Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), March 1, 1923, p. 1

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the tribune k xxxv no 1 stouffville ontario thursday 11 arch 1 1923 business cards legal mccullough button earristers solicitors con veyances c buttons block stouffville money to loan dental a new bond issue dr d c smith dentist stcuffvllle honor graduate of chicago and toronto university and the royal college of dental surgeons office over shaws store phone office 1011 residence 1015 no outside appointments dr e s barker lls dds dentist stouffville honor graduate of royal college of dental surgeons and of the univer sity of toronto office hours 9 to 12 am 2 to 5 pm office in grubins block pone 3201 for all calls markham every tuesday office over geo crosbys store dr s s ball physician and surgeon office cor obrien and main phone 100 t h and sarah ratcliff graduate chiropractors albert st stouffville office hours mornings 9 to 12 tuesday thursday and saturday evenings 7 to 830 pm other hours by appointment phone 5304 at the annual meeting of the bethesda stouffville telephone co held in february authorization was given for the issuing of 40- 000 worth of first mortgage gold bonds for a period of ten years to bear interest at 7 per cent per an num the new issue is to take care of a payment of 25000 of the pre vious issue of bonds falling due in march and for the extension of the companys business the investment looks like a good one with splendid interest rate and local investors would do well to pick up these de bentures in preference to invest ments they know little or nothing of the annual statement present ed at the meeting was most favor able the assets were considerably increased being advanced from 84- 254 to 87607 a healthy balance is carried in the reserve account and the company has met all its liabilities and paid a dividend on feby 15th of several thousand dol lars president of cne it is with keen delight we are able to forecast that our own robert miller will in all likelihood be made president of the great canadian na tional exhibition association for the year 1923 to succeed mr robt j fleming of toronto while the honor is a coveted one for mr miller it is also a worthy fact that a citi- local money is in on this deal according to a despatch from sun derland an investigation is to be held into the investment made by sunderland people into a certain land deal whereby thousands of dol lars is believed doomed to investors in sunderland uxhridge and stouff ville inspector miller of the pro vincial police is in the sunderland district now collectfng data on com plaints made it is alleged the big land scheme was represented to pay 12 per cent dividend a doctor in the district north is said to have put 40000 into the scheme while it is claimed that the combined in vestment of people in stouffville and vicinity would approximate 100- 000 in many instances elderly people who are to old to work were induced into the scheme and now i find themselves without financial means with which to exist friday night sbboesmssssuamm see3e3st you will be present won t you at ratcliffs hall to hear the hydro electric bylaws dis cussed on friday night this week this is a niomentus qmes- tion that must be settled at the poll next monday if you come out friday night the question will be clearly unfold ed before the ratepayers do not forget that the women property ownersas well as men are required at the meeting engineer stocking of the h epc will be present to ans wer questions put by the audi ence and he will explain the whole proposition let no thing keep you from this meet ing an evening of fun bright life called this community was stunned with surprise and sorrow on tuesday af ternoon to learn that mrs harry stouffer a young farmers wife on the 10th con whitchurch had ex pired suddenly at 4 oclock in the afternoon a baby daughter born only six hours before is left to the heart broken husband who has the stouffville lodge no 384 hceta every monday evening at 8 oclock in the oddfellows hall visiting brethren welcome clayton baker w r sanders n o secretary m tait financial secretary a high grade school tltfiu i i tonga and charles sjts toronto open all year demand for our- graduates during the last six teen months more than double our supply enter now write for particulars w j elliott principall boadway s drug store stouffville phone 2301 zen of our town should become the sympathy of all we understand head of the greatest annual fair in f that death was due to a clot of the world j blood reaching the heart mrs away back in the early days robt stouffers condition was considered miller proved his worth on the ex- favorable right up to the last on hibition board and has been a very j the night prior to her passing away material help in building up the she was in excellent spirits and live stock end of the show particu played the piano the voung larly in the cattle exhibit he is mothers maiden name was geral- a deserving president and will be dine audry thonian and she was in as capable as any man who has her 27th year prior to her marri- filled that office before him age a year ago she resided in kit- the total receipts for last years chener with her parents her fifov2 to which j father at one time conducted a give a slightuies3 the immense blacksmith shop in stouffville on exhibition it is on w expressions of sorrow- week the fair directors were ap pointed at the annual meeting in toronto and on the following tues day the directors will meet to choose their president and it is a foregone conclusion that mr miller who is now first vicepresident will be come the presiding officer ar7hmrfl lhe untimely breaking fm th1 nome with its nili fvvce the funeral will be helf on ffc- 2 service being in the stehnonfte church at 2s30 oclock after which- interment will take place at stouff ville cemetery monday evening march 5th at the baptist church under the auspices of the bypu a lecture will be i illustrated by limelight views on i the london mission will be given by jury haig wins banner the toronto presbyterial of the wjis of the presbyterian church welcome silver collection church notes chiropractor i church st 1 stouffville would you be a good au tomatic engine of physical perfection let a skilful chiropractor adjust the vertebrae of your spine that the vital health force may freely flow to the parts of your physical machine where it is needed mr lee of mcmaster university i met in deer park church on thurs an interesting time is expected all day and friday feby 22 and 23 at the mission band session on fri- ady evening the- banner was pre sented to the mary haig sr mission band of st james church stouff ville this band having made the greatest proportionate progress dur ing the year 1922 mrs cameron pres of the toronto presbyterial presented the banner to miss jessie walls president of the mary haig band with a few congratulatory re marks miss walls in a few appro priate words expressed the thanks of the band and gave warning that they were going to try hard to keep it high park mission band held it as lyear other representatives of the band present were misses a byrne mae mowder viola harding jean rennie greta smithand mrs r young church of christ sunday march 4th bible class uniform lesson 1030 preaching and worship 1100 am subject is the church worth while by fred sommer of toron to minister mennonite av m jicguire pastor sunday march 4th sunday school at 10 oclock 11 am preaching by the pastor 7 pm preaching service by local helpers altona 1030 union sunday school classes for all come 7 pm preaching by pastor methodist rev geo e coulter pastor sunday march 4th 11 am the pastor 230 pm sunday school 7 pm the human nest stirred up monday 8 pm epworth league 730 wednesday prayer meeting friday vpm ladies aid at the home of mrs w j thompson main street the womens liberal club con cert on friday evening was excep tionally well attended when we consider the extremely cold night the lengthy items on the program were the 2actfarce and the mirandy minstrels the comedy provided much merriment it was entitled mrs deacon spriggs the leading roles being well taken by mrs geo lee and mrs collard others taking part were mrs len vanzant as mrs spriggs mrs b sanders as elnora pink an eligible young lady mrs j it hodgins her sister mrs thompson a deaf iady and the following as neighbors of mrs spriggs mrs w b sanders mrshbrillinger miss sangstermrs macleod mrs lud hoover ably took the part of norah the maid the town orchestra under the lead ership of mrs atkins made a good hit they were a real bunch of fakirs when the mirandy min strels with mrs f miller as inter locutor got going they provided wit and humor galore many local j puns were pulled off each bring ing a roar of laughter from the au dience as the participants were not recognized in their darky make up we herewith divulge the names mrs w j thompson mrs bmiller mrs j hodgins mrs harry brillin ger mrs collard miss wideman miss janet birkitt i saniro mrs l hoover mrs geo lee in strumental music was furnished by misses raymer heise and yvonne hodgins to the delight of the audi ence total proceeds of the enter tainment amounted to s400 personal notes www iwmwmrmmaillmlbwbjiattji mrs john anderson of port perry was a recent visitor in town we are sorry to report that mrs david forsyth is confined to her bed with an attack of the flu mrs irwin of lemonville spent over sunday in town we hear that mrs irwin is likely to become a permanent resident of stouffville miss dorothy- anderson teacher in the siloam public school and dau ghter of mr and mrs sam anderson of uxbridge spent saturday in town at e pennocks mrs e venables lizzie perry left on saturday for her home in hamiota man after spending some months under the parental roof on tuesday this week mrs noah stouffer and daughter jlrs levi forsyth were in beaverton attending the funeral of a cousin herbert stewart miss sangster and mrs clark were in toronto on wednesday this week attending the meeting of the ontario womens liberal associa tion mrs arthur holden was removed to a toronto hospital this week and underwent an operation for appendi citis her condition at first critical is considered favorable according to word received on wednesday the engagement is announced of eva isabel second daughter of mr alex tate unionville ont to mr earl byer eldest son of the late mr and mrs jonas byer stouffville the marriage to take place early in jiarch robt dales has been transfered to the inspecting staff of the nova scotia bank and left for ottawa on saturday to take up his duties on friday he paid a hurried call here i to his parents dr and mrs f a i dales j mrs ross anderson and little daughter left on wednesday for their home in filmore sask after spending the winter with her par ents mr and jlrs elijah pennock jlrs andersons son stewart will remain in stouffville with the grand rents pui au mt i i- bronchial coughs are annoying dangerous and bard to get rid of but science has evolved a remedy nyal creophos relieves persistent coughs bronchitis and similar trou bles builds up strength and on account 5f special antiseptic ingredients is a preventive of infection take creophos to relieve deepseated coughs and to prevent development of more price 100 sold only at market drug store geo collard druggist stouffville ontario native of pickering a pioneer farmer and lumberman james cooper died in goodwood on feby 20th following an illness of several months the late jess raymer jess b raymer who died in ten- nesee in his 60th year was a son of the late jacob raymer a jiarkham township farmer until 1873 when he moved to stouffville and com menced the grist mill on the site at the station where now stands the barrel factory in jiarkham the deceased was born family lived on lot 4 concession 8 in pickering township 73 years ago the son jess went to jlichigan and when a young man became in- j about 18ss where he remained un- terested in lumbering and farming tij ten years ago when he trans for 30 years he lived in the parry j fered to another part of the ameri- sound district but the past 16 or can union at this time he was in 17 years he resided in the stouiville j failing health and unable to work locality farming most of the time besides his wife he is survived by a family of eight children namely walter and joseph jlrs alex far row and mrs adams of parry sound jlrs thos farrow good wood jlrs arthur fry gormley jlrs jfairs 8th line whitchurch and jlrs wm hare of new york state deceased was an industrious man and highly respected by all who knew him interment took place at goodwood cemetery on feby 23rd strong position reported by standard bank of canada profits show increase over previous year general business well maintained throughout country liquid assets equal to 48 of total liabilities to the public x the past four winters he spent in florida he married hulda lehman daughter of a jiarkham farmerwho survives him they had no child ren three brothers and one sister also survive namely jlrs ed bar- key of lemonville whose husband is postmaster there henry of sharon john of california eli of stouffville silas chrysler the oldest citizen in uxbridge being 94 years died on jlonday night he was one of the towns first settlers and was a grand old man of the quaker faith births at ringwood on feb earl in jiemoriam in memory of j a heise who died february 29th 1920 no pen can write no tongue can tell jly sad and bitter loss but god alone has helped me well to bear my heavy cross wife in mejioriaji klinck in loving memory of cecil r klinck who died february the 26th 1922 the years may wipe out many things but this theyll wipe out never the memory of those happy days when we were all together father mother sisters brothers more cattle if your progressive ideas for cattle raising are beyond the financial resources at your command talk the matter over with the local manager of this bank 1 standard service aid pnimttiv pntrtu standard bank or canad4 im total assets over eightythree millions stouffville branch a c burkholder manager in a year of lessened business ac tivity and readjustment of special acounts with the government the standard bank of canada saw its business well maintained and was able to report to shareholders profits for the fiscal year ended january 31st of 72s074 asagainst 725- 014 in the previous year such a re sult should be particularly satisfac tory to shareholders and is an indi- tion of the high clas of business tho bank is handling throughout the dominion an analysis of the general state ment of assets and liabilities indi cates tho strong position n which the bank has maintaind itself dur ing the readjustment period of total assets of 78719264 liquid or im mediately availableassets amount to 32107431 being equal to approx imately 48 per cent of total liabili ties to the public included in this amount is cash and dominion notes of til 991 770 among the princi pal accounts included in liquid assets are dominion notes 9222301 cur rent coin held by the bank 1769- 4 69 and deposit in central gold reserves 1c0000 the liquid ass reflect the steady settlement with tie government of the special business which was un dertaken during the war period and as a result dominion and provincial government securities now amount to 7883503 down from 9029- 521 other prijwtfpal accounts are cheques on otrrff banks 3375561 canadian muggjpal securities and british foroajand colonial public sqcurltieg- r than canadian 2462 of railway and other bonds call and short loans not exceeding thirty days in dicate the lessened demand for com mercial accommodation having gain ed to 3376097 as compared with 2809230 the general business of the bank throughout the dominion has been well maintained notwithstanding the smaller requirements of general trade and intlustry and total current loans in canada amount to 4239s- s16 while loans to cities towns and municipalities total 16969s9 as a result of its organization be ing centred more in the older dis tricts of the country deposits ofthe bank have held well up to the level of previous years deposits bearing interest amount to 50574794 and deposits not bearing interest 11- 502064 making a total of 62076- s59 profit and loss account the profit and loss account shows that with the profits of the year added to the amount carried for ward from the previous year the total available for distribution was 840466 of this amount dividends required 560000 war tax on bank note circulation 40000 reserve for dominion income tax 55000 con tributed to officers pension fund 25000 leaving a balance to be carried forward into the new year of u as compared with 112- 492 at tho end of the previous year this is the first year that tke bank has had the advantage during the en tire twelve months of its larger capi tal and reserve the capital now stands at 4000000 and the reserve at 5600000 drewery 16th 1923 to mr and jlrs drewery a son stouffer in stouffville on feb 27th 1923 to mr and mrs harry stouffer a daughter hoover in jiarkham tp 7th con on feby 20 1923 to mr and jlrs geo hoover a daugh ter deaths forrest at his late residence 164 dowling avenue toronto friday feby 23rd robert wil son forrest jid late of jlount albert ont in his 83rd year in terment at jlount bleasant stouffville markets dairy eggs 37 to 38 butter 30 to 32 ducks 23 to 27 geese 20 to 23 chickens 20 to 26 turkeys 34 to 35 cattle hogs c hogs 950 to 1060 good butchers 500 to 600 jledlum butchers 400 to 500 common butchers 300 to 400 calves per cwt 7 00 to 10 00 sheep per cwt 2 00 to 5 00 sheep skins 40 to 75 hides 7 to 8 grain market red winter wheat 100 to 110 white wheat 100 to 110 spring wheat 90 to 105 gnose wheat 90 to 105 barley 56 to 60 buckwheat 70 to 78 oats 40 to 42 rye 74 to 80 boadway s drug store stouffville i cut flowers and ferns wedding bouquets and funeral designs muston sons stouffville phone 7001 yes our pure food bread has a worthy purpose it brings health and srength and a meal time satisfaction to the folks who partake of it regularly one slice calls for a loaf one loaf forms the habit ambrose stover we deliver to yonr home good health cannot he retained if you eat poor meat the animals we select for our butchering trade- are the choicest beasts use the telephone we deliver to all parts of the town fresh and cured meats fresh homemade sausage now on hand try them h leadbeifer phone 0701 to relieve the strain and give that rested wideawake- feeling you need only come to us and be properly fitted to the right glasses we use painstaking care in ex amining and fitting your eyea and you will find our charges- always most reasonable see me and see better adam r yake optometrist and optician stouffville office phone iso residence 80941 v

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