Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), February 23, 1922, p. 3

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j people have their more entirely in own hands ii m winston churchill presents british governments case for adoption of free state bill enabling dublin authorities to secure a sensible parliament in ireland a despatch from london says in and the position of britain standing movin the second reading of the on the treaty and leady to carry it out irish free state bill in the house of j if the others were found on behalf commons on thursday winston of the irish nation to do their part spencer churchill secretary for the would be a position of great moral as colcriee laid stress on the necessity well as undoubted material strength of giving affect to the treaty by cloth- j the position of southern ireland ing the provisional government as on tho other hand would be one of the treaty provided with lawful powjthe greatest weakness and difficulty ers and enabling it to held an election j absolutely isolated from the sympathy at the earnest moment pf the world and bitterly divided in it is the view of the irish sign- herself the position of northern ire- atories of the treaty he said that land would be quite unaffected an irish republic had been set up byj all the governments information the irish people at the elections and j led it to feel that such- an assumption that the reunite could only be con- as the success of de valera was in- the headquarter dublin castle ot the provisional government ot southern ireland the farmers course that the republic could only verted into a free state by the dcj correct in any case added the sec- the cision cf the people we dont rcc- j retar y it would be a pity for us to two ognize the irish republic will i with the result that very low rates i were quoted for loans in lombard street and the discount rates for bills mers wbih has been goms on ail had fallen in company so that last university of toronto for the past week th government placed treasury weeks seems to have been even bills ij tender at only a shade over the short farmers canada from coast to coast horsedrawn sleighs and then shipped more than a thousand miles by rail are being sold on the chicago mar kets two carloads of fish from lakc3 winnipeg winniwgosis and manitoba were recently disposed of at chicago- winnipeg man fresh rhubarb in and never go threatening and blustering at this a greater success this year than last 61 shimgs per cen 1 stage and give the impression that two hundred and twentyfive men and the objects of the proposed election the irish people were being made to women of various ages but mostly mj ouot tnjnaiet iat jsw and give the impression that two hundred and twentylive mer and added the secretary were to secure vote under duress or at the point of their twenties have been hard at sah2ds an adequate constituent assembly and the bayonet if this were indulged in work taking notes en lectures asking poun ii mo i s freh rormal and if i may say so it could afterwards be stated that the questions and engaging in discussions sensible pariiament in ireland i vote had been given under duress j the students are representative of of the present irish parliament tending to impair the authority of the thirtyfour counties in the province mr curchill declared that it was not decision j one comes frjsm rainy river and one cr- en because of the fitness of its alluding to the report of a coup j from manitoulin the women m the members to govern but because theydeat to overturn the provisional gov- course have been particularly pleased ere thought to be most obnoxious crnment mr churchill said there to have the opportunity of receiving to great britain and men who hated england most the irish minister must know where he stood some peo ple felt they had waited too long are those who think that the provi- uptodate instruction in household sional government may be overthrown science the complete range of sub- by a coup detat and a red soviet gov- jeets is as follows english economics ernraent set up the british govern- history public speaking commercial already but in any ease the sooner intent docs not think that at all likely geography hygiene biology psy- ection was held the better the but if it were it is quite cear that a chology engineering architecture soviet republic would ruin tho irish i and household science interspersed cause for a hundred years while not with the lectures have been several in any respect impairing the f ounda- social functions intended to relieve tion of the british empire or the the strain of hard study the uni security of ulster no people really are less likely to turn bolshevist than the irish success of mr de valera at the elec tion he characterized as an ugly hypothesis it is perfectly clear that the re pudiation of the treaty by ireland would free all parties from their en gagements the secretary continued versity authorities speak highly of the wholesome type of student attend ing this course and of the earnest work that is done highpower radio station in greenland t b maoajley president sun life assurance co ot canada under whose direction tho company has just completed the most profitable year in its history a despatch from washington says greenland probably will have a highpower radio station in the near future but it will bring no joy to the haarts of greenlanders or the danish of- coun- the are outer world ifht or nine months at j never long shockers this statampnrwas made by dr morjporsid position here bank of england rate drops to 4i per cent a despatch from london says after hxving remained at 5 per cent from november 3 last the bank of england rate on thursday was reduc ed to 4 per cent the reasons for the present reductions are not far to seek and in many quarters the fall was regarded as overdue owing largely to the depression of trade there has beenalmost a superabun dant s aey in the market charlottetown pj3x sixty car loads or 48000 bushels of certified seed potatoes were shipped out of prince edward isand during 1921 to various parts of the united states from experiments conducted in vir ginia new jersey maine and ver mont it has been definitely concluded j winter time is the treat that winnipeg that island grown seed potatoes are citizens are enjoying as the result of admirably adapted to their require- experiments conducted by a mr hed- ments to maintain and safeguard ley a market gardener the rhubarb their standard of quality island growi was planted in underground pits and ers have decided to register mr hedley reports that the crop this halifax ns the eastern gypsum year has been very successful and that company owners of extensive gyp- he intends to fell his product not only sum properties in victoria county in winnipeg bv t to regina and saska- cape breton have sold their property j toon to the great bras dor gypsum co winnipeg man tho final 1921 ltd which is being formed by a crop estimate of manitoba which has syndicate of american and local just been issued by tho dominion capitalists the new company will it bureau of statistics gives the yield of is stated spend 200000 on develop- wheat as 390539s0 bushels grown ment work this summer the gypsum on 2226376 acres barley 19081645 areas involved are the most extensive bushels 1013144 acres flax 644675 in nova scotia bushels 61c89 acres spring rye 1- digby ns a shipment of native 9s6383 bushels 157009 acres fall furs valued at 9000 was recently rye 1578285 bushels 100784 acres the bar- ra therefore us quite made from hcrc to new y the in addition 88091 acres were sown to furs will be sold either at a private potatoes which yielded 5858212 or public auction sale the consigr- bushels ment consisted of nova scotia minki regina sask among the resolu- red fox otter coon and wild cat j tions tho convention of the saskat- st john new brunswick a new chewan grain growers representative industry is to be established in st of 30000 farmers referred to the pro- john as a result of the decision of vincial government w one to give the common council to award a large women equkl right with men in home- contract for cast iron pipe to a local steading on government land company which had promised if it calgary j alta local grain men secured the contract to establish a estimate that the total bookings of foundry and make the pipes in the wheat via vancouver this season city as a beginning of the new indus- will amount to approximately seven try it is promised that the works million bushels several calgary will be extended to a point where winnipeg chicago and new york employment will be given to from 150 grain men have recently been in van- to 200 men couver investigating the new channel noyan que e g fadden a local of shipment to the united kingdom breeder of poultry iias earned fresh and it is the general opinion that the laurels by carrying off the silver cup new route will be permanent at the vermont state poultry show victoria bc the total log pro- last week offered for the best exhibit duction of british columbia for the of birds his turkeys also secured first elevenrnonth of 1921 from the four prizes he states that at christ- official retuvns of logs scaled has mas time he was receiving for his reached 1650759388 feet during the poultry more than some farmers se cured for their cattle hull que during the past year of the total production 1283734106 according to the city assessor the city feet were scaled on the coast and of hulls assessrhent was increased by 367025282 feet on inland territory threequarters of a million dollars the total valuation of the city now is 16772282 of which 811942230 is taxable the same report gives the i and other atpntic ports for their pro- omic experts will inquireinto how far i population of the city at 33672 an j ducts utilizing the panama canal canada snculd go with credits to other increase of about a thousand over that route and to this end a trial shipment sir charles gordon who will represent canada at the genoa conference associated with him will he prof edouard monpetit ot the economics department of laval university these financial and econ- j past year tho months of heavy pro duction were june july and august vancouver bc local fish pack ers are convinced that a profitable market can lie developed in new york chief of the tion on disco the most norths stitution in thej rctic sta- greenland scientific in- ihd bringing british teachers to western canada ristih from london says lcyd of saskatchewan has canada accompanied by ore of british teachers for western canada embargo in stigation total 3100 european countries in addition to par ticipating in the regular work cf the conference jfeeklyjlarket report toronto wheat no of last year i of two hundred tons of frozen fish re- toronto ont a newspaper report i cently left this port for new york if from chicago states that fish caught j the consignment arrived in good in the canadian northwest transport- order there will probably be a very ed long distances by dog sledge aid considerable quantity sent in future 1 northern jfcp 2j5 jie sugar lb 19 to ilii r honey 6030lb tins 14 to 15c cw glvicl vcr- vo 52lb tins 17 to 18c per nol feed ontario comb honey per 550 med 29 to manitoba 153 manitoba oats no 2 extra no 1 feed 58 vic no 1 feed ontario comb honey 884c i550 manitoba barleyrnominal o o all the above track bay ports s2 c l 4 to 43c sm american corn no 2 yellow i rols 24 to 25c cottage rolls 20 to 75c no 3 yellow 74c no 4 yet entente seizes shipload cgerman planes from london says- of agriculture sir fsel marshal mam returning with wosais to egypt low 73c track toronto ontario oats no 2 white nominal ontario wheat nominal barley no 3 extra test 47 lbs or bcscawen announced better 57 to 60c according to freights of commons that the ou no buckwheat no 2 78 to 80c 1 rye no 2 86 to 88c manitoba flour first pats 740 second pats 690 toronto manitoba flour 90 per cent patent bulk seaboard per barrel 510 millfeed del montreal freight a despa the m arthur in th costs ophe hearing by a royal com missictof evidence concerning the cmbafo against the importation of in cattle was 3100 a despatch from cdpothrasirr says the extrabladt says it learns that officials of the en tente have placed an embargo on a shipload of german airplanes which it was officially reported had been sold to china but which was brought by an italian cured meats long clear bacon 16 j ti to 18c clear bellies 17 to 19c stearnei to fiedericia on the 1 southeast coast of jutland the newspaper adds that the sus picions of the entente officials were aroused by the presence of german aviators among the j crew of the vessel 28c breakfast bacon 29 to 33c spe cial brand breakfast bacon 35 to 37c backs boneless 33 to 37c v s b lard pure tierces 14 to 15c tubs 15 to 15c pails 15vi to 15c prints 17 to 17c shortening tierces 14c tubs 14c pails 15c prints 15 to 16c choice heavy steers 750 to 8 do good 7 to 750 butcher steers choice 650 to 725 do good 575 to 025 do med 5 to 550 do com 4 to 5 butcher heifers choice bags included bran per ton 28 650 to 7 da med 5 to 6 do a doiputdvsni london says-f- alhcrltatiyelymuirouncej that onj allenby will return to egypt shortly vratios hold in lotxksn between with proposals which will enable him it orally assumed that field marshal shorts per ton 30 170 to 180 good feed flour com 4 to 425 butcher cows choice 550 to 6 do med 350 to 450 26 ulsterites are released hold in l 1rrmier lloyd george foreign secreto continue his mission in a manner tarycnrsson mi field marshal vis- satisfactory to himself and the egyp- count alierby british high commistian government the newspaper re- siorcr in egypt and the sudan have calls that even the moderate egyp- led to a complete agreement on the i tians refused to form a government policy to be pursued in egypt ard thej unless great britain accepted certain proposals to be presented to the- conditions including a british pledge egyptian government to abolish the protectorate and con- ine nature of the agreement has sent to the establishment of a par- not been specified but according to iiamcntary government report that have been current field j the times adds that field marshal marshal allenby favored following allereby strongly urged the govern- 1 the line of policy of the lord milnerl ment to accept the proposal of the to 28c roosters ifepfowj20to28 report and threatened to resign the moderate egyptians material ques- ducklings 32c turkeys 40 to 45c high commsssionership unless the tions such as defence and an exact geese 20c british government decided either to definition of the future relations he- adopt a purely military policy or to tween great britain and egypt were make the concessions urged by lord to be the subject of negotiations with milner an egyptian government if formed the london times says it is gen- on the basis of the allenby proposal o l toronto ver toncanners and cutteis 1 to 250 but chcr bulls good 450 to 550 do com 3 to 4 feeders good 5 to 6 do fair 4 ti 5 stockers good 4 to 5 do fair 3 to 4 milkers 60 to s0 springers 70 to 90 calves no 2 2150 to 22 mixed 18 straw- car lots per ton 12 unofficial quotations ontario no 1 commercial wheat 120 to 130 cheese new large 20 to 20c twins 20 to 21c triplets 21 to choice 12 to 13 do med 9 to 21c old large 25 to 26c twins 25 to 26c triplets 26 to 27c stil tons new 24 to 25c butter fresh dairy choice 28 to 30c creamery prints fresh fancy 41 to 43c no 1 40 to 41c no 2 34 to 6c cooking 25 to 26c dressed poultry spring chickens 30 to 38c roosters 20 to 25c fowl 28 to 32c ducklings 32 to 38c turk eys 50c geese 30c liye poultry spring chickens 22 margarine 20 to 23c eggs new laid straights 48 to ooc new laid in cartons 50 to 52c beans can handpicked bushel 330 to 350 primes 280 to 3 10 maple prod syrup per imp 10 do com 5 to 7 lambs choice 11 to 1250 do com 6 to 7 sheep choice s650 to 725 do good 550 to 0 do com 150 to 350 hogs fed and watered 1325 do fo b 1250 do country points 1225 montreal oats can west no 2 66c to 67c do no 3 64 to 64 c flour man spring wheat pats firsts 8 rolled oats bag 90 lbs 270 to 280 bran 3250 shorts 33 hay no 2 per ton car lots 28 to 29 cheese finest westerns 17 to 18c butter choicest creamery 33 to 34c potatoes per bag car lots 90c to 110 veal calves good 12 choice 13 med veals 10 to 11 grassers 4 good lambs 10 good- light sheep 5 to 6 hogs selects 1350 thomas a edison one ot the greatest inventors of all time who celebrated his 75th birthday on fob 11 by attending to business asi usual at his laboratory in orange nj provisional government sets kidnapped northerners free a despatch from london says i mr churchill told the house of- com- mons that according to the latest inl c u r i j ri formation 26 of the kidnapped union- southern ireland elections ists had been released through thei under treaty exertions of the provisional govern ment he said both the northern and southern govcrnmeht had agreed that there should be an impartial in vestigation of last saturdays shooting at clones accordingly he had notified them that the imperial government would place at their disposal any suitable judicial officer on whom they might agree who would conduct a pubmc in quiry during the first year of life the human heart beats at 115 to 130 times a minute in a normal adult the beat i is 72 times in a minute a despatch from london says michael collins conferred with prcv mier lloyd george and winston churchill regarding the suspension of the evacuation of the british army from ireland they also discussed the kidnapping of the orangemen and the ulster boundary line question before leaving london collins an- nounced that the irish elections under the treaty will be held in south- ern ireland within the next eight weeks this was the most important polity ical development in the irish situation since the vote in tho dail treaty thej

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