bhhbmflerffijcf r une volxxxnrnoi8 stouffville ontario thutidaf jjsb 2a u22 whole number 1306 overland cars- sales and service we have secured the agency overland cal and have us demonstrate the overland for you appointments at any time ivtttt ttl t t7 llvfc which stand for so much in well-or- rijh a rciisuinjo twd communities lrulessonaiy voa will b interes ted to iearn tnat oae jouuviu bo is published thlrsuay afternoon terms j200 a year in adanc single cvjdes 5c j win marr editor and prop successor to f c madili j btouffville ont milliken garage ja cray ton 1rcprietor fk0ne 16 r 2 milliken ont editorial comment two weeks sale li in order to reduce our large and well stiecleci stock j s of millinery for two weeks we wili t gi very special reductions also nice q i ir- c n- vi i siic rftr r c o saturday june 24 1922 will log ba reremoered around the district i was c splendid day trae vi cojld have clone with i a little cooler but still that was better than rain tn i beat did not stop the people from j turning out to the union school pic- j ise at lake muvselman vrhils had we htjd rain iati things vb ld riot save been he same and there was a crowd the young the middle issd sns he old folks all enjoyed themselves and why wouldnt fhy we had not beei to the lake before what a splendid place th- lovely stretch of vaier the splen did fhade tree- etc all seem to say come and enjoy yourselves but ihe goirg is pcor cor ner the- to ravel s di fr ti road d roa s -y-t3- i rv sii o obiy r ioi csn jf to travel ii 1 l this season ship your cre m to us arid you will get best re sults if you cant bring it our truck will call for it open tuts tjiurs and satur evegs stouf f viile creamery ccmpany agents for lie laval cream separators we have rcoved to stojffville but by no nans have vjs gc settled jt has be an anxious time bat we cop- scon to be oie amongst you eacburageinent teams to meet us nt eveiy turn have wftome to a bsau- tiful village the question is answer ed wfeii i say 1 have travelled from eras to coast not only on a siiaight ruit- but have been in hun dreds of towns and villages on the american continent and the spot which we how call home looks to be as good as any of them when the word beautiful was first mentioned it was meant to suit such e place as stouffvihe home means many things horns j is in the newspaper gtne revis stouuer is anotuer ouwill find tie came ul the paper l nave speat most of my journalistic years o in any recognize list of the ten best newspapers in america- 3iug now a sioultviheite you will be expected also to be pleased at that j i am glad with other faroff read- crs of the trib thats the way we speak of your great chicago content- i j pmury taut the marr family is bringing stouffvihe ofe thau mart citizenship and skill to g oat a vasr and uo fite job piaiug vol probably know stoaffville was ramd trorn or for the s urdy pio- irs of that locality he stouffers stoufferville so to speak and for cr ici a ceiituty fro tie days of the ear david stotffor choirs riid eisging schools the souifer-re- jor famous male quartette and the original stokffvva silver cornet hcni the cormuiity you havs come to has been musical and ha ecjr- v4 r d 3rrt ol histrionic ti 1 e by thi trios columns you have coye in cbntacl with some of this vuni aiready and have matched up jfrlin it s pa stouffville i- fortunate to have such a capable addition to is raisi- i literary stat and you are lucky to fall into congenial atmos- era whfre this part of your life rvv cottirue o thrive and where it i be npr tel full value therefore yo hav apparently at 3- rod to trayal an- v3 that are away trus ypi vilje quickly into id aefsuairte- viih your new sur- rondine r tha von can mirror soffille i us faithfully and fully vr- bv-wesk- yoiit vfrv pttro henry p obrien start business school this summer the skaw 5chofi in toronto never cloe in summr they ie open ii july mad autiil dont waste the holiday ituon wutrt now ioicaih typc- wntinc ahorihand id bookkrrpins lndivioos1 iottiucton in every course p mclctotb chief principal smamffbusihessscliools imw toronto eats having purchased win vakes meat business we are prepared to supply you with the best fresh and cured meats to uk patronage will be appreciated gray lc id better ihoxe 0701 pure paris green arsenate of lead arsenate of lime geo coilard market drug storx stouffvijlle b3adwavs drug store stcuffyille sports means much to everyone last week v stanc we referred to ho who would not t be with us on the holiday tit u n a ve stouffvihe losipe no 3d4 lvct tltry monday kvfuiin at h oclock in the oilirkiiows hall vlsttiut icilri wtucoiiu- ralph laker vv r sanders s j secrear j b hanro financial secy bulr5 3pfs loof picnic at lake musselman tr mtrcullgug button rahkisteus polkitoks con- i evanrkup c sanders j norj stoitkvilif moiiey to loan i three hundred odd fellows an1 their faniiliee are expected to picnic at musselmans lake on wednesday july 5th i j an excellent program is beg pre- pared for the odd fellows picnic vfiere will be races for boys and i girls men arid women a pas ti ands rae a veterans race a tug- owar between the diffeient ledges j 58p abrsebail mach which pranis- ji to bv very exciting at the odd fellows irpfifvc o wednesday next lit albert is ex pected to vin the tugowar sto-in- vile or brougham the biseball match and the contest is expected to b between markham and agincourt for who can bring the most men that can run a hundred yards and eat a soda biscuit in a minute at the end of the raca the stouffvihe ball team were bumped up against hard luck at sun derland iast friday from the start the game was stubbornly contested and some good play was witnessed the teams standing even up till the eighth when the fatal blow came be with us on the holiday thieweek u a very expected form received a letter from any 0 w6n in tobat and with sonirville boy one whom we have etrikes a him and three never met but one who ands hch ba his favor he was hit on the in our estimation we hkve heard jaw ri some considerable time of him before and have hn1 w fore he regained consciousness he would mn him but the cornmrnica c a by drs fr and non appearing undtr the letter in f it being discovered that a re editor came as a b g rnre b had been broken can anyone imagine the ora of accicent had th effect of up- good the recognition has doe us io not unless ihey have boen in our position cut and ferns trucking long and local distance hauling prices moderate z geo valder west of standard bank stouff vihe phone 1603 setting the team and after this they had to retire on the hort end of a 53 score it was hard lines on stouffvihe wedding bouquets and funeral designs muston nurseries stouffville phone 7001 indianapolis ind june 15 1a22 to the editor of the stouffvihe tribune fleer mr editor as one of stouflvilles old boys i feerstat i am so7nebat slow ia ishing the new man and his fam ily prosperous and pleas years in thtir rv home the coining of a cv editor lo a cnnrmanily is an evert cf crslderabe imdrace vzi iulbtssi for he i- o e of the most iikvtai ik i it smith kkiim mmif iilr honor fiiiae o c1if ena to- rotilo ii kt no koyu co ligf fl tfciivsl surgeon oilier over soawii siure kbone office if 1 1 lifficncf ll16 at vbrde fvery wecintday mr geo watson sold his pony to mis g a m davison of union- vile who intends to show it at the exhibition mrs davison is a good judge of a horse having bought it idside of five minutes they claim this is oe of the best ponies in he country nevr mind edna daddy rill get you another as h3 is a good judge of a pony dtt f s barker 1 lutillm sfltll iioi 1 j e of royal cjlt g2 ol t- rli nrd rt i ltr ol toroblu frc hor- 2 to 2sir- zrd i j tc 5 pjs- h ii ji lir fl rtm ir-x- putre oirc- uni nei h p i w il ir dr s s b ll j car rc s rg- cjc cg3j ki main rrrn isc l band coxncfrt salvaton army izni ncrri ii i cu u 1 1 on nrf afitro r ju j tfv vm be a d carier try or sa rdsy jjy nt h c c- d t rc- t cn i towr tl sjcdoy r h ab e pp3 tiere will be ro charge b a ctdltcticn vtl hi ta- ten active ferefs and probably the most my delay in wenotingyou on be half of the absent has bad the ad- varrge cf giving me opportunity lo ibserve vother you are going to fit in ard t some extent how wsll yos are goig o fit in the tribune bhowb you are no novice at the print ing and publishing business its typoprcsphijal appearance is not go- irg to be crcelled by any otfcrr on tario weekly ad its editorial and newsracr worth is goig to b3 fully up o rl- hat ai eneprising eom- mupiy like soiftville should expect vr- hrre doe a wise thing early i think by decidig to give cotjsid- ftlic atentior to ffpnrs j local rjro s we- i vrs a boy i sub- fcribed for the toronto mail because it had a good rpors page the first icwsfpr in carada to spread out ii ivru direction as i remembet i d thi- rotwithstandirg that my n wculj net stay i fe sme romi i be re it since iho days e ery sot- nsrirypiper hn a gro- sorts tfri j se you ir rr vr o gi f i j f tetio ho hirci6 a aftiitej crgaisaionv claremont i i mr peter macnab arrived borne from harriston accompanied by his daughter mrs msfaian aril son scotljjionday adangerous fire started in the cooper store tuesday morning it appearsthe gasoline engine caught from being cverhcatett but was pat t in he nick ot lime cuiie a narubor rotored to pick- ering village one evening last week to attend the presbyterian sraw- i berry festival and garden party and on the side to see our young men do up the pickering football club ss usual a bad accident happened to alfred lemon at evans saw mill when he caught his band in the saw and sev ered it at the wrist a large crowd of people at ahona last sunday at the imersion mr and mrs a j cliandior of to- rcno were at j h and mrs beals on sundy last dont forget to attend the big field day and garden party in me morial park stouffvihe on july isi fports an day concert in the even itig w j mather vpttai iurkcton and rm- almkr ptolffvmie rcmenc cburrh street tfo dmir iih f ytnvi vnv ncs pstll orso2 day afl ntnilt talis promptly nftfndd tr- local and long distance hauling moderate prices jail phone 1204 for estimate on your work h allen g0udie stouffviiile ontario i am agent for graydort cars 0 auditorium garage phone 7001 alex sgott 03023 reading fine print at a reasonable distance should not be a hard task if you find it does cause you inconvenience there is something the matter with your eyes they need attention i detective eyes i are throughly tested by us and we j prescribe treatment or glasses that will correct the fault we are spec- ialists on all eye diseases and if con sulted can invariably effect a cure see me and see better adam r yake registered optometrist and optician office phone 1604 kesid phone 8004 youll say exactly the same as other ladies i how did i ever get along with out one thats what all tbe ladies cay tbe moment ona of our new kitchen cabinets comes into the kitchen 60 convenient no bandy 10 indispensable we bare one that will suit you everything in furniture w j mather roadways drug store stouffville boadways drug store stouffville t r ivrtv wfv to it rtirc r- c o wtr- rttay the mew 0erianp has arrivef 7he lbr2i tresnet 1 tcr rcd or thlir p-s- 1 rcl brer iiitv j ai1 jj parcd it came i rre cssrfbvie fey i l jmlt i 0- c rv komj fil e 7jv s v n lio seira w h todd fz chas vakh iv n v a- h- o lb financial information as an institution with first hand knowledge of financial markets at home and abroad and with managers of broad experience and unbiased judge ment this bank is in a position to render invaluable information on investment and other money matters to patrons standard service h comprtknhpt financial strvic thk standard bank or canada fittt i orcanaoa total assets over eightythree millions a c burkholder manager stbanylle eranch i 1