do your fall plowing with an international it will save ycu time and money let us tell yon all about it holden seott stouffville ont agents for pian03 and gramophones notice to creditors in the matter of the estate of so phia hill of the township of whit church in tho county of york widow deceased notice is hereby given pursuant to chapter 121 itso 124 and atuoa- diug acts that all persons having claims against the estate of tho said sophia hill who died on or about the fifteenth day of august 1u20 are required to soud post prepaid or delivered to the undersigned execu tor on or before tho uth day of oct ober liim their names addresses and description and full particulars of their claims and security if any held by them fully verified and take notice that after tho said uh day of october 1920 tho said executor will proceed to distri bute the assets of tho said deceased among the partiesentitled there to having regard only to the claims of which the said executor shall then have received notice dated this 22nd day of september 1920 john w cleaver vllle r r 2 executor stouff- vovlkrx thieves fired ox at z am on monday morning alex cunningham of the base line uest heard a nojse in his barnyard going to the window he saw what appeared to be a truck with poul try crates on it he hurriedly uress- eu seized a shotgun anu rushed outside to meet two men whom he took to be foreigners coming around his poultry nouse with sev eral hens apiece air cunningham blazed away with his gun ana tue shot knocked the hat ou one of the men titling it full of holes but the niiduigui marauders escaped with their truck whether the loser of tho hat vas injured or not air cun ningham did not know but a look out is being kept for a man who may have his head bound up gaz ette for sajle 2 twoyearold steers 2 yearling steers i yearling heifers apply to mrs r jaynes ballautrae phone ml albert 1c05 31 for sale cheap chairs tables sideboard dresser stand stove burns coal or wood pipes ts and elbows and other things mrs johnson stouft- ville opposite school i tnit by unit and feature by feat- s ure a comparison shows the gray- dort to be bigger or stronger or better than other light cars the motor is bigger with cooling system to match 40pound crankshaft threenng pistons westinghouse starting and lighting big axles long springs deep uphol stery hand tailored top side curtains opening with the doors thermoid brake linings any man who will take the trouble to measure and weigh and test the units of light cars will be able to see and feel the value which is in the graydort this value has made sales so rapid that you should see the graydort dealer at once to be sure of securing your car prices all taxes included model 15 regular 1575 15m special 1746 15d ace 1862 10 roadster 1575 jlllfoj factory- freight only extra dealer r e brown stouffville ont graydort motors limited buy at home campaign the reason ilake vv t ordbr for we appear here is because we know i groceries tue l bring it to us una you will bo con- vinced that we can compete in pric es with anyone anywhere our goods ire always fresh and wholesome hume trading will pay you will be of mutual benefit to every class of people in this community the slosan ail for one and oilis for all is good so let us pull to gether stiver bros sanitation is a big word with a big meaning wo iuviio tho public in general to visit oar creamery and see how the product that goes in your home is handled let us all co operate to make stouffville a bigger and better town to livo in by keep ing our money at home josifu 1101uns1cy ratciafb co why go to toronto to buy millinery ami notions when you can do as well at my store i carry a com plete line and can satisfy your every whim lets all boost for stouff ville and keep our money at home miss f wibson ix buying my stock or groceries fruit vegetables etc i always consider quality you will find that any article bought from me is dependable and at fair prices my stock is well selected to chooso from f c rowbotham grocer and confectioner oe30i ioexoz our object is to sell a line of boots and shoes at prices that will make every ono a home buyer our stock is largo and contploto big lino of ladies dress shoes also mens and childrens shoes a g human hoots shoes ocr long and continuous busixiss ill this town should bo sufficient moot that we can servo you in dry goods ladles and- gents wear to your advantage wo carry a large stock and our prices are right yv ii shaw to be ok not to be to bo loyal to your town and tho community to support your mer chants thereby making stouffville a better place to livo in or send your money away and demoralize the town and yourself be loyal leslie rowbotham the tiptop grocery ol s toe3qe ioi iob every citizen owes moral and legal obligation to his government shh in oommohity life senplo have duty to their home town which is no less bind ing because it is not fixed by law copyright things are regulated by law ana ra man who receives the beaent oc or derly government is required to ful fill tho obligation which that entails but in the ordinary affairs of ufa loyalty to a moral rather than a tejral obligation there are laws which prevent a man from stealing from his employer or his business asso ciates but there is no law that re quires him to bo loyal to them the success of a business institution however depends more upon the loyalty of its employes than upon tho laws which prevent them from stealing its money likewise the stability of a government depends more upon the loyalty of its people than upon the laws which compel them to fulfill their obligation to the government it is equally truo that the pros perity and growth of every individual community is dependent upon the loyalty of tho people who live in it every citizen owes an obligation to his community and the obligation is a moral as well aa a legal one tho good citizen pays his taxes cheer fully and willingly lie serves upon the juries which administer the laws of the community he fulfills every loyally is tho foundation upon which the whole structure of civiliza tion rests loyalty to ones country i obligation that is imposed trpok loyalty to ones state loyalty to ones him by hisgovornmorit but thero city loyalty to ones busfnessassb- is a tnofal obligation wfclch is of elates loyalty to ones friends btil1 sreator importance to tho oom- etatcs loyalty 10 ones utenos muakjr thfe moral owlsstton loyalty is essential to tho ordinary slfltg in aj everything that is in progress of the world without it his power to promote the prosperity the world must bo chaos and happiness of his community the there would be no stable govern- fahwho is enabled to make his llv- mg in any- community is under a cicnt in he world were it not for the morai obligation to spend his money loyalty of the people to their govern- in such a way as to help his com ment there would bo no successful munity business enterprise on the face of prosperity worth protecting tho globe were it not for the loynlty of the men and women who are con nected with it no church could exist for a month were it not for the loy alty of its members the sacredness of the homo would bo a myth were it not for the loyalty of tho members of tho family group the loyalty of a people to its gov ernment is based partly upon senti ment and partly upon tho recognition anything worth having is worth protecting and if the prosperity of a community is worth anything to the people living in it it is warth pro tecting if the chance for a man to earn a good living to liv well to give his children a good education is worth anything it is worth pro tecting v thero is just one way to protect the prosperity of a community and that is to keep the community from being drained of its cash working capital tho only way to do that is for the people of the community to keep their money at home every time the citizen of a community sends money away i rem homo to a mall or der house instead of spending it in ihis home stores lie is disloyal to his perform it voluntarily are compelled community it is disloyalty to tho by law to do so the man or woman merchants only indirectly it is dis- who is protected by the government loyalty to the community of which in the pursuit of life and happiness llle merchants are only a small but of an obligation that a people owes to its government a people that has the benefit of good government owes a duty to that government those who do not recognize this duty and must contribute in money and ser vice toward the support of tho gov ernment the man or woiuiiawho under the protection of his govern ment which preserves law and order is able to accumulate property must pay taxes on that property to help maintain the government which has to government and dls- protcctcd film or her in time of war iv o1 u1v huge part of the people a very important part this is the moral obligation that every citizen owes to his community just as the payment of taxes and tho loyal support of his government are ills ieval obligations disloyalty of a large body of the cithsons spells tho government has tho right to call upon its citizens to take up arms in its defence loyalty moi in eovernme aoraci t to their community is followed inevit ably by the downfall of the commun ity selfinterest if nothing else should convince every citizen of tho advisability of fulfilling his mora obligation to ills community oaoc zoi30i pure brugs are essentia to health we carry a full lino of 100 per cent puro drugs nnd medi cines big lino of toilet articles and sick room supplies and everything usually carried in a firstclass drug store buy in stoulrvlllo j roadway druggist our motto is service wo aro in tho lino of tires and tubes as well as other accessories wo will bo sure to satisfy you every man in our garago has an interest in tho business and etro fry ing to build it up by giving first- class servce phono 300g swift bros and murray zoe30 gbnkkab hardware needs at silvester bros everything in hardwaro builder and contractors supplies farm needs etc you can depend on us to have your range or furnaco installed or repaired trad ing at homo is a big idea silvester bros harware chatham ontario when you build let us glvo you a quotation on lum ber lath shingles doors and framos flooring and other building neces sities wo can supply your noeds the canadian bee supply and honey co ltd music hath charms you can hoar caruso or any of your favorite artists at my music emporium i handle a full lino of victor talking machines as well as an uptodate selection of records lot your motto be buy nt homo geo e baker io you over realize what it would mean to you if anything happened to your farm equipment that you bought out of town wo handle everything needed for your require ments on tho farm nnd render you a service that cannot bo surpassed come in nnd lalk it over holden and scott