auk present draft of peace treaty for consideration of turks bitish foreign secretary curzon refutes any further con- ygssions and deadlock over oil region may break up the conference a deepatjj from lansanne says 5er8cck over the oil region as lord thv invimi are preparing tbecurson has rfvsi every concession ojtfiir9of tie peace treaty which thy to the turis this makes three major vrih place before the turks in a few pointe on which tbo conference is iilays british foreign secretary cur- aoa has ascidod on atl points and onjy awaits prench derision on the ques tions offcha ottoman debt and oapi- tucattons the powers terms are 1 freedom of the straits accord- deasockoitho straits not being am- ytig tem first iu moecj which the turks are brinssng to the front they have awfibnt i to the facts of the world struggle for oil and in their present exparohe nticrcmst mood are se- ing to the already duseussed allied i teririmad now to poises the oil fields ptan giving turkey security for oonj second are the relations for tor- ebantinccte and tho sea of marmora e poputafcjcn within turkey the 2 turkeys southern frontiar to j turks are opposed to any comprom- pnactically untouched mosul with its i on ifa croitujatioris saying it pu fields especially remaining undior voum iwpair their 6overcgnty no amkuble solution is in sight third i the drribution of the debt turiocy insists tho war debt too be the states now british control 8 protection of minorities uate the league of nations 4 no forced migration or exchanze attributed among of populations as was proposed to get xtnisr manda to em greeks out of asia minor and cill as tho turks in private conversa- moaiems out of greece ttona are showing a daily increasing 6 the greek patriarch to remain in wtslngisss to compromise the shock constantinoplo as rekglous head of of receiving the pswors terms mar ine orthodox church but shorn of his j break the conference but the fact political power that both sisas descre p3c0 militates 6 partition of tho ottoman debt against eush an ending and there among the seceded territories except are no warlike signs for the war debt which is to be paid hy turkey alone 7 tlk greek population in con stantinople to teve under a separate community administration 8 a fixed rate for exemption from military service of nonturks questions still unsettled include caipitujiations lord curzon will lot lord curzon is preparing the terms chiefly to mofca progress he has a- ioady succeeded in ihis main purpose of convincing aaja that tho british em pire is etim powerful word has come back to lausanne that news has been canada from coast to coast st stephens njj oufcpet of gan- this province for beekeeias is amply ong bros confection yry pfcart here j derconsterted- in tie esrfences of during the month of november was member d the beekeepecs aesxaa the largest in its history totahingj ticn ascured from six hives a 1000000 pounds shipments aro made yield of 2150 pounij of extracted to es parts of canada as well as new honey durfrg the past summer which zealand british west indies japan he ocid for 21 cento perpoond th and other countries the trade in- bees increased to 19 cotonie wvlhsuf- jajan is handled by a chain cf drug fieieat stores for vriser aahr another big four in consultation stcres and was established by the canadian trade commissioner in that country it is understood that the company has under consideration plarss for the erection of a large ad dition to their present plant in order i to cope with increased demands quebec que though customs sta- tistics shewing the number of ca entering tho province of quebec from tho united states in 1922 are iivao- able only up to october 15th and the continued mild weather since then has member reported a crop of 2470 pounds of bcaey from seven hives or an average cf 363 pcundj axsi an in crease of 18 cdorrea regino sect riyaoiiea from fur pejto have swees5 tb parse of tb province by 6evaj thousand ccicrs- accordokg to officjab of the saskatj chewan govercaieat the season opened on november 1 and the first royalty money was turned over to the provioees on november 3 when 100 came in from a far fcradier in the bisr the conference of allied premiers attco 10 downing street recently i m travel which will swell who discussed the german reparations included the famous four seen in the the official figures the statistics in picture from left to risht premier poincaire of france premier bonar law band prove an inereese of approvi- of britain premier mussolini of italy and premier theunjs of belgium mately one hundred per cent over up to the 15th of october this permitted a considerable volume of river dissrict the nianufaeturere 1921 eleven planes leave london daily a despatch from loedon says tho londonberlin airway the first sec tion of which that between london and holland was opened recently adds on eleventh plane to those leav ing london daily for the continent the popularity of the airways among tourisiia dwring the past sairomer has led to plans for routes to he opened in tho spring by which london will be connected by ah- with all of the prin cipal points within 500 miles service daily to seotlaiyd france passed through the baaars that this is to be an ehvjiish peace similarly denmark ireland and luxemburg is the word has spread that 5io soviet projected a fleet of planes also makes the french propose jncasures for pro- j have failed to close the back sea special trips charging about four taction of tho allied financial inter- j thus lord ourzon diss bad his way pence oight cents a mile the now londonberlin route is op erated by an english company it is now furnishing service in each direc tion from rotterdam daily five planes 1jre making eight trips daily between london and paris carrying an average of three persons on each trip the lines to rotterdam brus sels and antwerp are doing a capacity business efefta ao they have let him carry on with asia is ready to sign and will privately with tho turns over mosul compromise siiniawhat on everything the britiihond turks are at a but oil work begun on vimy ridge park when finished memorial w be to canada as agincourt to england a despatch from ottawa says wans ftr transforming the devastated xea on vimy ridgo the gift of the prench government to canada as a memorial park aro already progress ing colonel h c osborne of the imperial war graves commission etated on his return from abroad the fcumebeape ardlening is toeing done under colonel m ross chief horti cultural officer of the canadian bat- tiefields memorial commission it will a long time to complete tho work colonel ofiborne commented but when is finished vimy ridge will be to future canada what- agincourt ia to great britain w s ailward whose design for tho memorial monument was accepted is t work in london now his design has received unstinted approval from many prominent english artists and sculptors canada will possess on vimy ridge a dignified and suitable sur rounding for tho memorial colonel osboroo said the canadian stand at st julien in 1915 was regarded as one of the most outstanding features of arms in the war butt vimy the canadian corps first fought together os a unit composed of men from every part of canada so that vimy may be paid to bo tho first occasion when oamada took part as a nation in arms other objects of the overseas trip concerned tho commemoration of missing men business of the imperial war graves commission in canada united states and siberia which come under tbo canadian office a number of conferences were held some at- ijonded by hon p c larkin high commissioner to consider the best means of having memorials to tho 20- 000 missing ganadianis tho great majority of those wil find a placo on the canadian monument at vimy relatives of deceased soldiers may bo assurodthat nothing i3 left undone to beautify and care for the cemeter ies in tho theatre of war col os- fcorne said the work of permanent construction is proceeding rapidly and the general effect is such as to be a pmtter of groat prldo to tho british empire a famous archaeologist mr howard carter coadjutor with lord carnarvon who has spent thirty- three years at work in egypt he as sisted in the discovery of the famous tomb of tutamkhamen but may be deprived of any benefit by a ruling of the egyptian government upon the ownership are ssow m baying pelts this year and reports from mrthem points state that wohres amd rooasa ore plentiful edmonton aka a despatch from chicago states that john w lucaaj yeai- 82 301 cars visited quebec from of cayley won first place in rye ex the united states as against 41957 inihibits mt the interriotiorisl liveitoesj tho whbje of cast year and grain show mr cayley has been sudbury ont for the first time in a consistent winner at the inberna- four yes13 tho entirs matte production tiora show for scans years having won the ate championship test year victoria bc k to understood thai j of the moral nickel co is being shin- i ped out on november is a shipment of 13s oars of matte totalling in the neighborhood of 5600 tons was sent to the seaboard for export to wales this being one car in excess of the october shipments in september 140 cars were sent out winnipeg man tho suitability of it is the intention of the beaver cov pulp and paper co to resume opera tions in the near future end that tin reorganization pssns of the company are now wes advanced this concern has already spent two msfien dcberi in development work weekly market report belgian queen descends into flooded mine thinking about what you aro doing j better than thinking about what you have done i the natural resources intel ligence servico of tho depart ment of tho interior says the output of canadian mines in the west can be trebled as soon as the necessary market has been established according to dr charles camsell deputy minister of mines who has re turned from a prolonged inspec tion tour of tho western coal fields tho averago output at present is 5500000 tons a year and as tho demand warrants the output can be increased to from 12000000 to 14000000 tons yearly ho said dr cam- sell stated that canadian coal was taking the placo of ameri can coal throughout the west and except for the district in southwest manitoba canadian coal is being used practically exclusively in the throe prairie provinces this year tho big gest problem of tho western mines is to secure a large enough market to produce coal on a largo scale a despatch from brussels says elizabeth queen of the belgians whose courage is weld known recently gave another example of her fearless ness which has elicited the admiration of her people her majesty visited the mining dis trict of llmbourg and while there ex pressed a wish to go down into one of the mines several officials pro tested stating that some parts of the mine were flooded and that there was a certain danger in making the de scent the queen persisted and dressed in a minors outfit and a leather cap sihe went down to a depth of about 3000 feet the party explored a large sec tion of tho mine before returning to tho surface when her majesty reappeared safe ly at the top the crowd assembled gave her an enthusiastic greeting plans easy debt payments otto h kahn tho noted united states banker who suggests a new i scheme of graduated interest charges and a sinking fund plan of the pay ment of tho debts to the us he is strongly in favor of caneejation of part of tho debt reproduces photographs on skin of apples toronto manitoba wheat no 1 northern 19 manitoba oats nominal manitoba barley nominal all the above track bay ports american corn no 2 yellow b2cj no 3 yeilow 90c as rail bartey malting 60 to 62c accord ing to freights outskte buckwheat no 2 77 to 79c rye no 2 86 to 88o msjfeed dei montreal freight bags included bran per ton 24 sihorts per ton 26 mtdidkngs 2850 good feed flour 2 ontario wheat no- 2 white 113 to 115 according to freights ouside no 3 110 to 112 ontario no 2 white oats 41 to 43c ontario corn nominal ontario flour ninety per cent pat in jute bags montreal prompt ship ment 520 to 530 toronto basis i a despatch frcm paris says pkv- tuios of photographs printed delicate ly on apples aro tho latest discovery of a french pomoogist taking jsjb 520 mkt sauboard ttono 2 per ton car loter 1c to 1 negative and carrying out a process 5 jq cheese finest easibems 23 bo 23c whose secret he has guarded this manitoba fkrar 1st pats in cotton 1 5 creamery 38 s9o 325 connors and cutters 3 to 250 butcher bus good 4 to 475 do com 225 to 360 feeicter steors good 5 to 560 dc ftsir 4 to 5 stookers good 4 to 450 jo fair 3 to s4 cajvesy choice 10 to 12 j do mei 8 to 10 do coon 3 to 550 mhohi oowe choice 60 to 80 ji springers choice 70 to bo lambs choice 12 to 18 sheep oboics 550 to 650 do culls 2 to 250 hogs fed and watered 11 do f ob 1025 do country points 10 montreal corn american no 2 yelicv 92 to 9sc oats canadian western no 2- 64 fa 65c oamadcem western no 3 59 to 60c extra no 1 feed 57 to 5sc nov 2 local white 55 to 56c flour mani itoba spring whtxst pats- firste 710 seconds 660 strong baksrs 640 j winter pats choice 650 rolled oats teg- 90 ffis 315 to 325 bran 24 sbcrts 26 midditogs 31 hay manitoba fioizr 1st pats nurseryman is able to reproduce the sacks 710 per bbl 2nd pats 660 picture upon the smooth skin of the hay extra no 2 per ton track apphe where it remains till the fruit toronto 11 to 13 mixed 1050 to is entirely decomposed m cer to 11 as there is a saying here that any- 1 s towoar lots per ton took to- eigigs fresh 48c selected 42c no i stock 38c potatoes per bag car lots 90c one who has been tricked is a pear ronto 960 cheese new hopes aro entertained in view of oar- 1 25el triplets 26v stiltons 27c manys failure to fulfill her chliga- 1 oid large 27c twins 28c large 25c twins ins 27c stiltons tions that means wffl be found to 29c print the pictures cf prominent ger- butter finest creamery prints 43 mans on pears to be sold for tho to 45c ordinarycrearoery prints benefit of the reparations commisjjjo 41c sion yes money does talk sometimes but its favorite remark seems to be goodbye historic church prey to flames the famous basilica of quebec which dates from 1074 ono of tho finest churchos in the dominion was burned on dec 22 nino hundred famous people of tho past were buried in the crypt beneath tho nave shown in tho picture including french governors of new france it was damaged by bombardment from wolfoe guns in 1759 it contained tho finest stained gloss and organ on the continent 40 daily 30 to 31c cooking 22c j dressed poultry chickens 4 lb and up 26 to 28c dv3 to 4 lb 23 to 25c fowl 51b and up 26 to 28c do 4 to 5 lbs 23 to 25c do under 4vo 20 to 23c geese28 to 30c ducklings 30 to 33c turkeys 40 to 45c margarine 20 to 22c eggs no 1 candled 39 to 40c selects 44 to45c cartons new iaids 75 to 80c 1 beans canadian handpicked lb 6c primes 6c maple products syrup per imp gal 250 per 6gah tin 240 per gal maple sugar lb 23 to 25c honey- 604b tins 12 to 12c per lb 5 and 2jb tins 13 to 1414c per lb ontario comb honey per doz 375 to 450 potatoes ontarios no 1 80 to 90c no 2 70 to 80c smoked meats hams mod 26 to 28c cooked ham 38 to 40c smoked rolls 26 to 28c cottage rolls 32 to 35c breakfast bacon 32 to 35c spe cial brand breakfast bacon 38 to 40o backs homeless 39 to 43c cured meats long clear bacon 50 to 70 lbs 21 7qto 90 lbs 20 90 lbs and up 18 lightweight rolls in barrels 41 heavyweight roes 37 lard pure tierces 10c tubs 1614c pails 16c prints 18c short ening tierces 13v1 to 139ic tubs 13 to 14c pails 14 v4 to 14 c prints 16 to 17 c heavy sheers 5 to 650 butcher steors choice 6 to 650 do good 5 to 575 do mod 4 to 5 do com 3 to 4 butcher heifora choico 575 to 676 do mod 4 to 560 do com 3 to 4 butcher cows choice 350 to 4 do nied 275 to urges lash for dope agents chief of police samuel dickson of toronto believes in special institu tions for the care of drug addicts and the lash for those who peddle tho drug fines he says are paid by tho men higher up in rabbitboro us to map uninhabited desert regions a despatch from washington says every year many travejetra prospectors and other persons pexuh in the deserts of tho southwast after becoming lost in order to reduce this annual death toll the united states geological survey is mapping and marking the uninhabited desert re- gins and planting guide posts hero and there to direct travelers to water holes and inhabited places a series of guide books describing tho deserts and waste places of this section of tho country is also being published by the survey not much 1 i tftlep that once and it how comeo nearly pot me out v j o business rrf whv th rabbits came stramin in an vovdht 1 purty nem eypv paktf- 1 5 tirp in yrle place m j l