the cow puncher by robert j c stead copyright the musson book co chapter ii contd mr elden promptly engaged hie doctor in conversation and m a few moments had gleaned the mam facte fectly well where the brake was and how to use it in fact there were two brakes operated by different members and perhaps it was this dup lication intended to insure safety that in connection with the accident and responsible for her undoing her the father and daughter which it naa lirst jrapuise was use the emer- brought bo involuntarily under igency but to do so she must remove roof he was quite sober now ana ner j from steeringwheel his speech although slovenly was t wnere it was very fully occupied she indelicate he was still able to payjdjd start to put this impulse into to woman that respect which curbs the but an umlsua violent de- coarseness of a tongue for years s flection caused her to reconsider that jested to little discipline intention she determined to use the after breakfast irene attended to foot- brake a feat which was accom- the wants of her father and by this phshcd under normal conditions by time the visiting doctor was manifest ing impatience to be away oth fees were calling him and he assured doctor hardy what the latter quite well know that nothing more could be done for him at present he would pressing one foot firmly against contraption somewhere beneath the steeringpost she shot a quick glance downward and to her alarm discovered not one but three contrap tions all apparently designed to re- come again at any time is summoned ceive the pressure of a foot if one by the young man or if his profes- cuid reach them and as similar as sional duties should bring him into the steps of a stair this involved a the neighborhood of the elden ranch further hesitation and in automobil- but dave declared with prompt final- ing he who hesitates invites a series ity that the horses must rest until of rapid experiences by this time after noon and the doctor willyndlly all irenes attention was required to spent the morning rambling in the bring the car to som- unanimity of foothills meanwhile the girl busied direction it was quite evident that herself with work about the house in it was running away it was quite which she was effecting a rapid trans- evident that the horses were running formation after the midday dinner dave har nessed the team for the journey to town but before leaving inquired of irene if there were any special pur away the situation assumed the qualities of a raco and the only mat ter of grave doubt related to its ter mination dave stall holding fast to the reins ran beside tha car with chases either persl or for the use prodigious strides which enabled him of the house which she would recom- to onng but little restraint uponthe mend with some diffidence she men- team and irene held to the steenre- tioned one that was uppermost in her wheel with grip of desperation thoughts soap both laundry and toilet dr hardy had no hesitation in calling for a box of his favorite cigars and some new magazines and took occasion to press into the boys hand a bill out of all proportion to the value of the supplies requested there was an argument in the yard which the girl did not fully hear between father and son but she gathered that the old man insisted on going to town then they struck the water it was not more than two feet deep but the extra resistance it caused and the extra alarm it excited in the horses resulted in the breaking of the lariat dave still clung fast to his team nnd now that the terrifying rival no longer pursued them they were soon brought to a standstill having pacified them he tied them to a post and returned to the stream the car sat in the mid and falling that that dave should j die the girl had put her feet on the replenish his stock of whisky tojseat beside her and the swift water neither of which would the young man flowed by a few inches below she consent it was evident that dave was laughing merrily when dave was the responsible person in the af fairs of the elden ranch the day was introductory to others that were very wet in parts appeared on the bank well im not wet except for a lit- to follow dave returned the next tie splashing she said arid you are could have found it nowhere in greater perfection than in the foothill country centring about the elden ranch here was an arcadia where one might well return to the simple life a ktfe bay of still water sheltered from the on- rushme time of affairs by the warm brown prairies and the whitebosomed mountains towering through their draperies of bluepurple mist it was life as far removed from his accustom ed circles as if he hao been suddenly spirited to a different planet it was life without the contact of life with out the crowd and jostle and haste and gaiety and despair that are called life but the doctor wondered if after all it did not come nearer to filling the measure of experience which is life a considerable acquaintanceship had sprung up between him and the senior elden the rancher had come from the east forty years before but in turning over their memories the two men found many links of asso ciation third persons known to them both places even streets and houses common to their feet in early man hood events of local history which each could recall although from dif ferent angles and eldens life in the west had been a treasury of exper ience in which he now dipped for the first time in years regaling his guest with tales of the open range long be fore barbed wire had stuck its poison ed fang into the heart of the ranch man tales of horsestealing and cattlerustling with glimpses of sud den justice unrecorded in the official documents of the territory of whisky- running and excess and all those large adventures that drink the red blood of the wilderness in his grizzled head and stooping frame ho carried more experiences than would fill a dozen wellrounded city lives and he had the storytellers art which scorns to spoil dramatic effect by a too strict adher ence to fact but over one phase of his jife he kept the curtain resolutely down no ray of conversation would ho admit into the more personal af fairs of his heart or of the woman who had been his wife and even when the talk turned on the boy he quickly withdrew it to- another topic as a i many people nave discovered tkat 2 in i shoe pbfisnea awt ood for other things than for shining shoes jw examples t in 1 black good for txrtbbteg motor cart itfinbhtag ufc cse kodaks bltck tfores rubber tut nx i to 1 whire ake or liquid good for cleaning hat main m whiw kfats white kid glovta auto tkes etc z in 1 tan paste good rwrwltohlifurrjturbaidvroodfkkwezej x per tits best lut of new uses fa- 2 in 1 we are awards cosft prizes as pbtow 1st award 50000 for the most acceptable fet 20 prizes of 1500fcr tho next twenty snd 30000for next best list l v na if2 3rd 20000fox third best list so 3srifc 10 prizes of 2500for the next tea 100 m joofor thd next 100 list fir to find new uses forany of the 2 in 1 shoe polishes either black tan oxblood jrowa ftty to una ww uw ivi wj or w liquid black or tan combination write on one side of paper only list uses according to colore awards will be made according to decision of special committee and payment made on or before october 1st 1922 all lists aubmitttd to become our property address prize editor f dalley company of canada limited hamilton canada though the subject were dangerous or distasteful but once after a long silence following such a diversion had he betrayed himself into a whispered remark an outburst of feeling rather than a communication ive been alone so much he said it seems i have never been anything but alone and sooner or intel it gets you it gets you to be continued the care of your mesh bag mesh bags have been increasingly popular for several years because of their pleasing appearance but some will help to keep the bag attractive some owners of mesh bags have lined them with silk or kid to prevent soiling dainty handkerchiefs light card who have received mesh bags of gold caes or any 0 that kind this afternoon riding his own horse and does anything occur to you with either the meshes or silver as gifts or who have pur chased them have been disappointed in regard to their wearing qualities sprywheel a 81nnlo wheel tractor and cultivator combined sprywheel does any work for which a wheel or hand hoo can be used does five times as much small enough for the half acre home gardener a labor savor and money maker for every market gardener nurseryman and farmer injuring uniformly thorough- and economical cultivation for full information and descriptive literature agents write now srwhufk 52 colborne dept c st toronto heavily laden with cigars magazines out reply he walked stolidly into the tiny holes like dropped pitches or the really spoils the effect of the dainty turpentine these will remove all article itself making it look thick in- traces 0 the varnish remover if t stead of fine and filmy it also com- however it takes too much time to on begin to show picates tlle cleaning process for of remove the varnish be sure the var- soap and with a soft little package cold water took her in his arms and which proved to be a sponge which he carried her asliore the lariat was had bought of his own initiative and soon repaired and the car hauled to wtiich he tendered to irene she took the ranch buildings without further it with sjowly rising color and with j mishap a strange misgiving whether this was i later in the day he said tocher a bona fide contribution to the toiletican you ride equipment of the house or a quiet some she answered i have beg to look dark bags themselves and dingy keeping the bags in good condition is really a matter of personal care the mesh bags of better quality are made of soldered links and while sol der is a metal it is not what might be course such a lining has to be re- ish j absolutely clean for paint will moved before cleansing is undertaken- no s to greasy surfaces rub with the trouble can be avoided by s wool emery paper or a fine keeping the bag clean and by using a gra of sandpaper this will smooth small inner removable envelope of tne roug pieces of varnish and at silk into which handkerchiefs or anyj the same time scratch the smooth sur- satire designed to offset the effect of ridden city horses but dont know- called a tough resistant metal and the appeal for soap about these ranch aiimals yon know the following day it was decided a city horse has to do as he is told that the automobile which since- the but ranch horse seems to do pretty accident had lain upturned by the roadway should be brought to the ranch buildings dave harnessed his team and instead of riding one of the horses walked behind driving by the reins and accompanied by the girl who had proclaimed her ability to much as he likes but i would like to try if i had a saddle i have an extra saddle he said but its a mans they all ride that way here she made no answer and the sub ject was dropped for the time but steer the car when they reached the j the next morning she saw dave ride stream she hesitated remembering away leading a horse by his side he her mishap but the boy slipped his did not return until evening but when the meshes themselves are all fine and delicate if the mesh bag is used thoughtless ly it will suffer of course no sharp article should ever be carried within its folds such as nail files orange- thing else of a light color can be slip ped even this is unnecessary if all meshes are quite clean as they should be a novel playhouse take the old wornout largo um bre3aand make it into a playhouse find a stump into which the um- wood sticks hairpins sharpened pen- bre handle can be securely fastened cils or anything with a point which v u iv unoccupied hand firmly under her arm and they walked the log in safety it seemed to irene that he continued ms assistance when it was no longer needed but she accepted the courtesy without remark with the aid of the team and daves lariat the car was soon righted he came the idle horse carried saddle its a stradlegger he said when he drew up beside irene but its a girls i couldnt find anythin else in the whole diggins im sure it will do splendidly if i can just stick on she renlied and was found to he none the worse i but another problem was already in for its deflection from the beaten her mind it apparently had not oc- track irene preidcd at the seenngj curred to dave that women require clothing for- riding especially i stradlegger she opened far on each occasion which gave to her lips to mention this then closed her course a somewhat wavy or undi- tihem again he had been to enough lating order such as is found in trouble on her account he had al- bread knives or perhaps a better readyspent a whole day scouring the va1 wih hiv t wheel watching the road with great isoecial intentness and turning the wheel too if its figure would be to compare it with that rolling motion affected by fancy skaters however the mean of her direction corresponded with the mean of the trail and all went merrily until hie stream was approached here was rather steep descent and the car showed a sudden purpose to engage the horse3 in a contest of speed the buimals woro suspicious enough at best of their strange wagon and had no thought of allowing it to assume hie initiative now irene knew per- she would country for a saddle manage some way late that night she was busy with scissors and necdje chapter iii dr hardy recovered from his in juries as rapidly as could be expected and while he chafed somewhat over spending his holidays under such cir cumstances the time passed not un happily had he sought the world over for a haven from the intrusion of business or professional cares he feu can stand f this 14a3oam our smp pearl ware wash board is so strong tough and durable that a fullgrown manor woman can s on it without doing the rugbing surface or any part of it the least harm the enameled sur face wont chip flake or peel off think of the wear there is in such a wash board there is the same wearing qualities rn all articles in smp pearl ware try out the wash board and be convinced ask for s pearl ware sheet metal products cem will penetrate the ineshe3 and cause tiny breaks to appear in one case the owner of a very beautiful mesh bag found that her treasure was beginning to show mys terious breaks she traced it to i small bead change purse which she was in the habit of carrying inside the bag the beads were of just the right size to force themselves into the mesh opening if circumstances were right she had the bag repaired and stopped using thelittle bead change purse and had no further cause for complaint it is also a mistake to force the carrying capacity of the mesh bag for it is essentially a dress article and and not one to be used for utilitarian purposes the owner of the mesh bag should remember if she goes shopping that a more capacious leather or silk receptacle into which she can stuff parcels of different sizes will be a convenience while the charming mesh bag will be saved for more appro priate use if the article is gold or silver plated the plating will wear off in time al though if this is a good quality it should last as well as any other plated article would if it is taken care of but under no circumstances should it be cleaned with gritty scouring pow ders or soaps or with unknown ma terials one owner of a mesh bag scrubbed it vigorously with a borax prepara tion after the first cleaning it was certainly improved for much of the soil was removed but after several cleanings the plate was removed also the bag was rcplated and the owner was sadder and wiser for the expense was unnecessary in tho future she used a good silver cleaning polish and a soft little brush after cleaning the bag was rinsed thoroughly under the warm water faucet until it was quite clean then it was dried on a soft clean towel and hung wide open in a draught of air that riny cmigingjnoisturo within the meshes miglifboevapornted bags of gold plate or of solid gold should only be cleaned with some preparation obtained from a reliable jeweler for the purpose naturally the bags will grow dingy if they arc car ried throughout a season without be ing cleaned the meshes are pecu liarly adapted to catch dust anyway so a frequent cleaning with suitable materials or a good rinsing in clear water and a procoss of gentle drying use a bit of cement to hold it if necessary draw a circle around the stump about six feet in diameter to do this tie a string three feet long to the handle of the umbrella on the other end of the string tie a sharp stick with which to make the circle then make a flower about ten inches wide along this circle and in the flowerbed plant morn ing glory or other quickly grow ing vine seed by the time the seeds face so that the paint will adhere to it use a nogloss house paint for the first coat and two coats of a light- colored paint is to he used over a dark surface allow each coat to dry thor oughly then add a ccat of enamel paint of the cotor desired first woman enters inner temple bar the sacred portals of the inner temple were passed recently by a woman when miss ivy williams be came a member of the british bar the first to be called in the temple says a recent london despatch miss wil liams is an oxford lecturer who says she does not intend to practice al though she took precedence over a score of men because she possesses a certificate of honor she appeared let the fresh air enter stuffiness in a room is due to twice or thricebreathed stale air and there is nothing more mentally arid physical ly debilitating unfortunately the usual demand of open the window does not do much good and that is because when the opening is effected by pulling down the top sash a few inches the impos sible is being attempted there cannofbe an exit of used air in the same place as there is an in gress of fresh air warm rarefied air will of course escape through the top of an opened window unless it is beaten back by a cold and heavier air current the cross action then produces a swirling draught a fertile source of colds also the amount of fresh air so obtained will be negli gible for the used air will rob the fresh air of part of its oxygen and the result will be a secondgrade air the proper and scientific way of securing the egress of used air and the ingress of fresh air is to push up the lower window sash to the top and pull down the upper sash to within four inches of the sill a board cut to size should be placed between the sill and the pulled- are up tie stout hemp strings from m a black evening dre3s gowned as a down upper sash its purpose is to each of the ribs of the umbrela to the stakes as the vines grow they form a green wall and the umbrella forms the roof of a charming little playhouse refinishing of furniture are you going to paint that chair or table that is stored away in the attic or shed painted furniture is very popular nowadays why not make the most of what we have and bring in those old dejected pieces of furni ture and rejuvenate them to make a perfect job of an old varnished piece every bit of varnish should be removed unless this is done the work will not be entirely satisfactory varnish may be re moved on smooth surfaces by scrap ing with a knife blade piece of glass steel wool or sandpaper this is too harsh a treatment for veneered or barrister ii e dickens son of the novelist said women have attained this eminence in law not by virtue of the frantic suffragist activity not by drop ping ink and smoke bombs but by virtue of their great and inestimable service to their country during the war the days are long past when wo- minards liniment for durns etc men were regarded as mere chattels j by men they are no longer regarded j the people of amsterdam holland as mere ornaments but as the equals have been taught by means of an offl- of men the work of women during clal movie film how to behave in pub- exclude a horizontal draught from any person sitting close to the window with the sashes thus arranged the outer and fresh air will find as is obvious a downward and natural en trance and the lighter and stale air will escape upward and out the war has worn down every exist ing prejudice against women taking active part in the management of tho country and in dispensing its laws call night- at the inner temple is always a memorable occasion but this years ritual made history for the british bar when a woman adorned herself in wig and gown and was m on the market and all arc equally good they soften thef by in nlou e i and it can be easily removed h f llc r an1 eom delicate surfaces care must always j warmly received by her fellows be taken not to mar or dent the wood ammonia turpentine and alcohol minards liniment for dandruff will dissolve varnish but the most sat- isfactory method is to use a commer- a t ju pi rial varnish remover there are many r f of them on the market and all arc a ho6pltai for panls ls ne iatest about o by crubbgorwiping with havy j lovers f flowers who are often dis cloth for final cleaning use gasoline jessed at sight of their favorite j plants ailing and dying frcm maladies for which they know no cure when a sick plant is brought to the hospital it is immediately examined and sent to the room prepared for its case if it is suffering from n cold it is tended with heat if it ha become anaemic from an excess of solar rays it goes through a freezing treatment the unwholesome branches aro removed while those that are anaemic are fed it seems that certain plants are very nervous some easily get neurasthenic while their neighbors show undeniable symptoms of hysteria but special managements permit the application to each of them of the treatment it requires lie on which side of the pavement to walk how to hold a cane an umbrelln corns lift off with fingers radio supplies we are distributors for radio parts and complete sets and ready to give you agency in your locality write for our trice list and proposition dominion electric supply co ltd 110 queen st w toronto doesnt hurt a bit drop a little freezcne on an aching corn instant ly that corn stops hurting then short ly you lift it right off with fingers truly your druggist sells a tiny bottle of frcozone for a few cents sufficient to remove every hard corn soft corn or corn between the toe and the ai- luscs without soreness or irritatioa vkafeas