Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), November 16, 1916, p. 1

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i ffllk vl xxviii no 39 touffvlllli ontaihj thursday november 16 1916 whole number 1435 i jin tribune j is published every ibiirsilay afternoon j at the office smiths block uolimiuk 05t i ibrms jl in advance 125 if not y i aid in advance i job wori proinplly attended to the f c madill b a editor und proprietor business cards standard bank of canada head office toronto trust funds our savings department gives you a guarantee of absolute security and i interest at current rate 2 stouffville branch c burkhgjjjfcr manager estd 1873 lhxial wccullough button fsirristh- solicitors rs conveyancers ic stouffville uxbride to undecided money to loan i jjlitai aith ld s dds 9 0nti5t unor graduate of toronto nor graduate of fpago universities i tee over huntleys store dew e main st near office and u 1 ne every day except tuesday 1 e s barker l d s 1 d s dentist ville onl iim graduate of royal coll- of dental surgeons and of university of toronto he hours 9 to 12 a m 2 to jm e in grubins clock over jew- jy store- fidence main street e end ihlna 8301 ltii 38i u khani every tuesday office m whites store w j i u bbg lv j mathep funeral director and embalmer woijfj imik jesiiance uburch street wo doors north of store piib 9801 or 98 i i day and night calls promptly attended to nsurance h clark w ire and plate glass accident life insurance siltlvatcu farm property and past ure land for sale or rent w if cxahii 8t0urf ifle jbuimafllsons almira ont manufacturers of i ure vvoohen goods blankets flan nels socks yarn cloth quilt baits etc highest prices paid in cash ofhmc for wool feelers iu jbet oradet jluultoba flour pas try fiour flour exchan ged for wheat or wool mail orders will have our prompt attention alii phone 607 resi 612 apparently good roads have little interest to the ratepayers of the township with the ex ception of two or three of the thirty present at the meeting on monday evening all either would not commit themselves or were in out and out opposition to the good roads scheme one man in the audience expressed himself very strongly on the matter af ter hearing the scheme outlined by messrs laidlaw mclean and henry he still feared that ruin would follow in the wake of the adoption of the scheme and cited the york highways commission as a bad example of county good roads commissions he said that tthese men messrs laidlaw mclean and henry had come to force the scheme on the town ship reeve wagg chairman of the meeting endeavoured to get an expression of opinion on the flat ter but only succeeded in getting three to favor- it and three to vote against it there seemed to be a suspicion openly expres sed by some that the men advo cating the adoption of the good roads plan were trying to force it upon them uxbridgeis the first township in the county of ontario that so far has not been whole heart- edly in favor of road improve ment as outlined under the ont ario highways act with this exception wherever meetings have been keen interest has been shown and every meeting has formed a branch of the good roads association of the county and passed the following motion viz that i the objects of the association shall be to further the improvement and maintenan ce of all public roads in the dis trict and in the county of onta rio and to do all things which will assist in toe carrying cut of the objects of the association that the branch shall have a chairman vicechairman sccy- treasurcr and directors who shall be elected at this meeting and hold ovfice for one year from the date of their election or un til their successors have been el ected the chairman shall preside at all meetings and direct the pro ceedings thereof according to parlimcntary rules he shall have general supervision of the work of the branch and call meet ings from time to time for the consideration and transaction of any business thas may be brought before them in his absence the vice chairman shall preside and perform any and all the duties pertaining to the office of chair man the scjcytreas shall keep a record of minutes conduct cor respondence receive and deposit in some chartered bank all the funds of the branch and perform other duties assigned him mr laidlaw the first speaker introduced the good roads scheme explaining how the move ment in ontario county got its start he briefly outlined the plan and expressed his relief that the abundance of gravel and easy drainage would make the cost light of what use he said arc the telephone and daily paper if the roads are not available the people he said should rise to their responsibility in this mat ter so closely related to the so cial and economic life of the com munity v mr mclean stated that twenty three out of thirtyseven counties in ontario have adopted thejgj good roads scheme ontario he said had got started but had turned back he expected it to be among the first and not one of the last to get in linft a com- mon misconception he said had got abroad that the scheme in eluded all of the roads whereas the act included only about fif teen per cent this improvement will accomodate about eighty per cent of the traffic the roads to be assumed by the county arc those leading from towns and shipping points in making the roads it is intended to use the wageearners with the revival of indus trial activity throughout the fac tories of canada resulting in the disbursement of large sums in wages it behooves each wageearner to provide against future unemploymentorunfore- seen contingencies you can do this by opening a savings account with this bank and systematically saving a portion of your income j the bank of novascotia paidup capital 1100000 reserve fund ltoooooo totalresocrcesoverloooooooo stouffville branch w r adams manager materials as far- as a- possiwosjjvy 1 r j lcssditold mfc lusacjad- fouhd in the locality the expen se he estimated at approximately 1500 per mile the process is to be a gradual one mr heno could not under stand why a county like ontario should remain out so long it ought he said to be linked up with the york county system he told how difficult and expen sive it is to construct roads in york county on account of lack of gravel to the patriotic ob jectors he said that the money granted by the province for road improvement is already on hand most of iti being automobile li cense fees 5was on guard at a dump and fpfitz began to shell it so i thought it was time for me to wove so i- moved at the double t saw george martin the night ihe went into the trenches when he was gassed when his bat talion came out of the trenches 31 looked for him but his officer iojd me he was gassed and since i have heard he got a very bad dose if lie is the only one from stouff vjllc i have met except george jsrnith whom i saw on an ambu lance on his way back to eng- observations small towns and villages are like individuals they often deve lop habits not always good ones we know a village it may be you know it where pub lic gatherings of any kind are rarely started on time the citi zens have acquired the habit of being late if the meeting is called for 8 oclock they say0 if we get there by 830 we will be on hand in plenty of time it wont start on time can you name such a village some time ago a commission was appointed by the dominion government to inquire into the all important question the high cost of living three competent men the late c c james prof mclean and mr coates were on the commission and their find ings were looked forward to with a great deal of interest these men spent several months on the subject but- up to the present we have seen no report we are still patiently looking for it build up your body f gone bad i forgot to say that i have met walter mertens a couple of times wilmot kester writes from france pte v h kester writing from france to mr j boadway says just a few lines to let you know that i am still inthe land of the living and enjpying the best of health only 1 have wet feet most of the time as i my boots arc not the best and it has been raining nearly every day forthc last couple of weeks if 1 ever get back mud will never bother me for we are covered with it nearly all the time the country we are in at pre sent was a nice part of france before the war but now the buil dings are ruined and the land is pretty well turned up with shell holes there will be a lot of land that will never be worked aftcrthe war and when the ger mans come to foot the b5h for all the buildings that have been destroyed they will have some bill to pay we have the germans on the go now and it docs ones eyes good to sec them bringing in german prisoners sometimes there arc only four or five and at other times hundreds and they all seem glad to be taken i never knew how fas i could run until i came out here sever al times i have had occasion to run and if longboat had been be hind me i believe he would have had a hard job to catch me with in two hundred yards once i library notes new books juvenile countess from canada marchant darling of the school meade gibby of clamshell alley dressed blue rose fairy book barring emerald story book skinner red cross girls in british tren ches vandercook how janice day won long there seems to be no kick com ing concerning the change in the hours of lighting at the meet ing of the board of trade held on the last friday evening of oc tober four men appeared it will be remembered by those at the previous meeting that 1130 was the hour recommended for turning off the lights now there are some the old people and the children who are not affected by the new light regulation but as for us we like to remain out of bed some nights at least until ii we are consoling ourselves owevfvkh4reth6ught 4hafc the lower cost of running will reduce the rates fortify yourself against iho attacks of winters ills at the close of the summer season you are apt to find yourself in a run down condition with a season of sudden changes a head you should inoresse the vital ity of your body to a point where it j withstand the attaoks of cold wea i ther ailments nyal cod liver compound will provibe the vitality which your body needs at this time it feed i and noutishss every nerve cell and tissue of the bodypui rich red blood j in the veins and buiku you up to jij the highest point of goad health 50c and 1 g collard chemist druggist stouffville- i l 1st travel canadian pacific for lull parlioulars tickets and tiodi apply to recrvij0l hescj h- w- sanders local agent phune 8001 also c v it anil aiud lino ocesu i tickets cean j while toronto is experiencing a potato famine there are so the railway companies tell us in the neighborhood of one hun dred cars standing in the yards held there by the wholesalers for higher prices the public has been led to believe that potatoes are very scarce consequently prices have soared so that the wholesaler makes a bigger profit by holding the cars and paying the demurrage the railroads object because traffic is blocked and they threaten to put an em- g 0 gool ligensed mjctiokeer sales pbomptly attended h jjfi phone 3212 stouffvillj dtfl rwo little women and treasure jbargo on this sort of thing why wells louse governess trn my 14 months robinson daddys bedtime stories bonner little red doe hawkins tust david porter ice boat no 2 quick purple pennant barbour georgdna of the rainbow johnston from the tribune of 1889 mr thos mantel was able to make his appearance out of doors on crutches of course for the fist time on friday last ooo mr robert srigley and wife of newmarket were in town over sunday the guests of c rad- more ooo henry leech of markham was killed on friday last at the level crossing on papc ave toronto willie urquhart was injured on thursday by the bursting of the barrel of his shotgun miss jennie sfouffer has been engaged as teacher in lcmonville public school markets wheat 8090 flour 240 potatoes lb 50c a bag eggs 20 butter 18 boa l waxs dku store stouffvilie not the government take a hand in preventing this sort of thing in war time wanted young girl to help in house comfortable home mrs albert bulley r r no 4 stouffville strayed from lot 3 con 7 whitchurch on or about oct 31 a black and white yearling steer and a black yearling heifer any one giving information as to their whereabouts will be rewar ded staney w hastings stouffville phone 3715 pfiesbyteel an church in canada st james rhurcli stouflville rev john mutch ma b d sunday nov 12th 1030 a m the minister s30 p m s s auj bible class 7 p m tho minister set free kvrybody welcome f w silversides licensed auctioneer for the counties of york uud ontario sales promptly attended to and terms reasonable phone 1202 stouffyill h llii ij iaag leaman 1ssukk of marriage lincenses touffvuileon todd cook headquarters for coal feed and seed todd cook phone 1401 a wise for sale choice dairy farm one hund red acres more or less five or six acres bush and pasture about thirty acres meadow and seeds large barn stabling for eighteen cattle and nine horses hog pen etc good running water in the farm yard warm eightroomed house or chard and garden and good well water half mile from stouffville good market and good roads apply to thos cascly stoulvillc investment when you invest in one oi our uptodate suits it will repay jou a big dividend in satisfaction fall and winter suitings now in call and see them uco 1 1 1 r the leading t1il0j 25

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