m stouffville feb 23 1922 local news r we are very sorry to say mr jacob jennings is still seriously iii- tevdeks will be teceived up to v march 3th 1922 by a grubin for next wednesday will be ash wed- bringing 60 load yard and a half of nesday gravel mrs robert duncan is in poor for sale quantity of cedar posts all sizes at lot 3 con 9 whitchurch apply to a b bartholomew stouffville mr and mrs walter burkholder and baby are visiting his father mr nelson burkholder health mr and mrs amos lehman star ted for a visit to michigan yesterday last thursday little luella cay man fell in the pool of water by the garage mr ross davis has purchased voin mr leslie rowbotham the house and lot lately occupied by herber porter on church street miss brechon of toronto spent a north couple of davs at her cousins mrs xv j thompson the agriculture course will com- 1 mence next monday 27th inst the mrs t w klinck has gone to mell w mee in the council clam- omemee to spend a few weeks with ber on tne ladies in ratcliffs hall her daughter mrs m clark sessions begin at 1030 am and 2 mr and mrs harry and w b p- a are welcome to attend this sanders attended the funeral of al- course of lectures mr e b hoover of toronto is in town today ba1tist bible school classes for r bert crosby at uxbridge on satur day last mrs s thompson and daughter james paul a lifelong resident of stouffville passed away on mori day deceased was a laboring man grace of winnipeg ispenj a few who at one tmj was employed in days with her brotherinlaw w j thompson mr cyrelle cadieux while helping to lift a heavy railroad rail had the misfortune to have it fall on his foot crushing his toes wheelers mill his widow who sur vives is a daughter of the late an drew brown burial was made on wednesday at altona dont miss the illustrated lantern lecture by rev c w king in the stouffville baptist church under special services will be held n tae auspices of the young peoples christ church anglican one i union on monday march cth entit- week night every other week j i across canada from halifax to through the season of lent vancouver one hundred coloured mrs s m warriner lias returned 1 views of the mosf beautiful scenery in the world will be shown wa special invitation giveirto overy young peoples society epworth league chrstian endeavour etc in the district come by companies sit together sing together note the jlate old and young invited epworth league an address on the lives of miss pauline johnson and peter mc- arthur by mr eldon fairies follow ed by readings from the works of these writers formed a very interes ting and instructive program at the methodist epworth league this week the search light the monthly league paper was also read at this meeting if you want to start the week right come to league monday evening ft dies while ox wheel taken suddenly ill while riding his bicycle on sorauren- avenue thursday feb 16 r crosby aged 61 of 26 beatty avenue died short ly after being admitted to the stra- thcona hospital death is believed to have been due to heart failure 10a m all 11 am morning worship 7 pm a fathers love meeting for praise and testimony geo hunt of the standard bank s pm rev mr mcguire will kingston and who has been oft duty address the young peoples union of late on account of illness was lit monday at s pm own yesterday j kext wednesday at svm the the pronto j union prayer and praise service in fire demonstration that was held nis churcn in stouffville on the evening of feb markkam first 11th was a decided success and was 2 pm bible school classes for all witnessed by a large crowd we 3 pm divine worship would recommend the pronto extin- cottage prayer and praise meet- guisher in every home as it is the ing every thursday at s pm best we have seen yet we bought welcome- several and think them a good in- vestment isaac reaman a g lehman mount albert methodist 11 am service subject a three fold joy brief talk to boys and girls 230 pm sabbath school adult bible classes and tuxis boys 7 pm service subject the greatest commandment of all 151omiiiton methodist 115 pm sabbath school adult to her homo after a four months visit with her daughter mrs rev totten shannonville ont mr j r wheler an old stouff ville boy but now living in tignal georgia called on many old friends in the village on monday for sale thirty tons of good quality timothy hay in the mow quantity sale preferred lot 26 e 4th concession phone 11208 stouff ville walter scott markham now is the time to get your sugar expect a car load in a few days which will sell at s723 a hundred weight call 3800 claremont j finfold board of trade the regular monthly meeting of stouffville board of trade will be held in the council chamber on mo day evening feb 27 ja go5n atten dance is expected the mcmaster university evangel istic band held a series of meetings during the week end which proved to be very successful the singing preaching and visitaltion of these consecrated young njen were well received a number of souls decided for christ notic made vilie mr and mrs robertson visited at mr thos allisons on sunday mrs john moore spent the week end with her daughters in toronto mrs shields of toronto visited bibleclasses with her sister mrs pearson 2 pm service to we are pleased to seemr john boys and girls visitorswelcome to jloore around again after being con- all our services fined to the house for a couple of days through illness j pkesbyteriax a hockey game was played on the rink here on saturday night between rji zephyr and mount albert teams which resulted in victory to mount albert by a score of sl on monday evening mount albert journeyed to queensville to play the team there and were defeated in a hard fought game with some very fast playing 10 am sabbath school and bible 11 am and 7 pm congregation- worship wed s pm cottage prayer meet ing the orange lodge held an oyster supper for their members and their wives in the u f o hall last wed nesday there was a large atten dance over one hundred being pre sent on friday the local u f o held their oyster supper which pro ved a- very enjoyable affair which was attended by many of the mem bers and their friends mr thos holhourn has disposed of his residence here to mr john cain who will take possession on march 1st mr holbourn has pur chased the house at present occupied by mr wm roberts mr richard pattenden who is moving to ravenshoe on march 1st having purchased a store business there hassold his propertv here to mrs weddel mr albert dike has sold a house and lot to mr israel thirsk mr and mrs wm steeper are attending the mendelsohn cornet i melville church 115 pm sabbath schoo and bi ble class 215 pm congregational worship sugar sugar the bottom cf the sugar market appears to have been reached we have taken into stock a very fine car of st lawrence sugar have both fine and coarse grain and are prepared to take care of your orders at once molasses a few barrels and half barrels of molasses of our car of feed molasses still left the price we are quot ing is away below the market this is the season when molasses for horses and stock is most profit able very fine quality and the last car of the season do not delay your order and thus avoid disappoint ment the cheapest food on the market prunes dates figs try a pound of our 40c black tea ratcliff co sal jthe stai about raulph tmut of ten dop that he rogued iw me out of lars and tried totely falsei as twentyfive is absa i tull be- jjyir conner paid me money was f j e m s a subje of the above sketch i cou on t on the gave hm w jlown in stouffville and toronto the annual banquet of the wo- mens institute will be held oi thursday eyi jl t h crosby on the teaching staff of the putfiic unnyside avenue in the school here has been off duty for a coal business the deceased is sur- j couple of weeks on account of ill- vived by his wife his mother mrs j ness but we are pleased to see is i g crosby of uxbridge his sister on duty again miss minnie crosby also of uxbridge the deceased was born in uxbridge ontario 61 years ago and prior to going to toronto in 1910 was post master at goodwood ont for the last 12 years he hajaiblisifl with his bro 11 rwe wstput kthe best hosiery jale a receipted gn full rtey symes igned iy goodwood and was a grand son of the late edward wheler 17 rjqhttmclg the style and wear of our shoes will put your feet xon the right track without increasing your year ly expenditure for shoes you can wear better and longer shoes if you allow us to fit you jvve have the latest designs and will assure you they are worthy of your feet g lehman stourfvilleonl 1 f10tsre301 j v 1 th market grocery choice confectionery n buying confectionery you should iure it is fresh thats why thoe ho know good fresh confection ery buy at phone jet clarkson off auction sale of farm stock ford car imple ments etc of frank timbers ior 4 cn 7 whitchurch friday march 3rd sale at one 1 m horses 1 bay gelding ris 5 years 1 bay mare rising 7 years 1 bay filly rising 3 yrs 1 bay filly rising 1 year cattle 1 reg holstein cow 49745 due mar 18 i 1 reg ayrshire cow 502q8 calf by side 1 roan cow due mar is 1 red cow caif by side 1 red and white cow due april 10 1 r w cow due april 1 i 1 red cow in full flow j 1 r w cow in full flow i 1 black cow due may 4 i 1 red cow calf by side 1 red cow due may 1 i 1 holstein cow calf by side 1 holstein cow calf by side i 1 holstein cow calf by side i 1 holstein cow due mar 14 1 holstein cow due mar 22 1 holstein cow full flow milk 1 holsfeln cow due june 25 1 holstein cow due april 2 1 holstein cow due june 3 1 holstein cow due april 22 1 holstein cow due time of sale pigs 1 sow due mar 5 g brood sows 8 shoats implements c 1 ford car 1 deering binder 7 ft 1 deering binder 6 ft 1 mh disc drill 1 mh cultivator nearly new 1 land roller 1 set harrows 3 sec 1 2furrow plow new 1 bain wagon box and springs 1 deering mower 1 frost wood rake 1 hay rack 1 mclaughlin buggy 1 mclaughlin cutter 1 set chath am scales 1 root pulper 1 mh separator new 1 set bain sleighs 1 democrat 4 sets doubletrees forks hoes and numerous other articles harness 1 set brass mounted harness 1 set single harness 4 horse collars furniture 1 coal heater 1 extension table 1 sideboard 1 hall rack quantity ensilage quantity of hay terms ford car feed ensilage veal calves and all sums of sis and under cash over that amount 7 months credit will be given on fur nishing approved joint notes or 6 per cent per annum off for cash f w silversides auctioneer ever staged in this fction mens woraens and childrens hose perfmt in fit arid the finest of yarns many colorsmp choose from this is our regmar stock if you have a notionvyou want any these dont delay like you dilthe last sale and be disappointed the buyingwill be snappy of childrens hose childrens all wool 1 and 1 rib everybody knows what these hose are reg 100 for 59c ladies hose ladies plain knit heather mix ture perfect model a limited num ber at 9 a dandy all wool black 2 and 1 rib the best seller we have sizes 6 to 10 vp mens ribbed wool soxi grey ft mens all wool ribbed sox sever al colors perfect goods good full sizes some for fine also heavy wear reg 75c to 125 to clear 39c and black well i- wont try to tell you what a snap these are jiggs would say whats the use you wont believe me these are the sensation of the sale theyre go ing at 19c a pair wallpaper our 1922 stock of wall papers are here and ready for your in spection they are surely a work of art in colorings and designs they excel everything in wall coverings ever offered at prices to suit all w h shaw phone 9512 stouffville store closes every night at 6 p m except saturday during winter a whwflw