da from coast to coast st ojbas nfld in crier to asofct the development of tt3 hrriog fishery tr cwafon cf a newfounivand fith- incy board oanpoihscal an havitis functions and powere hidsax to the fisheries beard of scotfand is being edvocated by the st jcns board of trade this beard would encourage j jythe more general adoption of the scotch cure and other improved imehcds of preserving fish and would see that herrings exported were oi aj wstandard quavty crnucl yxz rcachsi here nearly two uurvi settjars from the can- acan pacific steamship montcalm arrived tjaricj the wek bound for vrestera pcnts portage la prairie man- fifteen lr3102nd disks cf lour the gift of western canadian farmers to thej ivthe more general adoption of the armenians through the relief assbj scotch cure and other improved ciation left this psint for new orleans r i vj c 1 u for shir4e1t to cculantinople ap- peals for aid for armenia found a ready response among manitoba and i summerie pf1 it las been j saskatchewan farmers donations be estimated that lecaffur farmers have in from j flve sls per lead learned 250000 in the past three regna saw the total output of months farmers are coming in ah cmery butter from the 58 cream- an adjunct to other agricultural aetivi- th frs n of the ties this is having a beneficial effect p the v the cream- on the trade of the town which now oul reached the seven mil- has a negation of 3000 v pundjmark the figures also j tt c t i ihow an increase of 50000 cows m hal fax ns in order to encourage j prov ths past jx three edmonton alta nearly wni thousand farmers attended the alberta i government mixed farming train in- the first week of its itinerary the train which is stocked with excellent j j scientific agriculturists is sent out by i th- provincial government for the reforestation in neva scotia frank j d barnum of aivnipolis royal n s is reported to have offered a cash ibonus of 2 an aire to the farmers of nova scctia for every acre of spruce or pine seedlings planted y tv of hv and accompanied by jtnem on ther farms tiie coinng j i- spring of 1922 no one farmer is to be paid a botes on more than 100 of w mjxed farmi acres so as to distribute the plantings whc m albertll as widey as possible over the pro- cjr akabuffalo steaks were yum location and method cf plant- t aftei a adsen of tws ng must be approved by the govern- j dr h licfta veterans of the ow j merit forester of nova scotia if era rc north mounted police at w appointed otherwise ny mr bam- tfeii amk1 reunion in calgary on juins forester to ensure satosfwtory fcb 9 the buffalo was supplied by irajs tfoe federal government from the fredericton nb the- dairy pro- at wainwright alia ducts cf the provine oi new brur-s- j vancouver bc over 31000000 wick in 1921 were valued at 927064 worth cf products were shipped from recording to the official statistics this pert to the united states akoej question of cattle embargo an issue in british elections a despatch from london says despite the statement by sir arthur giiffith bescawen minister of agri culture that the british governaxat would not lemave the eaibicgo en canadian cat the fight os by ro meai3 over lcc 1 beverureck who it is notrthy tlat may mo- bers of paikimerjt -ho- a few mocis ago opprej the remcval of tae ensbanjo lave row changed their opikcca oiri are strocgly ad- voceiurig thjs piep one candidato is now txmvsing in an eugfeb con stituency with ti2 removal of embargo a reminiscent picture this group photograph is peculiarly appropriate in view of the marriage of princess mary it shows the late queen victoria with princess mary and three of her brothers the princess is wearing a sailor hat the photo graph was made in 1s99 on the occasion of a visit to osborne has been the foremost in the cam- 2s the principal pank in his piattorm paign for lifting the ban aidiessod eqiiscfiy- strikirg 1as been tlie change five thousand nen-jei-s- cf the nation- of heart manifested in the part of union of farmers at norwich on sat- msry mcavbers in the national farm- urdoy scr llenry thornton and col hardy mulins of winnipeg who spoke so stroragly on the matter at the meeting of london meat traders last week also spoke at the norwich gathering ers union the daily express is understood to be determined to make the embargo one of the issues in the conning general election and its views are supported by nearly the whole of the london press the cost of high living developing canadas water- powers there has probably never been a time in the worlds history when thrift was more essential than at the pres ent reconstruction period of our na tion it must be apparent to every one that the necessity for new stan dards of living the necessity for the teaching of sound economic doctrines is absolutely essential in the interests of efficiency and prosperity as schwab in a recent address expressed it we must build our new industrial force on the basis of economy there has been a wonderful awak- ereing in this connection on this con tinent during the past twelve months in the latter part of 1920 the ymca in the united states organized and managed a thrift week in thirtytwo amongst its grafeites men who have j cities in the union with the full co- beconi noted in this field of engineer- 1 operation of tine governors of these ing the present series will therefore various cities who issued proclama- suppiement the reguxir courses and i tions for the observance of a nationil bring the university into closer j thrift week 633 american cities proper devclopment of our boys and girls intellectually awl physically makes for good citizenship and lays the foundation for selfrespecting and selfsupporting citizens and very ma terially determines whether they will be an asset or a liability to the coun try in years to come contact with the men who are respon- j celebrated this thrift week the daily prof it w angus of tbe facility production included 1000303 pounds durirv 1921 among the commodities i of appiied scicne and engineering of cheese valued at 304861 1162020 thipped were meitseggs fresh milkj university of toronto has arranged sibe for the engineering work of thejpapers fully cooperating pounds of butter valued at 470870 j hides furs undressed grains a aeries of special lectures on water- greatest waterpowers in america and the people of theunited states and arel 154626 gallons of ice cream va fruits nuts coffee tea spices wool power development for students and thcrefore the greatest in the world ul at 251328 i j tiaer paper base stocks news- 1 others interested five eminent en- montroal que a report from print coal lime platinum gold silver gineers are speaking between febru- advocate bending woman novoissisk russia states that three ore nitrate cf scdia sutpliate of am- j v 27th and march 6th on the utiliz-a- delegate to the league sicn w m white of milwaukee and hundred and ninetyfour oil tanks monia granite etc have been received there from canada j kasio bc picking packing and ami 304 more are en route the shipping the largest fruit crop in its steamers canadian seymour and can- hist- ry the west kooterays returns aciian racgcr brought tanks as weii from fruit alone during 1921 on the as nvseemsrccjs cargoes of shoos basis of prices at point cf shipment i norman r gibson of toronto will each fxituffs and agricultural imple- will be considerably over 500000 elal with the phase of the subject in incut- the apple crop is estimated at 350 j which he specializes the provincial university is giving regular courses in waterpower djeveiopmert and con- servatiicn at the piesent time and has done so for many years numbering tion of the vast waterpowers of can ada lewis f moody of philadelphia j a despatch from ottawa say- max v sauer and thomas h hogg the sending of a woman delegate to of the hydroelectric power commis j toronto ont another unit of the care a gain of more than 100 per cent genenail meters corporation is beimg over 1920 values at 360000 straw- joiganized in canada and wiiil berberries aiiso efotnv a 100 per cent in- jitxwn as the oakland meter car crcase with an estimated value of company it wxil be located at oshawa 55000 ont and operations are expected to i prince rupcit bc an additional rommencs in maich the company urjit sufficient to produce thirty tons aiready hos on its books some large of ice daily will be added to the plant orders feer expert the oarndian of the canadian fish tnd cold storage pranch of general motors located at company here at a cost of 25000 the pshawu is now tuitirg out more cars additional capacity is urgently needed than at any ether time in its history as there 1jas beei an ice shortage j wjrenipeg man an advance party every preceding year during the fish x bnjtxh enibgrants bound for west- i season bringing east and west together new has been received roii the paawdiani pacific railway that at the reduction in british army estimates a despatch from london says sir laming vorthingtonevans speaking last meetiing ef the board three anjat choriey on thursday night an nual schffiiirihips were provide for nounced that the government was the university of toronto these prepared to recommend a reduction scholarships are open to fraduatos of j in the army estimates by 16500000 universities in western canada and j instead of 20000000 as proposed in are to be used to pursue pestyraduate the gecdes report study at the provincial university ofi this would mean a reduction of the 3ritario the purpose of the canadian army by 33000 men and the disband- pacific railway in granting these irrg of 24 battalions of infantry 47 sclwtarhinc nc n rfk f ppn j l tt j l carada have been very prosperous for the past ten or fifteen years the revenue of many of the homes was noticeably increased during the war through the increased number of wage earners and the high wages in the munition factories etc the natural outcome of this is that we have de- the league of nations has evidently found favor among members of the vcloped extravagant tastes history national council cf women executive has revealed the fact that when the which has receive a letter from the mon i women sacrifice thrift for the council of great britain asking the 1ove of luxury it is a day of evil fore- canadian council to take the matter j boding inasmuch as the love of luxury up with the canadian government it puts a premium on discontent the was decided after consideration- of the- teste for luxurious foods and drinks is letter to act on the suggestion weekly market report toronto manitoba wheat no 1 northern l68i4i manitoba oats no 2 cw 61c extra no 1 feed 58c no 1 feed 58c manitoba barley nominal all the above track bay ports american coin no 2 yellow 77vc no 3 yellow 75 zc no 4 yellow 74c track toronto ontario oats no 2 white nominal ontario wheat nominal barley no 3 extra test 47 fos or better 57 to 60c according to freights outside buckwheat no 2 78 to 80c rye no 2 86 to 88c manitoba flour first pats nom inal ontario flour 90 per cent patent bulk seaboard per bbl nominal gen sir david watson distinguished canadian soldier and newspaper man who passed away on feb 19 he commanded tlhe 4th division of the canadian corps during the late war followed by the desire for expensive garments silks satins laces and jewels these all add nothing essen tial to comfort and the story of al d nations is practijcai1y the same when the simple life is abandon ed and an era of luxury sets in ex travagance drains the nations re sources luxury extravagance and vice follow each other in natural se- eggs new laid straights 45 to 48c new laid in cartons 47 to 50c beans can handpicked bushel 4- primes 375 to 390 maple products syrup per imp quence gal 250 per 5 imp gals 235 for instance thirty yofrs ago raw- maple sugar lb 19 to 22c j picture shows were scarcely honey 603plb tins 144 to 15c known the h rf hlat per o 524 lb tins 17 to 18c per d rf f lh t make lb ontario comb honey per doz r t- v 55o their own entertainment which was smoked meats hams med 29 to usually of a much more helpful cbar- 32c cooked ham 10 to 43c smoked i acter today the moving picture of backs boneless 33 to 37c kind of recreation we require for the effi- tas ed 16 development of our boys and to 18c clear behies 17 to 19c js fo fom fe mx fiflt iti playgrounds and in the winter time tub 16 to 154c pails 154 to 15c 5 v prints 17 to 17c shortenmg tierces f 1 h ra t msbfeed del montreal freight 15c tubs 154c pails 16c pr than at the moving picture shows the co sir tnomas lipton choice heavy steers 750 to 8 schools for sons of indian soldiers a despatch from london says according to a renter cable from delhi india king george has directed that the monies in the kingemperors patriotic fund subscribed during the war shall be used to build boarding schools for the sons of indian posdjers the schools wbl be caliect king georges royal indian miliiteuy schools the prince of wales will iuy the foundation stones of the first two schools on february 25 and march l respectively winnipeg reports that provincial election is planned the japanese diet is debating man hood suffrage a young man may have many friends but he will find none so stead fast so constant so ready to respond to his wants so capable of pushing him ahead as a little leathercovered book with the name of a bank on its they may become better acquainted staffs and ancillary services iviith the conditions in the east audi bo tend to promote oamadirn unity j bon their subsequent return w ft mine idle through west i am strongly of the view that- j en the movement is one which will cfo1 action or tsoy iriously be of benefit not only to the 7 undents but aso to the communities a tle from amherst n s ki which they afterwards live and eaysthe mines at joggms are ide that these circumstances warrant the saysthe mines at joggms were idte trnnting of the schounships thursday afternoon throwing five i hundred men out of employment a canadian sailortform gating an electric motor re- j r u i fused to open a pump switch erase by uuard or honor am his work although this liad been part of his duties for several i a despatch from ottawa says months the other bovs in the mine riio crew of the cruiser aurora of the hearing of his action also left their pamadian fleet which is spending the work and in consequence the whole winter in tho south furnished the m is tried up juard of honor at the opening oft parliament in the barbadocs islandbj i sinn fein conference reaches agree- sir eric geddes has resigned hisj ment to postpone irish elections for icat in the british house of commons three months baled hay track toronto per ton no 2 52150 to 22 mixed 18 straw car lots per ton 12 unofficial quotations ontario no 1 commercial wheat 125 to 130 outside ontario no 3 oats 40 to 45c out side ontario corn 53 to 60c outside cheese new large 20 to 204c twins 20 to 21c triplets 21 to 21 14c old large 25 to 26c twins 254 to 2614c triplets 26 to 27c stiltons new 24 to 25c butter frcili dairy choice 28 to 30c creamerv prints fresh fancy 41 to 43c no 1 40 to 41c no 2 34 to 36c cooking 25 to 26c dressed poultry spring chickens 30 to 38c roosters 20 to 25c fowl 28 to 32c ducklings 32 to jf8c turkeys 50c geese 30c live poultry spring chickens 22 to 28c roosters 18c fowl 20 to 28c ducklings 32c turkeys 40 to 45c geese 20c margarine 20 to 23c sesssmssi extraordinary advance in to 625 do med 5 to 550 do com 4 to 5 butcher heifers choice 050 to 7 do med 5 to 6 k com 4 to 425 butcher cews choicei 550 to 0 do med 250 to 450 sterling exchange at wall street canners and cutter rto25opbut- a from new york says set 5450 to 550 do storting exchange thursday morning com 2 to 4 feeders good 5 to v do fair 4 to 5 stackers- good 4 to 5 do fair 3 to 4 milkers 60 to 80 springers 70 bo 90 calves choice 12 to 1325 do med 9 to 10 do com 5 to 7 lambs choice 13 to 14 do com 6 to 7 sheep choice 675 to 750 do good 550 to 6 do com 160 to 350 hogs fed and watered 1425 to 1450 do fob 1350 to 1375 do country points 1325 to 1350 montreal veals 11 to 1250 medium calves 10 to 1050 inferior 9 to 950 hogs 1425 to 1450 cheese finest westerns 1714 to 18c butter choicest creamery 37 to 38c potatoes per bag car lots 90c was bid up o a iew high levei for nearly three yeair when demands bills yere sold for 440 and cables commanded 441 sterling at thursdays quotations is up 20 cents- rirco the beginning of the year of 98 cents from the lowest level touched last year and 124 from the lowest quotation for all time registered in 1920 the causes of the extraordinary advance in sterling exchange are sev eral one is the tremendous improve ment in the foreign trade position of great britain during the kist few months the foreign trade statement for january showed a big decrease in the balance of trade against england whorea3 the excess of imports over exports in december was 25000000 it dropped to 13000000 m january british exports in january wore larger than any month of inst year with the exception of march this shifting of foreign trade also is im pressively told in the statasties of the united states ferefign trade a new low level c4 values of american ex ports was reached in january when they reached only 279215000 a drop of 17215000 compared with decem ber the ctminlshed flow of exports to europe including england is reflected in a marked scaircity of bims of ex change offered for sale here against shipments of goods