the tri xxxiii no 11 stouffville ontario thursday may ii 1922 whole nu service mr business man rn i are you advertising in the tribune the proper way to convey your message to the people is by an advertisement in the weekly paper directly cover ing your district the tribune covers a wide area and will speak for itself inquire about space and contract rates we also do all kinds ofprinting the stouffville tribune telephone 1004 stouffville ortl i the tribune i is published thursday afternoon stouffville oxt terms 200 a year in advance win marr editor and prop successor to f c madill ilanting the vegetahle garden 0e30c o aoqoe lonoc og the latest in millinery yo a well assorted stock to choose from at a very rea- jq sonable price cee our table of specials which will be kept up during the season stamped goods camisoles gloxes mrs f wilson s iodoe aocaox aoczioi socio f s23s cream wanted this season ship your cream to us arid you will get best re sults if you cant bring it our truck will call for it open tues thurs and satur evegs stouffville creamery company agents for de laval cream separators stouffville lodge no 384 moots every monday evening at 8 odock in the oddfellows hall visiting brethren welcome ralph baker w r sanders n g secretary j b hanna financial secy a c kennedy chiropractor greetings our first week in stouffville has heen a very pleasant one indeed we have been fortunate in making many new friends in the town be sides meeting friends of long stand ing and have received the right hand of good fellowship at every turn unfortunately wo are not iu the position to settle down right away much has yet to be done iu regard to closing business in toron to and placing ourselves in the posi tion to move bag and baggage to stouffville some say all things come to those who wait that may be right in gome respects but we do not wish to wait too long we want i to get settled as soon as possible i we must however have patience till we dispose of some of our property and then- when the time comes we trust we will be here to stay travelling from toronto to stouff- j ville in the morning by road and back again at night is too much when one has to attend to business jit both ends of the journey in consequence we missed the opportunity of join ing the residents in the park last friday afternoon when the occa sion was intended to be a regular cleanup j the weather man was not on his best behaviour so far as park clean- ing was concerned but the country j will benefit greatly by the rain which i fell when we did manage to arrive j in the park late in the afternoon it was very evidentlhat the workers had been there trees had been taken down fences had been remov ed wire had been rolled up and everywhere there was evidence of the interest which is being taken by the residents to have a place for recrea tion worthy of the name of stouff ville and the park is a credit to the town we have been told of sonie of the changes which are likely to be made a swimming pool has been mentioned and surely that would be a great acquisition the young people would benefit directly and the mothers and fathers would benefit by having more healthy robust families through the young sters having the opportunity of ndulging n the various sports which the conditions would afford there would be baseball football wtll be in his office on church st swimming racing jumping and a hundred other things to pass the from 930 to 12 pm on monday wednesday and friday business cards legal mccullough button barristers solicitors con- veyancers c sanders block stouffville money to loan dental dr d c smith dentist stouffville honor graduate of chicago and to ronto university and the royal col lege of dental surgeona office over shaws store phone office 1811 residence 1015 at uxbridge every wednesday w j mather funeral director and balmer stouffville residence church street two doors north of store phone nos 9s01 or 9812 day and night calls promptly attended to bm- w h clark clerk and treas township of whitchurch fire plate glass and automobile insurance victory bonds for sale treat west permanent loan co debentures office urquharts block phones 2203 32u ktouffville ont open all year elliott enter now time away then near the entrance to the park there is the bowling green for the use of the members of the club who prefer to roll the black towards the white the park is the place of recreation for all and- we trust we will witness many a sporting tussle in it during the season would it not band concert in the park once in a while we hear there are instru- there are so many different phases of work to be considered in connec tion with the planting of a garden that one needs to have a thorough grasp of the proper procedure the first operation to be coaductei when weither conditions are right is the preparation of the soil where the soil is of asandy nature there is little danger of injuring its physical i makeup but if the soil is of clay texture working while too moist will cause puddling which would render the soil lumpy for that season however the cultivation given the garden prior to sowing the seed should be thorough iu every respect because upon this tillage will depend to a very great degree the success or failure of the garden to obtain the maximum returns from any garden it is necessary to employ successional sowings of such crops as peas beans beets carrots radish and lettuce the sowings should be regulated at intervals of a weok or ten days apart so as to have a succession of tender tresh vegetables available throughout the tvaoii the nist sowings should be made as early as weather and soil conditions will permit and continued in succession until the last week of j uue regarding the sowing of the seed one must be careful to regulate the depth iu accordance with the season of the year during tne early part of the season shallow planting is es sential to quick germination bjt as the season advances and the soil be- conies warmed to a greater depth it will be found necessary to increase the depth in the ground to which the seed is placed bearing uttnind of course that large and small seeds must be planted in depth in accor dance with their size whether the garden be large or small the ambition of every garden er should be to obtain the most from the given area this can be done by a svtqm of double crc ng or catch cropping using sucu quick maturing crops as radish and lettuce the early maturing crops are sown between the rows of cabbage cauli flower tomatoes and potatoes or as markers in the rows with the seed of slow germinating sorts such as parsnips or beets and are ready for use and gone before the standard props require the space for their de velopment a few suggestions regarding the mode of procedure in connection with the growing of successional crops might not be amiss in the first place let us consider peas the first early sowing should be made using a smooth seeded variety such as alaska or early morning star this type of pea can he sown very early when conditions for the wrink- led sorts would be entirely undosir- j able it may be necessary to make a couple of sowings of the smooth sorts before it would be possible to sow the wrinkled peas for the successional sowings of a wrinkled variety use thomas lajctoir this early sort has been found very de sirable and possesses all round good a dwarf six times the champion in thc canadian tpeviltins contents ka been a udent of the shaw buinct school isnt that convincing proof of the thorough teaching we give your boy or grit i can start a buttneoa course at any time schoo do not close in july and august send now for pro spectus f mcintosh chief priscipcl sua1mbus1kesssch00ls imw toronto b3sssg3k meats having purchased wri yakes meat business we are prepared to supply you with the best fresh and cured meats your patronage will appreciated be gray leadbetter field anl garden seeds eds jcitute in bulk a package phono 4501199 v geo collar market drug stop stouffville at phone 9701 1 life insurance norman m maclean local representative confederation life association stouffville ontario cut flowers and ferns wedding bouquets and funeral designs muston nurseries stouffville phone 7001 j to g7 lo nesoms 32i ton men women girls liielielo widows etc join our correspondence club make many interesting friends 5- acquainted throughout the w through our medium marry wea happiness hundreds rich attrac- tive and congenial willing to wed photos free send 50 cents for f outfit months subscription 100 for ets year find florence bellaire oae 200 montague street brooklyn j ia3t av own b u not uvesti- ce be mads jtodern the double track rors ap grandlrunkiftv i v millg 5t between montreal toronto detroit chicago a unexcelled dining car servicfi sleeping cars on night trains andy i parlor cars on principal day trains 1 j full information from any grand i trunk ticket agent or ce horning district passenger agent toronto qualities if however i variety is desired english wonder be nice to have a is recommended followed by am erican wonder with beans it has been found much better to use some early sort such as round pod kid i ments in town also uniforms and the men we are told are also here neywax for golden podded sort and cannot they be brought together for early red valentine lr a green pod- the purpose of reorganizing and ar- ded variety is desired beans can- ranging regular practices all those not be planted very early therefore things are what make a town they the range of the season is not so keep life in the town they boost great as in the- case of the peas oth er recommended varieties are beet detroit dark red carrots chante- nay radish scarlet turnip white tip lettuce grand rapids all plants that are to be trans planted should be hardened oft well the town chautauqua dr e s barker l d 8 d d s dentist stouffvllls honor joradute of royal college of bsntal bqrgaons and of the univer sity of toronto qfllco hours 9 to 12 a m 2 to s p in office in oruhins block over jew eler store photrie office 820l residence 8202 marktiam every tuesday offloe irer m whites store drs sangster ball stouffville west end office hours tojl2 3 to 4 7t- 330 sunday 10 to 12 only a sangstor 8 8 ball phono 1801 phone 100 yonge and charles ts toronto the high grade business school of ontario our graduates are in strong demand prepare now and be ready to accept a good position in the fall catalogue free w j elliott prlncipnl travel by canadian pacific for full particulars tickets and reservations apply to h- w- sandprs local agent phone 180 also cpr and cunard line ocuas tickets boadways rug store stouffville millinery am featuring a special line of chtldrens and misses hats at the price for fri day and saturday mabel a boynton parlors over w h shaws store when we first heard the word chautauqua we were at a loss to know what it really meant a few years ago the word was practically unknown in canada but in the united statds of america it has long been known as an institu tion of the highest standing it has a strong hold on the other side of the border and in a very few years will be looked upon by canadians as the annua event i why those who have had the opportunity to attend chautauqua can easily answer that question tunity will be in a position to have y another or making conditions con- chautauqua introduced to them pro- genial for the development of fnn- bably during the first week of july sous diseases it was such a success in stouffville in 1921 that the residents are look- j ing forward to it this year j the various companies engaged in chautauqua are always very care fully selected having to undergo a very strict and strenuous examina tion of their programs at headquar ters before starting ou on a long both old and young frequently need glasses our busi- in a cold frame prior to planting in j ness ig ig suppiy ou with the the open select only the stockiest well- grown plants choose a dull day for planting or the evening to wards sundown in setting out all classes of plants it is very important that the earth be firmly pressed about the roots if loose planting is practised the roots of the plants cannot form proper contact with the soil tb obtain plant food and mois ture avoid crowded conditions in the garden while it is desired to crop the land intensively yet good judg ment must be the guide in order to relieve the defects in your vision all eyes require prompt attention see me and see better satisfaction guaranteed adam r yake registered optometrist and optician office phone 1604 resid phone 8004 thost who have not had the oppor- prevent strangulation of one plant r vour eves can i- ihheii ill i k nnnlhar nr malrlnc rnndltinnr coll- v- wv examined just as well at night as day open tues thur sat nights j r hodgins agent phone 4401 stouffville oki youll say exactly the same as other ladies how did i ever get along with out one thats what all the ladles say the moment one of our new kitchen cabinets comes into the kitchen so convenient so handy so indispensable we have one that will suit you everything in furniturh wj mather stttlirfvillk seasons engagement and the critics are no slouches ntt heir work the check- up the least little thing and hammer away along- with the artis- j tics until everything is perfect i these organizations carry onlythi highest class of artists on their pro grams their renderings are alway instructive inspiring and education al the children the young pcoplr the middle aged and the old folk enjoy the programs we will all look forward to coming sale register saturday may 13 at one pm on albert st south stouffville household furniture etc the property of john park f w silversides auctioneer friday may 12 at onepm at lot 9 and 10 3r bailiff p sto boadways drug v store stouffville lv- to investors wss o y v s- 7 dlock iiigipl i t i i ll