Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), March 2, 1922, p. 2

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am mt mj 1 if y f v an invigorating hot drink the mystery of the green ray by william le queux lighted to find that myra had recover- y restored there is also a middle away is not going to aggravate the ed her sight that i very nearly made course she may be able to see per- effects of a natural phenomenon while what might have been 3 very serious fectly after a coarse of treatment in it may restrain the human agency by mistake i gave a loud shout of red light i will get her a pair of removing the necessity for further triumph and made- a dive for the light red glasses at once we can see how activity j intending to switch it on this might that gees but 1 fee that it would well thats sound enough i ac- of course have had a very bad effect be advisable to introduce her to day- quiesced but i shall hear from you upon my darlings eves but fortun- light in gradual stages in case of anv hope atelv garnesk darted across the room risk i of course my dear fellow he and knocked up my arm in the rrlck oh if we could only find poor old laughed were in this thing together of time isholto mvra exclaimed eagerly- youll hear from me as often as you j not yet ewart not yet he warn- garnesk turned to her with a look of want and who knows what else be- ed me we must run no tisks until frank admiration j sides i have no intention of drop- we are quite sure i youre a lucky young dog ewart pg this for a minute ewart but but ronnie i can see quite well he whispered to me bv jove you think i can do more if i am not myra declared delightedly i can see are i on the spot were agreed that my everything just as easily as i usualiy i so myra graciously but a little re- p here mav source of can by the light of the darkroom gretfullv 1 think placed herself in the danger to you all lamp hands of the young specialist and rc- yes i said i think yours is the still we wont expose you to the placed her shade then we left the p hat do you propose to glare of white light just at present darkroom allowing the films to de- miss mclewi said garnesk solemn- velop out on the floor and went down- ly we must be very careful tell stairs we took her out on the verl i me how did your sight return gradu- andah and removed the shade for a i invent- x ftrjrlbtf tmlitm nttd by hmf furr purtttbc bsie bsts eudt from rtm 14 titt prtcci9u booklet oa iaust harold c shipman co pathhattogheys sirxfizsksi ljm in and removed the shade for a synopsis of preceding chapters j in a very leisurely fashion for an hour ally or suddenly j moment but the chill air of the high- the outbreak of war sends ronald or two and after lunch the four of suddenly i think the girl replied j i n made her eves smart after ewart a young london barrister tous went up to kinlochourn we took i took off the shade and laid it down their unaccustomed imprisonment and the highlands to say goodbye to his a teabasket with us and very nearly and then when i looked up i could dis- we g up the experiment for that fiancee myra mclecd on the train j succeeded in banishing the green ray tinetly see the lamp i night he meets hildermun who calls himself altogether from our minds i hadj immediately the shade was rcmov- as garnesk and i bathed together an american and a stranger in those taken my kodak with me and we leaned in the moiini we were both brighter parts but later ewart finds that he m shore and otherwise altered our no she answered not just imj m ksprful than we h id been has built a hut on a cliff above the course occasionally in order to enable mediately you see i was looking at his nv falls opposite general mcleods lodge me to record some choice peep of thu the floor which is so dark of course h t f v m while fishing in the river myra is magnificent scenery when we got that you couldnt see it in the ordi- srstssn suddenly blinded by a flash of green back to the lodge we were all feeling nary way then as soon as i looked l meet v fw without hvinr light gen mcleod tels ewart of a much the better for the outing after up i could see the lamp for a mo- j m l wltn0ut n strange experience at tho same place dinner myra who had taken the ment i thought it was my imagina- t l v r ro known as chemists rock hilderman j greatest interest in the photographs tion but when i found i could see ron f vo twin hme tfet is very curious as to the cause of i although poor child she could not see stooping over the developingdish ii it i ttllr myras blindness the famous london u had taken l r oculist holds out no hope and ewart ad t see after taking myra home brings dr garnesk from glasgow in the mean time sholto is also blinded then chloroformed and stolen garnesk as- to be continued mlnards liniment used by veterlnarlet the and would not be knew that iwas all right again result either was this is very extraordinary you serts his belief that hilderman knew of shoitos affliction the next morn ing the two men find footprints and keelmarks on the beach ami the nameplate from the dogs collar ewart telegraphs for his friend den nis burnham at chemists rock garnesk sees the green flash and ew art is suffocated you more to wait for vour train anxious to know how they had turned j widkucount fi sholteood a ti course jjgwz determined to go ly the one at caolas mor develop i know pretty well what they are but yes them in the morning ronnie wont in any ease i could easily describe them to you if id never seen them you if you dont youll probably take them away and forget all about them garnesk looked at me he was al ways on the qui vive for any oppor tunity to give myra a little pleasure he felt very strongly that she must be kept from worrying at all costs why not develop them now ew art he suggested certainly i said will excuse me the girl ex- chapter xl contd i shall certainly go on i replied eagerly but we can hardly expect you to run risks on our behalf it may be in the interests of civil- dads in the library myra re- j plained airily i always put necessity ization he answered and in that plied but everybody else will come j before luxury case it is our duty now look here with you if you ask us nicely besides i shall have to tell you where every thing is theres plenty of room for us all right yoi are i agreed readily and went out to get a small folding armchair from the verandah we went up to the darkroom at the top of the house and myra sat in the corner ewart this will have to be a secret it is essential that we should not get ourselves laughed al because for one thing the scoffers may get info seri ous trouble if they start investigating our assertions in a spirit of levity you and i must keep this to ourselves entirely what about your friend yes he said i must go it will be necessary for me to make one or two inquiries and get a pair of glasses made for miss mcleod i shall be very sorry to lose you garnesk i said earnestly dont you think you could write or wire for the glasses you see if we have come to the conclusion that this green ray is some chemical production of nature unassisted there isnt the same reason for you to leave us no thats true he agreed but we were both a bit scared yesterday old chap and the more i think of this sotnentne oculist made her sit dog business the less i like it it was down again and crossquestioned her mere conceit on my part that made before what have i got in my hand the specialist queried holding his arm out a pair of nailclippers myra de clared emphatically and garnesk laughed well he said you can obviously see it pretty well but as a matter of if everybody i fact its a cigarcutter oh well you see every hen ihould lay mkevourpy in gg or the feed you give them tone them up keef thcoi healthy and vig orous get eggs by adding to their feed nature eggmaking tonic found in pralu poultry regulator advice free tell ua your trouble ritatt food co of canada i1mited toronto ace hands s body lather vnem freely with baby s own soap at considerable length im puzzled but delighted he ad mitted finally its strange but it is at the same time decidedly hopeful i suppose it meass that she will always be able to set in a red light at any rate i suggested probably it does he agreed and i can trust him i replied simply giving me instructions as to the po then tell him everything garnesk sition of the bottles etc i prepared of course her sight may be complete advised if you know you can relyj the devploper while garnesk busied upon him he may be of great assis- 1 himself with the fixing acid tance to us now were ready i announced what about hilderman i asked as i made sure that the lighttight he knows a good deal already j door was closed and lowered the ruby there is no need for him to know i glass over the orange on myras im- any more he may be of some use posing darkroom lamp she believed in doing things comfortably no mess me say it was bound to be some na tural phenomenon merely because i couldnt understand how the effect could have been humanly produced perhaps i suggested our best course would be to keep an open mind about the whole thing yes he replied im with you entirely and m that case my going vaseline trademark camphor ice going from the warm steamy kitchen to thecold windy yard is sure to chap your face and hands vaseline camphor ice keeps them smooth and soft its invaluable for housekeepers chesebrough mfg co consolidated 1ss0 chabot ave montreal to us i had thought he might be of the greatest use but he may be able to help us still we should decrease rather than augment his usefulness by telling h5m these new complica tions how do you mean i asked well for instance he might think we are mad although hes a very ahrewd fellow yes i agreed cute funny that americans so often girl presentlv ing about with an oldfashioned hock- bottle for her i took the spool from my pocket and- began to develop them en bloc how are they coming along myra asked leaning forward inter estedly theyre beginning to show up i lied thev look ratha- rrtnititr the care of the hair there is no better rerc-m- for fall ing hair than teoal stimulation or t of the scalp but the massage replied they look rathft- jtfmising j should be applied regularly and sys- i think hes pretty j its rather warm in here said the tematikally mericans so often girl presentlv- so you think it would cleanliness is also important and are anyway hes been cute enough j matter j removed my shade mr on possib through regular to make sufficient to retire on at a ijarnnk iii io a- fairly early age and ritvr tomfcm- rrif you put it on again- before jf caxef shampooing avoid soaps uvtao i we put the light up the specialist i that are stron n alkahes castile or hni was my companicis only j answered myra took off the shade i other soaps made of vegetable oils or comment and the heavy bandage with a sigh a vegetable oil emulsion should be after dinner that evening we dis- of relief and leaned her elbow on the i used an emulsion will create a cussed all sorts of subjects mainly j table beside her j as well as soap and the lather the war of course and went to bed there s a glass beaker just by your shouw hg jfojj i v thoroughly t ron exclaimed myra as we sftftst it otfof reach h ed off if the hair is very said goodnight if mr garnesk is all right said garnesk moving or dirty lather lfc a sec0tld tunc really going to leave us on monday i forward ill move it dont you j then rms several waters warm at you nrustnt let him worry about- worry j first and cooling gradually until the things tomorrow do let him have but before he could reach the table last water is cold the rinsing must one days holiday while he is with us there was a crash the beaker went be thorough and not a particle of anywavi smashino- tn tha flonr t fviil ll n i l n smashing to the floor i turned with soap or other mixture must be allow- fj d to remain otherwise the hair will was standing up with her hand to her r i- i j- nea i he left m a sticky unpleasant conda- what is it darling i cried drop- tion and the p of scal vdn ping the length of film on the floor be clogged with foreign matter garnesk made a grab for the shade dry in the sun and aii5f possible mornings fishing on the loch gar- myra gave a short shrill little laugh if not use warm soft towels some i will i agreed well have a real holiday tomorrow suppose we all go iip loch hourn in the motor- boat in the afternoon so it was arranged that we should have an afternoon on the sea and a nesk fell in with the idea readily it will do you good he declared you wont be feeling too frisky in the morning after your adventure this afternoon as it turned out he was quite right for i awoke in the morning with a slight headache aid a tendency to ache all over so we fished the loch which had a slightly ominous hyster ical note in it dont be alarmed dear she said quietly in a curiously tense voice i can see chapter xii who is hilderman must admit that i was de- women dread a shampoo of any sort because of the colds or neuralgic pains which sometimes follow but if cold water is used for the final rinsing and if the scalp is massaged while the hair is drying the danger of un pleasant aftereffects is very slight a shampoo should not be indulged in oftener than once in ten days once scalps it is made thus quinine sul phate fifteen grains borax five grains fluid extract jaborandi ono dram tincture canthafides two drams add bay run enough to make six ounces an excellent lotion for the cure of dandruff requires two ounces of witch- hazel two ounces of alcohol and fif teen grains of resorcin apply every day a lotion for oily hair is as follows onefourth of an ounce each of bi carbonate of soda and borax two ounces of cologne water one ounce of rectified spirits and sixteen ounces of distilled water hairs that have split at the ends cease to grow therefore it is well after a shampoo to take small strands of the hair twist as if curling it and clip tho split ends by roughing up the hair these ends can easily be de tected falling hair frequently follows ill ness especially when the illness has been accompanied by fever continued low condition of the system is also responsible for loss of hair so is ex cessive perspiration if the scalp is not frequently cleansed a wrfcain amount of hair must fall out but if the scalp is in good condition the loss will be normal and new hairs will re place the old ones combs and brushes shculd at all times be kept scrupulously clean they should be used only by the owner in two or three weeks is better much dimdruff and still more objectionable depends upon the individual also i discases of the sca cim be transmit- whether or not there is much exposure ted from onc person t0 another by the to dust and dirt and the amount of j indisoriminate use of brushcs aml natural oil in the hair although it is not advisable to combs brush the hair while it is wet massage cjin begin while the hair is still damp y old curtains 1u buy diamond ware or pearl ware kitchen uten sils and save work they are so clean with a flint- hard smooth surface that wipes clean like china no scouring no scraping or polishing just use soap and water every conceivable pot and pan is made in cither pearl or diamond ware the two splendid quality smp ena- rnele1 wares damond ware is a threecoated enameled steel hky blue and white outside snowy white inside j carl ware is enameled steel with two coats or grey and white enamel inside and out- iiitnor waro will give long service ask tax pearl ware or diamond ware continuing until tho scalp is dry and glowing the purpose of massage besng to bring tho blood to the surface or to the hair roots in order to nourish them to massage place the thumbs at the sweater or skirt in diamond dyes diamond dyes add years of wear worn faded skirts waists coats i sides of the face and with the tips of stockings sweaters coverings hang- the fingers perform a rotary motion higs draperies iverythlng every j on the scalp moving it around and i package contains directions so simple around up and down and backward anv woman can put now rich fadeless and forward remember that the colors into her worn garments or scalp is not to be rubbed but loosened uegin at the frint f the head work ing along the tp an 1 sides of the ccnlp until the fingers meet at the back then start on one of the shoul ders and work gradually up toward the nape of the nock repealing the movement from the other shoulder give the scalp five mimites of this tht sheet metal products montbeal toronto edmonton vancouver ofcanaoa 10 limited winnipeg calgary ireatmeiit daily usinjf 5 good hairj tcnic two cr three times a work pour a small quantity of the ton in a saucer dip the tips of the frvevs into it then mar2ge as usual if the scp is very tight tmi dry a relcoum tonic will be found fcensfil rial the recipe follows one ounce of frudo petroleum ten grains of sul phur twenty grains of quinine a quinine tonic is advised for oily draperies even if she has never dyed before just buy diamond dyes no other kind then your material will come out rigsit because diamond dyes are guaranteed not lo streak spot fade or run tell your druggist whether the material yen wish to dye is wool or silk or whether it s linen col ton or mixed goods kdison the famous inventor has designed h wheel 3 feet high filled witrrrxplomve which released from a special machine while revolving at a terrific sreel travelled over two miles cutting like a knife through all obstacle mlnardt liniment for cclci cie 250000 farmers receive seasonable hints free arc you one of ihcm if not cut this out fill in and mail in an envelope addressed publications branch dominion department of agriculture ottawa no stamp required ener ij wu for seasonable hihts froo pollution eo-iwjslng- noofn fet for rnnr aad also bnd mo your liit of othir lrt tirm parrbii lonncd fcy the dominion dprtmnt of aiionltnr jxt of no l i i l

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