Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), March 2, 1922, p. 1

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it g0abp9s9j kmitsb isa ip the tribune jol xxxiii no 1 stouffville ontario thursday march 2 1922 whole number 1289 stouffviue lodfle no 384 meets every monday evening at 8 oclock in the oddfellows hall visiting brethren welcome w r sanders secretary j b hanna financial secy ralph baker n g business cards legal mccullough button barristers solicitors con- vbyancers c sanders block stouffville money to loan dental dr d c smith dentist stouffviue honor graduate of chicago and to ronto university and the royal col lege of dental surgeons office over shaws store phone office 1011 residence 1015 at uxbrldge every wednesday the passing of cecil r klinck the following is taken from the guelph daily herald at the general hospital early sun day morning the death occurred of cecil r klinck of the o a c mr klinck was born and brought up on a farm near stouffviue york county ontario and entered the o a c as a student in 1903 receiv ing his b s a degree in 1906 his brother leonard who is now presi dent of the university of british columbia entered the o a c in 19ss and received his degree in 1903 immediately after graduation cecil joined the staff of the field husbandry department where he continuation school report latin form iii f elson 86 a valentine 85 spoke of mr klinck as possessing o tarr 84 paying a loving tribute of respect to the one who has passed to the bfc- yond the service was conducted by the pastor rev p a dickson dr zav- itz who had known mr klinck so intimately spoke of his worth to the college and to the agricultural in terests of the province he also date this machine is set and started that equal profit can be realized through the use of any other separa tor or creaming system this order shall be null and void i is it any wonder over 2500000 in use ten times as many as the nearest competitor three outstanding vralts of character he was most unselfish living for others his christian character bore fruit in other lives he was the servant of men faithfui to a fault earnest and diligent the church was represented by amos tovell who told of mr klincks valuable service as a member of the young peoples society a teacher in the bible school the clerk of the church for the past half dozen years an a deacon who performed his work well mr klinck took a prominent part to those who have been with him constantly he was in active ser vice until a week previous to the time of his death and did not enter the hospital until thursday even ing after which time he sank rap idly but retained his consciousness until about three oclock saturday j afternoon the end came very i peacefully about midnight i a memorial service was conducted yesterday afternoon in the church i of christ norwich street when the members of the church to which mr klinck had been so faithful dur ing all the years of his residence in guelph and the president faculty and friends at the o a c joined in dr e s barker l d s d d s dentist stouffviue banor onadute of royal college of dental surgeons and of the univer- sity of toronto office hours 9 to 12 a m 2 to 6 p in office in grabins block over jew- elery store phone omcv 2ulj 8202 markham every tuesday office over m whites store drs sangster ball stouffviue west end- office hours 9 to 12 3 to 47 tc j30 sunday 10 to 12 only w a sangster s s ball phono 1801 phono 100 a c kennedy t chiropractor will be in his office on church st from 930 to 12 pm on monday wednesday and friday w j mather juneral director and em- balmer stouffville residence church street two doors north of store phone nos 9801 or 9812 day and night calls promptly attended to w h clark clerk and treas township of whitchuroh rtra plate glass and automobile insurance victory bonds lor sale treat west permanent loan co debentures office urquharta block phones 22022214 touffville ont f w silversides e auctioneer has been employed constantly up to the time of his death his position in planning the changes recently being assistant in plant breeding made tne church and in carrying he has done much work in the im- j effect he was as faith- provement of farm crops although rui t0 the church as he was in his he was not physically robust his college work he was a kind and sudden death causes a great shock gen christian man the late mr klincks father and brotherinlaw arrived in guelph on friday and accompanied the re mains on the 947 grand trunk train monday morning for stouffviue where the funeral will take place on wednesday afternoon of the im mediate family there remains to bear the loss the father and mother mr and mrs t w klinck who live at stouffviue one brother ross on the old homestead at victoria square another brother harry who is teaching at redcliffe alia and leonard president of the uni versity of british columbia and two sisters mrs rowbptham and mrs clark the late mr klinck was unmar ried and passed away in the prime of his life at the age of only forty- two years he will be greatly mis sed not only by the family but by his many friends at the college and in the city his was a noble chris tian character displaying a large amount of unselfishness of excel lent service in his chosen work of plant improvement and of whole- someness in his quiet earnest ex emplary life rt can truly be said of him that through his influence he j left the world better than he found i t ptthe titftaj p the late c r f son of mr awmrs thos j w klinck took place at the fejnily residence wednesday march 1st the service was conducted by rev amos tovell former pastor of the church in guelph of which mr klinck was a valued member assis ted by mr chas petch rev r i young and rev g washington the funeral was largely attended by relatives and friends showing the oh its a dandy and so ox right along goes the happy phrase ex- p lte sistn vr- trend of thought of our serve customers ix the meantime what wo you say to getting ix touch with us re garding your suit monkhouse coy the leadixg tailou a mcleod 81 n taun 81 n borinsky 80 w boadway 79 j collard 79 k reesor 76 a byrne 74 m rennle 72 l stoulter 69 h coveney 66 a collard 58 h yake 57 b heise 57 latix form ii b bacon 82 e raymer 7s j collard 73 f meek s 72 g ramer 65 v gray 65 history form i alfred hill s4 w k allan 81 mary oboyle 81 w l vanzant so marie paisley 76 grace nicely 75 annepaisley 74 jean hessel 73 harry white 73 eleanor peters 73 melville march 63 margaret baker 61 yvonne hodgins 60 francis judd 59 edgar kidd 48 a g quantz 48 mary mccormack 48 edna hoover 42 olive boadway 41 stanley rose 41 herbert simpson 40 winnie hutchinson 40 veola stapleton 40 jean dowswell 36 division court i an obituary a gloom was cast upon the citi zens of stouffviue and surrounding community last friday feb 24 1922 when the sad news came of the sudden and unexpected death of ilrs rev w m mcguire wife of the meimonite pastor and beloved daughter of mr and mrs jos mc millan which took place at the jsrnside hospital toronto mrs iisiruire came to stouffviue last october wnftjier husband and in this short time lis made many friends she will be greatly jmisseu by all who knew her she leaves a sorrowing husband a baby daughter a loving and faithful father mother two sisters a brother and a host held standard bank of canada reports strong postilion general business of bank well maintained policy has been followed of making large additions to reserve and con tingent accounts reserve fund now stands at 5000000 and paidup capital 4000000 having licence for york and on- ryjbio counties i make a specialty of pedigreed stock and am in touch with the most prominent breeders phone stouffviue 607 for dates and terms ltm tdjstmfo x the strong position occupied by tral gold reserve total 13279863 the standard rank of canada is cheques on other banks 5151513 strikingly reflected by the manner balances due by banks and banking in which it has been able to meet correspondents elsewhere than in the changed conditions that prevail- j canada 1109437 canadian ed in canada during the past fiscal municipal securities and british year foreign and colonial public securities general businesswas well main- other than canadian 2843643 tained and profits were well up to railway and other bonds 1202475 the level of the previous year as call and short loans 2809230 a result the bank has continued its and a particularly pleasing item is policy of adding steadily to its re- the large holdings of dominion and serves and contingent account the provincial government securities reserve fund now stands at 5000- amounting to 9029521 000 as against a paidup capital of in a year of lessened industrial 400000 and commercial activity a smaller the ample profits also allowed of volume of current loans was to be the payment of the usual dividends expected current loans and dis- at the rate of 14 per cent and after counts in canada which represent the appropriations to reserve and the general business of the bank high esteem in which mr klinck was oi friends to mourn their loss but what is their loss is her eternal gain a short service was conductedfri- day evening feb 24th at the home of mr and mrs j r good 553 mar kham st toronto ontario by rev e sievenpiper assisted by rev mr franks pastor of the methodist church at islington who had been a former pastor of the deceased the body was taken to dundalk by c p r train where they were met by a large concourse of friends hundreds of people visited the home on saturday afternoon and sunday to view the corpse and sympathize with the bereaved the funeral was held on monday afternoon in the bethel methrfdist church proton township ftp less than five minis ters took part in the service com at the sitting of the second divi sion court held at stouffviue on monday but one case was on the j trial list that of raulph conner against joseph alsop conner is a farmer residing on the 5th conces- j sion whitchurch alsop is a truck- j ster residing on the 2nd of uxbrid- ge the case had aroused consider- able interest among the farmers of i the section who crowded the coun cil chamber where court was held conner sued alsop for 13035 for six calves weighing 1185 pounds at j 11 cents a pound which he claimed he had consigned by alsop to j h 1 shields a commission merchant at the stock yards toronto eleven cents a pound was said by conner to be the top market quotation for the day in his evidence conner i who was corroborated by his son swore that he had arranged with alsop in goodwood on the previous evening to deliver the calves to shields paying him at the time 6 for cartage alsop swore that no such arrangement was made that he had not even met conner in good wood but that he had been engag ed by conner over the phone to call at conners place in the morning and take six calves to toronto for him and in this he was corroborated by his wife who answered the phone and was in the room when the phone conversation was going on he cal led as agreed on at conners the next morning for the calves which he took to toronto and sold to the win davies company getting six cents a pound he sent his wife over to conners the next day with the money deducting the cartage and conner refused to accept it alsop produced the weigh bill from the wm davies company showing the weight and price paid and also had mr macdonald and mr thomas the buyer and weigher as witnesses to corroborate him macdonald gave evidence that the calves while big and rangy were of very medium quality judge widdifield gave judg ment for the plaintiff fdr the am ount tendered the plaintiffs and paid into court 6435 less the costs of the action and defendants witness fees which are to he paid by ihepjalntiff in his summing up of iheeviozie- the judge says i find that the evidence of the defen dant is to be accepjijjg preference to thatof the plaiiittjiave no hesitation in accepting the ejfdenee of mrs alsop as truthful with this f starting point i must find the plain- tiff not truthful when he saysno tender of money was ever made to hiiii check the grif the moment you feel chills or fever at this time of year you may be sure you are in for a siege of grippe but we have the remedy nyal laxacold convenient chocolate- coated tablets easy to take and prompt in action laxacold breaks up a cold quickly and does not upset th system contains no quinine hence is free from the unpleasant effects of that drug safe prompt surb keep a package in the house fa came of need price 25c at geo collard market drug store stouffville lonesome men women girls bachelors widows etc join our correspondence club and make many interesting- friends get acquainted throughout the world through our medium marry wealth happiness hundreds rich attrac tive and congenial willing to wed photos free send 50 cents for four months subscription 100 for one year florence bellaire 200 montague street brooklyn ny grand trunk railway system the double track route between montreal toronto j detroit v j chicago unexcelled dining car service sleeping cars on night trains and parlor cars on principal day trains full information fronts any grand trunk ticket agent or ce horning district passenger agent toronto tr j r hodgins agent phone 4401 stouffville on f 51 early spring millinery mabel a boynton parlors over w h shaws store re separator test report by h langtrco published in tribune feb 23rd that a test was made at levi for syths between a massey and a well known separator the public would be led to believe that a real test did take place between two firms machines and their represen tatives and i seem to be one of those accused i did not enter into any test nor was i there on the 8th of february 1922 or any other firm as do leval are sold under guaran tee guarantee the do laval company limited piikftao lin 1 s mnnhlnn ltshnlir ments and unexcelled in tho domin ion students assisted to obtain employment enter any time write for our handsome catalogue w j elliott prlncipnl w j elliott principal travel by canadian pacific for full particulars tickets and reservations apply to h- w- sanders local agent rilone 180 alto cpr and cunard line ocean tickets ordered if operated according to tho rules set forth in instruction manual sent with it will enable tho produc tion of a greater value of cream and a greater quantity of butter of bet ter quqality than is possible with any othor cream separator made and that together with the saving in power and expense generally it will afford the purchaser a greater profit from tho milk handled than em in existence where purchaser whose on- from contingent funds permitted of a bal- amount to 45069127 a reduction ksssfss sfcs ance being carried forward into tho of 5000000 from tho previous new year of 112492 these pro- year and which is in harmony with fits which were computed after de- altered conditions and is an index ducting expenses interest accrued to the general slackening of business on deposits rebate for interest on throughout the country unmatured hills provincial taxes at the same time the general de- and making provision for bad and posits of the bank havo been well doubtful debts amounted to 725- maintained deposits bearing in- 014 the balance carried forward terest stand at 51909455 as com- yonge and charles streets toronto from the previous year amounted to pared with 53011997 at tho end t ii nof i i r 378 644 and there was received of the previous year and doposits p j jssrtrtsk is n x sef from premium on new stock issued not bearing interest at 13211260 y other systo mntaand unbelted in nomn- 4 mak toa am0 j against 14377712 making total- fsxlra d available for distribution 1252157 deposits of 05120716 as against e ta h e of this amount there was paid in dl- 1 67389710 a reduction ot only rtrate withln flftcen da fr vldends at the rate of 14 per cent about 2000000 this decrease is 565115 war tax on note circula- equal to only about 3 per cent and tlon 39549 reserve for dominion would seem to indicate just how income tax 20000 contributed to well the doposits of tho bank are officers pension fund 25000 iran distributed throughout the country sfcrred to reserve fund 200000 the shareholders of tho bank transferred to contingent account should be particularly gratified with 300000 balance carried forward j the showing which has made it 112492 i possible to not only continue the the outstanding feature of tho ample dividends but also to make general statement of assets and lia- such handsome contributions to re- billtlcs as of january 31st is the serv and contingent funds it strength of tho banks liquid posl- j sno also prove especially reassur- tlon of total assets of 83293004 to depositors that at a time ike the liquid or immediately available t present such a large proportion assets amount to 35871868 of of tnc hanks assets are in liquid this amount actual cash on hand and f an invested in such high dominion notes and deposit in ccn- g securities cut flowers and ferns wedding bouquets and funeral designs a specialty muston nurseries stouffville phone 7001 youll say exactly the same as other ladies how did ever set along with out one thats what all the ladies say tho moment one of our new kitchen cabinets comes into the kitchen so convenient so handy so indispensable we have one that will suit you everything in furniture w j mathefi stoiijvviu boadways- drug store stouffville a good business school heres why j over twtniy tboumid young men and womfn hive xtuntd shorthand typewriting and busi- ne methods in the shaw business schools every srudent has recei- vcj xronl atttnticn u4 individual help lhtsth secret four tuccl eleven fully equipped schools we hve chir u4 dcik for you sun at vy rime write now for rundboclt p mcintosh chief principal bdsmesssosoois toronto mm financial information as an institution with first hand knowledge of financial markets at home and abroad ana with managers of broad experience and unbiased judge ment this bank is in a position to render invaluable information on investment and other money matters to patrons standard service 1 comprthimsht financial strvut the standard bank op canada jsjr total assets over eigntythree millions stouffviue branch a cj3urkholder manager yjr i ry tm0mmmlmmblnwwk9

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