canada from coast to coast chslottetwnpei according to said to- complete a record fer parer the provincial pepjjxtment of agri culture prince edwirfisxukj has a total of 793393 acrecnder cultiva tion mill construction ai instillation in cans3j construction work was com menced on july 1 which means some- 1922 on this acreage was thing leai than six montrs between produced 5337050 bushela of potatce commencement of construction and valued at 1707956 11477490 buiii- operation cf a twomachine newsprint els of cats worth 4591188 492465 mill bushels cf spring wheat worth 615- winnipeg man a not gam or 581- and s48s8 bushels of barley mco than 1000 members was regis- vahied at 81888 j tored united farmers of mani- o xr a rt rfi kit toba daring the pnst yeas according edition to the la gold t the annual converaon here ik fields early in february are being conducted here by on agent acting on behalf of a company f ghee bay adventurers sydney men are a5so planning trips to stag bay but they have no intention of setting out for the rockribbed coast before july 1st frederleton nb exports to the united states from fredericton dis- meiroership which had dropped to 11402 at the end of 1921 has risen to 15701 at tbi end of 1922 regim scsk belter prices for wool were received by saskatchewan wool growers during 1922 according to a report fcmed by the western manager of the canadian cooper ative wool growers association the average price per pound for the year trict jumped 750643 during tie year im flf ner cent just closed according to the american hight tfcln tia 1921 scale consul at this port the increase i3 accounted for principally by the larg er shipments of lumber especially epruce and cf laths and pulpwood another product which showed a sub- etantiro increase was bituminous coal more than thse times the quantity cent into the united states in 1921 having been exported there last year calgary alta the production of coal in alberta during october which reached a total cf 926752 tons estab lished n new highwater mrk in the history of the industry in this prov ince this is an increase of 350000 tons over the figures for october 1921 coal production in alberta up to the end of october however was 360000 quebec que the donacona cojt j than for the corresponding has announced an extension of iteperiod a year ago in 1921 a total of plant to provide for a production of 1 4610301 tons were produced as com- 60000 tons as compared with 30000 j pa with 4250824 tons up to oc as at present prominent pulp andj j922 paper authorities consider that it is vancouver bc in addition to 14- orjy a ireftler cf a short time until 500000 bushels of wheat shipped from the production of newsprint in this vancouver during 1922 according to country exceeds that of the united state figures prepared by the vancouver merchants exchange 484037 barrels fort william ont the making of of flour were exported or four times paper by the fort william paper co the amount shipped in the previous before the firrt of the new yeot is year us troops leave the occupied zone french general weygand to be dictator of united ruhr and rhineland a despatch from beidin says the united states troops left germany on thuroiny leaving behind them a mix ture of feelings with admiration for novel experiment in fish culture the natural resources in- tolligence service of the de partment of the interior oayei vry s3 tirfaoiory resasta have been secured in the trara- pknfceg of spring safceca from british ccoumtia to the eastern waters of canada aecortsog to a statement made by mr alex ander jcfcaston deputy min ister of marine and fahsries ecrh year since 1919 tie de partment has transferred eggs of spring sshmon from british columbia to the doirfnlon gov ernment hatdhery at thurlow en the bay cf quinte near belleville outcries theee egga were hatched- out ekiring the winter and in the eary spring eaeh year were distributed in suitable tributaries cf lake ontario late in the autumn of 1922 a fouryearold salmon weigh ing fifteen pounds was caught in the esslorn ens of lake on tario tlrs 5s one of the indi cations which the department has thoi tfcjso fish have thriven in lake ontario and that the species may soon be found afl ever the st lawrence water ways from lake ontario to the atlantic ocean canadas timber finds market in india dominion parliament opened this wtfck the interest of the country is now turning to ottawa where the parliament is commencing work on the government of canada for another year the opening was attended by social festivities of prewar brilliance the opening was conducted by his excellency jlord byng of vimy representing his majesty the king the hon w l mckenzie king the premier and the leaders of the opposition parties are scan in the picture hon arthur melghen leader of the conservative party and robert forke the new leader cf the progressive party in the background is seen one of the stately corridors of toe now parliament buildings m m 0 by wm morris ontario is to enjoy a great feast of education easter week april 2nd to the correctness and kindliness of their in toronto tko ontario educa the behavior and satisfaction that united states has recognized france is in the wrong by withdraw ing tihe troops- is intermingled a feel ing cf bitterness due to germanys hajplisasness en account of the dis armament in- which tihe united states had aband tbere i3 no dorsting the fact that germany feels that the united states at the time of the armistice acquired tional association has met there re- that sularly for the past sixtyone years j but promises to reach a highwater mark this year people all over tho province are taking a deeper interest in education we read signs of this renascence in the united states great britain prance india china japan and germany as well as in every pro vince of the dominion the divine man revealed tho great ta3 immigration premier john oliver of british col umbia who is iv in ottawa to dis cuss matters o migration with tho department of the interior and freight rates as they effect the coast province being a friend certacn dutko towerd3 germany secret of social educational and na- whieh it eacnot escape by taking down tional economy when he placed tho the flag at ehrenbretstein and going j child in the midst wherever tho home the leipziger neuste nach- child has been denied his rights of riccn expresses the common german good breeding health education and sentiment the united states which spiritual development humanity has transmitted to germany the terms of suffered accordingly the most im- arnrloldce upon which germany laid portant factor in national greatness is down snrs undertook at tbe same not any portion of its material weilth time obligations wbleh it cannot mor- but the innate abiilty of its youth we hear and read a great deal about the eyegrafting operation pronounced successful a despatch from london says i hon j a rcbb jliriiiter of trado and commerce visited indian ocass cities on his return from australia and hi describes india as a great nndt growing market for canadian timber railway ties automobiles iron and sfee products paper carbide elec trical equipment and musical instrul mentcs w m morris ontario school trustees arid ratepayers association the teachers relation to the com munity prof j a dale ma uni versity of toronto ahy cor3e liio population cf cokenz took ad- conservation of cur prairie forest and if you cant be a genius or a field vantage of the withdrawal of the am- mineral wealth while all tho while we or a crowned e0cah troops by smashing the prcss have been wasteful of the human fac- j of j seantist nevacr dokton- tor without which these are of little the teaching of music in tho bl it which was pubisheat coblanzl value it is claimed that canada needs schocs duncan mckenzie ma they ware uiiawa to touch it while nore people to develop her natural re- j director of music toronto the americans were there but took sources and perhaps she docs let the national conference on education a despatch from new york says a third- of a pigs eye will be grafted on the eyeball of a blind lyndhurst nj youth in the hope that sight may i be restored seven years ago alfred lemanowitz now 17 lost the sight of both cyos in an explosion of muni- j cipal fireworks dr edward morgan of patorson became interested in the case the operation will be made in the hotel manhattan pateraon on ad vice of alfreds lawyers a despatch from pateraon n j says dr edward b morgan who has grafted portions of a pigs eye to the eye of alfred lemanowicz in an effort to restore the 17yoarold boys sight has pronounced the operation a success i premier murray of nova scotia when the bandage was removed ca of the government for twenty- young lemanowicz declared he could seven years illhealth now compels distinguish between light and dark- premier george h murray to rella- nes quish the rolns of government weekly ffla rkei report toronto manitoba wheat no 325 i35c breakfast bacon 32 to 85c spe- 1 northern cial brand breakfast bacon 38 to 40c marshal of big busincs queen of tba sioelal lihslm or a wizard of finance or the adnrlyec leaeer in blut which was published at coblanz i vame u is ciaimeo maiuanaaa neeus jw backs boneless 89 to 43c one cf the learnel profoions you can they were unable to touch it while more people to develop her natural re- j director of music toronto manitoba oatenoxlml cured meats long clear bacon 50 bo a friend if you cant give the rich the americans were there but took sources and perhaps she does let the national conference on education manitoba barleyncmiral to 70 lbs 20 70 to 90 lbs 19 90 gifts of tangible things you would vongtcrcco tihe moment they departed remember jt is not quantity but it was t writers privilege to be all tho above track bay ports lbs and up 18 lightweight rolls jn like to give if you cant aftbrd to put ad tefcre the incoming french quality that counts most social i p at the firit national confer- american corn no 2 yellow 87c barrels 3s heavyweight rolls 35 j at tho feet of those you love the best troops realized it needed protection 1 moral educational and religious pro- enco ke in winnipeg october 1919 no 2 8514c lard pure tiorce 16c tobs and moot bcauufu things the world the german police halfhearteoty kress is made by concentrating on tho that was the most comnrehensivo barley maiiting 60 to 62c accord- 16c pails lgc prin 18c has to show you can make the gift opposed tho infuriated ehinelanders cnd- t future of civilization will eial educa and religious con ing to freights outside enrng terces 14 to lc s of youaself in the friendly thsm the departure of the americans- to- determined by the quality of the ferance ever pooplo ol a cree ss 83 to 85c to ltc of everyday in the circle of the fam- gethcr with the brituh expression of sch j i and classes were among the 1500 dele- pno 2 145 to 150 heavv steers choice 7 to 8 sy in the round of busings and the continued neutrality makes the ger- school boards churches women s gntes presenting all kinds of organi- 1 millfeeddel montreal freiglits werl wctim t6 to wmj do office or the atore cc the mill tldt mans rcalize thit they must fight institutes farmers organizations jtations from ail parts of canada the baga included bran per ton 25g 550 to 6 do med 5 to gift is above every other in your be- their own battles for a few days fraternal societies and teachers or- j conference was a concerted attempt ehorjs per ton 27 nxddjings 55 50 do com 4 to 5 butcher etowal and it is the gift that you they built some hopes on indignation eanizations should embraco the oppor- to raiy the best 1u opinion behind 2850 good feed flour 2 chblce6 to 650 do med- alone can give of the angosaxon world but they tunlty of sending delegates to this tho bc ofthe dominion pro- we are only poor if wo choose to are now prsparing for a long-drawn- educational convention in toronto an gressive educational measures noed to be and the poverty that realiy mat- out battle of wito it is expected that estimate of the magnitude of tho pro- i su by a continuous and in ters is the poverty of the inner na- th french general weygand will ba gramme may be had from a consldora- telligent public opiniod ture the meagreneaj and penury of appointed dictator ot u10 united ruhr thra sjoui we have all known men and and phireland women distributive blotsings weli como wherever they came who could give little in the way of things and progreeslve japan sometimes perhaps they grieved for wlthia view to increasing its pro- it forgetting that things matter auction of wool japan h3s imported least and affections genuine and ovc3 from airaia and ram3 from tender are what count supremely eiigbnj they never knew the good they did j 1 we could not tell them when we needed comfort we sought them out sometimes the medicine wc need is most cf all to sipeak out of tho over- fujlnosa of tho mird and hoort to a listener vrhx3 slience toeaiia neither en inattention ncx an indifference but an olloompacang safe harbor and sure refuge in our time of trouble the shadow of a rock in a weary land the green oaai after desty marching days to bo or not to be a friend tho deciwop changes life and determines whether our orbit shall be the selfish exclusion of a htrnitago or a bouml- i033 concern in humanity if we dvuerve friends we do not vant them for th parties tfcoy give ihe presents they make the houses uiey live in wo want them for thom- scjves it isivt their posoasjioiu it is their hearts we care about mrs wigga of tho cabbagepatch is the oreo millionaire counting her riches fn her smile her buoyant counsel and bor frienda tion of the following the value of the school to the life of a nation hon h 1 cody to ronto the religious education of the school child rev manson doyle director of religious education for the methodist church cf canada canadian literature in our eduea- kaoi ton of dead sea water con tain 200 pounds of vlt hat delicate task in ruhr general degoutte wlo heads the french army of occupation in the ruhr district is entrusted with a deli cate task in icoeping he population quiot while aciiloving the objects of 1 france in forcing reparations tional institutions j i hutchison capacity it affords a magnificent op- ma charter member of tho canadian portunity for the teachers and trus- llteraturo club i tegs ot ontario to hear many promin- the modem trend in education ontario wheat no 2 white 111 5 do 550 5o com 425 to 475 to 113 according to freights out- butcher cows choice 450 to 525 bide no 2 103 to 110 mod 3 to 4 cannera and cut- ontario no 2 white oats 44 to 4ge ters 175 to 226 butcher bulls ontario corn nominal i gcod 4 to 450 f3o com 225 to the second great national confer- ontario flour ninety per cent s250 feeder stccra geed 550 to 6 ence on character education is to boj j bags montreal prompt do fair 4 to 5 stackers good 4 held in toronto easter weak co-oper- shipment 610 to 520 toronto to 450 do fair 250 to 350 ating with and succeeding the ontario j basis 505 to 515 bulk seaboard calves choice 11 to 1260 do- med educational convention the same 495 to 5 1 9 to 11 cio com 5 to 8 milch railway faro will bring delegates to manitoba flour 1st pats in cotton cows- choice 70 to 90 eprmgens both tho conference will he rell in kicks 7 10 per bbl 2nd pats 060 chcee 80 to 100 hjmto ctece 13 fo tt1i oi it io vnomai ihia i hay extra no 2 per ton track to 14 sheep choico to 8 ao massej hall and it is expect this 14 to u6 mixed 8n 3 to 54 ho fed nn watered large auditorium will bo taxed to 13 co g 12 10 75 f oi 1q do country straw car lots per ton track to- pointa 975 ronto 950 hog quotations are baied on tus butter finest creamery prints 43 prices of thick smooth hogs sod- on a 40 canadian bpeakers- as well as tho to 45cjordiiiary creamery foiinto 40 graded basis or selects esld on a flat miss helen c goodspeed director of elninent visltora from grcat j to 41c dairy 30 to 31c cooking 22c rate facon select g ffj home economics drdel institute ritain dressed poultry chickens mick- ed basis biing a premium of 10 per pvtjnt institute glr mlca ga kcsj cbjfed over 5 lbs 23 to 31c do do 4 cent over the price of thxk smooth ibjiaoeipijia lld vicechancellor cf tho unl- j to 5 lbs 21 to 27c do over 5 lbs 21 hogs primary education in new zca- nf t a f1no tjto 27c do 4 to 5 lbs 16 to 26c cle montreal iandn it mckenzie public school inspector now zealand j secondary education in now zea land n r mckenzie public school inspector new zealand sonic problems of vocational guid ance prof e a bctt department of psychology university of toronto physical education arthur s lamle mb bpe mcgiu university montreal how horticultural societies may actikt in beautifying school proper ties dr st thomas the dutftw and opportunities of a school attendance offlcor a t macneill woodstock ont the status and qualifications of attendance offlccre cecil botiuno ottawa ont rcimmeratloi of attendance offi cers- james crockanl sarnla ont and one of the great- j 5 to 25c of tho english-speak- to to vf1 ov corn- lbs 23 to 27c do 4 to 5 lbs 10 to 02 versity of leeds est educationists ing world j lleutgcneral sir robert baden- j powell kcb kcvo lld frgs the founder of the boy scout j and girl guide movements organiza tions which have already extended in to morejhan forty different countrios lady lladenpowell the chief girt guide sir henry newbolt ma dliu author poot and educationist ho was chairman of tho special committee creaitcri by tho british board of edu cation which recently issued its report on the teaching of english a roraark- able contribution to tho cause of edu cation in tho englishspeaking world 4 in great britain there are about 3000 picture theatres africa aug trails and asia have altogether only about 1351 american no 2 yellow 91 u oats can western no 2 2oc 3p 3 to 4 lbs 11 to 17c roost- c3 to no 3j 53 to 69c extm s 0v l no 1 feed 65 to 58c no 2 local 23 to 20c to4 to 5 lbs 21 to 24c whjte 53 g b4 ffour man prlntr turkeys young 10 ote and up 28 to whoat pat3 firs 710 seoondl 38c do old 18 to 23c geese 15 to 660 b 640- winter 21 oft pats choico 660 rosed oats bag marganne20 o22c ij 3 io s8 bran t eggsno 1 candled 36 to 37c k ghort 27 mwdhngaj 32 hay lecu 41 to 42c new lalds 50c car- n 2 wt fl4 to x5 tons now laws 62c beanscanadian handpicked lb choie ecwaery 41 tp 7ei primes 6c l nwh sotected mapto products syrup per i 88c nl stock 34c newlai dozen gal 3260 per 6gal tin 240 per 60c potatoea per bag car lou 9bq gal maplo eugar lb 23 to 26c s to 1 honey 604b tins 12 to 12mc per com and med dairy cows and bull lb 62h tins 134 to 144c per canrjers and cutters 2 to 276 lb ontario comb honey per dozen fclightly fcttcr quality 3 to 360 376 to 460 i com dairy bulls in fair flesh 3 to potato ontario no 1 90c to 1 360 good vea calves 1050 othei no 2 85 to 90c lot 10 hogs selects and good quality smoked meats hams med 26 to butchers 1125 to 1150 western 28c cooked ham 38 to 40c smoked nid corn fed hogs 11 wv 850 to rolls 26 to 2sc cottage roj 32 to 9p0