5t ix m ftowrtnrillb tlfeg rsuisda october 12 1916 ss552 ss r1t stoke i s jtos feuy w new new piaiura photos uhe newest biighest and niosl 1jfo like hotos ever produced i fe mate nothing else 1l saxoeks studio h iraham brown 1 uiyliest pi ice paid for rajs ron metal hubber botes te etc pbber 4c a lb fecih 1c a lb odffville oki phone 8605 a alsop ljfor iked fresh meats of all kinds jits premier boneless bacon smoked haais pickled es mired piokltd purchase sheep 1 horse and 2attie wml all kinds bib- arket price paid ovt iniille phone 9701 yk 411 ja alsop jftand stoufiviue dupfville mill ids of dressed iliimb8r and par fcnjocialties is tss tfim see it ng your orders else c will please you anished in natural out painting b0ynt8n public health do we live to eat or eat to live unquestionably most people live to eat instead of eating to live how can we solve the prob lem of eating how can we de termine how the condition of in sufficient nutrition can be impro ved a doubling up of the reve nue of the home would quickly solve it but this is not always possible however there is an al ternative and that is to care fully consider the quality of the food consumed and determine whether or not the same amount of energy and repair could not be had from less expensive food la order to make suggestions along this line we arc forced to use terms that are more or less meaningless to the average lay mind for instance proteins car bohydrates and calories pro teins are flesh and tissueform ing foods e g the lean of meat the white of eggs tne curd or casein of milk and the gelatine in bone and sinews then there are the various forms of vege table proteins which are found most plentifully in beans and peas and in a less proportion in wheat oats corn etc these go to make muscle and to repair the used up tissue of the body carbohydrates include all starchy foods i e all the cereals rice potatoes bread macaroni corn also sugar in fact all these car bohydrates in the process of di gestion become converted into a form of sugar the carbohydra tes together with fats constitute the energy producing part of our foods the food we consume pro duces the heat andp ower for the human body or machine as gaso- jline does for the automobile and cpatfor- the engine but for the full nutrition of 1 the body we must add to these foods rich in mineral matter such as spinach lettuce cabbage cauliflower etc the term calorie as applied to food value means the heat pro ducing or energy producing pro perties of the food obviously then if we are going to have proper nutrition we must not only have a sufficient quantity of force giving constituents but al so have them in the right pro portion and properly cooked and from the standpoint of economy we should choose a combination of- foods that will give us maxi mum energy at minimim cost boy scouts a scouts duty is to be useful and to help others and he is to do his duty before anything else even though he gives up his own pleasure or comfort or safety i to do it when in difficufty when to know which of two things to do he must ask himself which is my duty that is which is best for other people and do that one he must be prepared at any time to save life or to help in jured persons and he must try his best to do a good turn to somebody every day tjcihei if a jvea ie jjndeftalgei if houic furniture win jtatn poles and picture nituro repairing iewcombe piano a rood 16000 in use today also singer sewing motorcar h dalton s m s d can ont earl byer frank burets percy booth clarence burkholder ernest crowin a harpor wtn maepheraon stanley lawr ross lewis chas nendick f d nfgluwander t ogden albert sutherland f sewell george vanzant lcn harris wm tovey stouffviiile carriage works cahr flbpa we repair carriages from a broken spoko te tho practical re- building of the oatriage no job is loo small or too largo for us our workmanship is thorough and wa use only the beet material obtainable in eur work when anything happens to your carriage give us at rial and let us prove to you that- we can do the work well phone 2112 jtfantlje watfqn 0ur clubbing rates the tbiblke and each of the following for one year daily globe 375 daily mail and empire 375 daily star 300 daily world s350 daily news 300 farmers magazine 175 farmers advocate 240 macleans magssine 200 fam herald and wkly str185 for sle one acre brtek house large barn fruit tine location three acres truit farm house and ixtru fine home five acres brick house cement stablim extra lootttion thirty acres with buildings low price sell quick 100 acres whitchurch qood buildings good land lee j yake jeweller and heal estate srouffville children cry for fletchers castor1a the universal oar new prices august 1st 1916 the following prices for ford cars will be effective on ant after august 1st 191g abel lan- jday the al- old ini- w- lice chassis 450 runabout 475 touring oar 495 ooupelet 695 town oar 790 sedan 890 fob ford ontario these prices are positively guaranteed against any reduce tion before august 1st 1917 but there is no guaranteea against an advance in price at any time ford motor co of canada el j5 button loal jsgenl t erivlic station firing line ofllflnl film lint tic of the somror urgent call for help again goes forth from the fflclhersands mighty life- ing agency the british eed cross the empire h called upon to give an saving agency here is a great work in which all can share the joint war committee of the british red cros3 society and order of st john is- the only institution which carries voluntary aid to the sick and wounded of the bitish forces on land and sea in every region of the niir thousands of lives of our bravest and its ave saved through this splendid work your sift may save a life isnt it worth doing give m- mi bay your red cross gift day give on october if ontarios princely gift in 1 0 i 3 of 151400 rang a clarion mercy call throughout tho empire the british red cross were grateful beyond measure and their appeal through iord iansdowne president now comes to us as to friends who sympathize and help the need is greater today than a year ago it is ever growing will ontario do less than she did last year ko give give a days pay give all you can give premier hearst has seen the work my visit to knglnnd and france lins aroused deeper appre ciation limn ever of the splendid work of the red cross it deserves every support and i trust the people of ontario will respond with their usual generosity to hid hritisli red cross appeal for october 10th hon w h hearst prime minister of ontario he gives twice who gives quickly your help is needed now tho motherlands only direct appeal to us for help in this great war is her great red cross mercy work ontarios response must and will be quick and generous give through the treasurer of your local committee or send your subscription to tho clerk of your munici pality or make it payable to hon t w mcgarry treasurer british red cross fund for ontario parlia ment buildings toronto dont let your stricken defenders call in vain but the red cross looks after the transportation of bick- and wounded it equips thousands of hospitals rest and convalescent homes it supplies countless requisites for hospital work clothing and other com forts over 2000 red cross motor ambulances are at work on the various fronts while rest stations hospital trains steamers and launches food for pri soners books special work for the blind etc etc are a few only of t red cross activities ie sick and wounded call for yelir help m on october 19th your gift will go entirely to the british red cross where again through much voluntary work the working expenses are cut down to cily 2 a x of the total revenue thus if you give 10 actually 977vi goes to the healing and saving of some stricken hero the expenses of the oniarlo committee advertising printing etc are being met entirely by the provincial government mr n w rowell kc brings a red cross message 1 bring a message of cheer to those who have relatives at the front and who fear they may he wounded i believe every thing human skill can do ihat human cure and sympathy can provide is being done and provided each day and each night throughout the year by the army medical corps niicl tho red cross it is n perfect marvel of efficiency mr x v nohihi kc leader of the opposition sac 6m- of a fhth f ham five l 1 the ading ender terms a app- jread ont ike ityonr hers hof1e mgpw belfabt and liverpool ive purchased to you llavo ry to say i got rad to pay when stood there a- ooda arc better bredad only 8 table if it hasnt at the table it o then i wish- had bouoht now all tilled up ill buv whore i id hay if the lord cnore will i roam hi ny dollars at 9b0l wouadrd in the trenches official llliu until a tii snmnw ather fv1llf y