vol xxxi no 11 he tribune is publlsheo thursday afternoon at the office stouffvillk oxt terms 150 a year la advance jp o madlll editor und rrop- business cards sioufpviijub ontario thursday max 13 11 whole number 1337 legal mccullough button barristers solicitors conveyancers c max disks ltlk ii stouffville money to loan dr d c smith l d s i s dentist honor graduate of toronto and chicago universities office over huntleys store residence main street near office at home every day except tuesday dr e s barker r n s u i s dnnttist stouffville honor graduate of royal college of dental surgeons and of the university of toronto ofhe hours 9 to 12 a m 2 to 5 p m office in grubins block over jew- elery store phone office 8201 residence 8202 residence main street east end markham every tuesday office over m whites store w j leather funeral director and embalmer stouffville residence church street two floors icjirth of store phone nosvosoi or 0812 day and nrrfp calls jromnuyiawnded to insurance w h clark fire plate glass accident and life c p r western lands for sale qreat west permanent loan co debentures money to loan on improved farms phone 22022214 stouffville ont bebeebe horseshoer and- general blacksmith repairs and painting buggies or vehicles any kind a stock of the very best timber on hand white oak wagon tongues the very best three x buggy shafts best qual ity spokes and rims and the work is being done by the best procurable wood worker during wartime quick service and a guar antee of quality is our motto the standard bahk of canada head office toronto farmers advances to farmers are made st it7j a special feature by this bank 2 stouffville branchf dr dales badly bruised finest quality in auto accident j q roc e r i e5 ii d lit is under sang- manager beware patent pills the oft repeated warning must a- gain ring out beware of the so- called patent medicine pills according to a report in a recent issue of a western paper a little fouryearold girl died on wednes day march 19 after eating some of these pills with a very seductive name the paper states that the doc tor who conducted the post mortem declared taht the pills contained strychnine belladonna and aloin which were all of vegetable origin and lie imagined a few taken would cause serious trouble in a young child the coroner expressed the opinion that the advertising on the boxes was desperately misleading they might be a very good pill for purgative purposes but they were fixed up so nicely that children would eat them readily and a number of inquests had been held over child ren who had done so the coroner stated that juries had passed recom mendations urging that regulations should be passed requiring them to be labelled poison but nothing had come of them a recommendation such as the foregoing is but reasonable and is simply following the custom in great britain where all preparatory pre parations containing poisons are so labelled as laid down by law the suggestion of the british columbia jury is a very wise and proper one c a hodgetts md better put the pills out of reach of the children dr f a dales narrowly escaped being killed on thursday afternoon of last week when his automobile upset with him into the ditch near the corner of the ninth concession of whitchurch and the ballantrae i road the doctor sustained very 1 severe and painful bruises especially i of the back and abdomen and was cut about the face as a still confined to his bed the care of dr free an stcr the car was ho doctors ford runabout and the accident was due to striking a patch cj deap sand in the roadway which put the steering gear which was somewhat out of re pair out of commission the mach ine turned completely upside noun pinning dr dales beneath it lie managed to crawl from beneath but found himself unable to walk after lying on the roadside for about half an hour dr campbell of toronto happened along in his car and brought dr dales home at first in ternal injuries were feared but for tunately none were sustained and we are pleased to say the doctor is doing nicely liread aud pastry flour yorkshire stock food oyster shell and grit for poiltry a b lehman family grocery store mongolia ont for high class examination dates because of the change made by the department of education in the time of the mldbuminer examina tions to be hold this year hon dr h j cody recently issued a state ment as to the dates the results would be made known he said that the public would not fully realize the fact that the change had been made and would make their summer plans in accordance with the dates the results were made known in for mer years the dates of the egmlha tions were put qft fqr about twq weeks in each case this year because of the unavoidable interruptions tl school work last year chiefly from influenza epidemic and there will ho a corresponding delay in announcing the results as compared with pre vious years the dates of the examinations as announced are junior high school entrance july 2 junior public school graduation june 30 lower school july 2 middle school july 11 pass matriculation july 2 up per school and honor matriculation june so montreal hotels and res taurants get no licenses go to w j mather stouffville a shock awaits the many temper ance beer in restaurants and hotels in montreal they are to get no licen ses the government has decided on this policy and as a result the licen se commission will issue none this year temperance beer licenses ex pired april so as did the other lic enses the decision to eliminate these temperance beer places is a result ol the repor of the prqvinoial revenue officers who found that they were detrimental to public order in many respects they wore not obliged to close and most of thorn consequent ly made their own hours and kept open all night as well as on holi days and sundays many operated respectable establishments but many more it is claimed fell short re turned soldiers wcro chiofiy catered to some places having signs to the effect that they sought soldiers cus tom the result was considerable drunkenness for it was not always the 25 per cent proof spirits beer that was sold but alcoholic drinks as well still another fcaturo was that some of these places employed women and girls about the place iiiii bert and alt typify spirifof true british soldier the three musketeers other wise bert alt and old bill are ire- incarnated in a film version of the better ole which will be the big picture in many movie houses ior months to come and if the cinema lacks as always the dialog thatihe stage can give us there is ample compensation in the setting for we have veritable war episodes includ ing the passing of the new army through london streets glowing from the rain a glimpse of english fields and homes of france but the old bill and his kind that devastation might have happened over here is the message of the story that capt baimsfathers playso successfully produced in loudon and new york offered really magnificent opportunities to the film producer had long been obvious for there ate many incidents which though they cannot appear on the stage yet come within the scope of the film and fill up the interstices of the story to the greater satisfaction of the onlooker from the very start when a picture of the three musketeers of the old en time in the picturesque panoply of their period dissolved into tre three soldiers of to-day- old b bert and alt in the trenohes the missing details of the play are filled in which a constructive skill whoh adds enormously to the true understanding of tho story tho in troduction of tho poet soldier as a sort of explanatory chorus is one of tho happiest touches and few could not fcol their heart strings drawn tighter at the section of the film which showed how the whisper of war descended upon all british homes from the lowliest to the high est in the land the familiar inci dents of the play and appear ampli fied and emphasized tho better ole will be shown at auditorium stoukpville one night only wki may 21st under te auspices of ianioy can ucks an all ilrit jsh production vtii added attraction and special or chestra heats will lie on sulci nt silvester ilrog jot sellingjout after fortyhvo years in business mr v h todd will hold an auction sale of his carriage factory equip ment on may 23 mr todd came to stouffville in lsy after having lost his factory and stock at goodwood valued at 15000 he commenced business at goodwood in 1s73 on coming to stouffville the summer the j fire occurred lie purchased the site of his factory from robert chappcl at that time there was on the lot a blacksmith and woodworking shop operated by isaac boadwny and al- rnm lehman the same year mr todd erected the present brick build ing known as stouffville carriage works the todd vehicles have been well known for many years and held a high reputation for quality through out the counties of york and ontar io mr todd quit tho actual manu facture of vehicles four years ago at that time his was tho last of the smaller factories at one time num- erout throughout the province that had survived the competition of the big factories mr todd was the or iginator of tho oldfashioned buck- board the forerunner of i he buggy mr todd will still continue to handle vehicles harness iriiu no doubt the factory will eventually become a garage for sale 2 reg clyde mares 5yearsold 1 red registered shorthorn bull 9 mouths old apply to geo mckukn phone ss4 lomoyivtllo mothers day sunday mc carnations w ii br illiriger son ninth concession phone 7002 stol king goks to england hon w l mackenzie king has left for england where he will make a study of the witley report and the working of the british industrial commission n i i j tai rtvhe next few years will jlmark a irenendovs change in the business of retailing motor transportation now reduced to a lowcost basis gives retailers a great opportunity for busi ness growth because it widens their trading area tho ford oivoton truck makes available this opportunity it is motor transportation at low cost low first cost lotv main tenance cost low operat ing cost a small outlay will motorize the best medicine for the blood is the way we describe nyal blood purifier that is what youll saytoo when you find that it has rid you of those skin eruptions pimples ecze ma that tiredout languid feelingor any other disorder duo to an impure condition of the blood from which you may be suffering when your blood is out of order no thing is right since the wnole body depends on the blood for strength and for the restoration of worn out tissues if vou are felling well therefore nyal blood purifier is the very best medicine you can take it will cleanse ami purify your blood and bring back good health the color will return to your cheek and vigor and energy will take the place of lassitude and dullness price one dollar market drug si ore collard chemist druggist stouffville stouffvjlle your deliveries and open to you the opportunity for business expansion complete trucks two standard bodies ordinary liaulin and delivery worlc can be best adapted to two standard types the stake body and the express body these two body typos are kept in zlocl ready for immedi ate delivery they insure the maximum efiieiehcy from the ford truck isoih types uvo tho enclosed cab vh t he twoway windshield which j ives tho driver proper protection on the weather sod these ctrnptetetmcks seize th3 opportunity to unlnrjte your field of ijiiisincs fot ua bolvo your delivery irobicnl travel canadian pacific for full particulars tickets and reservations apply to h- w- sanders local agent phone 8001 also c p it and allan line ocean tickets real estate farm and town property listed and for sale in village of stouffville and townships of markham uxbridge whitchurch and pickering hoover bros box 205 stouffville prico chasu only sojss s7s0 fob ford ouu ff l f fcffl f suaiiti kd doiics rt cct our prices e a button jdcrfer stouffville perfected you- cant have ensilage without a good silo toronto silos fire made ol selected spruce slaves double tongucd and grooved each slave is saturated with creosote an added advantage is the toronto hip roof this means greater capacity ami allows tramping of ensriagc to the top of the staves these perfected silos cost no more than ordin ary silos to cut your corn at the right time you must have an ensilage cutter of your own the toronto ensilage cutter is designed to give efficient lightrunning service there is no choking or jamming it takes com alfalfa or clovr with the same smoothrunning rapid action write for the free silo and ensilage cutter booklets they givc the complete story of these two splendid toronto products ontario wind engine pump co limited atlantic ave toronto montreal winnipcj kcgina calgary edmund hardy mus rac ptcsi honor graduate and gold med alist of toronto conservatory of music honor graduate and gold medalist of trinity uni versity toronto in stouffville every thursday over ico collards drug store stouffvilles leading shoe store never was in better shape to meet the requirements of the public in footwear we have the choicest of leather goods direct from the fac tory all solid in mens boys youths womens misses childs and little gents in black ian and mahogany our aim is to please you and give you the best of satisfaction we still have some liarjiniiis vol our motto is live and let live price no trouble to show you in loot trouble consult us a g lehman v pk0plhs shoe store main stkekt stoukkvllle ont ins- fil holden scott agents stouffville wo can satisfy your taste in a new suit or overcoat our new suitings aud over- coalings are in stock and it will be a pleasure to at tend to your needs no fa leading tailor