stouffville mar so 922 flour and feed see usforpnces on fjour and feed we have quaker the guaranteed flour for bread we also have feed and are prepared to do truck ing oifshort notice chopping every day drewery bros phone 2805 dixon hill b oeioe o 30exox locaoi ioexoe aox i neweaster millinery 2 we have now in stock a nice assortment of hats u suitable for the easter trade at a reasonable price 8 2 also a good line of fancy goods laces and trimmings mrs f wilson 3lxoe ioeioe ioboi i0e30i o obxo the tribune is pumlsheo thursday afternoon at the office 8toufpvellb oxt terms j209 year to bdrsnc f o madul editor and prop millions of poor peasants are dy ing in russia of starvation britain and united states tiave feeding sta tions on the ground canada is co operating with britain the churches are asking for an offering on sunday for the save the children fund what are you going to do about it worries of the business men of the town avl city are again started for the jncome tax forms for the year are now available at the post office according to the regulations these forms must be secured and fil led out by april 30th in the case of individuals and incorporated companies and march 31st in the case of estates and trustees em ployers and companies reporting dl vidends copies of some of the forms have been mailed direct to those who have returns of this kind last year but a small supply is avail able at the post office it is not known whether there will be a sup ply of pamphlets or booklets of in formation available this year but any person- desiring to have any particu lars regarding the filling of these forms are requested to apply direct to the inspector of taxation toronto 30e30x ioeioe xoexqi lohsl o a o groceries fl having purchased the grocery business of mr hi 0 jjj d sawyer 1 have put in a complete line of fresh groceries i solicit a generous share of your patronage 5 o i consolidated school at brooklin residents of brooklin and vicin ity have decided to build a new six- room consolidated school high school combined during the sum mer the site likely to be chosen will be the five acre field owned by mr wm ormiston on north queen st not far from the station this will be up to date in every way and will be a boon to the sections where very few children attend the sys tem will take in seven sections in memoriam in loving memory of our daughter violet e m saunders who went to heaven april 2nd 1920 aged 14 a beautiful girl ana a little child shall lead them never forgotten by mother father and sister ivy f w silversides sale register wednesday apr 5 at lot 19 con 3 whitchurch reg clydesdale horses farm stock and implements property ofjas moorby sale at 12 friday march 31 at lot 21 con 8 whitchurch farm stock imple ments property of walter baker saturday april 1 at lot 11 con 2 uxbridge farm ctoek and imple ments property of b f boake monday april 3 at lot 11 con 5 whitchurch farm stock imple ments furniture etc property of j m nelson friday april 7 at lot 32 rear con 2 markaam 200 cords vood 2000 cedar posts 200 anchor posts 40000 feet lumber and 50 acres ot land property of geo forester sale at 1- saturday april 8 at lot 33 10th line markham farm stock and imple ments property of ernest lageer monday april 10 at stouffer street stouffville wood implements fowl etc property of mr j morga- son sale at 1- tuesday april 11 at lot 35 con 8 pickering house lot etc property of wray nendick saturday ma- 15 at lot 32 con 3 markham farm stock and implements property of frank harvey auction sale tuesday april 4 at lot 23 con 4 pickering 1 mile west of brock road 25 cows 25 twoyear olds and yearlings 15 last summer calves 10 little calves 3 brood sows3 horses the property of thos hardy stouffvjlle property for sale carriage works i have a good stock of cutters and sleighs on hand i will sell below cost harness robes blankets and whips about 20 tons firstclass nut coal dont wait i am cleaning out to make room for spring goods w h todd property for sale houses tr stouffville from 2 to 5000 houses in markham village- from 2000 to 3500 farm property 15 acres with buildings 40 acres 50 acres so ac- res 93 acres 100 acres dont forget we are always want ing loans call nd talk with yako and co stouffville yake co buttons block stouffville ont business phone 1604 residence phone 8004 1 still handle dodd struthers lightning protection buggies g gas engines loidens litter carriers etc geo j lawson a in memoriam in loving memory of samuel b hoover who departed this life mar 29th 1920 we often think of the days gone by when we were all together a shadow oer our lives is cast a loved one gone forever wife and daughters notice the statements which i am told joe crawford made to raulph con nor are as i believe right about him trying to beat me out of- ten dollars as l told joe crawford this because he did not want to give me the re maining ten dollars morlcy symes boadways drug store stouffville 30exoe ioeioe xoeioe x0e30 swift bros are you having trouble with your car if so call onus we are located in w h todds carriage shop expert auto repairs and machine shop work our speciality maxwell and dodge service we are in a position to store a few cars for the winter call in and see at your earliest opportunity have your car completely overhauled during the winter months and enjoy the benefit of driving in the spring christ chx service at church of christ west end sunday april 2nd at 11 oclock am preaching by 0 w fetch everybody welcome menioxitg come to the revival services mennon ite church week day evenings 745 pm except saturdays sunday 11 am and 7 pm gospel messages on full salvation free hootch a sparkling stimulant full of wit and humor free copy will be sent upon receipt of your name with address complete write to g mit chell 397 pearl street brooklyn n york larger business if the business of any retailer in this community is to grow bigger in the years to come it will not be a matter of accident or due to an in crease of population only it will be the result of intelligence added to energy plus advertising wherever you find a big flourishing business you will find behind it a strong pushing man of indomitable spirit driven by the power of these 5 words i can and i will this man advertises he must deliver his message to those with ears to hear multiplied customers and larger turnovers are absolutely es- sential to his progress a word to the public help on the business of those who show themselves eager to have your custom who invite it and prize it enough to ask for it shop where you receive the best service values and goods reward with your favor those who solicit your favor by mes sages addressed to you each week in our advertising columns shop where you are invited to shop phone 3005 stouffville methodist 11 am service subject wrest ling for a crown sermonette to boys and girls 230 pm sabbath school 7 dm service subjeotj some fools i have met visitors welcome geivi free bloomington methodist 115 pm sabbath school come and join one of our organized classes 230 pm service the pastor will preach brief talk to boys and girls oexoi o d o d o eoexoi oexoi presbyterian 10 am bible school 11 am and 7 pm congregational worship melvillo church 115 pm bible school 215 pm congregational worship an offering will be taken in both congregations for the russian save the children famine fund everybody welcome to all services o d o o a o d o harness robes etc i have a complete stock of double and single harness at reasonable figure and good i have real good stock of horse collars sweat pads curry combs arid all kinds of halters i have a complete stock of horse blankets robes halter shanks and tie ropes at reasonable price brushes stable brooms and all kinds of whips and harness oils at reasonable figure phone 177 car of salt on hand baptist annual business meeting in rat- cliffs hall on friday evening sup per will bo served between six and seven oclock every member ex pected sunday 10 am bible school and young mens class 11 am morning worship lords supper at close of morning service 7 pm evening worship praise and testimony meeting 8 to s15 dont forget your offering for savo the children fund see letter in this issue regarding this fund monday at 8 pm b y p u meets for social evening wednesday at s pm midweek service in the christian church markham first 2 pm sunday school and bible classes 3 pm worstilp i lords supper at close of this scr- i vice cottage prayor meeting every thurs day at 8 pm come better value today than ever before todays prices set a new standard of value for ford cars the price itself is within a few dollars of the lowest point at which ford cars have ever been sold and it is a much more completely equipped car demount able rims one man top double ventilating windshield nonskid tires all round and roller bearings are now standard equipment electric lighting and starting is standard on closed models to insure delivery of your car when you want it order now at the new pricesa shortage for spring is practically certain new ford prices xoexo o 0 o d q d i o a o o 0 o o a o n o total reduction price one during old price new price reduction year ago year coupe 890 840 50 1100 260 sedan 990 930 60 1200 270 touring 565 535 30 675 140 runabout 515 495 20 610 115 chassis 470 445 25 550 105 truck cassis 615 575 40 750 175 the above prices are fob ford ontario government sales tax extra starting and electric lighting on chassis runabout touring and truck chassis 8500 extra one year ago 10000 extra on closed models starting and electric lighting are standard equipment ford dealer stouffville d o oexoe aoi aoeioc ioexoi ioeioe oeioe o b o xoexo