dont trust to ltick i when ordering tea but insist on getting the reliable the tea that never disappoints black green or mixed sealed packets only the road to by eleanor h porter copyright houghton nlfflln co published by social arrangomont with thos allen toronto he would be living at home with auteadjr how are you benton the money he wanted sometimes it well sir thank you sir came to her with sickening force that and its glad i am to see you maybe burke was thinking that too master burke this way please was he could it be that he was masters in the library sir sorry he had married her very unconsciously burke denby lifted well her chin came up proudly he ms chln a longlost something need not stay if he did not want to i seemed to have come back to him he could go but the chin was not he could not himself have defined it so high now he was all there was i he certainly could not have told she had nobody but burke now j a that moment he should sud- could it be i denly have thought of the super- she believed she would ask dr faco of his hated at gleason some time she liked the tn j doctor he had been there several behind benton s noiseless steps times now and she felt real ac- bl s eet into luxurious vel- quainted with him perhaps he would vet depths his eyes swept from one know buty after all she was not dear familiar object to another an the going to worry she did not believe j sreat softly lighted hall and leaped that really burke wished he had not to p d library married her it was onlv that he i the somehow he found himself face was tired and fretted with his work i to f wit h fat in the dear it would be better bv and by whenke remembered room he had got ahead a little and of j well burke my boy how are course he would get ahead they j would not always have to live like r were- the same words that tjg i had neon spoken months before in the it was in march that burke came presidents office at the denby iron home to dinner one evening with a works and they were spoken by the radiant face yet with an air of same voic they were spoken to the worried excitement accompaniment of an outstretched its dad hes sent for me he liand too in e case but to explained in answer to his wife ij burke who had heard them on both questions 1 occasions they were as different as sent for you darkness and daylight he could not yes he isnt very well brett have denned it even to himself say he wants see me but h knew the minute he humph after all this time i d the outt hand wouldnt go a step f i was you looked into his father helen not go to my aftfr j that the hated impenetrable helen quaked a little h insurmountable wall was dretu the house with vines who has not looked at a stark new house and wondered it it could ever be made into a home there is something so deadly uncompromising about the newness of a new house in its glittering untrimmedness time will dull the shimmer of new paint but eternities will not make any house a home unless people are willing to lend a hand vines are the real answers to many such problems not a hit or miss gathering of the clan of vines but a thoughtful planting in which the color of the flowers the luxuriance of the plants growth as well as the time of flowering are all taken into account close clinging vines like the vir ginia creeper should not be trained directly upon a wooden house which will have to be repainted every once in so often rather let it be trained over a strip of chicken wire jvhich can be fastened to the side of the house and when painting or repairs are needed be let down wisteria should be treated the game way also the trumpet vine roses are visions of beauty when festooning windows and clinrbing over porches the only trouble with them is that so few socalled climb ing roses actually climb the dor othy perkins fulfills every promise the crimson rambler is far better used as a shrub for it lacks many of the qualities of its pink sister the young canes should be allowed to reach a length of seven or eight feet chapter viii contd i not after all fatally or even serious and wasnt burke always telling ly her she did not manage right and dai not going to die then didnt he give her particular fits one j an dad wished to see him wished day and an awful lecture on waste- to see him fulness just because he happened to burke drew in his breath now find a half loaf of mouldy bread i again and bounded up the great stone the jar just as if he didnt spend f of denby mansion two at a something and a good big some- time the next minute for the first thing too on all those cjgars he i slncg his marriage the summer smoked yet he flew into fits over before he stood m the wide familiar a bit of mouldy bread of hers hallway to be sure when she cried he benton the old butler took his called himself a brute and said he hat and coat and the way he took didnt mean it and it was only be- them had au the flattering def- cause he hated so to have her pinch- i ere of the welltrained servant ing and saving all the time that it an the rapturous joy of the head of made him mad raving mad just a house welcoming a dear wanderer as if she was to blame that they did home not have any money i urke looked into the beaming old but she was to blame of course i fa and shining eyes and swallow- an1 then the tops nipped off this in a way if it had not been erjj un encourages side growth the trumpet honeysuckle is an ex cellent vine for a porch it does not climb to great heights but it bears gorgeous scarlet and orange flowers throughout the entire season then too the foliage is seldom attacked by insects and this consideration s a comfort at least whether we think of the plant or its owner one of the best kinds of clematis is the clematis flammula a native variety which grows rapidly and is well adapted for use whenever a dense shade is desired other plants with white flowers are the wild cucumber and balsam apple sometimes nicknamed wild clematis old fashioned bittersweet is lovely but difficult to tame an old friend of mine said she had lived in a good many different houses in her lifetime and made it a rule never to omit planting a bittersweet vine in some nook or cranny she not only planted them but they grew for hermry are not always so responsive to care all of the wild vines balsam apple grape bittersweet virginia creeper and endless others grow beautifully in their native woodsey haunts they seed themselves get precarious root holds and lead a carefree scrambly existence even virgiria creeper will not al ways flourish in spite of the general impression to that effect the hop vine is almost unbeliev ably lugged it may be cut down to the earth only to grow like backs famous beanstalk when planted near a house in a spot too sheltered from the weather it sometimes succumbs to a blight which turns the leaves yellow that will be very apt to disappear at least temporarily if the plant is cut back nearly to the ground in front of a house dorothy perk two coats of varnish stain oi me t vm desired color are to be obtained the eggs should for floors which have not previous- be fresh and clean and rf possble y been finished a paste wood filler infertile should first be applied then finish eggs that float when paced in tne with two coats of good floor varnish solution are nol fresh end therefore or floor wax i cannot be preserved when an egg to refinish old floors first clean is only slightly soiled a cloth damp- them thoroughly then sandpaper ened with vinegar can be used to re- smooth finish with two coats of move such stains under no circum floor paint or floor wax if a colored stances should badly soiled eggs oe effect is desired apply one coat of used for preserving jf put into the varnish stain of the desired shade jar while dirty they will spoil ana and finish with one coat of floor var- washing removes a protective coating nish if cracks between the boards which prevents spoiling are in evidence these should be filled a good method for the prcserva- with special crack and crevice filler tion of eggs is the use of sodium before applying finishing materials silicate or waterglass if the price for floors that are in a very bad of sodium silicate is aoout thirty condition the only resort is to paint cents a quart eggs m be preserva them first fill cracks with special crack and crevice filler and apply one or two coats of floor paint a coat of good floor varnish over the paint will add to the appearance and dur ability bear in mind that quality goods are essential to best results not only that but they will give you the last ing satisfaction that means true economy at a cost of approximately twel a dozen it is not desirable the waterglass solution augr time use one quart of sodinslaii cate to nine quarts of water uut been boiled and cooled phsi mixture in a five crafi this will be sufficient tojj mals fifteen dozen eggs and will a guide for the quantity tog n preserve larger amounts of egftfj there are far too many smi ma bibles printed not to be rtaj to be carried by people for tl are of appearance these small jreat bibles ruin the eyesight andwost intentional injustice to the wgieht god rev alex spark peso na but she held you in her husbands eyes her ground i dont care hes treated like dirt you know he has i know hes sick and has sent for me and i know im going to him thats enough for me to know at present retorted the man getting to his feet and leaving his dinner al most untasted half an hour later he appeared he- fore her freshly shaved and in the radiant good humor that seems to follow a bath and fresh garments as a natural consequence come chick- on cive s a kiss he cried gayiy and dont sit up for me i may be i late my but aint we fixed up pout ed helen jealously i should think on was going to see your best girl i am laughed burke boyishly jdad was my best girl till i got goodbye im off gone yet there was nothing said nothing done except a conventional just a little matter of business 3urke that i wanted to talk over with you from the elder man and an equally con ventional yes sir from his son then the two sat down but for kurke the whole world had burst suddenly into song it was indeed a simple matter of business it was not even an imj portant one ordinarily it would j have been bretts place or even one ins roscs wouh makc a ovely mass preserving eggs during the spring months many housekeepers serve eggs because they are cheap until their families are tired of an egg cooked in any form later when the eggs soar to fifty cents a dozen few are found on the table of the average family when the hens are laying freely and eggs are abundant and cheap the thrifty housewife makes provisions for the future by preserving some for the winter months fresh clean eggs properly preservl ed can be used satisfactorily for all purposes in cooking and forthe table when eggs preserved in waterglass are to be boiled a small hole should be made in the shell with a pin at the large end before placing them fn the water this is done to allow the air in the egg to escape when heated and it prevents cracking i fresh eggs properly preserved mayj be kept from eight to twelve months in excellent condition and used with good results eggs laid during april may and early june have been found to keep better than those laid later in the season if satisfactory results in all i for furniture and for sale by ar colors e interior decorating ah dealers w au grades wrlto for prices toronto salt works j cliff toronto can be preserved at a cost of 2g per 6szen with fleming egg proscrver simple to uso a child can ap ply it just rub it on guaran teed to keep eggs fresh for nine months and longer a eoo box will do 30 doxen offgfl get it from your dealer or send 60c to fleming egg preserver co we orals st w montreal e of his assistants to speak of it but the president of the denby iron works took it up point by point and dwelt lovingly on each detail and burke his heart one wild paean of rejoicing sat with a grave counten ance listening attentively and when there was left not one small detail upon which to pin an other word and when burke was be of color on a fence but they would have to be carefully pruned and sup ported so as not to drag the wire down arbors and pergolas all seem to demand roses or grape vines but an nuals will fill in many other niches most usefully for instance the good old standbys nasturtiums scarlet- i ir i i till sinning to dread the moment of dis- goodbye fj w missal john denby turned as if casu- runner beans which by the way area ted and her eyes burned somber- j n a gmai qn j eating bean is she sat back in her chair ally to i desk near him and burke following ed as if he could not y envigh the crisp bracing air with an eager stride that would the distance in little more than e usual time he set off toward fill tere was only joyjjus tion in his face now jwas all htt said is nothing serious weck burke had known that r was wrong- that his fath- glorics and their pale morning sisters the moon lowers all are ornamental and grow so rapidly thathey cover an arbor or a porch while their friends the perennials have climbed high enough only to examine the surface i they are expected to cover it must utside the house burke drew a father jnto a fivc-thousand-ycar- breatn and yet a longer one lt aet to deci a babvlonian mhale thumbprint lost all fear of that dread dismissal later came old benton with the ale and the little cakes that burke had always loved with a pressure of his thumb then john denby however be put to the credit of the lne sw off half the lights and the perennials that their work if slow b ii li 1 two father and son sat down before is also sure and a great satisfaction 1 s the big fireplace with the cakes and ale between them on a low stand behind the centuryold andirons the fire leaped and crackled throw- send it to experts parkers can clean or dye carpets curtains laces draperies gowns etc and make them look like new send your faded or spotted clothine or household goods and l i will renew them we pay carnage charges one way and guarantee satisfactory work our booklet on household helps that save money will be sent free on request to vi parkers dye works limited cleaners and dyers 791 yonge st toronto aot at the works in vain j we shadows over the beamed unted office doors and cor- j ceiling the booklined walls the cab- a glimpse of a face that jnets of curios bringing out here and i ared then had come the there a bit of goii tooling behind- a 4 john denby was ill a door or a gijtj flash from s fear clutched the sons so be the end then was ennd never to know never tboys heart was this will hopes of some day no bronze or porcelain with a body at case and a mind at rest burke lean bcnewing shabby furniture and floors a good deal of new furniture is bought merely because the old pieces have become shabby oftentimes a little of the right kind of finishing material would restore the old fur niture at a very small expenditure ed back in his chair with a long- shawy floors c also be made spic wl end of everything if a ym y t vfi training every nerve dad was not to bo this point that hii bnrt pride and doubts as to the ccption had almost himself to the old to sec his father had come bretts that his father and that he was of light and shade and luxury half an hour later he rose to go john denby too rose to his feet to be continued the barbers pole originally indi cated that minor surgery was done within the shop the pole represents the staff hold by persons in venesec tion or bloodletting and the two spiral ribbons painted around it repre sent the two bandages one for twist ing around the arm previous to blood- lettir and the other for binding to renovate old furniture first clean the surface thoroughly remov ing all grease and dirt use soap and water if the varnished surface is iherety scratched or marred sand paper lightly and apply one or two coats of furniture or interior varnish if however it is desired to change the color of the furniture to a darker shade apply one coat of varnish stain and when dry finish with one coat of varnish if it is desired to change from a dark to light colorapply one coat of ground coat and flnish with nio in the kitchen there is a constant call for crown brand corn syrup for making puddings candies cakes etc sad the day when you are too big to enjoy a slice of bread spread thick with crown brand could that day ever come ward it off grace your table daily with a generous everywhe 2 5 11 v 20 pout demi thc iumfetps j ophyj nn ftho coil vlns 1 iotogra