fvills june 291922 hi- if i 1 i i i 30z iob i0e3o fresh choice groceries good things to eat bananas oranges strawberries lettuce and cabbage pastry and bread flour the best of canned goods drop in and see me i 1 still handle dodd struthers lighting protection buggies gas engines loudens litter carriers also burlington silos etc geo j lawson ioe aocaoc e xoe3u gasolene by visible measure my new gasolene pump is now in operation and is- making a big hit it takes all the uncertainty out of buying gasolene you- see your measure before it goes into your tank also agent for prestolite storage bat teries the first c03t is slightly higher but they have stood the test of time and are backed by an ironclad guarantee your battery troubles disappear once you install a presto a good line of tires tubes spark plugs and other accessories always on hand expert repairs on all mates of cars ringwood garage phone 6005 this concerns you to farmers and others why leave your horse or car in the hot sun when you can drive in the coo sheds or the mansion house hotel free of charge also we have a good line in cigars tobaccos and cigarettes next we have the exclusive agency for the famous vvillard s carbonated ice cream sold in bulk and cones also a splendid line of icecream bricks now why rush home to meals these hot das wlieh you can get a meal at the hotel just like mother pre pares our charge is reasonable banquets and parties catered for phone us for sample menu s and piices phone 1701 a trial solicited mansion house hotel stouffville ont su is here anything you need in summer footwear we have it prices are right drop in no trouble to show goods repairing done as usual a g lehman store open tuesday thursday and saturday evenings the market grocery housecleaning time and we have all the necessities full line fresh groceries all the time violet clarkson d o ftftaoi x0e30i xoexoi ioboi n ob9 local news miss jo ephine kester of mark- ham has been visiting her aunt mrs h kester for the last two weeks i mrs rqbt leslie and htue dauga- r hetty of edmonton are visit- j ing mr and mrs v h shaw mr and mrs george lilly and friend of seaforth visited mr and mrs eiias lehman over the weex end i dont forget the service aj church j of christ lords day july 2nd at j 11 oclock am and 7 pm you are j invited dr barker will take his vacation by being away from his office friday i and saturday each week during july and august rev mr lee leaves this week for parry sound circuit and rev coulter of cochrane will take charge of this circuit mrs frank morrison and mrs ralph holcomb of warren pen visited their uncle and aunt mr and mrs eiias lehman and other friends last week dont forget to attend the big field day and garden party in me morial park stouffville on july 1st sports all day concert in the ei-en- ing 1 we had a call last tuesday from mr j brown r r 1 stouffville how nice to meet a friend from our own home town in the east of scot land the market butter 27c eggs 28 poultry old 10 to i8c poultry young 30 to 33c potatoes 100 the ladles society of ballantrae hexhodist church will meet at the home of mrs cockerills on wednes day july 5th a program is being prepared tea served from 1 to 8 oclock admission aduus 25 cents children 15 cents all are cordial ly invited the womens liberal club of au rora are having a picnic at bonds lake park onjuly 12th in which the wpnieh of the stouffville club and their husbands are kindly invi ted to unite it is expected the rt hon mackenzie king will be present at this gathering further notice later on friday july 7th a- garden party will be held at the home of mr charles a barclay brougham with program consisting of sports base ball and football at 4 pm star radio concert at 630pmand after 800 pm ontario government mov ing picture show and entertainment by joe williams jazz band refresh ments admission adults 3c- and children 20c l a very enjoyable evening was spent when the stouffville u f o and u f w o motored to the home of mrs w h wilmot sharon on tuesday june 20th the program was provided by the stouffville club and consisted of solos readings and songs also short humorous speech es were given by mr w reesor mr foote and mr campbell the re mainder of the evening was spent in having a real sociable time odd fellows of district no 39 dont forget our picnic to be held at musselmans lake on wednesday july 5th at 230 indoor baseball each lodge competing races for children of all ages water sports and a general field day mount albert band will furnish music odd fellows come along and bring tcrir family to make this a real success news of stouffville war- veterans our comrade stanley mcdonald went into the soldiers hospital christie st toronto last week and may have to undergo an operation we wish him a speedy recovery a meeting of the wiar veterans will be held in the councilchambers on wednesday next july 5th at 8 pm please attend the stouffville teacher training course announce that we have com pleted the third book of the course and are about to begjn the fourth entitled the school the first lesson to be held on saturday even ing july 1st at eight oclock at the home of mr arthur stapleton the scliool covers the purpose organiza tion equipment standards leader ship etc and ideals to be reached in the variousgrades of the sunday school our class is interdenominational all interested in sunday school work are invited leader rev l a flet cher b a on the evening of june 21st miss l atkinson of bethesda held a mu sical recital at her home forest viow farm when sne was hostess to about eighty friends her num erous pupils rendered a splendid programme consisting of pianoforte solos and duets speeches were made by mr w morley mr a shaf fer mr richardson- and others af ter which a dainty lunch was served during the evening an address was read by miss velma ciln and miss atkinson was presented with an ivory clock by miss mabel snider vandorf on behalf of the class the recipient replied suitably this not only shows the high es teem in which miss atkinson is held but shows how her invaluable servi ces asf a music teacher are apprecia ted make this test have yotzr crank case properly cleaned and re filled with the right grade of imperial polarine motor oils then chack up on the way your car performs you will immediately notice that your engine has more power that it climbs hills more easily that it runs more smoothly and quietly and that operating troubles occur less frequently imperial oil limited manufacturers and marketers of imperial polarine riair gils aj marketers in canada of gargoyle mobiloil imejrual msm made in canada j i mads in five grades for the proper lubrication ot all makes of automobiles trucks and tractors east end garage vulcanizing gasoline oils etc bring in your tires and tube3 and have them steam vulcanized tha only proper way and get many miles more service out of them i have installed a gasoline pump and i also handle oils tires tubes and tiro as- sessories percy tarr east end garage open all year enter now yonge and charles sjts toronto the high grade business school of ontario our graduates are in strong demand prepare now and be ready to accept a good position in the fall catalogue free w j elliott prlncipall travel by canadian pacific for fall particular tickets anal reservations apply to h- w sanders local agent phone iso also opr and canard lina oowan tickets men women and children how about your needs in summer wearing apparels nows the time to check up and let us sell you your supply our showing is complete ginghams in abundance that will prove both pleasing to the eye and pocket 20 25 30 and 50c yd prints that are fine in weave and full of quality in pattern 30c galateas the it brie for all garments for hard wear we have an exceptional choics 35c i voiles in all the colorings and creations of patterns that the de- signers skill can produce at the following so 75c 1 125 a yd misses and ladies vests comfy cut nicejy trimmed just the gar- ment for summer days 19 and 39c each misses and ladies cotton ribbed and lisla hose colors brown white blue pink and black all sizes 25c a pair childrens 2 and 1 rib and ladies lisle hose full size and nicely finished colors white brown and black 40c a pair ladies and misses fibre and pure silk hose plain and drop stitch in colors white black brown green and blue heather these are exceptional values 1 a pair womens house dresses the styles that assure you comfort nicely made 139 childrens cummer dresses sizes 2 to 14 years 100 blousrs a nice lot just arrived w hite voiles cut to the latest styles and trimmed with tre prettiest laces and insertions good fitters all sizes jjjleach w h shaw phone 6512 stouffville