the farm boy am gm of tomorrow agricultural educa tion ln alberta brought to present standard of efficiency through efforts of provincial minister tte world has no place today for the uneducated man or woman neither is there any excuse or those who have not had some schooling schools of various conditions and kinds sur round us on every side in the vari ous cities of canada lirst class night schools are run regularly during the winter months which are opened to boys and girls alike while in the coun try there are technical schools where hoys and girls are taught everything needful to enable them to make a suc cess of life in 1914 the province of alberta had established at vermillion clares- holm and olds provincial schools of agriculture today there are four to- tuorrow there will be six one each at raymond and gleichen opening in connection with the irrigated demon stration farms already established there they- have as principals prac tical experienced farmers who havo as their assistants equally practical specialists in all liie3 of agricultural education live stock poultry carpen try farm machinery dairying crop selection soil chemistry and in fact everything that will give the boy such knowledge and practice that will en able hinfto make the business of farm ing a pleasanter and more profitable occupation education along practical lines every progressive country now re cognizes the necessity of giving its boys and girls the best possible edu cational advantages as preparation for whatever lifo they may elect to follow and here is education along attractive and practical lines by lo cating these schools on government demonstration farms practical de monstration of subjects discussed daily in class are available and at all times the assistance of the farm super intendents is at hand in addition some 20 acres en each farm are set aside as experimental plots which aro under the cultivation and care of the students could the hired man or boy of ear lier days take up tho farmers carpen try tools and turn out a much needed i waggonbox in workmanlike manner could he seal the inside of a new home bend a whiffletreo put to gether storm window frames con struct a wheelbarrow replace a rroniuci a iencu y gate or tho hundred and one other repair jobs that are required in the operation of a farm could the hired man of earlier days kindle the smithys forge and properly sharpen a plowlay manufacture a chain bend up a hook a devise a clip a whiffletroe end a wag gonbox iron weld a connection care for the horses feet and shoe him and other frequently occurring repair jobs that aro part and parcel of farm life could the hired man tell what alls your thoroughbred bull or dairy herd or champion stallion when it falls sick or prescribe treatment to restore it to health and productivity or judge your cattle and horses for soundness and quality of course ho couldnt could your hired inan tell you why your small gasoline engine wont work or your steam tractor refuse to move could he take it apart and set it up again could ho explain their con struction and use undoubtedly he couldnt could your newly hired boy discuss with you intelligently the strong and weak points of your now binder or seeder and harrow could ho explain wind and water power you wouldnt expect him to could he tell you how to irrigate your land properly tho plants re lation to and how influenced by soil fertilizers air moisture heat and light tho properties of your particu lar kind of soil tho classification and method of improvement of farm crops individual crops as applied to naturo culture storing uses and his tory the oldtime hired man no the hired man or tho farm boy of earlier days couldnt do any of theso things they worent expected of him they were not even attributes of the farmer himself in many cases tho hired man and tho farmors boy woro machines or laborers doing what they wero told and when they woro told that was thon not now now at the end of a first years course at one of theso agricultural schools the average farmers boy knows a good deai about the practical manner of doing all theso things and at the conclusion of the second year is fully qualified that is an educa tion worth looking for worth having and one that will motamorphoso tho life of a boy on tho farm from monot ony and drudgery to variety and in terest and dont let us forget the farmers daughter the present sweetheart and the future wife of the farmers boy she has her little niche also la these schools she studies household science cooking and sewing launder ing dressmaking home nursing sani tation gardening and english with practical work in dairy and with poul try lu fact practical education ca thocs subjects with which a young wo man as a homemaker should be fa miliar and she does it singing this system of education is making of the future alberta farmer the most enthusiastic and efficient tiller of the soil he will intelligently operate his farm with modern machinery in an effective manner and have his ho presided over by a trained practice wife who if occasion arises can take tlie reins of management into her own capable hands the hired man of earlier days the machine tho laborer will soon be of the past and in tho future the farm owner when in a quandary can turn to his modern hired boy for informa tion and advice it is to a great extent to the efforts of the hon duncan marshall provin cial minister of agriculture that al bertas agricultural education has been brought to its present standard of efficiency mvwvmmvwmrvmvwwwwiaaaaaaam onepiece frocks vvvvvvwslvvvvv wren baby is sick when tho baby is sick when he is cross and peevish cries a great deal and is a constant worry to the mother he needs babys own tablets the tablets are an ideal medicine for lit tle ones they are a gentle but thorough laxative which regulate tho bowels sweeten tho stomach banish constipation and indigestion break up colds and simplo fevers and make teething easy concerning them mrs philippe payen st flavien que writes babys own tablets have been a wonderful help to me in the case of my baby and i can strongly recommend them to other mothers the tablets aro sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from tho dr williams medicine co brockville ont 9631 misses dress suitable for small women in two lengths price 35 cents in 3 sizes 1g to 20 years size 1g requires 3 yds 40 ins wide vest tunic 1 yds 36 ins wide width 1 yds 9g29 misses dress suitable for small women in two lengths price 35 cents in 3 sizes 1g to 20 years size 10 requires 2v4 yds 54 ins wide width 1 yds mccall transfer design no 811 price 15 cents these patterns may be obtained from your local mccall dealer or from the mccall co 70 bond street toronto dept w mother california syrup of figs childs best laxaiive accept california syrup of figs only look for the name california on the package then you are sure your child is having the best and most harmless physic for the little stom ach liver and bowels children lovo its fruity taste full directions on each bottle you must say cali fornia bad for the elephant lord dewar tells the story of a rhinoceros that charged a train in nairobi it was bad for the rhino he sad for the animal was killed outright although he made a dent in the en- j gine the story is recalled by an amazing occurrence which happened in indo china not far from saigon it ap pears that a biggame hunter had wounded a large bull elephant which he was unable to follow up tho beast came upon the railway where it pass ed through the jniivrle and feinting ih2 approach of a train charged down the track to meet u a band hid the elephant from the driver until it was too late to avoid a collision so great was tho shock that the en gine was thrown completely off the track where it rolled over on its side the tender was thrown across the line and tho two foremost carriages wire also derailed the driver and stoker escaped injury by jumping from their cab the elephant however was killed outright e new health can be obtained by enriching the blood supply when a girl in her teens becomes peevish listless and dull when noth ing seems to interest her and dainties do not tempt her appetite you may be certain that she needs more good blood than her system is provided with before long her pallid cheeks frequent headaches and breathless- ness and heart palpitation will confirm post ages in these days of revised postal rates says a london newspaper it is in teresting to recall the fact that the english post system is first observed in tho statutes of edward iii king edward iv placed posthouses at in tervals of twenty miles and in the north a military post was established to communicate as quickly as pos sible with the army during tho scot tish war in 1513 a post existed by which letters were carried from lon don to edinburgh within four days and this was then considered to be re markably rapid james i set on foot under the super intendence of matthew de quester a foreign letterforwarding institution for previously it had been done by private persons in 1c32 however charles i forbado letters to be sent abroad excepting through tho recog nized postoffice of his time three years later he established a system of posts for england and scotland under the direction of thomas witherings all private and local posts being abolished the income from this system went to the king but in 1g10 witherings was asked to withdraw on account of his notorious abuses in connection with his appointment during the government of william iii acts of parliament were passed regulating the scottish post system and queen anne was responsible for the improved english arrangements but as is commonly known we are mainly indebted to the preservering jabors of mr rowland hill who gave tjfst she ie anaemic many irttlier lio first intimation of his iiprorinr not a bit medical omcer have you any organic trouble recruit no sir i aint a bit musical expensive letters first father my daughters let ters always send me to the diction ary second father thats nothing my daughters always send me to the bank economy i am tempted to tell the landlord what i think of this rent raise dont do it charlie dear protest ed ycuug mrs torkins its bad enough to give him your hardearned money without wasting any of your splendid eloquence on him a doubtful compliment i was reading a magazine article the other day said the landlady in which the writer advanced the theory that fully twothirds of the diseases that afflict humanity are due to over eating well i suppose thats about right rejoined the scantyhaired bachelor at the toot of the table anyway it is months since anyone was ill at this establishment mabels mistake dear little mabel was five years old and she took a look into the bible be cause she thought that she might find some nice pictures in the book alas there were no pictures there much to little mabels grief the only thing that caught her eye was a pressed and faded leaf so she ran with the leaf to her mother her dear mum who never deceived oh see what ive found she cried do you fink its one of eves classified advertisements leajui to vamp in a few hours with shays simple chert of chords enabling a person to readily filay accompaniments on piano or organ a every key endorsed by leading musi cians everywhere- agents wanted lib eral commissions postpaid to any ad dress in canada for s100 selfhelp pub co 100 broadway sydney tcs the up to date name septentrio the romans called the seven stars that shine to make the northern heavens bright above tho torrid line the greater bear the wagon too they named the selfsame group that stretches twinkling toward tha pole a merry midnight troupe our fathers who were wicked chaps renamed them dipper for in looking at them they declared they always longed tor more our sons no doubt will change again the namo as decades pass and call them quite consistently tho soda water glass money orders send a dominion express money order five dollars costs three cents sheet mucilage one may buy mucilage in sheets nowadays thoy are very convenient for office use the mucilage is spread on both sides of thin sheets of paper which aro made into a sort of book if it ba desired to stick two things together a shoet is torn out moistened on both sides and placed between that does tho trick v minards liniment for dandruff minards liniment co limited gents a customer of ours relieved a very bad case of distemper in a valuable horse by the uso of min ards liniment yours truly vilandie freres inspiration say not the struggle nought availeth the labor and tho wounds are vain the enemy faints not nor falleth and as things have been they re main for while tho tired waves vainly breaking seem hero no painful inch to gain far back through creeks and inlets making comes silent flooding in the main and not by eastern windows only when daylight comes comes in the light in front the sun climbs slow how slowly but westward look the land is bright a h clough minards liniment relieves distemper as the result of their own girlhood ex perience can promptly detect the early signs of anaemia and the wise mother does not wait for the trouble to de velop further but at once gives her daughter a course with dr williams pink pills which renew the blood sup ply and banish anaemia before it has obtained a hold on the system out of their experienco thousands of mothers know that anaemia is the sure road to worse ills they know the difference that good red blood makes in the development of woman ly health every headache every gasp for breath that follows the slightest exertion by the anaemic girl every pain she suffers in her back and limbs are reproaches if you have not taken the best steps to give your weak girl new blood and the only sure way to do so is through the uso of dr williams pink pills new rich red blood is infused into the system by every doso of these pills from this new rich blood springs good health an increased ap petite new energy high spirits and perfect womanly development give your daughter dr williams pink pills and take them yourself and noto how promptly their influence is felt in better health you can get these pills through any dealer in medicine or by mail postpaid at 50 cents a box or six boxes for 250 from the dr williams medicine co brockville ont postage plan in a pamphlet in 1s37 he showed how inefficient and cost ly the then post office system was each letter averaging a cost of 0d for any distance in great britain on january 10th 1810 mr kiii had the happiness of seeing his hints acted upon and the uniform rate of one penny per half ounce for prepaid let ters came into operation for tho first time and the penny post for letters thus prevailed unil june 1st of this year imperial soldiers for canada auto spare parts for most mafcr and models ot cars your old broken or wornout arts replaced write or wire u describ ing what you want we carry the larcesl ana meat complete stock in canada of silently used or new part and automobile equipment we ship oi anywhere in canada satis factory or refapd in full our motto ilivi asia ttaltao art unruly s93s3i patferta st toronto oat in february last w e scott form erly depatyminlster of agrlculturo for british columbia and russell wil son of saskatoon a successful pioneer farmer were appointed by tho sol diers settlement board a selection committee to go to the british isles for tho purpose of interviewing im perial exservice men desiring to come to canada and tako up land under the soldier settlement act after a busy six months in england holding eighty- three sessions thoy have returned to tho dominion tho first part ot thetr work accomplished thousands of imperial soldiers desiring to take up canadian land wero examined person ally of whom nearly seven hundred applicants woro selected mid many aro now undergoing training in cana da about onehalf of uieso men had previous agricultural experience somo have capital up to 50000 and tho averago amount each man is put ting into agriculture is 5000 ah aro of a splendid type the majority being young exofllcers who proved them selves on the battlefield desirable settler encouraged in addition to ihoso men coming to canada under tho soldier settlement board a great many others examined by the commilteo of two who could not comply with one or mora or the requirements but are of the class re quired in canada wero given every encouragement and largo numbers will emigrate on their own account tho work in tho british isles has been suspended for tho year as it is now considered advlsablo to have intend ing settlers arrive during tho winter months tho imperial aspect of the scheme is one of its stongest features the im portance of stocking canada with as much british blood as possible somo regret was expressed in england that some of the best bone and sinew was being induced away from britain when most needed after tho heavy depiction of the war but theso men aro not lost when they reside in a british do minion thoy are still part of tho em pire and being placed in positions of benefit to themselves are thereby of so much more value to tho empire canada first adopted selection speaking of conditions as ho found them in england mr scott said you cannot impress too strongly up on the people of canada that there are thousands ot tho best type of sett lers in the british isles anxious to come to canada and as soon as trans portation facilities are adequate there will be a flow of emigrants such as the country has hover experienced- use your head a woodpecker pecks out a great many specks of sawdust when building a hut he works like a nigger to make the hole bigger hos soro if his cutter wont cut he dont bother with plans of cheap artisans but theres one thing can rightly be said the whole excavation has this explanation- he builds it by using his head settled rumor charged a resident in a northeast suburb with dragging his wife from a certain meeting and com pelling her to return home with him the man let the story travel until he had a fair opportunity to give it a broadside and then ho replied in tho local paper as follows in the first place i never attempt ed to influence my wife in her views or her choice of meeting second my wife did not attend the meeting in question in the third place i did not attend tho meeting myself finally i never had a wife cascarets they work while you sleep this little old schoolhoiise the little old schoolhouso with star shingled roof is taught by a teacher we never behold it has of all knowledge the sum and tho proof the leaves of its book are of crim son and gold to millions of pupils it offers a course and none are too aged and none are too young it tells them of marvels the fountain and source and speaks unto each in his own mother tongue and yot despite all they will leave it too quick they foolishly quit it andhold them aloof and change for false wisdom in houses of brick this little old schoolhouse with star shingled roof o some men dont want to talk about justice after they get it a precise private an officer was inspecting at one ol tho camps a daily paper tells us when ho came upon a big roundeyed pri vate doing sentry duty with a gun that he held in anything but tho ap proved manner dont you know better demanded the officer than to point an empty gun at mo but it aint empty sir protested tin private its loaded danderine puts beauty in hair igirls a mass of long thick gleamy tresses let danderine save your hair and double its beauty you can have lots of long thick strong lustrous hair dont let it stay lifeless thin scraggly or fading bring back its color vigor and vitality get a 35cent bottle of delightful danderino at any drag or toilet counter to freshen your scalp check dandruff and falling hair your hair needs this stimulating tonic then its life color brightness and abundance will return hurry cizes to luit your f openinsi fitted wmiew safe ic- uveryraaranlecd write cot price liil 01 cut dovmfuel billi iciute winter corofortr tho halliday company limited i hamilton ractoky plitatlutobt cahapa book on doejhseflses taflkow to eu mailed jtreotoany a jtomavkjf tho author h clay qlovsr co xaa ill west slat street ne sork tjsa i nr only tablets marked bayer are aspirin not aspirin at all without the bayer cross r do you feel all tangled up bilious constipated headachy nervous full of cold take cascarets tonight for your liver and bowels to stmightcn you out by morning wako up with head clear stomach right breath sweet and feel ing fine no griping no inconvenience children lovo cascarcts too 10 25 50 cents issue no 40 20 iicutmt tho name bayor identifies the i contains proper directions for fiolds only genuine aspirin the aspirin headache toothache earaoho natl prescribed by physicians for over nine- ralgia lumbago kheuarat neurf teen i years and now made in canada tis joint painn and pain generally t i an mbrok pango tin boxes of 12 tablets coit but of bayer tablets of aspirin which a few cents larger haycr packages there is only one aspirin bayer you must y bayer aspirin it tho trade mark reslifred in caned of rjyr mtnafactur of mena- slcidetjr of saherllecm whit it i wll known tht alrlnmn bsyis manufacture to atilii the- public ssalnrt imitation the tablhe of bayer crcneoay will be stamped with ineir acoer1 trade mark the esyar cross 7