j i y i i- alung disorders in beif ast exceed all previous horrors rebels use bombs ambulances summoned thirteen times within five hours military obliged to resort to bayonet charges to dispel mobs a despatch from london says the hottest battle between the mili tary and sinn fein gunmen since the belfast turmoil began occurred on thursday morning in the roman catholic areas between grosvenor road and falls road the evening standards belfast correspondent says appalling disorders have occurred here the like of which this city of horrors has never experienced before between seven oclock and noon am bulances were summoned thirteen times the streets were raked with machine gun fire the rebels in turn bombed several places two whole blocks of houses were set on fire and while the firemen fought tho flames the battle waged iir the streets all round nine civilians were carried out dead from this inferno two of them women many were killed in houses into which tho rival factions pursued them in fury the bodies were rescued only in time to prevent cremation bayonet charges by the military were necessary to dispel the mobs which gathered to join in the battle the gunmen retreated to the gros venor road area where a fresh battle broke out involving lesson street norfolk street grosvenor place mc donnell street and other thorough fares the crown forces had a diffi- cnlt task in suppressing the gunmen their concentrated fire reduced the gunmen to silence for a while but later the rebels mounted a machine gun and swept the streets causing men women and children to fly for their hves more than thirty houses were burn ed in the milfield and peters hill area of belfast on thursday only the skeleton walls of 13 houses in boyd street remain all the 14 houses on peters place were destroyed while dwellings on california street and woodford street were damaged by fire and looted on thursday a public house in pet ers hil was burned heavy firing occurred near the stanhope street area after which the police made ex tensive raids for arms the barracks of the special con stables at crossmaglen and jackson house two miles inside the louth- armagh border were attacked by par ties of armed men heavy rifle firing ensued for half an hour after which the attacking party withdrew appar ently without casualties the british destroyer warwick held up a steamer from moville to london derry in lough foyle off the northern county londonderry coast the dei stroyer put police on board the steam- 1 er they searched the passengers but fix maximum price made no arrests general advance by central china leader a despatch from tientsin says general wu peifu using the chinese eastern railway has instituted a gen eral advance against the forces of general chang taolin whom he recently drove out of pekin into manchuria gen eral wus objective is shan- hailkwan at the southern tip of manchuria on the gulf of liao tung feeling against chang tso- lin is said to be spreading in manchuria the entire line of the chinese eastern railway is reported in the hands of supv porters of wu peifu mine canada for prehistoric monster the schooner maud capt raoul amundsens exploration ship ready for a journey to the frozen north carrying food and other equipment to last for seven years the vessel left seattle washington recently the party on tho trip will be in constant communication with the rest of the world by means of a powerful radio set by which they will report their progress asked to mediate in irish affairs earl of balfour appointed by british cabinet to unravel entire situation a despatch from london says the new earl of balfour has been asked by the british cabinet to act as mediator to try and smooth out the entire irish situation both as regards southern ireland and the border situa tion in the north in the meantime sir james craig tho ulster premier has given the cabinet his views of the state of af fairs in ulster although he now has for bituminous coal 10 000 british troops apart from hisj a d f washing- ulster volunteers and special con- r stabulary he complains that his con- ton says establishment ot a trol of the situation is insufficient and maximum price of 350 a ton he wants a free hand to use the troops as ho pleases he also put forward an explanation as to why the ulster government is unable to maintain law and order in belfast but he apparently failed to impress the cabinet which finally con sented to the use of british troops for the sake of the defence of ulster but refused to allow him to use them for operations across the border among certain african tribes brides can be purchased on the instalment system for bituminous coal at the mines in 80 per cent of the present production fields for the duration of the strike was announced on thursday night by secretary hoover the maximum price he ex plained applies solely to soft coa canada from coast to coast charlottetown pei with a cargo of 60000 bushels of island potatoes tho steamer canadian coaster left here for havana last fall shipments to the amount of 75000 bushels were made to the same port and the pre sent consignment is one of the largest single shipments made from this province annapolis ns announcement has i been made that f d j barnjum has expressed his willingness to purchase a few small timber lots containing a good growth of pine or spruce trees in different parts of nova scotia either on the main highways or bord ering on the line of a railway for the purpose of saving and perpetuating some of the present forest tree growth these lots are eventually to servo as picnic grounds or forest parks st john nb efforts are being made to secure the use of the powerful wireless plant at newcastle which are single the british government is commuting a sufficient portion of the mens pensions to give them passage money and something in hand winnipeg man with the object of producing highclass seed grain in car- lot quantities for sale to outside points 45 farmers in the birtle dis trict have organized a seed centre ac cording to the provincial minister of agriculture it is proposed to instal cleaning machinery- standardize the grain and sell it to manitoba wheat producers or through country agents in minnesota and the dakotas where manitoba seed is in steady demand rcgina sask the total number of big game animals killed last year in the province of saskatchewan was only 927 as compared with 2200 in 1920 last year there were but 409 moose captured as against 1200 the exchange advances on us market provisional moratorium to germany caused british securities to soar a despatch from paris says the reparations commission have fully approved the german reply to its ulti matum and definitely decided to grant germany a provisional moratorium for the year 1922 the text of the com- missionsletter to chancelor wirbh and also its decisions were issued after the commission had framed them at a ses sion lasting many hours the decision was unanimous the french delegate joining in it despite the report of op position from a section of the cham ber which caused deep concern in commission circles during the day a despatch from new york says the granting of a oneyear provisional moratorium to germany by her form er enemies was followed by a series of interesting movements in the local chicago scientists to searck for remains of extinct lizard a despatch from chicago says ai party of chieagoans left on thursday night for an exploration trip in canj ada to search for tho remains of thd terrible lizard a beast of monstrous size equipped with huge armor platei of bone and horns the expedition ds being sent out by the field museum i no museum in tho country has yet the university of toronto is managed acquired an entire skeleton of one ot the buhetins state with the most care- these prehistoric monsters but the exx ful economy consistent with efficiency pedition from the field museum headw no dollar is wasted the british gov- ed by e s riggs assistant curator ernment received an adverse vote hi the house of commons recently be cause the majority of the members ap parently thought that the attempt to effect socalled economies in eduea tion was illadvised the feeling of tho people of canada like that of the people of great britain may per haps be most concisely expressed in the following sentence from the montreal gazette economy at ad times is requisite it is admitted but a failure to secure the best and most progressive system of education for a country is not economy in any sense of the word but rather a peculiarly reprehensible form of extravagance hopes to return with a complete specie men hunting for dinosaurs is very much like prospecting for minerals accord ingf to j b abbott one of the party often fragments of bone are fourut fct a wash which comes x some dis tance these are traced back to the mother rock and digging is begun there do you know what country has th4 largest unexplored area africa fi youra wrong its south america the civilized people of the world use on an average over three millionj matches every minute weekly market report 604c 1 feed sir douglas hazen chief justice of new brunswick when speaking at the university of new brunswick club voiced the opinion that the province wants a university of its own and opposed the estabiish- of one central university at halifax for the maritime provinces un- i previous ye3r the season for prairie men chicken this year will be for a month never has been used since it was erect- ii k ue customary two weeks he g fe m ej 10 years ago for the purpose of shootn of par rdge pro establishing a broadcasting station for h fc be wireless telephony only the most to beecaimg so powerful recent sets can be depen- pe tle no p of lhe i cd upon to secure satisfactory remits the council at dindurn sg from the stations in the united states m 0pen cason cn h vsflnd strange cattle foods it begins to look as though cana- toronto manitoba wheat no 1 northern foreign exdiangemarket on thursday ihi no 2 northern 137 no remittances on london rose to the 3 f wf w o rw manitoba oats no 2 cw highest quotations in three years de- 3 cw 67 extra no mand sterling selling at 446 witv 5 n j fed 55 cables a fraction over 446 and a manitoba barley nominal corresponding gain in tixtyday bills j all the above track bay ports the german rate also improved american corn no 2 yellow 76c marks rising to the equivalent of 100 no 3 yellow 75c all rail for 38 cents as against the recent low fitym extra test 47 lbs or quotation of 100 for 32 cents fouteid- according to freights strength of british exchange ac- 3 100 cording to wellinformed brokers rye no 2 95c seemed to be predicted on the belief j mikrfeed del montreal freight that the moratorium would be follow bags included bran per ton 28 to ed by a large german loan and re- 30 shorts per ton 80 to 32 good sultant reestablishment of large ere- f fl 1- to 180 dits by that country in london more p f p sft or less to the disadvantage of france tf9- c 14 to 111 and other continental centres i s lots pe ton track to ronto 12 to 13 ontario wheat no 1 commercial 140 to 145 outside ontario no 3 oats 40 to 45c out side ontario corn 53 to 60c outside ontario flour 1st pats in cotton series of bulletins issued by the sacks 93s 770 per bbl 2nd pate alumni federation of the university j bakers 720 straights in bulk cf toronto one of these bulletins j seaboard 655 refers to questions asked by some who m1nntoba flour 1st pats in cotton true economy in education renewed interest in ontarios pro vincial university and its needs has j been aroused by the publication of a animals edmonton alta- asaresuuohc the and the st john commercial club is undertaking to promote the establish ment of the station in this province quebec que a party of thirty- prov in c7 three new radio companies seven swedes arrived here on board have becn organized and have become tho new canadian pacific steamer ncorporated under the joint stock montrose they arc proceeding companies act west to sedgewick arberta where victoria bc headed by a group they will engage in farming this chinese of british nationality party forms the vanguard of a large ma of the vounger set a chinese influx which is expected from the flying school is to be opened in esqui- scnndinaviim countries ths year ma the first machine a cross- toronto ont a report from lon- curtiss with pontoons was ready ion states that the first party of the for service on my 25 the object of exmembers of the royal irish con- the flying school which will follow one stabulary numbering 20 will leave at in operation in kamloops for the last the end of the month for toronto two years is to train pilots for avia- under the auspices of the ontario gov- tion so these men when trained may eminent which has undertaken to find return to chim to carry on the flying work on farms for them all the men services of that land radicphene popularity which has iz swept the length and breadth of the ke at ottawa announces that organization which took place in 1906 j j j large 26 to27c old stiltons 24c an excelvant cattie feed can be manuj i rep to these inquiries it is point- butter fresh dairv choice 20 fiwnvif fnitvinvn a 11 1 of nil p a f d ed out th fcr y pvion of the waste of the s british columbia to 3906 the provincial universitv wa sawms wiu doubtless be utilized in admittedly starved it was iferamy that way in future it also states fi a dying condition to remedy tms that a plant was recently established state of affairs he royal commis- m carno where food for cows is be- sio of that year recommended greatly ing manufactured from fish waste as the losses by waste in the nova scotian fisheries amount to a stagger ing figure every year similar enter prises will doubtles spring up in other towns besides canso the production of cinema films is now the third largest industry in germany enlarged government support and this was forthcoming then the provincial university began to expand and to offer the type of education demnnded by intemigcnt people to compare maintenance expenditures of seven teen years ago with those of the pre sent year is like comparing the food cost of a delicate starving child witih that of a vigorous fullgrown man to 24c creamery prints fresh finest 35c no 1 34c no 2 32c cooking 18 to 21c dressed poultry spring chickens 65c roosters 25c fowl 24 to 30c duekxngs 35c turkeys 40 to 45c live poultry spring chickens 55c roosters 17 to 20c fowl 26c duck lings 35c turkeys 30 to 35c margarine 20 to 22c eggs new laid candled 32 to 3sc new laid in cartons 36 to 37c beans can handpicked bushel 425 primes 375 to 390 maple products syrup per imp gal 220 per 5 imp gals 210 maple sugar lb 20e honey 2030lb tin 14 m to 15c per lb 524lb tins 17 to 18c per 1 lb ontario comb honey per dozj 550 potatoes ontario 904b bag 115 deiawarcs 115 to 125 smoked meats hams med 33 toj 36c cooked ham 50 to 52c smokedj rolls 25 to 27c cottage rolls 32 t6j 34c breakfast bacon 35 to 36c backs boneless 86 to 40c cured meats long clear bacon 17 to 19 clear bellies 21 to 23 hghtj weight rolls in bbls 48 heavyweight rolls 40 lard prime tierces 16c tubs lec pails 17c prints 18c short ening tierces 15c tubs 1514c pails lgc prints 18c ohoice heavy steers 850 to 9s butcher steers choice 850 to 875s do good 750 to 775 do med 650 to 7 do com 6 to 650 butcher heifers 775 to 850 do med 675 to 725 do com 6 to 650 butchett cows choice 650 to 725 do med j 560 to 6 canhers and cutters to 2 butcher bulls good 5 to 6y do com 3 to 4 feeders good 7j to s750 dvfair 6 to 7 stockersy gcd 550 to 625 do fair 5 to 550 nvters 40 to 80 springers 50 to 90 calves choice 1050 to 1160 do med 6 to 725 do com 4 to 5 spring iambs 10 to 16 sheep choice 7 to 750 do gocxv 5 to 6 d com 350 to 4 year lings choice 12 to 13 dp com 6 to 7 hcg3 fed and watered 14 to 1425 do fob 1325 to 1350 do country pcinis 13 to 1325 montreal oats can west no 2 66 to 67cp do no 3 62 to 63e flour man spring wheat pats firsts 8 rolled oats bag 90 lbs 3 bran 2825 shorts s3025 hay no2 per ton car lots 29 to 30 cheese finest eastern 12 ta 13 710c butter choicest creamery 29 to 30 lie eggs selected 35cl potatoes per bag car lots 85c- quality 660 spring lambs 13 to igq per pound light cull sheep 4 up hogs selects 15 mixed lots 146 end up thick smooth cornfed 14 sows 10 to 11 1 mr scrlmaltz jho kceps thecahdv store istht meanest fan imthe world ritcy5omr mtvj ttmalfcllts anthc cst a ptnmv ach am i bxu omt anontw hit it im wj mooth a mlmtt vhcm i touhp oot i elcn uv- tanriewouldn chanc it v