lgfidcig events during the year 1922 january 8 irish free state government j k appeals to washington takes over from britain every import- and japan on behalf of independence ant department census gives torfcto a population of 20sinn feiners invade ulster and fuo 000 lenin reeecfej head of the burn many public buildings and vn gyj rafiway lines the p o ss egypt at tect the ulster frontier june success the ccnsjsrbr ontario gives vith british cabinet at a deadlock province a population of 2929054 31crown troops are sent to pro- 5 the conference committee at washington on limitation of aval armaments agrees to ban use of sub- 13 during the past two years gun- nnef againt merchant and pas- men in belfast slew 400 person on- him jtano legislature prorogued j nail eireann votes in favor of 20 irish elections show a majority accepting dominion status with great in favor of accepting the treaty with britain by a vote of 64 to 57 de britain valera diswin i 21 en s the prince of 10 arthur griffin elected prcsi- 1 wales a magnificent reception on bis dent of the dail eireann appoints a return from india and japan cabinet of six with michael collins finance minister 14 a provisional irish govern ment takes office and the southern parliament ratifies the treaty with britain 21 sr james craig and michael collins agrci as to boundaries be tween ulster and irish free state death of viscount bryce exbritish ambassador to the united states 22 death of pope benedict xv at rome 30 british troops leave ireland 81 the japanese and chinese dele gates at the washington conference come to agreement re the shantung question february 2 irish free state chiefs fail to come to agreement with ulster as to boundaries italian cabinet resigns 4 close of washington conference on limitation of armaments its prin cipal accomplishments were two trea ties relating to chinese affairs deal ing with the open door and the chinese tariff 6 cardinal achille ratti arch bishop of milan is elected pope by the conclave of cardinals at rome with the title of pius xi rioting in india continues 13 thirteen dead and thirtynine woundedreported as results of week- 22 field marsha sir henry wil son shot dead by two irish gunmen in london the assassins are captured 24 murder of dr rathenau ger man foreign minister at berlin 25 death of sir george parkin noted imperial federationist 29 irish free state troops recap ture the four courts dublin from the rebels july 1 railway shopmen in the us on strike irregular troops in dublin driven from their positions 12 michael covins appointed head of the irish free state army 14 the hague convention fails to reach an agreement with the soviet government refusing to give it cre dits without guarantees 21 john bracken born in leeds- ont chosen by manitoba farmers to be next premier of the province 24 british house of commons vote to remove the cattle embargo from canada 26 british house of lords modify the cattle embargo removal so as to provide for precautions august 1 premier poincarc refuses the berlin request to postpone the pay ment of private debts to french citi zens contracted before the war great britain sends four additional bat the voice at the door jchn bull why not come in sam and take your stare of the re- sponhbility from the news of the world end disturbances at belfast indian teh to bosphorus as precaution government enrols europeans as spels attack or constantinople by cial constables to police the country greeks 14 indiscriminate shooting in the forest fires do great damage in streets of belfast and many children tish columbia irish rebels mur- are victims british government susj free state officers and volunteers pend evacuation of british troops lm m ti the brit from ireland opening of ontario cahy and george gavan duffy twelve thousand men will return to work in the alberta and british columbia ccal mines 25 loyal irish troops retake the commercial cable station at water- vke 26 canadian national exhibition at toronto opens its 44th season with a record attendance of 71000 on first day 30 canadian dollar quoted at par in new york market turks defeat the greeks in anatolia 31 the reparations commission relieves germany of the necessity for cash payments for the remainder of the year anthracite strike in the u s virtually ended nova scotia min ers accept new wage agreement september 4 third assembly of the league of nations meets at geneva 7southern army of greece sur renders to the turks and athens gov ernment proposes to evacuate asia minor 9 irish provisional parliament heids first session in dublin and wil liam cosgrave is elected president canadian national exhibition at to ronto closes with a paid attendance of 1372000 the highest on record 12 sir herbert samuel takes the oath as british ruler of palestine 13 turks commence massacre of christians in smyrna declares the sultan of turkey do posed 3 british government agree canada from coast to coast st johns nfld it is estimated any other commodity produced in that shipments of iron ore from ontario wabana to germany wsl amount to winnipeg man manitobas dairy- 700000 tons by the close of the pres- icg industry has shown remarkawa ent season shipments of ore were development during the past few made to europe in prewar days but years and of the farmers in the prov- these were discontinued until the ince there are now onehalf producing year just enil twetve freighters and shipping milk and cream imme- carrying 11000 tons of ore each have diately prior to the war manitoba been ferrying between newfoundland was an importer of dairy products and rotterdam but today the province is one of the sydney ns the total motor fuel greatest exporting provinces in the output of the british empire steel dominion seventy carloads cf but- corporations steel plant here will ter were brought into the province in jin future be sold direct to the im- 1914 while exports now total 100 car- perial oil co it was announced at leads annually corporation headquarters this motor regina sask saskatchewan now futs a form of benzol known locally has one car for every twelve cf its as bengas has hitherto been sold di- population according to provincial jvect to fiming stations and other re- government statistics the total toilers and the production at present amount collected in license fees for amounts to above 60000 gallons a the past ten years is reported as 4- month 226642 while for the same period fredericton nb a new industry there has been spent by the govern- for fredericton is the manufacture ment from revenue alone 6918517 jiof nonsag snowshces by r chest- providing for the construction and nut and sons the companys idea in maintenance of main market roads ferries and revenue bridges during remove the restriction on canadian j croa an in- lerries ana revenue ok cattle subject to inspection equal toj 9 the same period the provincial gov itiss hn i y of m j make a ernment had expended on caprtal e- also the count on main reads bridges etc a three days quarantine 17 the sultan of turkey given refuge on british warship four irish market for native ash it is u 7s7n civilians shot for treason in dublin intention of the company to take up w j hv r-tm- cf iht typo 5tjitj finvorn- shortly tne manufacture of tobaggans jiumonion jwca by order of the free state cein an ft rf sjme g the plant cn established in the uni- imhravil in pokin eech cumber which at present is varsity of alberta to carry on work upneavat m l emn lw j in the matter of converting the slack edmonton alta an experimental ment 18 political leads to dr w w yen taking k another of those im alberta mines into briquettes sdtl rrt jlzt der the direction of expert engin nesst cerence opens at 5 rapid development of canadian ztfggg f5 r mater powers has just been concluded e p suuewm rskinc childers lieutenant of wen fte quebec government and a de valera is executed by order of- a the quebec development co whereby mciustry free state military court island in the hanbor here it will herring legislature 22 irish elections postponed for three months 24 official returns show the popu lation of canada last year to have been 8769489 28 princess mary and viscount lascelles are married at westminster abbey amid general rejoicings march 4 murder warfare resumed in bel fast ish government decide to provide 500 air machines for home defence 5 at paris the reparations committee decides by vote of three to one to refuse a mora torium to germany on repara tions for the remainder of the year irish provisional government an nounce that irregulars must surrender unconditionally unemployment bene fits cost great britain 77000000 during the past two years 7 premier poincare submits his 8 irish free state bill gets third j demands for german reparations to reading in the british house of com- preliminary meeting of allied chiefs mons rodolpho lemieux elected 2 meeting in london and states that speaker of the dominion commons 14 the rand government crushes the revolution with a firm hand and frances financial position is desper ate rebels in cork collect taxes toll of death in the typhoon in china on captures 4000 of the insurgents au 2 reported at 28999 british manitoba government defeated in the treasury department returns the per legislature jy 27 to 23 eightythree ca tax united kingdom as 17 dead in ten weeks as result of out rages by gunmen and bomb throwers in ulster 16 ahmed fuad pasha proclaimed king of egypt 18 ghandi sentenced to six years pet head 10 irish national foiecs enter the 25 turks take possession of ad- rianople and assert sovereignty of all east thrace december 2 prince andrew of greece a bro ther of king constantine dismissed from the army and exiled timothy ilealy appointed governorgeneral of the irish free state 6 irish free state formally in augurated at dublin as a dominion and cosgrave is reelected president japan returns shantung to china 7 rebels in ireland murder de puty sean hales member of parlia ment and wound deputy speaker pat qmafley the ulster parliament expressed the opinion that there was 15 the fire in smyrna destroys votes the province out of the free j a bright future for the cooperative threefifths of the city and renders state the allies waive their claim principle as applied to the production 300000 homeless it is said ndustry canadian and american capital joins nanaimo bc a largo in the building of a great dam at saltery 13 being built on protection grand discharge from lake st john i to maintain forces in the dardanelles 21 britain refuses to withdraw troops from chanak to european side of the dardanelles president hard ing signs the u s tariff bill 23 the allies decide to surrender eastern thrace to the turks but that the dardanelles must be placed under control of the league of nations greece rushes troops towatdi thrace 26 general harington command er of the allied forces orders the turks to abandon the neutral zone around the dardanelles king con- stantine of greece abdicates in favor of the crown prince owing to the re volt of the army and navy germany pays the august and september allot ment to belgium 30 kemal pasha agrees to armis tice conference at mudania turks withdraw from chanak area october 2 armistice declared at the dar danelles 4 forest fires raging in northern city of cork the rebels evacuating it ontario relief trains despatched to after bbwing up many buildings dunn and osullivan irish murderers of field marshal sir henry wilson in prison for promoting disaffection in i hanged at wandsworth prison india after pleading guilty 31 the royal assent given to the bill ratifying the irish treaty brit ish right to interfere with irish af fairs abandoned five hundred and fifteen thousand coal miners in tho united states go on strike april 1 death in exile of exemperor karl of austria murder and repris als continue in belfast 10 conference of nations meets at genoa and lloyd george makes an eloquent plea for a world peace 14 the four courts burlding in dublin seized by sinn feiners 19 death at vancouver of mar- jorie pifckthall canadian poet and novelist 21 russia agrees to terms of the allies on basis of recognition by the powers may 4 irish factions agree to a truce to stop fighting gon chang tap lin defeated by gen wu in several bat tles in china 6 french demands and russian re fusals block agreement at genoa con ference 11- nova scotia coal miners decide to strike allies dispose 8888 troops tilong tchatalja line to bar the greeks from constantinople 33 arthur griffith president of the dail eireann dies sud denly in dublin deadlock between britain and france regarding the terms to be offered germany con tinues 14 the thirteenth allied confer ence on reparations in london breaks down french and british policies be ing- so divergent death of lord northclifte proprietor of the london times 15 militia sent to guard coal mines in nova scotia bituminous coal strike in ohio pennsylvania and vir ginia settled 19 pumping crews resume work at the nova scotia mines australian parliament passes billto give prefer ential duties to new zealand 22 irish rebel assassins kill from ambush michael collins head of the irish provisional government 28 temporary arrangement to rule ireland by triumvirate consisting of williamt- cosgrave richarj mul- the district dominion government appoints new beard to control the na tional railways with majorgeneral sir henry worth thornton president of the great eastern railway of england as head military agree ment signed at mudania providing for the evacuation of thrace by greeks irish provisional administration de cides that in the new parliament the membership of the lower house shall bo 132 and the senate56 5 torrential rains stop forest fucs in haileybury district 5000 persons reported homeless with a death list of 47 haileybury novih cobalt thornloe hcasiip and chariton de stroyed and new- liskeard and englehart seriously damaged 19 lloyd george resigns british premiership and andrew bonar law is invited to form a new administra tion 25 the new irish constitution bill passed the third reading in the dail eireann 26 the king dissolves the imper ial parliament italian government resigns owing to the fascisti ulti matum 30 mussolini enters rome and forms a cabinet november 1 national assembly at angora zone 8 four leaders of the irish rebels rory oconnor learn mallowes jas mckelvey and richard barrett exe cuted at dublin in reprisal for the murder of deputy hales 11 the four premiers conference in london adjourns till jan 2 unable to agree as to the reparations policy with germany and- premier poincare insisting on the occupation of the ruhr 14 sterling in new york has sen sational rise closing at 4549i at lausanne conference turkey agrees to guarantee tho safety of minorities 15 british act to remove the an- the head waters of the sagnenav have an output of about three thou- river where it is expected eventually san tons of salt herring p season to develop 1000000 horsepower the natura resoorces bulletin ws produce t is statcd canadian boys and girls are form- 200000 horsepower fasb faxfaufa wifch toronto ont the formation of j eighty thousand copies of bird the ontario honey producers co- houses and their occupants pub- operative society ltd was unanii lj by the dept of tho interior at mously decided upon at a meeting of ottawa have gone like hot cakes and ontario beekeepers here d c hart the whole edition has been exhausted director of the cooperative and mar- j less than a year so groat is the kets branch of the provincial dept demand that the government is fcav- of agriculture in giving advice on j another edition printed to tell matters associated with cooperation young canada how to build houses that birds like the booklet contains directions and working designs for the building of- all kinds cf bird houses no charge is made for it and marketing of honey than almost weekly market report toronto manitoba wheat no 1 northern 124 manitoba oats nominal manitoba barley nominal ah the above track bay ports vmerican corn no 2 yellow 88c no 8 yellow 87c all rail barley malting 59 to 61c accord ing to freights outside buckwheat no 2 75 to 77c rye no 2 83 to 85c millfeed del montreal freight bags included bran per ton 24 bargo on canadian cattle becomes law j shorts per ton 26 middlings 2850 17duwin crowds give last of degood feed flour 2 parting british troops a very friendly sendoff 18 new york bankers decline to give germany a loan tiji the repara tions question is settled ontario wheat no 2 white 110 to 112 according to freights outside no 3 107 to 109 ontario no 2 white j2 to 44c ontario corn nominal ontario flour ninety per cent 19 seven rebels executed at dubp i j bags montreal prompt lin for having arras and explosives shipment 520 to 530 toronto communists and fascisti clash in basis 515 to 520 bulk seaboard turin and ten are killed and twenty 5to 510 wounded preliminary estimates give manitoba flour 1st pats in cotton the value of canadian crops for fefe 8g at nine billion dollars j hay extra no 2 per ton track smoked meats hams mod 26 to 28c cooked ham 38 to 40c smoked rolls 26 to 28c cottage rols 32 to 35c breakfast bacon 32 to 35e spe cial brand- breakfast bacon 38 to 40c backs boneless 39 to 43c cured meats long clear bacon 50 to 70 lbs 21 70 to 90 lbs 20 90 lbs and up 18 lightweight rolls in barrels 41 heavyweight rc13 37 lard pure tierces 16c tubs 16c pails 16ic prints 18c short ening tierces 13 to 14c tubs 14 to 14c pails 14 to 15c prints- 17 to 17c heavy steers choice 7 to 8 butcher steers choice 650 to 7 do good 550 to 6 do med 5 to 550 do com 4 to 450 butcher heifers choice 625 to 676 do med 5 to 6 do coni 4 to 5 butcher cows choice 450 to 5 do med 3 to 4 canners and cutters 2 to 250 butcher bulls good 4 to 5 do com 225 to 250 feeder steers goody 5 to 550 do fair 4 to 5 stackers good 4 to 450 do fair 3 to 4 calves choiee13 to 21 the ancient basilica at quebec i2- oloven8to 11 city burned down straw car lots per ton track to- 22 president hording signs postal ronto agreement with canada cheest new largo 25c twins 28 report of can nat railways 25c triplets 26c stiltons 27c for the year will show a reduction in old large 27c twins 28c stiltons- its operating deficit of 17000000 2 the dardanelles from malta lurksjt ilc dairvi 30 to 31 fqoolv4ng complete reply to british note insist- 22c toronto 11 to 13 mixed 1050 to fi to 10 do com ing that they must have mosul irish rebels blow up music store in dublin 29 british naval units are rushed from malta to the daiidanelles owing to developments at lausanne peace confttrence whare the turkish dele gates refuse to accede to lord cur- zons demand to recognize rights of christian minorities in armenia and anatolia ismet pasha sends a note to lord curzon reaffirming tho turk ish claim to mosul area and demand ing that the oil district be turned over to the ottomans terrific gales on the north atlantic pile up ships on the coast there arc foundland 10000 lakes new- dressed poultry chickens 4 lis and up 26 to 28c do 3 to 4 lbs 23 to 26c fowl 6 lbs and up 26 to 28c do 4 to 5 cbs 23 to 25c do under 4 lbs 20 to 23c geese 28 to 30c duck lings 30 to 33c turkeys 40 to 45c margarine 20 to 22c eggsno 1 candledv 38 to 39c se lects 4i to 45c cartons new laids 65c 3 to 550 milch cows choice 60 to 80 springers choice 70 to 90 lambs choice 13 to 1350 sheep choice 550 to 650 do culls 2 to 250 hogs fed and watered 1075 to 11 do fob 10 to- 1025 do country points a75 to 10 montreal corn american no 2 yellow- 92 to 93c oats can western no 2 65 to 66c do no 8 60 to 61c no 1 feed 58 to 59c no 2 local white 56 to 57c flour man spring wheat pats firsts 710 do seconds 660 strong bakers 640 winter pats choice 650 rolled oats bag of 90 lbs 315 to 325 bran 24 shorts 26 hay no 2 per ton car lots 16to 17 i cheese finest easterns 23 to beans can handpicked lb 6c23c butter choicest creamery primes 6c 38c sks fresh 48c selected 40 maple products syrup per i to 42c no 1 stock 8f to 38c pota- gal 250 pea- 5 gal tin 240 perj toes per bag car lots 90c gal maple sugar lb 23 to 25c j canners 150 dairy cows and honey 60b tins 12 to 12c per heifers com to fair quality 2 to 8j lb 52lb tins 13 to 14c per western steers 575 calves picked lb ontario comb honey per dbz 12 do good lots- 11 do com 960 75 to 450 potatoes ontarios no 1 85c no 2 75 to 80c to 10 thin sheep com 4 hogs selects and good quakty butchers 1150 to 1175 sows 9 to 10 they sw if you look in a mirror on halloween youll see who your future husband willbe there goes r wonper where fanny went ill io and look for her