stouffville oxtakio thuhsdav jl xe lit ljiu whole ntmilklt i5i aften no mutti readymi s mails up bixcd at j ialuc to fvhen ficui from the f so man itbat whati lone scasoi worth to i lstop figue fair orf i every doll lr has ml i in tnereal ltte averl i f some j j ttore till three cres m oni inls t mr for h w cot ayailabld lowing tj was pan acres ad potatoes as the yield of on the other p better enough once j sorivhj in the that ftp other p soft andl want tj about ft sider el me this large thaiw yields the sh thl trlune is publishoa thursday afternoon at the office stouffville oxt terms 150 a yoar in advance f c madlll editor and prop business cards legal mccullaiili button barristers solicitors v conveyancers c stouffville moxliy to loan dental j dr d c smith l u s d d- s dentist honor graduate of toronto and chicago universities office over huntleys store residence main street near office at home overy day except tuesday dr etsarkei i n s l u s di- ntibt stouffville s honor graduato of royal college ot dental surgeons and of the university of toronto ollie hours 9 to 12 a m 2 to 5 p m office in grubins block over jew- elery store phone office 8201 residence 8202 residence main street east end markham every tuesday office over m whites store aving the foundation of almost every successful business venture is built on savings the standard bank of canada can be of great assist ance in helping you to de velop your business the standard dank of canada stouffville branch a c burkholder manager early corrauln v lot 3 txltji f thouciit vthftj ihougi help j i ha aftervj experie two ac the sei 1 ac xt s next t total acreaprot think n fiehudurii was nhut funeral director and esibalmer stouffville residence church street two doors north of store phone nos 0801 or 0812 day and night calls promptly attended to isrance the w h clark thfire plate glass accident and life th c p r western lands for sale to great west permanent loan co debentures money to loan on improved farms phone 22022214 stouffville ont no th toi thi 5t th bebeebe kgrseshoer tlie lightning flash ballantrae june llliy a number of the churchill friends gathered at the home of mrs gra ham and had a good time the oc casion was to welcome home mrs grahams son mrs l allin underwent an opera tion and is getting well again mr garrison is building a new garage on his lot at the lake mr fred jaynes left ot england last wednesday moring we hope he may have a pleasant voyage mr albeit gray returns to his prairie home at swau river man next week having spent the past month with his relatives and friends in this vicinity mr gray is one of the enterprising western farmers we are getting some new games at tile school an we know we shall enjoy them very much mr carmell johnson was home on sunday when the teacher asked the 4th class the other day what the two kinds of volcanoes were vincent davey said active and fred gray passive stanley rose had the headache on tuesday the pupils are nearly al ways ill when they havent their les sons done mr smart of vivian is very ill with a cancer on his face valma cook was the iirst little girl to win the red ribbon in her class keep it up valma we are most pleased to report that jos martin who was so critically ill last week is improving rapidly dr freel is erecting a new garage and adding a basement to his cottage at the lake mr kred windsor is superintending the work the ladies aid held their annual meeting last friday election of offi cers was the main purpose the pres ident mrs hill occupied the chair mrs eli connor was elected vico president to till the vacancy caused by mrs ueatty leaving our commun ity mr wes bowdon and his mother from toronto are among the number of tourists spending the summer here mr floyd eliot mr ched eliot wife and little son and mr and mrs feasby and son jack spent the week end with mrs eliot a reunion to welcome mrs eliots son walter who returned last week from the i front many new fences aro being erec- ted or painted in front of the homes on lilac avenue the holidays are approaching al most unawares and the children aro whispering we wish the time wero longer born to mr and mrs koss hood a son born to mr and mrs teasdale of aurora our former teacher a son the horse belonging to the man east wisdom lane will find himself in a less shady spot than the school yard some fine morning if he in- sists in seeking knowledge after hours there is to be a meeting of all- parties of vivian and ballautrae in terested in children to discuss the building of a consolidated school come and hear tie discussion and perhaps your ancestral political views will change mrs doherty jr is spending a few weeks with her brothers at wau- bashene and midland we hope mrs dohetys health is improved on her return the children are enjoying their imaginary trip to africa especially when they get bananas orangesaud cocoanuts to oat we got some more furniture at the school last week a rake and a hoe potato bugs here potato bugs there potato bugs everywhere the first ladies aid tea of the sea son will be held at miss wrights on wednesday evening june is come everyone and buy a shingle for the little kirk adults 20 children 15c mr nesbills little boys of aur ora have been here for the past few weeks planting potatoes they will return to school on monday mr jack tresider is recuperating at sparrow lake margaret simpson was caught by a fishermans hook at tiio lake but margaret said she wasnt caught friday afternoon saw the busy bees enjoying a social hour with some of the mothers who so iiudly responded o their invitation sent them although the thermometer re gistered 115 degrees we hear every one was able hersli home jokes a man in british columbia had be gun lo chop a huge tree he bad been cutting at it for a v hub week one day be was walking around it when he met another man chopping 1 have been chopping lor a whole week said the first man oh that is nothing i have been chopping for two weeks said the second why should young ladies set good example because young men are apt to follow uieiii at what time was adam horii7 a little before eve what is the nearest tie to a man a neclie when does v man rob his wife when he hooks her skirt when is a pie like a pool when its browning my life is but a weaving between my god and me i but choose the colors lid worketb steadily full oft he weave h sorrow and i in foolish pride forget lie sees the upper and i he under side ulysses warning raiejiifciarke maple leaf farm the home of mr david clarke stoukvllle out was the scene of a very preliy and interest in vent on wdmsday june 11 when bis elder daughter lula gertrude was united in the holy bonds or matrimony to uo k ltat- cliff only son of mr and mrs ernest uatcliit stouffville the ccrciiiony was conducted by itev 0 e macleod of stonllville in the presence of about sixty guests under an arch banked with ferns and beautifully decorated with lowers the bride who was given away ttv her father enter ed the drawingroom lo the strains ot lohengrins wedding march play ed by mrs l 11 clarke of toronto she was gowned in while georgette crepe and wore a veil of white net caught with orange blossoms her bouquet was of while roses she was attended by her sister miss elsie clarke who wa gowned in pink crepe de chine and carried a bouquet ot pink carnations the groom was supported by bis friend mr l iiisey who has just returned from over seas after the sighing of the regis ter during which miss lulu wilson sang oh perfect love the bride leti the way to the lawn where table were spioud and prettily decorate i for the wedding feast the happy couple left later amid showers of confetti for toronto niagara falls and gall on their return they will take up their residence on spring brook farm stouffville for sale jumn seat buggy and road cart in good condition geo gower king- wood the bugs are her 0 we have the remedy pure paris greenl arsenate of lead market drug si ore g collard chemist druggist stouffville- 3 and- general blacksmith repairs and painting busef vehicles any kind a stock of the very host timber on hand white oak wagon tongues the very best three x buggy shafts best qua ity spokes and rims and the work is being done by the best procurable wood worker during wartime quick service and a guar antee of quaiflty is our motto r for high class furniture go to p mather stouffyillk since the summer of 1jh7 some parties old enough lo know better have for reasons known only to themselves committed acts of van dalism on summer cottages and other property situated around mus- selmans lake these aels have been of such a nature that wore the doers handed over to the law they would find their acts were punish able not by months behind prison bars but by years the owners of the property against which overt acts have been commit ted have at considerable expense been able to find out those who com mitted the acts f vandalism lo pro perty above mentioned the owners ofjlho properties are loath to ask the taw for protection but have reached the conclusion that patience with those who apparently lake pleasure in breaking locks entering and stealing articles from cottages and garages damaging canoes break ing down trees and tearing down signs has ceased to be a virtue and warning is hero now given that any further acts of destruction will be brought home lo the doer no matter what may be the cost you have one week to replace the sign hearing the wording rest nook beach private property you were watched tear ing it down bring it hack and put it up the best line of fresh groceries always good on band service stouffvjllli xinisovs ice ckbam telephone orders promptly tended to a b uhman family gliocbity stoije moxcolly oxt k3s3252b32e u2ss332ekebo travel 0 an a di ait pacific for full particulars tickets and reservations apply to h- wcanders local agent hhune 8001 also c p it anuallanjunejoccan tickets real estate we have a fuij line of flower and vegetable plants and a large slock of ger aniums and coleus phone orders taken and deliv ered once a day 9 a m w li brilhiiger son ninth concession phoxe 7002 farm and town property listed and for sale in village of stouffville and townships of markham uxbridgo whitchurch and pickering hoover bros box 205 stouffville edmund j1ahdy musjuagjjjjtcm honor graduate and gold wj alist of toronto conservator of music honor graduate ann gold medalist of trinity uni- versily toronto in stouffville every thursday over geo collards drug store james h ratcliff rejve of stouffville ever since his arrival in stouffville 2 years ago jas ii ratcliff has taken a leading part in guiding the destinies of our beautiful village which owes him much for the energy and foresight ho has shown he has occupied the kceves chair on two occasions six years in all and it was during his first term of ollice as reeve that the water works bylaw was passed chiefly through his energy a good deal of opposition was encountered but the opponents aftowards saw and admitted their mistake jim has a natural gift as an orator inherited no doubt from his father rev frederick ratcliff and his grandfather itev john gerrio two prominent ministers of the llaptist denomination lieing a preachers son he gained a wide experience from change of residence in his early days he was born al winghani out but when he was eight months old his parents moved to dundas where they resided for nine years moving from there to smith near peterboro he walked live miles every day to pctcrboro high school where he finished his educational career in spite of a tendency to get into mischief after three years in the north country ho came to stouffville and opened the grocery busi ness with which ho is still connected one of the largest grocery businesses in the province in politics he is a reil hot liberal and not a bit ashamed of it ho is a member and leader in the llaptist denomination his favorite game is english croquet ho is always ready to champion any cause for the public good j c brown vs bvsc graduate of ontario veterinary college and toronto university calls day or night ind phone 8700 bell 25 i markham ontario wherever you see this emblem you will find a car that is giving continuous motoring satisfaction let it be your safety first sign to investigate the gray dort it represents 60 years of experience in building vehicles and automobiles read these brief specifications and write for catalog or better still see the cray dort at our showrooms tlectiic lighting electric starting drnioiintaba rims complete equipment connecticut ignition nonskid tires on rear the liberty noted for its wonderful ease ofuciriving and riding the approval which 1i12 lihcrty car has earned is due to its conslruuionrand is so convincingly de monstrated in its performance r e brown phoniive stouffville 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 get the uft it pays 0 yongo and charles sts torou- 0 to is noted ihroughoutcanuda i for high grade business educa c 0 lion croat demand for our f 0 graduates open till year enter m 0 now write for catalogue 0 w j flliott principal 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 i 0 i 0 0 00 osfh 9 fot hon lire demi the coi w we can satisfy your tastchotograi in a now suit or overcoatf our new suitings and overl coalings arc in stock an it will be a pleasure tontf tend to your needs i m leading til