garjrron wjj jim the farm breakfast aint a breakfast oh the farmstead just the finest ever seen with the sausage and a sweetbread and your coffee fuh of cream seems the griddle cakes are sweetest when youve done a lot of chores and your appetites the neatest if you take a turn outdoors guess i never did much eating when i used to live in town but i kept right at my sleeping till the time to hurry down then id venture to the table twas the thing i ought to do though was never more than able just to see the meal half through now i have a different feeling im as hungry as a bear know why porkers do their squealing if im tardy with their fare exereisihggood and early helps a bashful appetite and im never cross or surly but my smile is rare and bright theres no one in all creation like the fehow on tie farm not a call or occupation that cah equal it for charm why my early meal at morning makes me feel just like a man tis the crown piece lad adorning rustic rulers of the land hugh kepper college for two via beans and melons unsolved riddles of medical science sv3 english castle becomes hotel kfngsgato castle near margate which has been purchased from the owners by a hotelman and will be converted into a golfers hotel while he peddled melons he had to hire his truck but his profits were large so he could easily afford it although the locality would have taken all his produce doyce sent some twenty miles to a neighboring city for advertisement he saidv prom j s the melon patch alone he cleared c80 spending money is hard for most in the fall the beans had to be pull eys to get said doyce wright ed and sold and since bean hullers young truck farmer but it is be- were unknown in that locality the how t0 s beans were flailed by hand the plot yielded ten bushels to the acre more edgar i price an orillia boy who at the age of fourteen in june 1919 by his pres ence of mind saved a chum from drowning in lake covrchiching at grave risk to himself he has been recognized by the carnegie hero fund commission cause thev dont ia i i ue unknown in that locality the at- it- h0w t0 s beans were flailed by hand the plot doyce seenw t ui u yielded ten bushels to the acre more it that is wlfv l 1 rns t5mn 0oyce had ex when in one summer slson s fo iift he contracted to sell them al- only sttmikr wa most before they wore in blossom the chol n w w dtei gladly took the surplus beans ndlz t l who at bushel that plots of land n year doyce cieared al 306 beans and fl tenacr town for making a total profit of 986 vfiffiftk z s thr6e in kdn thc m for ssfcrt kntlts t despits after deducting enough for 5sk he poetically a years expenses he loaned the rest uc uaa pracucaiiy no thing to work with he was confident that he would make good at first doyce worked only before and after school but later on every second day- for these days ho hand d in written recitations for the class s he missed when the heaviest part of the sea to his sister to go to college for a year the best part of it is that doyce has now formed a partnership with the owner of the land and they are truck ing on a larger scale doyces college fund is rapidly growing and after a fouryear agricultural course he ex sessions and the constant and urgent need of the world for them that in the consideration of the number of pro ducers she has within her confines she should lead the world in the vol ume of trade leaving her shores pos sibilities for tie future are boundless the real exploitation of canadian re sources is really only beginning tak ing the first ten countries with which canada is trading the eight coming after the united kingdom and united states do not purchase annually a com bined volunieequal tobne quarter the purchases of the two best customers of the domlnlonl these countries have the same need of canadfanprd- duce and there is constantly occurring opportunity fordeveioping new phases of trade with them were canada in a position to do so with the influx of new capital to increase the exploita tion of natural resources and the de velopment of industries and that of people to augment the number of pro ducers canada could with little trou ble sell to these countries and 2g others of the globe a volume of goods nearer in aggregate to that taken by her two best buyes reliance not to the swift the race not to the strong the fight not the righteous perfect grace not to the wise the light but often faltering feet come surest to the goal and they who walk in darkness meet the sunrise of the soul a thousand times by night the syrian hosts have died a thousand times the vanquished right hath risen glorified the truth the wise men sought was spoken- by a child i the alabaster box was brought in trembling hands defiled not from my torch the gleam but from the stars above not from my heart lifes stream but from the depths of love henry van dyke in spite of the rapid march of medi cal science there are still innumer able diseases that battle investigation recent cases of food poisoning probably due to some form of botu lism are an instance disease actually is on the decrease within the memory of the present generation many affections which were common at one time have been samped out the system of speciall- it is however among tropical ujd nervous diseases that the greatest mysteries are to be found of the former elephantiasis is he of the most baffling it- causes enor mous enlargements of ti ports af fected if it attacks the leg tie hub has the appearance of an clephaiae leg hence its name the nature of leprosy still remains an unsolved riddle while tie cause of i an unsolved riddle while tie cause ol ration has been largely responsible pk cimate imebt for this one man one organ is the l patieqts batttatb tnmlwh logan today in the field of researc complaint are difficult to man- cancer eludes all attempts to find a 77 cancer eludes all attempts to find a cure so does lupus an affection with ttcrrious tendency to simulate other skin troubles such as erysipelas hence the difficulty of diagnosis many diseases are gcod mimics the symptoms ofsomo of them imitating those of consumption professor rist of paris stated recently that of 342 men sent to bis hospital supposedly tuffering from this malady only 37 had it 22 were uncertain and 283 were quite unaffected nervous dyspepsia- belongs to this class of complaint it stimulates near ly every kind of abdominal trouble and is consequently difficult to diag nose that mysterious organ the spleen is the seat of many troubles nobody knows what its functions are its re moval causes only a temporary im pairment of the general healthi on its disappearance nature seems to set up some sort of compensatory action possibly in the bonemarrow like our old friend the vermiform appendix the seat of appendicitis it never will be missed the puzzle is how did it get there goitre is a common ailment yet it it a medical puzzle pike lupus it dis appears sometimes without as much as a farewell many doctors think that it is caused by bad drinking water crystal age and insist upon eating foods they cannot digest acanthosis nigricans a vary rare tropical malady has the curious effect of turning the sufferer a brownish color or even black this of course is the result of an increase of pigmen tationhut how and why ncbody knows aphasia is- a curious example of a mystery ailment that affects all class es it is a defcot of speech that pre vents the articulation of words ex cept at intervals when two or three words will be pronounced distinctly frequently wrong words are used such as- pencil for brush gloves for boots and so on in such cases doc tors sometimes have to teaohi patients to speak again there are curious nervous disorders which affect the sense of touch pinches or pricks are fait only as slight touches- strong electric cur rents that would be intolerable to healthy people are felt as ootd heat isfelt as cold whilst hot water is felt as pain although- not a disease there is- a condition known as arcus senilis seen mostly in old persons it appears as a pale grey ring round the corners of the eyes it is incurable but harm- less and that is all the snow about it two thousand new suns two thousand new suns in the pro cess of making lave just been dis covered and photographed some day probably they will de velop into fullgrown suns with their own sets of planets revolving round them- so that there wim be two thous and new solar systems dangerous cargoes probably if a landlubber was asked what was the most dangerous cargo a ship can carry ire would answer dynamite but sailors themselves win tell you differently sugar for example is feared by the sailor whose ship has to convey hun dreds of tons of cane sugar in casks in the hold of the vessel should the ship sail through a hot area the odor the discovery has been made by iw 7 7 harvard university astronomers who i ltf t s tb sweet are carrylnk out observations at are- w fatc mouths and they oj me sea- louryear agricultural course ho ex- son came doyce hired- the work done pects to farm much more extensively big development w fexmjrt trade canada leads world per capita exports f r i jc united kingdom and united states are dominions best customers at present there is general tendency abroad to place canadas agricultural prestige iio high as to largely disregard her amiiy other assets in the main the conceptionofthe dominion is that of countless farms and ranches produc tive of millions of bushels of fine grain and gigantic herds of high quality cat tle without disparaging ths first fea ture of canadian economic life it may be pointed out that these vast agricul tural expansesare broken by myriad are carrying out observations at are- quipa peru they have also taken tie photographs these budding suns are reported as nebulae which is the astronomers name for faintly glowing patches of light which are found at enormous dis tances in space by means ofpowerful telescopes several thousands have already been mapped only two are visible to the naked eye one in the swordhandle of orion and the other in andromeda the nebulae are in tho form of whirling spirals of what looks like thus making canada eighth on the list her exports being 5400000000 by the end of the postwar period the united states had assumed the lead with canada in third position in 1920 france forged into third place and in the beginning of 1922 tin united king- dom resumed its former sfijwmacy luminous vapor it is supposed that i ss ac s with canada retaining its fourthvnce t condense in the course of ages f ftl i t0 be closelypressed by japan into suns and in the process throw off alr f0r ti8 sas to be in the year 1868 one year after con- j that condense more rapidly be g a consuldt stream deration fha ii r i i- i crave lemonjuice vinegar or anyr thing sour- they lose their appetites and are heartily glal when the voyage is over coffee is unpleasant and almost as dangerous as sugar cotton is another really dangerous cargo one little drop of oil on raw cotton would result in spontaneous combustion acids and other chemicals must also come into the list of dangerous car goes carbide of calcium is far more dangerous than dynamite it is fror this chemical that acetylene gas is federation the value of canadian ex ports amounted to 57567888 by 1880 they had reacbed s7911458 twenty years later in 1900 they had mounted to 191894723 in 1910 they were 29s763993 and in 1921 1210- j no nn 428119 declining values in the fol lowing year brought them down to 753927009 in 1922 or approximately double their value of 1915 of this lat ter total agricultural produots includ tag both vegetable and animal counted for 457278204 in the year 1922 the united king dom was canadas best customer tak ing 299361675 worth of goods she was however closely followed by the around the bend u smaller and so become planets j our on solar system is believed toi bave been fcmed in this manner j tne at timca cmmot e r6 another dicovvv made at arequlpa hend is that what is cah 1 the magellanic just wh e eak weve struggidg t0 cloud is 660000 bilion miles awavl the ancient egytieiaa hod hlefo- glyphsifor big numbers afrog stood for 100000 for 1000000 thoir symbol was a mau with arms extended as if in admiration weiare accustomed tocoiuit by tens because our remote ancestors did their counting on their flngem even at tille present time peopl6especially women and children often count in that way this method of counting was anciently developed into a system by which with certain postures of the fingers bent or outstretched any irumbevbe- low 10000 could be indicated for arithmetical purposes the most important achievement was the inven tion of the zero which is said to have originated in india being communi- catedto europe through arabia the zero is nothing but what should we do without it o 1 war performs its ancient work all the plalosophical historians down to wells the latest of them have z i given credit to war for its beneficial numerals are much older than writ- effect in spreading culture more ids people found u necessary to worldww tfl6 iateat t war fl j which bids fair not to be the last tos not failed of this service altliougui it sir william allardyce the governorelect of newfoundland numerals antedate writing cities and small towns which are foe- uniteit taring industry in the equaslon of agrl- value 0 ujm p t0 cultural progress in this respect can- ftl l 9 4 thesa areat oda is largely unique among uieo- 1 lds t th two roanj minions of the british empiff coming i thc ss i has to a greater degree each year to notuxw third pac8 i only supply many of her own ssutf r of but furnishing other dominions with isffis 7l f 0pfl come japan their requirements and shipping a isft anstraa newfoundland rariety of goods to the ouulde wold fffigm tz1- whlcu to those who have come to regard ten principal trad- canada in a purely agricultural light i 2 c since 1s73 the united it will probably come as iff m has bee canadas best cus cloud is 660000 bili miles away from the earth instead s only 510000 billion as hitherto estimate and that its diameter is 90000 billio i miles the distance of the earth from tie sun ts a mere inch compared to this 93- a 000000 miles these new discoveries and calcula tions said dr crommelln of green wich observatory are extremely use ful to us and thoy help in our great work of mapping out the heavens nearly twentyfive years ago pro fessor holden of the lick observa tory in california estimated that there were at least half a million un- oharted nebulae to be discovered it will therefore be seen that this two thousand are but n fraction of tho number still to be located attain seems a ways distant and our efforts vain our tired feet slip oft as wo ascend and yet perchance tis just around the bend the goal which we are striving hard to gain then let lis waver no gai course is plain tis ever forward and the promised fend l edith boyden holway birds and bats are the only living vcrtebrata capable of flight squirrels lizards snakes fish and lemurs fly through the air with great swooping leaps tor larigutse the earliest numerals were the fin gers even nowadays ycu yourself of ten use one or more fingers to indicate numbers i a short vertical lino marked on a sheet of paper stands for one by origin it represents a finger we call it a digit which means a finger i the earliest method of recording a number was to do it with a series of such vertical marks but that was obviously inconvenient for reckoning purposes if the numher was a large one hence ho adoption of symbols 2 3 4 and so en to represent quantities up to s this idea is credited to the ancient arabians wto were famous mathematicians later on for bigger numbers lottors were used as symbols x for ten c centum for ioo m miue for 1000 and so on is a little earl- to give this force full credit for constructive value since what it destroyed is so very evident nevertheless by the distribution of russian and balkan professors and artists knowledge and art have cut a i wider swath ttian ever before fkty years from now another generationiof i thinkers will find new interests and new influences at work in europe and america and the birth of these will bo found in the years 19141918 tool- of many uses two blades with sharp edges and three with teeth are pivoted to a handle form a tool of many uses about a kitchen the ordinary steam enigne puffs 90000 times in 100 miles stories about famous people it will probably come as a surprise to learn that whilst the agricultural pro duction of the country in 1921 was not quite 160 per capita of population the manufacturing output of the year 1919 baaed on tho census population of 1911 was more than 400 per capita it may be further illuminating to learn tomer always closely followed by the united states the one oxceptlon was the year 1921 when the united states assumed first place becoming rele gated to second again tho following year agricultural exports lead tho bulk of canadian exports havo i tho bulk of canadian e bat canadas export trade in the flscal 1 a de6n 5f an agricui year ending marchjj922 amounted to tum natur0 there arfi olhere how 85 per capita and to the previous j wnieh lmve nssumci1 m w values were much and are malnlalnlng their rela- lp leadlns thc on 1 live positions whilst agricultural ex- ports in 1922 amounted to approxl tire world in this rospect canada has to fact in her brief history exhibited r development in the export trade i 52 1er of population which can be regarded as llttlo least of wood vood products and i paper represented over 20 per capita i exports of manufactured products in i 1920 amounted to 42 per capita and when the classification for 1922 has than phenomenal fourth position in export trade leading tho world in per capita ex port trade canada occupies fourth j been made will doubtless show some position among tho nations of the increase for that year taking tho world in the volume and value of theso mme exports in 1905 canada with exports of slightly over 200000000 occupied the ninth place being exceed- f d in order by united kingdom the united stitos germany franco bclj vi iivuutis auu pai cjum italy australia and argentine factored products 4 oinge ha 1 occurred in 1913 ger- i tho development of the canadian j miny bad wrested the second place export trade has been truly remark- j fn m the united states and tho argec- able and it is the finest tribute to the j urn asd cjitaisa had passed australia wealth and variety of canadian pov year 1910 for comparison to illustrate tho decades growth in tho export trade per capita figures for that year i on the basts of tho 1011 consu3 popu lation were agriculture 12 wood wood products and paper 4 and mnmt- an authors generosity j has all the nttallties essential to the following the example of mr llpyd social side of politics not least among george mr rudyard kipling will give hem being wit ytpri the profit5frqm his history of iho she tells the story of a clergyman irisr guards to chrlty the gift will who noticed during the course of a j not of ccurse be nearly so great as rather lengthy sermon that several i the expiemers 4s0000 but never- members of his congregation had fall- iheler it will be no small sum that en asleep he paused for a moment mr kipling will hand over land then said loudly i think it though mr kipling now writes at j would refresh us- to sing a hymn and iiificqueik intervals his sales are ten forthwith he gave out the number of imes as groat as they were a few christians seek not yet repose years ago in 1920 for instance two when clemenceau said squirrel million cnnles of ms works were sold i throughout the world this at a ge clemenceau in his eighty- royalty of a shlhing a cony means an ycars of lfe ha bcoa the cent income of 500000 i jf mad storles anecdotes if a further proof of mr kiplings i f 0f th mx3t cna 1 fame wc needed it could bo found in i the fact hut a number of places have i s thc brlt front been kmed after him on this con- 191s one e after dinner cle- i tinent theie aro placew called kipling i raon oocasio to leave head- m saskatchewan ontario michigan t mlnute3 ani ln 1iwl north carolina and louisiana and t f llmlyards in montana michigan and l osoes there the sentrys mississippi in england there is a i f su d hoa clemenceau lake hudyard but in tlfe case th im tho countersign and tho author gets his name from the lake scnlry s refused to let him l1 not the lake from tho author pa i i xou dont supposo im a gorman downing streets new hostess the askod t iutc of a prima ministers j i dont suppose anythlrj about it wife are always hfivy end as mr j replied tomns- i simply doutknow llonar imr ims been a widower sine thou after a moments thought the 1103 he wii call for the assistance of sentry said an insistent message kirby in tie new york world mj oldem rfringhtek y sykes the new iiortcvw at 10 downing street is a pittty voman of twonty- rjre who married majergenoral sir frederick sykos a year or so ago sfce all right just sj proiounce tho word squirrel clemenceaus pvonuncutfon passod the muster of tho critical sontry and tho premier was pennltted la prdceed