t 7 r ar i sunday school lesson with pure jaj to god in adora- xsssfis that they hold k and praisei su eood hope of old towki the thames suffers heavy loss t balvatvta chrirt f tho prow- can rely m who gave us the pre v and lesson xmf j fc mojl rike many no 19- psalm 122 1j analasls december 29- telpm if hlp through service- 2 rawingsne i luke i- n o ifosrirtiissiosaev task jlicah 1 1 wobs1up neh 8 xz matt 28 1820 1 5 192 10 hcbljprophets 0 the old testament fort- told a time when the nations wouli come to jerusalem to learn the ways of god isa 224 micah 4 13 ouv lord sent his apostles cut to carry the truth of his gospel to tho nations matt 28 1820 tho expectation of tho prophets and the eomrnandmentof jesus are in essential agreement the precious truth committed to jerusalem must be made to all men that is the duty of israel as jerovahs servant to bo a light to tho gentiles and sihsation unto the end of the earth it if the fulfilment of prop otic teach ing in jesus christ that his apostlss are bidden to preach to all the world and with the commandment there goes his gracious promise lo i am with you alway it was from a compny of christian people in antioch that the first design ated missionaries of the cross went forth thas which they had discover ed to be of so grcai value to them selves they desired to share with others through them the holy spirit spoke and bamabar and saul were sent recommended to the grace of god for the wort a true christian fellowship is inevitably missionary in spirit acts 13 13 14 26 as was the church in antioch o matt io- in a t5 hcre u sshipgod our lord kuy 5 yither in heaven in bomo o and love we recoqghest an the best of which xinnus have or can have any jjowlcdge it is recognition in the divine personality as revealed in our lord jesus christ of tho highest values the christian church began as a fellowship a group of disciples some times alone sometimes with others gathered about a master whom they came more and move to admire and love until admiration and love grew into worship it continued after he was parted from them as a company of disciples and friends of jesus with others whom they drew into their circle who kept alive his memory who were conscious of the presence of his spirit with them and who continued stcdfastly in tho apostles doctrine or teaching and fellowship and in breaking of bread and in prayers acts 2 42 from jerusalem they soon spread abroad and similar companies of those who believed in jesus and endeavored to follow his way of life were formed wherevei his gospel was preached the ideals of such a fel lowship are present in many passages of the letters of paul see rom ib 1 2 gal 6 2 1 thess 5 1123 i common worship neh 8 1127 psalm 122 19 heblo 1925 each of us alone may come to god in worship bringing ouv thanksgiving our confessions and petition for our individual needs in such orivate prayer we need not and do not for get the needs of others but pray to god for them as well as for ourselves but there is no doubt that in the company of others likeminded with ourselves our worship seems more satisfying and more complete we are more conscious of the presence of god and the power of his spirit that there nre exceptions to this experience is true but it seems to be generally the fact that in fellowship god seems most near the discipline of common worship is necessary for all who would enter into the fulness of the ohristian life the story of the groat service or rather scries of services of worship conducted by ezra and nehcmiah tsen7ft18iseuil of interest the bible was not in those days 8 it is now in every mans hand mans of the people of jerusalem and judah were ignorant of their own histoly and their own laws ezra had corrit to them from the schools of babylon ij a teacher now to the assembled multitude he reads in the book of the law and his companions help him in explaining what tho people could lot themselves understand there was therefore in tho service reading of the scriptures instruction thanksgiv ing confession the celebration of holy days and in the intervals remem brance of the poor psalm 122 is one of the socalled pilgrim psalni9 composed for and tung by pilgrims on their way to the tity of jerusalem to jake part in the annual festival- tm pssnrrsvesfmc expression to ho gladness of thtte holiday exci- and the warm at- tsjtib6- ot tfce jewish people to the tity and the sanctuary the word compact in- verse 3 should rather u trinsjtetl federate jerusalem was the federate or federal city be- longing equally to all the tribes and people of israel that seems to have teen in the imfiii of david when he those tho jebusitc stronghold and made it his capital city 2 sam 5 69 the coming up of the tribes to the city is a testimony to their unity as is also lie high courts the thrones of judg ment therefor will the pilgrims way for tho peace of jerusalem for tttir own and their brethrens sake id fo tho sake of their common iccturvy tho passage chosen in the epistle to the hebrews ch 10 1925 contains on tarrest exhortation to christian ihwship and worship the wrjg assumes that he anl those tftiyfre- fflstaxscfimo tjwilve in that radio quit rumor started penguin island believed lost still above sea paris learns paris one pleasant report reach ed the french government recently the v news came to the ministry of- colonies that st paul island more commonly known here as penguin isl and was still standing in the middle of the indian ocean continuing to make a part oj- the french colonial empire its fate has been worrying m tar- dieus government and paris public opinion since nothing had been heard from st pauls inhabitants for more than two months the suggestion was made that the island had been swallowed up by the ocean as a result of an earthquake it is true that news from that tiny bit of rock somewhere between cape horn and australia never had been frequent no boats called there ex cept in case of emergency monthly radio flashes were the omy contact lth the outer world for the breton nsbxrmen living there balstwo months had gone and no flashes nati come through the french authorities rsked therefore that a steamer bound tom cape town to australia go somewhat out of its way to see what had htrgpened to st paul the euripides found tho islend still rising out of the ocean on 384 degrees latitude 773 degrees longitude all the fishermen were alive indulging as usual in fishing for lobster cooking it in the boiling springs and getting the tins ready to vi carried back to south africa and europe the only trouble wicthat the radio apparatus had ceased to wo 1 how i was matabele up tree scout founder by hail breadth london one of londons most teresting december visitors is j frederick itussell burnham one scribed by lord baden powel the greatest scout alive and ferred to by sir rider haggard more interesting than any of riyj tie heroes of romance te this american holder of a british tw dso and chief of scouts unde lord chail roberts during the south african wl war told the hitherto undisclosed ed story of how a single matabele wr- med rlor in 1ssc nearly prevented the tion creation of the scout movement sensblhl resting under tree five bar tho then major baden powell was spouses resting with ms officers ruder a big copes tree where be learned the lesson harvest that a seotu must look up as well as trawling down said major burnhaf who chine diving halfmillion dollar blaze sweeps chatham all the furniture that was saved from the garner hotel chatham after the fire of december in the history of the city the worst wall street crash something subtly harmful to the spirit of the nation oc curs when somany peo ple make so much money without earning it by pro- ductive labor it was announced by the stock ex change that the total market value ot all stocks listed on v exchange has declined from about 17414600- 000 on october 1 to 1435040000 on november 1 a decline of3i070 200000 a high record value was reached on september 1st with -17- 933600000 daily telegraph new york corres pondent the weekly reviews of america the organs of serious thought are concerned about recent happenings in wall street the new repulblic in a searching article says is there anybody who would argue that the behaviour of the stock ex change during the past year has been a useful elementin the nations life what good does it do for wealth even paper wealth to he won and lost so quickly while the market was going up the successful bulls and those who profited by their over confidence loudly proclaimed despite all critica the virtues of speculation for the rise but many of these same forces now console the speculators or their losses only by pointing out their folly the question is insistent what could have been done to prevent what has happened what can be done to prevent its happening agaili some of the luxury trades will of course be hit but they do not con stitute the backbone of production and trade industry may now de cline but if this happens it will be largely as a consequence of tenders eles which would have been injurious even it the market had retained its selfpossession the disturbance which tho vagaries of stock specula tion cnuse in so far as it is economic occur muc during the rise of prices av the fall the ulvton of savings asll holdings in order to protect their shares many business men deserted their normal occupations because they could make so much more so easily by speculation this must have ar- tbe issuance ot securities more close ly to the real needs of industry not allowing it to depend on the profits of tionsly chose his particular the promoters and stockselling in stitutions there must be some social control feeted the total of useful production of the use which private business i and trade such a vast amount of makes of its surplus funds there energy and credit utilised in oursuiug must be a good deal of popular educ- i a phantom cannot bo thought ot as aiion concerning the whole matter anything else than economic waste i we cannot hope to suppress tne bu- the tangible losses are also 1m- man instinct to gamble but we may portant something subtly harmful limit iamchorbjvrmjnajaji whtch is so closely associated with the lite of the nation we may do something to make the stock market serve the purpose it is supposed to serve to fie spirit fo the nation wjairs- whenstfvnvanypeopie inakeso much sisjiej without earning it by produc tive labor senses ot values are up set it is perhaps justifiable to de fend our material culture on the ground that a competence of material things is necessary as a basis for leis ure security and appreciation of the finer flowers of human effoit but there is not net cultural gain in an economic order which dumps untold wealth into the hands of hun dreds of thousands who happen to guess right and gamble well but who do not thus create a single object or idea and when the wealth is as sun- denly withdrawn a gaping bole is left how much might this ingenu ity not have accomplished if it had not been applied so slnglemindedly to evanescent personal fortune america with all friendiness toward this argument does not of course ule united states andxto improve lead us to advocate either abolition of oa j j possible john bulls hat is in the ring britain out to regain trade lost to us in south america london william graham presi dent of the board of trade at a din ner to diplomats of three south american countries said that it was the immediate british task to regain the forjtier trade position in south tho stock market or personal renunci ation of speculation on moral grounds in theory the stock market is an usa- ho stated that great britain had held important positions in the mar kets of argentina brazil and uruguay ful institution in a capitalist order ue the war but found after the it is supposed to furnish a place conflict that the tj states had what is duty what is duty with regard to our selves it is to be independent of the senses and with regard to others it is to be untiring in giving help and support help to live well help by agreement and by opposition by giv- crcdit to operatj t00ks u irofortunatxjcj ent on bank crett tions has been havlni for at least six montis localities where even first m sa granted to home-owue- not rrltv kime operations ft tfog ot security hav renewed if funds ecause of a shortage ot jst had not been for- the money ing and by withholding by firmness which the farm board was able to and by compliance by praise aml blame by silence and by wo- what is peasant andb ful dwellers en same r0ulf we vcllers ofjh- anotn anfl when r the restingplace we shall ve first to render an account of what each has done for tho happiness of the rest for joy or for goodness a kind look will win its reward lend for holding wheat and cotton the stock crisis would have hit the farmers a body blow during their chief marketing season first because people with money could use it to greater advantage in buying stocks where those who want to buy or sell shares of ownership in productive re sources can do so such buying and selling is essential as long as pri vate ownership exists an industrial orgnnlzation let us say needs capital to enlarge its production it offers shares of stock people who have saved money want to put it to work for them they buy shares it is convenient to have a central market where thisj tarv henderson r- appoint- ean be done it is useful to have a sir ronajr7 wore place where the interplay of buyers eu y leaders pre- and sellers can determine the values of what is for sale even speculatorsjnayg- tries mr or st j largely stepped into his shoes he referred with appreciation to the i manner in which a recent british trade mission was received in those countries the brazilian ambassador urugua yan minister and argentine charge daffaires were the guests of honor in the crimson and gilt hangup- j room ot lancaster house secrel continued that morning the matabele warrior had seen the last great attack of his nation to capture bulawayo and de stroy tho bated bite man end in ntter route and disaster to avoid the ch e of mounted white men he had climbed with his big gun into this ee and they had swept by him b strangely the white indnnas inca tree nd under whih they rested th tired horaes and gathered their sci terel men suddenly the thought must 1 come to this matabele i hold the of any one ot these indnnasin m hand they are jnly a few- low me my nation is lost my aiiuy jwismwl will select the most duna kill him andc the chief scout w3 sl ed to die but the mauseie victim by a lairs breadth instant the matabele lay brum the base of the tree let us ho that as his soul sped- from the black body some angel of solace relieved his despair for if he had but known had he killed that indnna he would have destroyed an4dea that in due time will assuage even such hat red as he and his people had for the whites scouting will enable his people and all his race to live without humilia tion and have their proper place in the sun yet not destroy the white man i mediterraneaj divers inj a curious bends changes j of the have tion to mr graham uernon and used prices as for one choice i for the bath sponges are much favorss kas so soft to the skin are as the best of their class in a ard work while turkey cups are for the more exquisite purposes of the toilet many secrets of sponge life remain to be discovered our lite history ror cords are incomplete in the cases even ot commercial kinds young sponges are produced frpm eggs and after enjoying life f0 awhile as freeswimming organisms they decide to settle down and grow intostaid creatures their re manent posts may 500 feet or more but mauy flourish at 100 feet others in the shallows how and hat does a sponge eat7 flints a question not easily answered in full va p a o the prosper- hn south american counljwwho dont want an i0 astditch a firebrand ita the empire movement johannesubrg- sunday times a briefly cabled at the time the trade union congres2i 3eirasrtwra ished to discover in its president vw tillet mp of tho transoort work ers union an ardent disciple of inter empire trade mr tilletts version to tho practical com cial aspects of imperialism is tl more remarkable owing to tie f j that ho was formerly regarded henderson ot- future van i gigantic strides mide bvm s carefl ve they h nought to stir up c if i m mme by them during i nark red a man with fight at any pjf v lire indus- or tne risks mgjgjtt in such a mavjtry and education and expressed fin w they 4 j stabilize prlces kee british interest in these develop- ves tor lendln t itles until ii i t0 carry new secur jnvevors operate ipjst could fle ments lord dabemon told ot his recent visit on a trade mission and with difficulties are oiiiotill old schoolmaster used to tell us but he wisely left us to discover what he meant and to find for ourselves the as his motto and ono who was nev so happy as when he was r moil in the industrial wori if wl visit on a traue raismuu i meant ana to uiiu iur raia reference to tho 45000000 trade an8 to tho question opportunl we pllsh the same result k acconv nobody is entitled to sayi exhaustive investigation and disci- sion what in particular can bo done agreement negotiated with argentina quoted sir malcolm robertson a former ambassador to buenos ayres as saying that this order was not only valuable in itself but represented hie beginning of an enormous thing i foundations to plu tho gaps in social control of u on j or lending on security collateral than i economic processes which tho experi- deep ft h0 a ot au in financing crop operations next be- ence of tho past months has reveal- others tho mlata w fancies cause many of those dealings on theed clearly however there must be ho has exploit t l0 uouom car- commodity exchanges liquidated their found sonic means which will adjust lylq rations which to tho bottom- tles for what he never allowed us to plead the existence of a difficulty as an excuse for leaving anything un done nor were we permitted to hopo lo survive our trials in place of over coming them probably this is why so many of his pupils have found a high place in every sphere of life he was inflexibly opposed to tho modern ten dency to make everything easy and to banish the need of effort with its dis astrous effect of robbing us of the power to conquer circumstances ol the sho thf thl ed butti prosp dulin irish times unemployment has been 92 vear the islands ot the dominion lpport as few people ag irish province but it is so difficult to find employment for those few that successive governments hg5g 1 aged immigration this state of af fairs has occurred at a time when ex ports have risen to an almost potl gi figurea time when the domwj ws produce is bringing good pricesj and when the banks are full of iww on deposit to the eye of omist searching ledgers and balonj- shcets new zealand is prosper nevertheless for a considerably portion of tho people there is work nor wages the paradcf be perplexing if it were not in other lands new zealand culty is that her economy is i for production of crops and cj her than for the support new zealand in effectj that mixed farming that supports a lai mom el what moments cci momber in our hvesl have been so much wj to say and do nothjjj cray v p- graces it takes both grace an along pleasantly wiur never make mistakes t 4