a sorpeut chapter xxii confd i took the tetter and read i have had many letters to write since my service began as a nurse in ing to get my location i became aware of a presence it will sound strange to you but i became intensely aware of your presence of course i knew it oiu my service ulkiiii iio ii uuise iii av kf jo war but never have i approached kxw m if lt jtrlz the task with such mixed emotions i seemed to be nevertheless 1 moed the pain i must give you i would though led by an invisible hand gladly bear myself if i could but it wl presently i found a bit of shat- k not all pain underneath it running tered watt in the gloom i cou id just discern the form of a man lying in the shelter of the wall if you could call it shelter it rose scarce a foot above the ground i knelt beside him and turned my torch on to his face it was pale even through the brown skin the eyes were closed the hair was wet and plastered through it in some way i cannot ex plain is a note so much deeper than pain that it must be joy you will already have been advised that david ecden was among those who fek at courcelette it is trite to say that you have the sympathy of a grateful nation how grateful the closocf tjie nair was wet ami pareu nation really is we shall know by itsi the forehead there were smears of treatment of the heroes who survive b in it and on ins cheeks as m the war and of the dependents of h m1 hls 1 framed a those who have crossed over but noj thing can rob you of the knowledge reenie he said it was good of that he played a mans part nothing y to come i knew you would come can debar you from that universal h dave i answered fellowship of sympathy whicli j and i thmk you will forgive the mi springing up wherever manhood is personation now let me find out valued at its worth where you are hurt and we ii fix you a new order has been born into eet you moved presently the world the order of suffering not he opened his eyes and looked at that it is now either it has been with v wlt i strange look of a man us since the first mother went into the whse ead l consciousness is half shadow for her first child but always unravelled oh its you edith he suffering has been incidental a mat- said when he had taken me in funny ter of the individual a thing to be j thought it was irene i must have escaped if possible but now it is uni- 1 bee dreaming it- versa a thing not to be escaped but l questioned him again about his jo be accepted readily bravely even wound and began feeling his hair gladly and ad who so accept it there he said guess i got enter into the new order and wear its k vmd vl g0 5 insignia which is unselfishness and this time- shrapnel in the body sympathy and service and in that don t waste time on me some other older you shall not be least measured fel 9 mav wj a i by either your sacrifice or the spirit r f wlth a htt examination in which you accept it i that the case was as bad as he su but you are yearning for his last p fortunately the wound had word for eome voice that will seem to induced a local paralysis and he was you now almost a voice out of the suffering to any great degree i grave and i am happy to be able top w 5mnd m hls and feit nra bring you that word it was something grip tighten on it mere than chancethat guided me that 1 n to stay till its over night as it is every night dave we11 see it out together we were wefflbehjiidjh it ill anstveredand mteinglieing but still in the danger wlenvasswl or qurtea ame ive often wondered what was on it my father was a soldier killed at courcelette the end he was a ships knees did you know a wooden ship has knees american forestry tells us that a shipknee is a rightangled wooden brace used to give strength to the framing and is fashioned from the natural crook of a tree formed by a heavy shallow horizontal root and a section of the trunk knees when finished are sometimes as much as six or seven feet high the timber pre ferred is secondgrowth douglas fir found growing in shallow soil so that tho roots turn off at right angles to the trunk and thus give the proper shape zone of artillery fire night had set tied in all was darkness save for oc casional distant flares i had become detached from my party in moving to another station lost if you like yet net tost never have i gone so directly to so great a destination while try- woria greatest g rheumatism treatment wetreart a kinds of rheumatm and if we fail to eliminate the pain it will not cost you anything try us and be con vinced no medicines no electricity dadiesdepartment 99 king st west the other side he said at length shall know presently you are not afraid i whispered no only sort of curious and reverent i guess its reverent you know i havent been much on religion never semced to get the rueiimrvicimxiwi formula what is the formula i m t u hi atis iw wsi mean the key the thing that gives it all in one word in one word sacrifice i wacked out of church once be cause of some doctrine about sacri fice he continued i couldnt go it and yet there may be some- thing in it its sacrifice here edith phone adelaide 4043 offices toronto war is sacrifice sacrifice for other winnipeg vancouver i people its not all on the surface theres something deeper than we know he that loseth his life shall find it i quoted he did not answer but i could see patents that bring th larecst return are those properly protected tou can write with confidence to our arm ror rre report as to patentabllltv send ror list of idea and literature correspondence invited the eaotay 00 patent attorneys b73 ban at ottawa oat dye old curtains sweater or skirt in diamond dyes diamond dyes add years of wear to worn faded skirts waists coats stockings sweaters coverings hang ings draperies- everything every package contains directions so simple any woman can put new rich fadeless colors into her worn garments or draperies even if she has never dyed before just buy diamond dyes no other kind then your material will come out right because diamond dyes are guaranteed not to streak spot fade or run tell your druggist whether the material you wish to dye is wool or silk or whether it is linen cotton or mixed goods that night as jlr carter was at din ner a disturbance was hoard going outside he found a serpent in the canarys cage tie bird was already deao and mr carter soon killed the reptile the natives interpreted this story in just the opposito way to the first they said it was a sign ot the kings anger at the breaking open of his tomb treerepairing many treeowners do not realize the importance of regularly inspecting their trees inmmedlate attention to new injuries or to any defects that may appear in repair work already done will reduce materially tho time labor and cost that will be required to make these repairs later too often the owner believes that having paid the repair bills his tree cares are over for all time unfortunately this is sel dom the case for tree repairs are something like dental repairs in both frequent inspection and prompt atten tion will do much to prevent extensive repairs and large bills treerepair ing bulletin no 73 forestry branch ottawa sad but true subbubs your new cook is very tall isnt she neighbor yes but she isnt likely to stay long betrayed by pores ores are more important than fln- gerjrhitstg thejameiw the science of poroscopy is now called in wien bertillon methods fail the new science discovered by dr edmond locard in 1912 has taken eleven years to develop to perfection the shape of the poresv not easily recognizable in the case of finger prints obtained by printers ink on ac count of the roughness of thess re cords is found to be very varied when colorless prints or those revealed by a method employed by dr locard are examined mother move childs bowels california fig syrup childs best laxative is j 0ill fe fraily bttle stomach is upset tongue coated or if your child is cross feverish full ef cold or has colic a teaspoonful will nover fall to open the bowels in a fei honra you can see for yourself row thorouehly it works all the constlpa- tlon poison sour bile and waste from his lips smiling again his breath was more labored a few drops of rain fell and some of them spattered on his face presently he chuckled it was an eerie sensation out on that broad plain of death alone by the side of this man who was already far into the shadow to hear him chuckle that splash of water you re member it made me think of the time we pulled tho old car into tho stream and the harness broke or something and i had to carry you you remember that reenie i could only say yes and press his hand his mind was back on the old old trails he became suddenly sober and when brownie was killed he went on 1 said it wa3 the innocent thing that got caught perhaps i was right but perhaps its best to get caught not for the getting caught but for the the compensations its the innocent men that are getting killed and per haps its best perhaps there are com pensations worth while his voice was weaker and i had to lean close to catch his words im going out he said kiss me reenie am then i kissed himfor you suddenly he sat up the mountains he exclaimed and his voice was athrill with the pride of his old hills see the moon lighton tho mountains ticn h strength which seemed lo nave gathered itrelf for this one last vision of the place of his boy- i hood gave way and he fell back and i he did not speak any more and what can i add dear it is i not defeat it is promise it is hope some day wo shall know but until then we shall go on it is womans bit to carry on but not in despond ency not in bitterness not in anger keep warev3 small square oil burner it is heating 6 and roomed homes today it will heat yours simple to operate can he installed in a hot air furnace in two hours by yourself fuel oil used excellent for the summer home where a quick temporary lire is desired in a coal or wood burner shipped complete with full instruc tions with tank piping and burner anywhere in canada or usa on receipt of 35 payable to 3mall sqt7abh oil btinzb po box bis station f toronto can an island of churches one of the most remarkable island in the world is patmos where st john wrote tho book of revelation it was always the destination ot thousands of pilgrims and in the old days the rlchi man wished to expiate his sins usually did so by building a church the result is- that this tiny island con tains the ruins of no fewer than 300 churches the entire population numbers about 4000 and it is considerably larger now than it was when most of the buildings were founded as there are only 700 houses on tho island there is almost a church for each two families the people are greeks whose only occupation is spongefishing thbugh there used at one time to be a trade in the manufacture of stockings curiously enough though the island lies quite close to turkey there has never at any time been a mosque upon it possibly the mohammedans could not find room for one after ebery meef top off eacb meal with a bit oteimk swees in the formv of of wrigleys it satisfies the sweet tooth and aids digestion pleasure and benefit combined guided hy intelligence a strong will is the greatest of blessings the serv ant of stupidity it is nothing but a curse minards liniment for coughs colds sitka spruce is the best known ma terial for aeroplane construction in parts of queen charlotte islands brit ish columbia at forms 35 per cent of the timber stand in one month a caterpillar devours 6000 times its own weight in food electric fixtures are tou in the siarketjfor electrfc fixtures if so we can save you raonyk write for our special sale catalogrikv every fixture a bar gain agents wanted to handle our lines earle electric supply co 1284 st clair ave toronto ont tonigs will positively prevent bald cess and grayness send stamped addressed envelope wellson specialty company b7 chicora ave toronto intentions 8od for ust of innattoiu waoua by mmnuf e- furen fortune ha ben made from irnpu tdtar patent protection booklet on rqu harold c sh1pman co ottawa canada all but one she did you hear smith was mar ried he why no he told me he had quit all games of chance minards liniment for burns scalds canadas water power canadian waterpower is a potent factor in metallurgical industry for the manufacture of aluminium phosphor us calcium carbide carorumluiu cy- anamid caustic soda chlorine sodium chlorate and artificial graphite to mention some of its products it is used to a large extent to supply power for mining and refineries whilst its prospective use for smelting and syn thetic fertilizers promises an even wider field the tender little bowels andiglvee you or despair he didnt go out that way well playful child again iic was reverent and a little curious millions of mothers keep california i and ti out w n sm a im kj i i j we shall go on and carry his snulo sjifri y v tm confidence through the valloy poonful khay save a sick child to- 0 our sacrifice what am i doing morrow ajk your dnigjrist for enulno speaking of our sacrifice california fig syrup which haj dl- j i salute you sister in tho order rections for babies and children of all of suffering and of hopo es printed on botuo mother you edith duncan kxm ty california or you mi gat i handed the letter back to her and tii iiciiiiuon ng syrup fo a time i had no words wont lyou let me tell the story i said at jo read investment items regularly is to keep in touch with every happening that affects the price of government municipal and corpora tion bonds as well as general business condi tions commodity prices and stock market values if you are on investor you certainly ouihl to rood it scrd us your naske and ad tress on this coupon now and we will scad you the latest issue no charae royal securities corporation limited 58 king strcat west toronto pleas sand me investment ituiu nnd other literature i nniiu i address r7 z try these bakers raisin pies save baking at home there are luscious rais in pies just around the corner at your grocers or a bake shop baked to a turn a flaky crust filled with tender tempting raisins the rich juice forming a delicious sauce once try tnese pics that master bakers bake fresh daily in your city and youll nevei take the trouble afterwards to make raisin pies at home get a pie now and let your men folks taste it made with tenderthinskinned meaty seeded sunmaid raisins raisins furnish 150 calories of energizing nutriment per pound in practically predigested form also a fine content of food- iron good food for the blood use raisins frequently there fore which sro both good and good for you in puddings calces cookies etc yim may be offered other brands that you know less well than sunmaids but the kind you want is the kind you know is good insist therefore on sunmaid brand they cost no more than ordinary raisins mail coupon for free book of tested sunmaid recipes learn what you can do with luscious raisins sunmaid raisins the supreme pie raisin sunmaid raisin grower aemlnrehip js000 fresno california n cut this out and send it bhu facia ft i sunmaid raisin growers idept n5337 fresno california please send tne copy of your fre book i secipss with raisins i name i stmit crrr province v l m j rst

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