the tribune vol xxxiii no 15 stouffville ontario thursday june s 1922 whole number 1303 mr business man is are you advertising in the tribune the proper way to convey your message to the people is by an advertisement in the weekly paper directly cover ing your district the tribune covers a wide area and will speak for itself enquire about space and contract rates we also do all kinds of printing the stouffville tribune telephone 1001 stouffville ont ttjp hp t dt t1vtt fhe ald article must be either try- 1 jlljeif 1 -tvl-duli-i- tag to deceive himself or he is abso- 1 is published thursday afternoon i terms 200 a year in advance single copies 5c wo marr editor and prop successor to p c madill stouffville editorial comment oexoe o xoesoe aox two weeks sale in order toreduce our large and well selected stock of millinery for two weeks we will give very special reductions also nice line of muslins baby honnets just in with our first month in stoufl- ville gone we have had many pleas ant days we have met many new friends yes friends from whom we have had the handshake of real wel come we however have had our ups and downs in different ways a new business always has its pecu- larities and until one gets properly into the run of it they cannot feel thoroughly settled we however ijave heard o if 0e30i mrs f wilson 30e30i ioe30i i cream wanted t this season ship your cream to us and you will get best re sults if you cant bring it our truck will call for it open tiies thurs and satur evegs stouf f ville creamery company agents for de laval cream separators 1 are gradually getting everything un der way we hope soon now to be able to take up residence here our business in toronto is not yet fully settled up even working against the heavy odds which confront us we have had the congratulations of our friends we have enjoyed the company of new associations and we want all the assistance we can get to make our paper interesting- and more interesting to our community we are boosting the district through our vipsr cooperate with us and boos it is th3 only way to get along lately out of touch with public opin ion in this place aside from six or ieven members of the board of trade and some of these are also members of the library board and four mem bers cf the said library board i personally have not jteard a single solitary citizen of our viljage say oxt one word of approval of the action of the said board in selecting the rowbotham lot and what reason ablethinking or unbiased ciizeti would approve of it after mr carson the inspector of public libraries had written the board some months ago that it would be a matter oj everlasting regret to the people of stouffville if they built the library on the rowbotham lot on the other hand 1 have heard scores and scores of our citizens condemn the action of the said library board in language that would not look very well in print and not only do our present citizens condemn it but i many of our excitizens communication the cure of worry among them clergyman and exree ves condemn the board in nc tlsecr tain language for their said action now if the member of the library- board who wrote last weeks article is stnicere in his statement he should havie no hesitation in accepting the challenge that i am about to make to him and his comembers this library question is certainly one in which every citizen is interested and therefore is a question on which every citizen should have an oppor tunity to express his approval or disapproval it is unreasonable that j a matter of this importance should i be settled by five or six me when j some of these have little or no fin ancial interest in our village i therefore challenge the said library j board to submit their action in sel start business school this www the shw 5chooi in toronto ocvtr eese in summer they open a july and auguml dont wcte the holiday icmoi start now to i earn type writing hortnnd and bookkeeping individual inettt cnin evciyccurte p mcntob chief principal fbmsssckoois toronto meats having purchased wm yakes meat business we are prepared to supply you with the best fresh and cured meats your patronage will be appreciated grayleadbetter field and garden seeds in bulk and packages geo collard market drug stopjl stouffville phone 9701 life insurance norman m maclean local representative confederation life association fire accident sick and auto mobile insurance stouffville ontario the above was announced in the rowbotham lot for our tribune as the subject for last sun- llbrar to the votes of their j day mornings discourse in one of citizens and if a majority vote our local churches but the pastor in favor ot the sad slte l wi per- did not acknowledge it as being in sonal p the whole expense of proper form and reflected on the ac- taking the said vote but if on the curacy of newspaper announcements other h majority of our citi- generally zens vote against the said site then the members of the library board now it would be a revelation to the public to get a glance at some of the copy which an editor is reques ted to insert in his paper some communications would require what we might designate a mental inspira tion to decipher their contents yet some writers fail to note that their should resign this is one way they can test public opinion and ascertain wihether they retain the confidence of fcheir fellow citizens or stand ut terly condemned by them i am and always lhave been ready and willing to submit as ftvery citizen should be and the members of the library ssj z mii board should also be ready and wil- others and is apt to result in what to them are inaccuracies when it ap pears on the printed page stouffville lodge no 384 meets every monday evening at 8 oclock in the oddfellows hall visiting brethren welcome w r sanders secretary j b hanna financial secy ralph baker n q business cards legal mccullough button barristers solicitors con veyancers c sanders blook 8touffvillb money to loan dental dr d cv smith dentist stouffville honor graduate of chicago and to- ronto university and the royal ool lege of dental surgeons office over shaws store phone office 1011 residence 1015 at uxbridge every wednesday a c kennedy chiropractor will be in his office on church st from 930 to 12 pm on monday wednesday and friday w j mather stjneral director and em- balmer stouffville residence church street two doors north of store phone nos 9s01 or 9s12 day and night calls promptly attended to w h clark clerk and treat township of whitchuroh fire plate glass and automobile insurance victory bonds for sale art west permanent loan co debentures office urquharts block phones 2203 221 stouffville ont ling to submit and abide by the ma jority vote of the electors in conclusion let me say that i many letters reach the editors do not for one moment desire in any table weekly for publication all of way to depreciate the value of the which he has to scan carefully to rowbotham lot as this lot is in my protect himself against givingof- liumble opinion and in the opinion fence to any of his readers or becom- 0 many others who have discussed ing amenable to an action for libel the question a very valuable lot for harmless looking articles may con- business purposes and should be kept tain very objectionable matter and f that purpose especially when must be promptly consigned to the good business sites are now so scarce waste basket publication is requested j our village cut flowers and ferns wedding bouquets and funeral designs muston nurseries stouffville phone 7001 lonesome men women girls bachelors avidoivs etc join our correspondence club and make many interesting friends get acquainted throughout the world through our medium marry wealth happiness hundreds rich attrac tive and congenial willing to wed photos free send 50 cents for four months subscription 100 for one year florence bellaire 200 montague street brooklyn nx sometimes for articles reflecting up on the conduct or character of some individual but the author wants it thanking you mr editor for this opportunity of placing my views on this matter before our citizensfor inserted anonymously or as an edi- tne flrst time through the medium j torial so as to pjace the odium on the 0 tine press and i say for the first editor of course even business time advisedly as i have heard that men in their copy for chapge of ad j have been accused of writing some have been known to include matter of the previous articles on this ques- open all year elliott enter now libelling an opponent such are some of the things which require the vigilant attention of the editor and as a rule he seldom or never goes out of his way to intentionally offend or unfairly criticize j from the above it wc id appear that an editor should have the cor dial support of all bis patrons he should be furnished with items of local news whenever possible so as to make the tribune thoroughly re presentative of the whole commun ity reader of tribune tion that have appeared in the col umns of vour paper yours truly f lome button board of trade grandotnkmiff the double track route between montreal toronto j detroit mi li chicago t unexcelled dining car service sleeping cars on night trains and parlor cars on principal day trains full information from any grand trunk ticket agent or ce horning district passenger agent toronto j r hodgins agent phone 4401 stouffville on os023j on monday night a general com mittee meeting was held in the rat- j ciff building mr f c hesse presi- dent in tihe chair j the minutes of the previous meet ing were read and adopted i 0 i the business of the evening prin note previous to receiving the cipally consisted of making arrange- not be a haid task if you find it above letter i bad the little editor- ments for the dominion day cele- does cause you inconvenience there ial written on our first month in hration the price of admission de- is something the matter with your stouffville i unfortunately was de- cided on was 25c for the afternoon eyes they need attention tained in toronto last week in an ef- sports nd 25 for the evening concert n- fort to get business- settled up in with the admission charge for child- to l l i iv h yjib the hope of being fortunate enough ren at loco a charge of 10c will be are throughly tebted by us and we reading fine print at a reasonable distance should yonge and charles sts toronto the high griulc business school to havemrs marr and family move oharged for the grand stand in iho prescribe treatment or glasses that of ontario our graduates are in to stouffville on making enquiries afternoon and in the evening it will will correct the fault we are spec dr e s barker l d s d d s dentist stouffylue honor graduate of royal college of dental surgeons and of the univer sity of toronto office hours 9 to 12 am and 2 to 5 pm office in grublns block over jaw- elbry store phone office 8201 residence 8j02 markham every tuesday offioe ever m whites store drs sangster ball i stouffville ayeat end office hours 9 t0 12 3 to 4 7 to 830 sunday 10 to 12 only w a gangster s s ball phone 1801 phone 106 boadways drug store stouffville strong demand prepare now and in the office on my return i found be ready to accept a good position in that the copy of thepxevious week the fall catalogue free av j elliott principal travel by canadian pacific for full particulars tickets and reservations apply to h- w- sanders local agent phone 180 also cpr and cunard line ocean tickets bargains the biggest end best of the season for fri day and saturday only mabel a boynton parlors over w h shaws store had been destroyed and therefor personally i did not see it the copy however had been very indis tinct and i think under the circum stances those in my employ did their best as our typesetting machine and one at the entrance to the park be free a fee of 25c will be charged ialists on all eye diseases and if con- for cars being parked on the grounds suited can invariably effect a cure prizes of 600 400 and 200 are being offered for the best decorated j see me and see better stores or dwellings two banners are to be pjaced in the town one at the west end near the station was out of commission for a portion of the day of wednesday of that week it is a regretable incident and might have been passed over more lightly when all things arc taken into consideration ed adam r yake registered optometrist and optician the library question mr editor i read with considerable amuse ment and interest the article in your last issue from a member of the lib rary board in connection with their selection of the rowbotham lot as the site for the new public library and it appears to me that the article itself showed th weakness of the said board in making the said selec tion but the most amusing part of tho said article was the statement that they had chosen a lot that was acceptable to a majority of the citi zens of this village the writer of a baseball tournament will be held and a fottball match wilj be o0ice phone 1604 played for which excellent prizes -f- are being offered the teams chosen rcsl d phone 8004 for these competitions will be the best that can be secured and should be well worth witnessing an o 13 a umpire will bo secured for the baseball 1500 will be offered to the best tugofwar team in the contest four teams competing the board of trade has agreed to give the use of tho field and the grand stand to the baseball team free of charge friday afternoon is expected to be a busy afternoon the board of trado invite all the residents of tho town to tho park for the purpose of cleaning up spreading the cinders and doing a little general repairs you are all invited to come and bring your shovel hammer rako wheelbarrow or anything else you can bring to help along in the good cause refreshments will be served youll say exactly the same as other ladies how did i ever get along with out one thats what all the ladies say the moment one of our new kitchen cabinets comes into the kitchen so convenient so handy so indispensable we have one that win suit you everything in furniture w j mather vvtoiiffvillj m boadways drug store stouffville your seed grain t ohtain nimumyields you need to sow test ed beed gram to purchase good seed you may require financial assistance extending accommodation for such purposes is an important phase of standard servicet i cohiuii cur heal manaftr i the standard bank or canada m 7 jj total assets over eightythree millions stouffville branch a c burkholder manager