m e v the latest designs aftereffects of influenza a ety razor the shaving service for every man everywhere no stropping no honing the new kit set no 20 a perfect shaving edge is the daily privilege of the gillette safety razor owner few men can hone or strop a razor sharp enough to stop it pulling on the neck and around the awkward places with a gillette you do not depend upon your own skill in stropping and honing the perfection of the edges of gillette blades is assured by our highly specialized machinery the new kit set shown above is most compact f especially convenient when you go away for a holiday or on businessjand enables you to enjoy the most comfortable shave in a few minutes every morning vour jeweler druggist or hardware dealer can show yoa a variety of gillette sets at 500 the set wade in ssssssik canada the influence of the russian blouse has invaded the newest creations and we find that this simple frock has felt its effect mccall pattern no 8947 ladies blouse dress in 7 sizes 4 to 4c bust price 25c transfer de sign no 961 price 20 cents known the world over the giisie safety razor co of canada limited montreal canada 488 brrhi iraisinr 4 who mistook bili iesmj f foran enemy not all perils that allied officers en countered in franco were from the enemy so at least lieut charles bateman of the a e f veported with feeling after a little experience that capt swan relates in my company he was returning in the side car of a motor cycle from a trip in search of dugouts- for somo of fhemen who were going up later to a new position it was dusk and on reaching a stretch of road where he had been warned that a german sniper concealed in a treesjb wood near by had recently shot a sen- li try he gave the word to his driver for jj full speed ahead the car dashed for- inly ward but at the next village a senti- tliel ne french uniform leaped to the north middle of the road and the officer re lease n membered that the place lad that day liresentj deen token over by the french he if the a out an hastily gave the pass the akc abbeville al- word for that night bert the sentinel capt swan relates stood there in a crouching position at jrchargo bayonets charley after wards swore that that piece of sharp steel was four feet long in answer to ills password the sentinel merely jhook his bayonet and said brrh no monsieur you dont understand e mot est abbeville albert bpted again came the determined shake jresicf the bayonet and brrh iirt declining his drivers suggestion teriat the man was crazy and they had igo tfptter ride him down the officer got vguesit to explain he went up to the ejitid of the steel pigsticker leaned lto ner it and discovered that the french pardjntry was as black as night in his on jry best french he commanded i gappeiez vous sil vous plait le ca- sral do garde on le sorgent ou les jj jjlciers ou somebody the only reply was another trrh fcpat h0 sentlnel was a newly arrived of wl could speak neither lj jnch nor english but he was very no pustho jb- lieut bateman had jj or twftlof senegain- vin fr0 tl10 french troops but he fill not suro of t10lr meaning and pd not try them lest thoy should n v be cuss words he reached for his papers but they were in his hip pock et and the moment his right hand moved toward it the senegambian sus pected a weapon ho flourished his bayonet cocked his rifle and uttered many and menacing brrhs it was no use the lieutenant put up his hands above his head finally a wagon train hove in sight coming down the hill and the officer shouted to them to keep away and sehdsome one quick to get a regular frenchman to come down here and tell this black fellow that i am one of his pals hurry up for i dont think i have very long to live for the ten minutes of the messen gers absence he waited with the steel pigsticker resting on his rotund stomach with the rifle behind it cocked and a wild determined afri can soldier behind that when the regular frenchman at last arrived the sentry cheerfully removed his bayonet grinned and came to present arms a salute returned with infinite relief by the united states officer necessary precaution war brought out one salient trait of the canadian people said squire blank the other day it is adaptabili ty i do not suppose you could have found anywhere else in the world a body of men so unversed in war as the average canadian a great many in fact the majority were as green as young gidley gidloy was a raw recruit just en rolled in a crack cavalry regiment and paying his first visit to a ridingschool heres your horse said the in structor and gidley advanced gingerly and took hold of tho bridle then he examined his mount minutely and pointing to tho saddlegirth asked whats it got that strap around its waist for well answered the instructor without cracking a smile all our horses have a sense of humor they like to laugh and sometimes when there are recruits around we have to put on those straps to keep em from bustin their sides the charms of a separate skirt and blouse are well recognized and appre ciated the blouse is developed in georgette crepe and the skirt is a combination of crossbar and plain linen mccall pattern no 8917 la dies waist in 8 sizes 34 to 48 bust no 8963 ladies skirt in 5 sizes 22 to 30 waist price 20 cents each these patterns may be obtained from your local mccall dealer or from the mccall co 70 bond st toronto dept w a grandlwine for little ones often as serious as the disease itself how to get new health there are few homes in canada that were not touched by the sorrow that trailed in the wake of the spanish influenza epidemic estimates of the loss of life caused by this epidemic show that it was almost as great as the losses caused by the war and these take no account of the baneful aftereffects which are sometimes as fatal as the disease itself victims of the disease are general ly left with impovenshed blood and a weakened system in this condi tion they are exposed to many dang ers unless precautions are taken to enrich the blood and strengthen the nerves the debility that invariably follows influenza is not a disease of any organ it is a genera condition of unfitness it must be met by a remedy whose good results will be quickly felt throughout the entire system in this condition dr wil liams pink pills will be found in valuable the mission of this medi cine is to enrich the blood and this new red blood carries renewed health and strength to every part of the body the case of sirs george louder hamilton out proves the value of dr williams pink pills in cases of this kind mrs louder says i had a very severe attack of spanish influenza which left me pale and very weak my appetite com pletely failed me and the least noise would startle me and make me cry i was under a doctors care and final ly he advised me to take dr williams pink pills and i had not been taking them long before i could tell they were helping me i used altogether nine or ten boxes and am now feeling as well as ever i did in my life i be lieve if it had not been for these pills i would have been a chronic in valid such proof as this must be interest ing to everyone who suffered from an attack of influenza and who still feel in any way weakened as the result of the trouble jt points the way to new health and strength and if you are one of the sufferers you should avail yourself of this medicine at once you can get dr williams pink pills through any dealer in medicine or by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for 250 from the dr williams medi cine co brockville ont too deep for him an ambitious young author sent a humorous paragraph to the editor of a daily paper time passed and he heard nothing nor was it printed so he wrote to inquire about it i sent you a joke about ten days ago i have heard nothing respecting its safe receipt and should be glad to hear whether you have seen it the editors reply was as follows your joke arrived safely but up to the present we have not seen it his fate mrisshrew what would you have been if it were not for my money mr shrew a bappy bachelor old stuff sergeant overseas you know what a listening post is dont you dear miss peachblow sure theres one just outside that door the parlor maids on duty there very broken athlete did i break it doctor doctor i will be plain sir tho arm is broken ihe collarbone crushed the skull is fractured athlete no no no the did i break the doctor what sir athlete the hecord his hears out of the way wounded tommy iu hospital yes mum i was shot right through hero pointing to his left side visitor oh but that is impossible the bullet would have gone straight through your heart wounded tommy me eart was in me mouth mum the soft answer young jimson had a reputation to keep up he was regarded as a great wit so one morning when an unpopular professor set the class to write an es say on manners jimson sprang to his feet may we write on bad manners he asked amid titters certainly replied the professor blandly just write about what you know best thrifty lad the other day a boy went to the provision store and asked for half a dozen black hen eggs the grocer laughed eggs from a black hen he said how can you tell them my little man i can my mother told me how well here you are let me see you pick them from the crate the boy carefully- selelcted the six biggest eggs he could find put down the money on the counter and said tnese are black hen eggs i have taken hei wabtbe wasted cocntby girl fob it general houtfuirlc highest waxes mrs a j toonto pattlson 04 indkn grove podltsy wastes what have you for sale live poultry is fancy hens pljfeonjf ekss etc write j weinrauch son 10js st jean uaptlste market mont real quo hokb bttzlsebs 117 rite for our free rook of v t house plans and information toll ing how to save from two to four hun dred dollars on your new home ad dress hallluav company 23 jaksou w hamilton ont miscikakeocs laxcek tumors lumps etc- j internal and external cured with out pain by our home treatment writ us before too late lr jtellman mmitcl co limited collimrwood ont foe 3al vtewspaier weekly ix bruoi x county splendid opportunity v rltai uox t wilson publishing co limited 1 adelaide st w toronto well equipped newspaper and jot printing plant in east rn ontario insurance carried 11600 will go for 1200 on quick sale bo c3 wilson publishing co ltd toronto tit for tat quiet stream when there approachel a yokel who remarked with a yawn time aint very valuable to you is it here ive bin awatchin you three hours and you aint had even a bite well drawled the fisherman nr times too valuable anyhow to waste three hours of it watching a man fish that isnt getting even a bite at the yarmouth y m c a boys camp held at tusket falls in august i found minards liniment most beneficial for sun burn an immediate relief for colic and toothache alfred stokes general secy sunflower stalk pith which is about ten times lighter than cork is used an lifesaving apparatus invent ed by a russian ulnardfl xilnlmcnt usod by fhysiclana isolate unhealthy or diseased ani mals until they recover or die minards linizncnt fturobennans friend somo men are like silverplated knives they look bright but are usually dull m theres great s axisf act i on in kiowii tke ckild- reiys heajth eod ei- jqynveryi are beiivd provided for wrervyou rve ike ro ts their hot table drink l mrs avila noel haut lameque n b writes i can highly recommend babys own tablets as they have worked wonders in the case of my baby i always keep them in the house and would not feel safe without them what mrs noel says con cerning babys own tablets is just what thousands of other mothers say and feel the tablets are a mild but thorough laxative which regulate the bowels and stomach thereby banish ing constipation colic indigestion and a host of tho other minor ailments of littio ones the tablets are absolute ly guaranteed to be free from opiates or narcotics or any of the other drugs so harmful to the welfare of the baby they cannot possibly do harm they always do good they are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from the dr williams medicine co brockville ont bees used in battle history furnisiiies two well authen ticated instances probably the most remiikiblbc weapons of war ever used were swarms of bees there are at least two well authenticated instances of use of this novel and stinging war material the first is related by appian of the siego of themisevra in pontus by luculius in his war against mithridates turrets were brought up mounds were built and huge mines were made by the romans the people of themiseyra dug open these mines from above and through the holes cast down upon the work men bears and other wild animals together with swarms of bees the second instance occurred in enilant the danes and norwegians were attacking chester held by tho saxons and some gallic auxiliaries after adopting stoning and boiling water in vain against tho besiegers the saxons threw down nil the becj hives in tho town upon the attackers who were soon routed have a soapstone of good size and you can use t for putting on the back of your stove to set the tea kettle on it keeps the kettle nice it keeps the steam from coming out it does not boil away and you always have hot water lemons whiten and beautify the skin make this beauty lotion cheaply for your face neck arms and hands at the cost of a small jar of ordinary cold cream one can prepare a full quar ter pint of the most wonderful lemon skin softener and complexion beauti- fier by squeezing the juice of two fresh lemons into a bottle containing three ounces of orchard white care should be taken to strain the juice through a fine cloth so no lemon pulp gets in then tins lotion will keep fresh for months every woman knows that lemon juice is used to bleach and remove such blemishes as freckles sallowness and tan and the ideal skin softener whitener and beautilier just try it get three ounces ot orchard white at any drug store and two lemons from the grocer and make up a quarter pint of this sweetly fra grant lemon lotion and massage it daily into the face neck arms and hands it is marvelous to smoothen rough red hands ask for minards and take no other more and better shaves did you ever see a bar- bar start to shave a cus tomer without strop ping his razor first never isnt this fact significant stropping you see is needed to reform the sawlike edge that re sults from shaving to keep the blade free from rust and to give you for each mornings shave a keenedged blade the selfstrop ping feature of the autostrop razor pre serves the keen edge that makes shaving comfort possible stropping shaving cleaning are all done without removing the blade from the razor kazor strop 3 2 blades 5 wim autostrop safety razor co limited autostrop dcildirtr toronto canada good brccdiur stock will be valu able for years to come keep the sssa herd and flock up to a hiiii standard r- -r- rjj new giant cpr locomotive ten of file largest locomotives ever built for use on canadian railways have been under construction for some time at the cpr angus shops in montreal and one of these no 5302 was inspected the other day by president e w beatty and vice- president grant hall these locomo tives are of the heavy mikado type and are intended for freight service being designed and built under the direct supervision of mr w h win- torrowd the chief mechanical engi neer the weight of the engine and ten der in working condition is 500000 lib the engine alone weighing 323- 000 lbs the diameter of the driving wheels is 63 inches the cylinders are 25 inches in diameter by 32- inch stroke which with 200lbs boiler pressure makes these locomotives capable of exerting a maximum trac tive effort of 30000 lbs the diameter of the boiler is so inches at the back end the fire box is si inches wide and 120 inches long and the grates are moved by steam grate linkers the cab is of the vestibule type which is the cpr standard and every effort has been made to make the accommodations for the engine- men as comfortable as possible one side of the cab is fitted with a clothes locker 11 inches by 20 inches wide in which clothes can be hung and lunch palls carried the tender 1ms a capacity for 12 tons of coal ami s000 imperial gallons of water money orders remit by dominion express money order if lost or stolen yoa get your money back suffering cats give this man the gold medal let folks step on your feet hereafter wear shoes a size smaller if you like for corns will never again send electrio sparks of pain through you according to this cincinnati authority he says that a few drops of a drug called freezone applied directly upon a tender aching corn instantly re lieves soreness and soon the entire corn root and all lifts right out this drug is a sticky ether com pound but dries at once and simply shrivels up the corn without inflaming or even irritating tno surrounding tissue it is claimed that a quarter of an ounce of freezone obtained at any drug store will cost very little but is sufil- clent to remove every hard or soft corn or callus from ones feet cut this out especiallyjf you are a woman reader who wears high heels or lj isrely rlrfii mliojuteiy frj jit to iouserd your nr ftrd dj fjfer 20 of our jlry navojtu to i yit 10c sof tnn o3 teid ii tb tiouit jfdstaryj w vll tsnediilojy trra ymi i jhftw tfc jrrain cri eltl irlu tndj bestprcmifxis ltd amhsrsi m s 0 mionsness i doctors warn against remedies containing powerful drugs and alcohol the extract of roots 5j lonrj known us alothcr scads curative syrup has no dope or jj strong ingredients it cures 8 indigestion biliousness and fe constipation can be had nt nny s s drug store get the genuine fi j 50c end 100 bottles 2 cutoawifiheiptta eruptions s dandruff cotton the ramt shade is htiln to mend rve3 with than silk leililenlfoheo dont wtii to b2vo eruptions red ness and roujhrcss dandruff ad irriiciion prevent thorn by making this wonderful ckinclcaring com pletion soap ycur ovcryday toilet soap assisted by touches of cuticura ointment to tho first signs of littio skin and scalp troubles and dustings of cuticura talcum a fascinating fragrance in delicate cuticura med ication the cuticura trio is wonder ful sample each fros of cuticura pop n boston u s a geep lnaidff lxslaiesi ta be bom i ld 7 issue 21 10 bbbbbsi