f 1 l j x yt m v i property for sale kdah posts folt salk- artholomevv stouflfville a f e ili i ritulklttv fob saijb- av lo sauk quantity of timothy hay tar- tali s j wiotersteiii phone s612 ss stouffviile from 2000 to 5000 c t houses in markham village from wanted ar 2000 to 3500 ducks uiumon farm propetjtjj otfafta sa reports by municipal officers show losses in canada for 1921 am- that the losses in cities having popu- laticns cf more than 10000 population ounted to 522 per espla as compar- to sl or 5409 per ed with 90 cents per capita in great j jifej towns of from 1000 to 10- britain according to infcrmation c00 population i1840s5 or 732 per made public by the dominion firej capita and in villrjes atl rural dis- ccmmissioner daring tha year the trict 25214894 cr 531 per capita 25910 fire3 reported to the depart- j place having municipal fire protec- ment of insurance occasioned proper- ticn systems the loss was 490 per ty damr-gc- amounting to 15015930 capita and in unprotected places 525 exclusive of incatcitable loss arising per capita from forest fires the commissioner j there were 59 fires where the less points ouf i exceeded 100000 40 with losses of the 1921 fire less of which np- sizn 50000 to 100000 201 with a proximately 34000000 cr 75 percept l of from 10000 to 50000 3992 was covered by insurance constitutes with a less of from 1000 to 10000 a substantial increase over the losses and 2155s with a loss of less than of the three previous years in 1920 1000 the 59 larger fires entailed an tho less amounted to 28745590 in aggregate less of 15824801 and the 1919 253u240 and in 1818 33- 21558 smaller fires a loss of 1044- 817050 during 1921 the fire losses 817 in great britain amounted to only classified according to the eharac- 30400000 j i ter of the property involved the more by provinces the distribution of fire destructive fires occurred as follows losses during 1921 was as follows 49 in industrial property with a loss alberta 2875000 or 495 per of 8188200 32 in mercantile prop- capita british columbia 3050000 j erty with a los3 of 5059000 9 in or 582 per capita manitoba 2804- institutional property with a loss of 000 or 407 per capita new brims- j 1948501 and 15 in miscellaneous wick 2725982 or 702 per capita property with a loss of 4301405 nova scotia 3177000 or 000 per j the amount of money spent by the capita ontario 15444817 or 528 dominion and provincial govern ments upon fire prevention work in 1921 amounted to 125000 all of which with the exception of 12000 was raised by a tax upon insurance companies de valera speaking in dublin the photo shows a small section ot the huge crowd which gathered in oconnel street to hear him speak against the irish treaty there was little enthusiasm note the new irish flag on the platform cam lacsa rrom si to least per capita prince edward island 216478 or 244 per capita quebec 10897053 or lt4 per capita and saskatchewan 3755000 or 493 per capita montagu forced to resign office made public indias demand that turkey be raised to status of world pover a despatch from london says publication of the indian govern- 1 meats demand that turkey be raised to the status of a world power to ap pease moslems in india led to ther resignation cf e s montagu secre tary of state for india he had given his consent to the publication of the indian governments telegram without consulting the cabinet austen cham berlain coalition leader in the house of commons announced j mr ohimberlain explained in ans wer to a question about the indian situation from a member that the government felt it could not accept atlspcnibility for the unauthorized tction of mr montagu in other words the secretary was practically forced to resign just what effect this will have on the position of the viceroy of india earl reading is not yet clear there were reports that he might resign but this idea was scouted in the best in- formed quarters as the government is not now desirous of changing the effect in india itself of the in dian governments farreaching con cessions to the turks and their repu diation by the british government will it is stated serve to intensify tho moslem agitation in high quarters hero the correspon dent was informed the indian govern ment is really asking the country to approve a policy which would trans form turkey from a defeated enemy into a sort of preferential ally it has no intention of adopting a policy to ward turkey which would raise her to tho status of a world power e wylie grier noted canadian artist who is among the exhibitors at the art exhibition held in st catharines under the aus pices of the arts and crafts guild of that city free public lectures this week there terminated at the provincial university a unique and a very successful experiment to a number cf the alumni and friends of the university it who livo near the university should enjoy an educational service similar to that which has for years been avail able in the form of extension lectures to organizations throughout the prov ince these alumni arranged there fore for a series of six lectures on topics of literary historical and scientific interest secured the co- charlottetovn pei a healthy in crease in charlottetown industry in recent years is recorded in the latest statistics- of the dominion govern ment between 1917 and 1919 indus trial establishments increased from 62 to 84 capitalization from 1100823 to 2310341 employees from 730 to 772 and the value of producticn from 2033085 to 3201001 halifax ns a discovery of an- keritc an iron deposit of much more than ordinary value has been made in tho past year in pictou county the research work so far has largely been in tracing the extent of the seam further prospecting will be done this spring when it is expected that the full extent cf the deposit will be de termined montreal que- canada heads the list of countries from which the united the pas man from the beginning of winter until the end of january fur to the estimated value of 1000000 passed through the pas which is in excels cf lira value of any similar period since the construction of the hudson bay railway furred animals are very plentiful this year and there are a great number of trappers out and it is anticipated that the age- gate catch in the district will reach a va7ue of 2500000 rogina sask cattle in saskat chewan in 1921 numbered 1583332 an increase of 339280 over the number of 1920 according to a report of the provincial department of agriculture it is interesting to note that the great est increase is in milk cows which now number 421705 or 70000 more than in the previous year edmonton alta nearly one and a governorgefeal opens first session of fourteenth dominion parliament business of session commences with delivery of speech from the throne setting forth the legislative proposals of the new administration it a despatch from ottawa says parliament has been formally embark ed upon the business of its session and the members cf both houses may new speakers beaded the senators and the commoners who listened to the- address the speech from the throne whaeh now take up the first item of their y- rather more lengthy than is cusj program the debate upon the address j tomary disclosed in general terms the in reply to tho speech from the legislative plans of the new govern- throne rnent insofar as they have been com- tho ceremonies incidental to the opening of the first session of the- four teenth parliament of tho dominion in themselves differed- but little from those of previous yesrs procedure following tradition was carried cut as in former sessions the play was to many a familiar one the principal per sons on the stage had changed the the following proposals were men- tioncd in the speech from the throne- 1 coordination at on early date of- tho governmentowned railway eysj terns 2 seme tariff changes this session 3 the arrangement of conferences new governorgeneral lord byng of with the railway heads to secure a vimy delivered to the members of the reduction in the freight rates on basic senate and house of commons the commodities speech from the throne embodying 4 renewed efforts to attract set the legislative proposals cf a new gov- tiers to undeveloped lands ernment a new prime minister hon 5 negotiations with other countrie mackenzie king clad in the gomlaced looking to trade expansion- uniform of a privy councillor stood to 6 coordination of the countrye de the right of the vicerega1 chair and fence forces fire again breaks out in arsenal states imported iron and steel during 1921 according to a report emanating j mi bushels of wheat oats and from new york oakada exported 24- b have bcc brought down from 079 tons to the states of which am ount 21251 tons consisted cf steel rails canada and belgium furnished 05 per- cent of the total united states imports for the past year ottawa ont the total population of canada in the census of 1921 ac cording to figures just issued is 8- i 709489 as compared with 7208043 in the peace river and grarie prairie districts by the edmonton dunvegan and british columbia railway since tba first of september according to figures issued by the railroad nine hundred and five railway cars have come down from the north country with 718024 bushels of wheat 0769s3 of oats and 100099 bushels of barley 1911 an increase of 1562846 for the ten years or nearly twentytwo perj victoria bc lhe provincial min- cent nova scotia shows an increase 1 ister of lands reports that the water- of gvz per cent new brunswick 10 borne lumber export from- british per cent quebec 1754 per cent on tario 10 per cent manitoba 84 per cent saskatchewan 80 per cent al berta 35 per cent british columbia 35 per cent columbia in 1921 was in excess of 188000000 feet an excess of about 44000000 feet over the record of 1920 a large share of this export went to japan and china dominion arsenal buidings at quebec ablaze fr second time within te jays a despatch from quebec jays for the second time within less than ten days dominion arsenal buildings own ed by tho federal government have been menacod by fire which in both cases broke out from unknown causes east week tho dominion cartridge factory located on the cove fields was partially destroyed and damage estimated at 20000 caused by a blaze which broke out late in the evening at g30 oclock thursday afternoon the main building properly called the do minion arsenai where some 200 men are employed was in danger of being completely destroyed by a fire which was not under control until 9 oclock friday evening the authorities are perplexed by these two fires in so short a time a suspicion is entertained that they ere the work of some dissatisfied former employee more lives destroyed in belfast riota a despatch from belfast says 1 there was a continuation on thursdayj of the shooting which has been preva lent in tho city for some timortha firing was particiilary heavy at thetvsv noon hour- when a baby boy received a bullet wound in the thigh there was- considerable sniping in the evening in stanhope street areai a blind- man who was groping ms tvay hlong the streets and a youth were jshot dead sir hamar greenwood is slated fo the portfolio of british home secre tary in succession to hon edvrar- shortt s weekly market report toronto wheat no j xirthern thousands view j princess marys presents operation of the professors concerned itslrlnmystotedthowever that c convocation hall and offered britain would go to the near eastern i l- conference prepared if necessary to mako some further modifications in tho treaty of sovres for example it is possible she will propose giving smyrna outright to the turks united states declines to join genoa parleys a despatch from washington says the united states will help only those european countries which first help themselves and this gov ernment will exert tactful pressure to mako ftoso nations feci tho neces sity of aretting biick to normalcy tftli is the real meaning of the poscy with regard to economic rohabil- itaiionj in european enunciated in tho titold state note declining to pur- tiepa1o ii 13e genoa conference and pfart of action behind that policy a despatch from london says 20 women inspected prin cess marys 1400 wedding gifts at st james palace on the opening day of the exhibit mile long lines gath ered at the palace entrances before dawn waiting for hours in the windj and rain before the doors opened i traffic was blocked and special police were called to regulate the impatient women the greatest interest was shown in princess marys wedding gown which was exhibited by order of queen mary they paid a shilling each for the privilege of seeing the presents the proceeds will go to a charity to be selected by the princess the exhibi tion will be open five hours daily for the present cost to the general public the res ponse was magnificent on the even ing of the first lecture convocation hal with its 1800 seats could not accommodate all the people who sought admission the interest was maintained from week to week in a most remarkable manner and many hundreds of people acquired the habit of attending university lectures in deed during the past two years there has been evident on the part of the public almost overywbere a very gen eral desire to learn more to make leisure hours both profitable and pleasurable rather than pleasurable cannadas debt decreased by 699882 vij manitoba 1g0m manitoba oats no 2 cw 61c ex tra no 1 feed 58c no 1 feed 59c manitoba barley nominal all the above track bay ports american corn no 2 yellow 77c no 3 yellow 76c no 4 yellow 75c track toronto ontario oats no 2 white nominal ontario wheat nominal barley no 3 extra test 47 lbs or better 57 to 60c according to freights outside buckwheat no 2 78 to 80c rye no 2 86 to 88c manitoba flour first pats nom inal ontario flour 90 per cent patent bulk seaboard per bbl nominal eggs new laid straights 32c nen laid in cartons 36 to 38c beans can handpicked jrashety 440 primes s85 to 4 mapo products syrup per imp gat 260 per- 5 imp gals 236 maple sugar lb 19 to 22c honey 60s0lb tins lihi to 15a per lb 62 lb tins 17 to 18c per lb1 ontario comb honey per doz 550 smoked meats hams nied 32 to 34c cooked ham 48 to 48c smoked rolls 26 to 28c cottage rolls 80 to 32c breakfast bacon 29 to 33c spej cial ibrand breakfast bacon 87 to 40c backs boneless 85 to 40c cured meats long clear bacon s17i to 19 clear bellies 17 to 20 mess pork 34 short cut backs s6 light weight rous- s0 heavyweight rolj 43 lard- pure tierces 17 to 17 cf i3 or awarded prize the national geographic society has awarded the grant squires prize to vilhjalmur stefanssou in recogni tion of his hook tho friendly arctic as the outstanding geographic pro duction of 1921 a despatch from ottawa says a decrease of 690882 in the net debt of canada during the month of febru- ar ab compared with an increase of only to cultivate the mindby taking 4290143 in the same month last year advantage of all available educational i is by the financial statement is- opportunities to this very laudable ue from the finance department i egyptian pi incess and was marto over tendency the successful experiment debt of canada now stands at 3500 years ago it is in the form of carried out by die alumni federation 2371880102 as compared with 2- 1 an inscribed brick and is therefore of tho university of toronto has given j 372585984 on january 31st 1922 and not only the oldest but the most sub- a very considerable stimulus 1 2307013156 on february 28th 1921 stantial loveletter in existence the oldest loveletter the oldest loveletter in the world is in tiie british museum it is a pro posal of marriage for the hand of an millfeed del montreal freight bags included bran per ton 28 to tubs 174 to 184c paiis 17 to 17c 30 shorts per ton 30 to 32 good i prints 18 to 19c shortening tiercesy feed flour 170 to 180 i 16 to 16c tubs 15 to 16 paiuj baled hay track toronto per ton 16 to 16vic prints 17 to mic extra no 2 22 to 23 mixed 181 choice heavy steeri 775 to 850j to 19 clover 14 to 18 i do good 7 to 750 butcher steers straw car jots per ton track to- choice 675 to ronto 12 to 13 unofficial quotations ontario no 1 commercial wheat 130 to 136 outside 136 to 141 delivered to ronto ontario no 3 oats 40 to 46c out side ontario flour 1st pats in cotton sacks 98s 820 per bbl 2nd pats bakers 720 manitoba flour 1st pats in cotton sacks 870 per bbl 2nd pata 820 cheese new jarge 20 to 20ac twins 20v4 to 21c triplets 21 to 21c fodder cheese large lsmc old large 25 to 26c twins 25 to 26c triplets 26 to 27c stiltons new 24 to 25c butter fresh dairy choice 22 to 28c creamery prints fresh fancy 41c no 1 39c no 2 35 to 37c cook ing 22 to 25o dressed poultry spring chickens 30 to 28c roosters 18e fowl- 24 to 30c ducklings 86c turkeys 45- to 50c geese 30c live poultry spring chickens 22 to 28c roosters 18c fowl 24 to 30c ducklings 85c turkeys 45 to 50c geese 30e margarine 20 to 23c choice 675 to 8 do good s575 to 625 do med 5 to 650 do com 1 to 5 butcher heifers choice 6j50 to 7 do med 5 to 6 do com 4 to 425 tratcher cows choice 660 to 625 do med 350 to 4 earaterai and cutters 1 to 250 butcw buil4 good 450 to 650 do com 3 to 4 ieeders good 580 to 650 doj air 4 to 5 stoekers good 4 to s3j do fair 8 to 4 milkers 60 to 80 springers 70 to 90 calves choice 12 to f 13 do mei 10 to 11 dn3 com 5 to 7 lamfos choice 13 to 15 do com 6 to 7 sheep choice s676 to 760 do good- 560 to 6s do com s160 to s50 nogs fed ana watered 1260 do fob 1176 doj country points 1l50 montreal gate can west no 2 68 to 69ci do no 3 65v4 to 66c flow majjj spring wheat pats firsts 3850 hos ed oats fcag 90 ibfc 310 to 32q0 bran 3260 shorte 83 hav ns 2 per ton car uots 28 to 29 cheese finest westerns- 1u to 1704 butter cbtcceit creameiy sg i 37s3 potatoes per loag ir ifa jr 5