stouffville december 7 1922 bargains for sjurdy in millinery at mrs f vils5 coughs and colds just fourteen more shopping days till clristmas shop early all municipal councils meet dec 13th the final meeting of year on the quality servtch k few dotes of balsamea and coughs and colds disappear com- i pletely balsamea loosens the phlegm i and dears the lungs and bronchial 1 tubes j5alsamea although powerful in action is free from all harm ful drugs chimrt n take ic willingly because it tastes gocd relief guaranteed or money refunded the wyiiieus institute bazaar is now gorfgvn at porters ice cream parlosr the lemonvule school concert will he held a tuesday dec 19th at 8 oclock keep in mind the date buy a bottle today 1 george valder has 1 new one and a half truck for his purchased a ton national trucking service eutvijjdrug store stouffville ont 1 secure some of the good hornet made cooking atthe institute bazaar this thursdayfriday or saturday porters ice aream parlor boa div ays drug store stouffville good health cannot he retained if you eat poor meat the animals we select for our butchering trade are he choicest beasts use the telephone we deliver to all parts of the town fresh and cured meats fresh homemade sausage now on hand try them phone 1603 prompt servics h leadbetter phone 0701 bloomington anniversary the rearrangement of w h i i shaws store has made a decided 1m- i provement to the interior 01 the i big store j the anniversary services at the i fe would like to hear more regu- largjy from our correspondents at bloomington christian church were corlllley aiul rig we appre- both well attended last sunday a ciate the good work of our writers splendid devotional interest was 1 n the various places maintain the manifested the music rendered by the choir was truly much appreciat- ted the congregation were great ly favored by having the coopera tion of the members of the baker hill baptist choir in the evening their services have been appreciated in the past when they have been re quested to assist the subjects and texts of scripture used by the pastor for the services were in the morn ing i know where thou dwellest rev 213 and in the evening is christianity a failure isa 424 he christ shall not rail the thankoffering for the day certainly spoke well of those who attended good work and thus keep your sec tion of the country on the map robt millers shorthorn bull was awarded first honors at the royal winter fair in a large class of con testants mr miller knows how to raise the choice ones during the liighwind last friday afternoon the wg smoke stack on the creamersbuilding was blown down if your hens dont lay come and see us we will make them lay if your hens do lay come and see us we will keep them laying whether your hens lay or whether they don t lay come and see us that broken pikce farmers why not have that broken piece of mach inery welded by our new welding outfit the cost will be triflingand the machine ill be redeem ed bring in your plow shears to be pointed be- fore putting them away ail v of this work taken h richardson rear mansion house hotel stouffville l enquire at the hotel the evangelistic meetings in th menuonito church are continuing this week according to announce ment in the church column che meetings are fairly well attend ed and several young people are taking their stand for christ the presbyterian sunday afill school anniversary yrfill be held ii tbe church on friday evening the 15th of deo at s oclock a good varied prograjn closing with a tableau will be gfin admission adults 25c children 15c the regular monthly meeting of the womens institute will be held at itihe home of mrs h j malloy on wednesday dee 13th at 230 note the change to the second wed nesday programme report of convention by mrs r nighswander and mrs w hill exhibit of home made caiidy music roll call to be answered by recipes of candy i want to put dollars in your pocket there is no need to make a special trip to town forajbad of chop if you have a toronto farm engine and grain grinder of your own and besides it will save you a few cents on every bag c- coarse or fine chop forcattle or hogs i would recommenpyfhe toronto grinder for efficiencyand economy on your farm a toronto farrpijngine too is a great aborsaver attach it to your pulper pump cutting box cream separator or fanning mill think of the labor saved it pays for itself inone winter ill put dollars in your pocket if youll come in and discuss tor onto farm equipment with me n lanktree stouffville ontario congratulations oii hoy s we were proud to note that at the royal show in toronto mr fred pugh the veteran breeder of rhode island reds was awarded the third prize in the cockerel class in one of the largest and best classes ever shown in canada fred knows this breed and understands how to pro duce the winners we wish yoii luck at the guelph fair next the town council held a regular meeting on monday evening and the chief business done was the passing of accounts and the bylaw providing for holding the municipal election in january the names of those who will conduct the poll are the same as last year namely poll ing subdivision no 1 joseph hoov er deputy returning officer no 2 division j s dougherty deputy returning oflicer oros monday evening tcture on monday evening last quite a number heard dr longs talk on his travel through france and bel gium illustrated with lantern views in the methodist church stouffville dr long was most interesting and his description of the war stricken countries was most instructive the views too were a splendid sel ection and added much to the enter tainment many stouffville people were absent who would have enjoyed his travelogue word has been received from toronto to the effect that the con dition of o dean kester who has been ill in st michaels hospital since oct 19 th on which date he underwent a serious operation is greatly improved a fewdays ago he took a turn for the better and it is confidently expected that he will be able to leave the hospital within the next week or ten days advertising for tenders tenders are being asked through the aurora paper for supplies at the county industrial home there of groceries dry goods beef breadetc for the year 1923 evidently merch ants outside of aurora are not ex pected to tender as the advertising appears only in the local paper there stiver bros phone 4501199 be for winter now is the time to get storm sash made before the big rushbig rush is on let us get out your build ing requirements during the winter months when more attention can be given your order than in other seasons when the rush is on estimates are cheerfully given ask us the christmas market stouffville christmas market will be held on wednesday dec 20 in stead of the following day the earlier date will give the toronto buyers a better opportunity to get their produce on the city market lumber we have a good line of building material on such as dressed and undressed lumber lime plaster and tile in the yard hand stouffville planing mill schell stouffer proprietors phone 194 overland cars tea and entertainment the ladies of thi methodist church lemonville inteid holding a tea and entertainment on thursdaydec 14th tea willae served from 6 to s in the bssemgpfor the church good programme provided admis sion 35c everybody welcome sales and service we have secured the agency se overland house cleaning at chinch a few days ago between 20 and 30 women met together at the stouff- ville christian church to give the lords house a thorough cleaning the auditorium had just received three coats of paint since then the place has been more attractive aid greatly admired did sprm save a fatality john cower had a mighty close call of being landed ii the other world one morning lrfst week when i he was working on digging the ditch across main syreelfor water pipe to tile new curling rink file ditch i was open half vay across th icad and john wasworking away with his head andshoulders below- the road levelysuddenly a car swerved by the driver evidently not seeing the open flitch but he had so much speed on che car didnt have time to drop into the trench and hence jumped it had the wheel dropped into the ditch john might have been badly crushed as it was the shovel in his hands was smashediand the driver of the car settled for a new one small engines are obselete the first big gtr jnogul engine to travel over ths line of the rail way came through tliis week and they are being used both on the passenger and freight service the passenger engines are six tons hea vier than the freight the new order of tilings madfe possible by the lay ing of heavysteel rails on this divi sion will reduce the size of train crews two engines and two crews to man about twenty cars didnt pay one of the big engines wont through with 21 cars on and it appeared to have not the slighest trouble call and have us demonstrate the overland for you appointments at any time milliken garage clayton proprietor jas phone 16 r 2 milliken ont swifts skating time we are all ready for icevith a complete new stock of the famous automobile skates the lighest and strongest made ever pair guaranteed other cheaper lines for 1 oo pr up every boy and girl wants a hand sleigh at christmas time we have them to suit all ages of children do any hunting let us fix you up with ammunition or a new gun if necessary silvester stouffville bros kellett coles a quiet hut pretty wedding was solemnized at the home of mr h parsons of port perry on tuesday dec 5th whenstella second daugh ter of mrs kate coles of chicago iii became the bride of clarence harold kellett only son of- mrs c kellett port perry the bridewho was given away by her uncle mr parsons wore a beige duvetyn gown with corsage bouquet of erinward roses she was attended by her sister mrs george bridges of oak park 111 who wore brown satin mr victor parsons stouffer acted as best man after the wedd ing breakfast the happy couple left for toronto on their return they will reside in port perry mr arage car owner as we carry a good clean stock follows tires 12 and 1500 each any make tubes 2 and 220 each any make spark plugs patching material blow out patches bulbs repair parts for different makes of cars british american gasoline oils greases and other accessories expert repair work and good service maxwell and dodge service phone 300s stouffville sudden dcnth of veteran citizen the community was shocked on tuesday at noon to learn that charles a perry had dropped dead at the home of mr lemon baker apparently hi good health mr perry had dinner as usual then proceeded to mr bakers to do some pain ing he was seen about to fall and mr baker went to his assistance when he expired instantly mr perry was in his 68th year he was born in summersetshlre england and came to canada when 19 years of age after a short time with his brother in michigan he located at maviii wler- he lived urt iii marriage 44 years ago when ho came to stouffville besides his good wife two children survive harry of stouffville and mrs e j vcnables of hamiota man mr perry was a skilled mechanic being regarded as an expert in the paint ing and decorating trarte recently he visited his brother in michigan who also survives him the funeral will be held on saturday to stouff ville cemetery it is expectcdthat the daughter will be here from the west ont it will be 60 years next january since aurora was first made an in corporated village oraoi a low price level never before reached by any car in canada 445 ford touring car new prices on all chassis runabout touring truck chassis coupe sedan y fob ford ontario ford models vcaoi 34500 40500 44500 49500 69500 78500 the above prices are fob fordont start ing and electric lighting on chassis run about touring truck chassis 8500 extra on coupe and sedan starting and electric are standard equipment r e brown frd iv aifp stouffville