wiper bard m baby the winter season is a hard one on the baby j e is more or less confined to stut jly ventilated rooms it is so often srn that tie mother does not get blaiov the fresh air as often as she should he catches colds which bis littls system his tom- nd bowels gout of order and be conies peevish and cross to cause no one wishes to barm a thing he really loves when a small boy who has not been taught one can usually tell by ms treatment of animals is seen abusing an animal we should teh him ties while he is hurting it how to treat a dog a cat a horse tell him then while ie remembers hl deed that a dog will not love lilrn if he kicks it pulls its ears or mistreats it in any way then point out someone if pos- it advantage of a school boys band and how to start one by j a tubbs a superin tendent of school music when nerves are near exhaustion money order8 send a dominica express money order they are payable everywhere classified advertiseaicnta help wanted tvb fartlea to knit meax kuard r afnst thu the metier should iot tb f d keep a box of babys own tablets to i be a dog he has just been hurting scheme upon the blackboard based the house they regulate the stomach jand mark the love and devotion of that upon what would be the proper pro- and bowels and break up colds they are sold by medicine dealers or by mall at 25 cents a box from the dr williams medicine co brockvule ont why do they do it the man who beats his horse to make him go is at the samo time do ing something to himself of which he is entirely unaware the man who so mistreats his horse has lowered him self beneath that of the animal he has misused the boy who kicks a dog to hear him howl is making a big mistake at an early age he s allowing himself to be worso than any of tbo dumb helpless creatures that ho takes uch pleasure in harming this ls the sort of boy it not properly instructed in earlier years who grows to be tho man wio beats his horse aye worse ho is the boy who grows to be the man who beats his wife and children why do they do it so easy to ask shall wo not say how can we i stop it there is a way and it is not as difficult as ono might think when boys are very small tho mothers and fathors should try to install in them a genuine lovo for animals be- minards liniment for rheurmtlsm animal to its benefactor i portion of each- instrument in a band the average boy deep down in his of fifty players heart likes animals he will see the i describe the instruments manner of difference in treatment and the dlf- j playing each and the nature of the ference in the dogs response to kind- 1 part played tell why a boy slow of ness and cruelty if the boy has any movement and thought should not good common sense he will doubtless select a clarinet which is entrusted to begin to tmnk and the result will be j much tho eame work the violin has in a change in his treatment of animals j the orchestra why a boy with pro- let us help every boys natural ilk- i trading teeth should not play an in- lng of animals grow into love and a istrument with a cup mouthpiece why great deal of cruelty will be killed at j a euphonium player should be very its birth musical of fairly good size of good i lung capacity etc it is surprising hoy quickly the boys will agree with the leader in assigning instruments i after the instruments are given out i each boy should have individual les- 6ons until ho can produco a tone rc- cognizable as to pltchi and can play the natural scrxlo on his instrument the group lessons should be given to supplement tho private lessons j following this the brass and reed sections should be rehearsed separate- the moment you eat a tablet of method of gradually increas- papos diapepslu your indigestion is j in the size of tho group until the full gone no more distress from a sour i bantl is rehearsed keeps the interest at acid upset stomach no flatulence white heat and when the first full heartburn palpitation or msery-mak- rehearsal is called every youngster is ing gases correct your digestion for in p willing to do his best which a few cents each package guaran- 1 is an ordeal for the teacher private when you become so exliautted af- in starting a band issue a call to all i ter a days work that you cannot sleep who are interested then lay out your or sleep fails to refresh you it 1 time to look after your health failure to act at onco means a steady drain on your health reserve which can result in but ono thing a nervous break down do not wait for a breakdown the treatment is simple enough if yon do irish people who eat large quanti- il partlea to knit men wool r for u at home either with ties of potatoes never suffer from by hand send tarnp and i gout envelope for information- the can theri dragon h up other jn c sects travelling at over forty miles an hour wool aocm a tonic for the blood mrsax ciovsa indigestion gas upset stomach instantly papesdiapepsin corrects stomach so meals digest teed by druggist to overcome stomach trouble by rev peter bryce i believed in prohibition absolute ly but my faith is shaken said a friend to me a few days ago the statement attributed to judge mur phy he continued in a letter in a morning paper last week seems to jmake it clear that those deprived of liquor are turning to drugs and the results are deplorable judge emily murphy in her book itho black candle in the chapter de voted to prohibition and drags makes it clear that she does not con sider prohibition to be the cause of increased addiction in drugs she be lieves it is bad association and the urge of an illicit traffic seeking to profit by tho sale of the habitforming drugs that are the most potent causes for tho growth of the evil she fur- jther states in most places those deprived of liquor seek substitutes not in opium cocaine or other allied drugs but in raisin jack homemade wines jamaica ginger paregoric essences or moonshine another argument ac cording to judge murphy why drugs cannot be said to be a substitute for drink is the fact that such a large per centage of drag addicts are in their teens many medical authorities confirm judge murphys statement joseph c doane md tho chief resident physi cian of tho philadelphia general hos pital states that from tho testimony of their drag patients there is no con nection whatever between drug-dls- easo and tho inability to get liquor tho new york city health depart ment in tho year 191920 asked 1403 drug patients the cause of their ad- dictlon only 1 per cent came to it ifrom alcoholic indulgence tho secre tary of the ithodo island state board of health says wa fall to find among the applicants for treatment any ono formerly addicted to tho freo use of alcoholic beverages the city health officer of jackson ville florida reports that from the histories of addicts registered it ap pears that there is no relation be tween the habitual user of alcoholic liquor and the drug addict the medical committee of the kl- wanis club vancouver states prac tically all observers state that there seems to bo no special connection be tween tho use of alcohol and the use oftener by parents of drugs there is no evidence to show that tho suppression of the use of al cohol increases to any appreciable ex tent the addiction to drugs as drug addicts are rarely alcoholics cora francesstoddard in her pre liminary study on the relation be tween prohibition and drug addicts says of 1169 patients treated at the new york narcotic kollef station in one week april 10161919 most of them were mere youths nearly one- third of them are not out of their teens one boy began at the age of thirteen these youths are doubt less animated by a morbid desire to imitate what they believe to be the habits of tho underworld and gunmen dr c m crawford the ontario hos pital whitby says morphine and cocaine are responsible for certain type of mental disorder there has been no increase so far as we can de termine in either morphine addiction or cocaine addiction since prohibition camo into effect dr g h kirby medical director of tho new york state hospitals says since prohibition has come into ef fect alcoholic mental disorders have practically disappeared and further morphine and cocaine addiction have not increased at all he bases his statement on many thousands of cases if other causes have not shaken my friends faith in prohibition thore is evidently no cause for the foundation of his faith being shaken by tho facta regarding the drug trafho and group lessons are given after school hours with band rehearsals twico each week from 7 to s the boys are allowed to blow a little be fore rehearsal just as tho symphony- player is suppose to do before the concert when tho director takes his stand the instruments are placed across tho laps all talking ceases and everybody is ready to hear what the director may have to say the director seldom plays except to illustrate tho boys are taught to follow the baton and never allowed to overblow the boys band is of more interest in the homes of the members than any other organization in the town the leader is consulted in regard to the band work than he is as teacher of other branches of school music most of tho boys who aro studying piano in the town derived their first interest in music through their band work boys will play in a band when no in terest can be aroused la the orchestra however that interest is apt to de velop later in the musical ones i be lieve these is no other means as great as the band in creating an interest on the part of the boy in all things musi cal in his school the boys are also reminded of the great advantage the syllable reader has in playing a band instrument over the one who cannot sing by syllable i have known several catfas where boys have learned to sing by syllable in order that they might bo able to play tho band instrument the better tho music rehearsed is never trash the last number played at the close of the rehearsal is usually a popular song or ballad of the belter class given as a piece of pie might be given at the close of the meal this popular number so dearly loved by the boys is always looked forward to and if the rehearsal is drawing to a close and there is no sign of the popular number some one is sure to ask dont we get any pie tonight and the pie is surely passed rico paper is not made from the rico plant but from the pith of a tree growing in formosa i net let your condition become too far advanced the treatment is one rej quiring an effective tonic to enrich the blood and feed the starved nerves the most effective tonic known la dr williams pink pills which act direct ly on tho blood and with proper diet fcave proved of the greatest benefit in nervous troubles and all conditions due to impoverished blood mrs mary hanson bracside ont has proved the value of dr williams pink pills and says i was taken ill with what doc tors whom i consultod called neural gia of the tissues of the system i was a complete wreck from constant pains in my body and limbs dizzy headaches fainting spoils and consti pation so intense was the pain that at times it caused vomiting and i would have to go to bed for two or three days only to get up so dizzy and so weak that i could not cross the bedroom without aid and while thebe spells lasted i could keep nothing on my stomach i doctored for almost a year but with no beneficial results finally the last doctor who attended me said medicine would not benefit me i must have perfect rest and spend most of my time in the open air he gave me very poor encouragement knowing that the mother of four child ren could not spend all her time in idleness i told my husband i was through with doctors and was going to try some other remedies i got one hams vegetable compound but after taking it for a month found no benefit then i decided to try dr williams pink pills and at the end of two weeks i found these were what i needed with nerves worn thread bare from all the suffering of the past i continued the uso of dr williams pink pills for three months and by this time i was able to do most of my own housework in fact i soon felt well and was able to do any kind of work without feeling tired since that time i have continued to do all my own work and have had no return of the dreadful pain i suffered before i have recommended tho pills in many cases and have always seen good re sults from their uso you can get these pills from any medicine dealer or by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for 250 from the dr williams medicine co brockville ont rt hubam clover the annual write for inf nation d fraser rk ontario potjxtnt hedtolay barred rock cockerels good individuals mqo ttuih da x aa denflew ont seltms f03 salg belting ok all kinds new or used pulley aawe cable bosa eie ehlpped subject to approval at jow tt prtcca in canada tork batttna c 115 york st toronto r mm wwai flaattr sot mmmutm book en dog diseases and how to feed mailed free to any aft- drees by the author ii clay mover co sua iso west 2th street new york tjsa coarse 8alt land salt bulk carteta tobjnto salt works o j cliff toronto mrs and tells women how backache and periodic pains yield to lydia e pink- the sea covers threefourths of the earths surface r a total area of about 145 million square miles hwwlh4tmttmtthm cascarets 10c leslie sask for about a year i was troubled with a distressing down- bearing pain before and during the pe riods and from terrible headaches and backache i hated to go to a doctor and as i knew several women who haa taken lydia e pinkhams vegetable compound with good results i finally bought some and took four bottles of it i certainly do recommend it to every woman with troubles like mine i feel fine now and hope to be able to keep your medicine on hand at all times es no woman ought to be without it in tha house mrs oscar a anderson box 15 leslie sask mrs keliey adds her testimony copenhagen n y i read your advertisement in the papers and my husband induced me to take lydia pinkhams vegetable compound to get relief from pains and weakness i was so weak that i could not walk at times now i can do my housework and help my husband outdoors too i am willing for you to publish this letter if you thins it will help others mrs herbert kelsey rfd copenhagen n y sick and ailing women everywhere in the dominion should try lydia e pinkhams vegetable compound before they give up hope of recovery o for sluggish liver or constipated bowels hh l clean your bowels feel flno when you feel sick dizay upset when your head is dull or aching or your stomach is sour or gassy just take one or two cascarets to relievo constipation no griping nicest laxa tivecathartic on earth for grownups and children 10c a box taste like candy dear your complexion with cuticura bathe with cuticura soap and hot water to free the pores of impurities and follow with a gentle application of cuticura ointment to soothe and heal they are ideal for the toilet as is also cuticura talcum for pow dering and perfuming soipjst ohloal25tndscc tvtenzsc sold throughoutthedoroinion camdiandiot iltbum limited 344 st pul si w hoatrtjl irft caticum soap ghavefl without rgig chest colds- broken inflamed membranes congestion oppressive pain apply sloans to chest and throat it scatters congestion your cold is gone made in canada mis pain are you fagged and foggy when you wake up in the morning theres a reason tea and coffee are known to affect many people that way often too these bev erages cause nervousness sleeplessness and severe headache theres a reason instant postum made from choice roasted wheat is a delightful mealtime beverage free from any element of harm try it for awhile instead of tea or coffee and let the sunshine in at your grocers in seled alrtibt tina v unless you see the name bayer on tablets you are not getting aspirin at all the drawback im glad you dont like candy any i better tiari you do 1 spect i would only quick gft full too flax seed for canada on account of the standstill of the flax industry in ireland an investiga tion is being made with a view to growing flax in canada man was plainly intended to work else why when he asked for butter did nature givo him a cow instant postum for health a no mpi to of instint poitunj there q n jenvnift wet postpaid for 4c in sumpa wttol fftij v u jwusurt canadian postum caraal company umlud 45 front st k toronto factory windsor ontario the word stentorian comes from the name of a grecian herald named stcntor whose voico mcording to legend was as loud as that of fifty men shouting together mlnsrdt liniment for neuralgia accept only an unbroken package of bayer tablets of aspirin which contains directions and dose worked out by physicians during 22 years and proved safe by millions for i issue no 5 22 colds toothache earache headache neuralgia lumbago rheumatism neuritis pain pain handy bayer boxes of 12 tablets also bottle of 24 and 100 dnigptu