stouffvxlle oct 7th 1920 local items fcs tho papslauoa of stouffville is now 1023 ora reaman of toronto visited jits parents over sunday miss ileutley is sptiuling a time with triemis la toronto sirs f c hessal will bo at homo second thursday of each month mr geo mccann of bradford iias bought levi hoovers livery mr v ii iscntioy of vancouver visited at his aunts mrs mcavoy mr and mrs mcculiough returned to their toronto home last week workmen are decorating the in terior of the presbyterian church uoux on saturday oct 2nd to mr and mrs o li traumer a son mr john urquliart has given u the agency for all the toronto papers mr and mrs ii w sanders re turned front jacksons point on thursday last mr abram lehman has moved in to his house lately purchased from win irwin on obrien ave we are pleased to so miss j c neal at her post again in dr freels office after u vacation of two months the steamship prince frederic wilbelm carrying mr robert mil ler arrived in liverpool on friday last the irsplii vheat to below a bushel and in corn to belovy 100 a bushel marks another important milestone in tho progress to stable price conditions mr george green soloist of brail ford will sing both morning and evening at tho presbyterian anni versary services next sunday mr and mrs 1 l stouffor ir and mrs jess cook of tho eighth line of whitchurch motored to co- bourg to attend the funeral of the late mr liaig on tuesday 5 reward is offered to tiny per son giving information leading to tho conviction of any boys found throwing stones at electric lights j ii ratcliff reeve there will bo no service in mel ville presbyterian church oil the sixth line of markhnm next sunday owing to anniversary services in stouffville jos smith has sold his farm known as tho win button farm at iting- wood to wjnfrod timbers this is ue6f fhebest farms tn-hrfshwajlsa- hugh boyd negotiated the sale dr w a sangster and miss kdllh sangster returned on thurs day evening from their trip to the coast they report a very pleasant time while going to the post office to post a letter on tuesday morning david forsyth took a sudden faint ing spell and fell upon the sidewalk he was carried homo ami is stiu in poor health on sunday next christ church anglican will be nicely decorated with grain sheave- vegetables fruits and flowers representing the kindly fruiis of the earth service at 1 pm rev mr niud will preach w f ratcliff purchased the c l hoover property consisting of 25 acres of firstsclass hardwood tim ber he intends to hold an auction sale of 10 acres of this on november 1st there is some tirstclass mill timber oil the property the barn on the sangster farm on the 10th of whitchurch was burned this morning with all the contents the farm is being worked by messrs preston and lew monlen the cause of the fire is unknown mr w h shaw has announced that he will close his store at c o clock pm except on saturday even- ings during the wintod other mer chants say they will follow suit later bolshevism is the most talked of subject of tho day newspapers and magazines contain numerous articl es dealing with it statesmen are making it their first thought big campaigns are being waged for and against it bolshevism on trial is a timely photoplay depicting vivid ly and dramatically what the adop tion of bolshevism would mean to a community on this continent the picture is being shown by tho enter prise amusement co in charge of mr e i gravelle a veteran of thtf great war wio lost ono lung as a result of his service overseas five of the gravelle brothers sowed in the war bolshevism on trial will be shown in itatcliifs hall on fri day oct 15 the yxmveltsutv skkvlcks of the ladies aid society of bloom- ington methodist church will be held sunday and monday october 10 and 11 sunday services at 230 and 730 pm a quartette from stouffville will sing at both services miss fanny morgason soprano miss villa lee alto mr alex scott tenor mr a e booth baritone on monday evening at s oclock a peach social will be held in the church peaches and cake will be served mr ae booth miss yvonne ilodgins and miss alice lehman will assist in the program which will conclude with a lecture by rev herbert leo entitled wit and wis dom of pioneer preachers ueovo d ii rusnell will occupy the chair admission adults 5c children 20c mrs f c rowbothatn i relatives near peterooro mr hdeiund hardy had the iuis- fortune to sjilp vl lall ia the wet iok on friday last and break a rib he is back on duty today however katirok mr axulusly i lulg the sad news was received iu stouffville on monday morning that mr andrew ilaig iho recently re moved from rlngvood to cobourg had died on sunday afternoon mr ifaig had becttju his usual good i ajtb until the iii monday evening when he took a severe chill follow by a fever the family physician in ami declar ed the symptoms to be those of ty phoid fevi r but there wore other rums coaiiihcatioas and laier in week a toronto doctor was sum moned in consultation when he ar rived mr liaig seemed to take a urn for the belter and alt fears svera allayed bin early sunday morning he began rapidly to sink iejp was again summoned from the city but he passed away before the physician arrived mr ilaig lived on the eighth line of whitchurch for two years and was esteemed by all ts a good neighbor and christian citien his funeral took place on tuesday afternoon at- two oclock tho service being conducted by iiovs messrs bruimor of coburg and young of stouffville inter ment taking placi in the family plot at baltimore he was a member of the presbyterian church being an elder in the baltimore church before coining to stouffville tho sympathy of stoulfville friends is extended to mrs ilaig and the four daughters mrs ewlng and miss muriel of toronto miss mary who is on the pacific ocean on her way to formosa to serve as a missionary miss helen at home and to thp son donald who has been it the employ of a lumber company in northern alberta a j5aitist church sunday school at 10 am services at 11 am and 7 pm a heary welcome to all irisisyteuivv oa- sunday next oct 10th uev j h tariihuli m a of high park church toronto late of chalmers church ottawa will conduct anni versary services in the presbyterian church at 11 am and 7 pm spe cial music will be provided by the choir assisted by mr george green of bradford sabbath school and bible class at 2s0 pm tir public are cordially invited to these servicers methodist 1 1 am service subject per sonal influence brief talk toaoys and girls 230 pm sabbath school our school is growing but still we want you evening service withdrawn as it is the anniversary of the presbyter ian church j klooiningtou methodist a x x 1 vkhsyk y services 230 pm service subject the hallelujah chorus of heaven 730 pm service subject tho itefiner of silver tho quartette from tho metho dist church stouffville will sing at both services monday evening a peach social with good program ami lecture by the pastor see notice in another column for sale red durham cow due to freshen dee 15 apply at once to fred smith goodwood phono 2007 o cook licensed auctioneer i am prepared to handle sales of every description at moderate rates hjki is headquarters for good footwear laces polishes aed suit cases also faeces the peoples shoe store stouffville i lie i ip 1 op tle still have plenty of ice cream no notion of v closing eat more and feel better firtglass groceries we have a fine assortment of fancy biscuits choice l selections from christies tellers and wood- j wards buy more biscuits and save yourself some hard work all phone and counter orders promptly attended to leslie rowbtai stodiviiie phone 1 s i a sweet we sei as many chocolates as any two dealers in town why because we handle the choco late of quality neilsons a few of the yum yum ones peanut nougat piccadilly after dinner mints nut jellies chocolate almonds turkish delight oh yes were still selling licecream and lots of it neilson6 you know the market grocery phone 9o0 stouffville now is the timefor spices and- vinegars we have them the best money can buy chocolates our line of chocolates and candies is complete ated peanuts and fresh roasted peanuts a n tuil line ot c3 rocenes f c grocer and confectioner phone ssol stouffville just received a shipment of silk poplin in the latest skacles brown navy green and wine for few days only mg me this store will close as usual every evening at 6 pm excepting saturday stouffville ont