ck wear blue frcat iilte man was- inspecting a certain smart frigate in his command he noticed dark stains on the cuffs of the midshipmen lined up for his scru tiny turning to the captain he asked what these stains were and was in- why his neat collar formed that as some midshipman or other was always at the masthead for punishment or to keep a good lookout they found the wind more than usually keen and their noses he- came damp as any selfrespecting nose would in such circumstances as the midshipmen had perforce to cling to their airy perches with both hands well cuffs came in exceedingly handy hence the stains whereupon the three buttons were ordered ias kows of tape isnt in scarlet uniform is due to the merest chance miliar blue serge uniform of sh navy is known and re- n every country in the world iven among the hundreds of of men who wear it know was derived only by the merest chance ailor was not clad in a gold- how british captives answered ked tunic of scarlet cloth scnussi tribesmen blue pantaloons for at the he was considering a uni- captam cwatky ithams has just ms as yet motleyclad sail- published an interesting account made funny faces news from england i black berli at present tl describing life in the hun capital today iitiatle spectacle when people line up on the streets for food there have lately been many re ports in the newspapers of the short- i her treast of news by mail from lands shores george ii had decided on the nineteen weeks spent by him and is character already had e survivors of his mw as prson- is been approved already of the scnussi in the libyan dert p o ii ulors hard at work on tbelscrt after his ship was torpe ed by f fljgj eho s 6d 1si8 indred uniforms destined f a german submarine in the mediter- of the kings own yacht ranean majesty taking a ride in j racial expression he says ap- happened to notice the i pears to be very limited among the bedford riding in a habit i arabs and i soon fell into the spirit tness and general spick- of the game by doing my tricks would be hard to beat which generally got us a more liberal answers i supply of food the tricks being no uecout blouse with a more than assuming an expression of e let in at the neck and hauteur superciliousness contempt or irt of the same material vanity these caused unfailing yells ill yet it immediately i of laughter and had to be many times march as about the most repealed and after displaying my uitable design it would find for his sailormen wifely sympathy a nice sight theyve made of y cr ad to shove yer nose over the trench i suppose to see wot was go in on you always was a noscy- parker from the passing show news by mail about john bull and 11is people occurrences in the iaml that reigns supreme in the com mercial world children attending oaklands school i ian well have raised 1500 for var ious war funds a memorial to lieutenant warne- ford lias been unveiled iu lironipton cemetery london by ierd derby wfco paid a tribute to the young avia- tors fcruvcrv ports i am able to substantiate sntv jvv vrted the death has occurred at oxford i returned from berlin a few weeks prospect though he in her s2id year of mrs max muller ago writes a girl who has been cxpst- widow of prof max muller i riated bv the cerman government in women are employed london answers the shopkeepers there are find yes tom that the family for manyis ed to your fathersjf who died in girlhood ricd he put it en that while i were it 1 other would last ll my finger until ycu1481 i shall then be prod her it is as you p value there was ro thocouf ige of food in germany and these re- j toms mother spekejj y neither had the ycunf physical laboratory i described as el ire- of duchess dress wed the king beckoned reached his side begged y said in those dead blushed deeply s lighting sailors in a that were surely ab- tured isted even offered to thing blouse skirt the duchess was a isnt she appreciated delicate compliment lying her and irarac- r home to change her happenings in the emerald isle interest to irish men two people were seriously injured in a railway accident which occurred i gold tooth tattooing medal ribbon strabane through two of the ear- and diary the show was considered j riages overturning finished and we were generally re- a settlement of the long standing warded with dates and milk in another place he says th arabs discussed removing his head as the best way of getting the goid tooth civilized dental treatment always aroused great interest in this land of perfect teeth and i well re member an occasion when lieutenant dispute and between cork ccal porters iterative than rs and the merchants has j i v in the process mealtime talk an egg becomes a complete food if jrice is added to it potatoeaters are restless humor- i ous vivacious but unstable i dried figs are more nourishing than an equal weight of bread half a pint of milk and half a pound of dates form a perfect meal monotony in food is detrimental to the best interests of the body porridgeeaters are said to become argumentative and opinionated persons apt to catch cold in the head catarrh etc should not eat much salt there is no greater stimulating re fortyseven at the national and their work cient during the past year the national physical laboratory has been employ ed almost entirely in government work vorite with the girls then a couple of j nellie came into his j a victim to her prettyycu manners and when they were engaged tojjth his mother did nf choice hut each time on leave lie fell more it more and more difficult to carry on their business on the one hand they are attacked by their customers who are justifiably angiy at the ex orbitant prices charged and on the middlesex war agricultural coin- ot hand t caimot obtain their v lovc aml kre ih mittee proposes to give instructions to stores from the wholesale dealers t vor ho eonsidenku women in milking at five centres ml r-ii- his divinity lit the county treason iilk the governors of the merchant again and agaiu wnen crowds of venturers technical college bristol housewives have been waiting for have decided to engage a teacher of hours in a queue for their weekly russian for next session quartedpound of butter i have seen a yorkshire farmer cmdlovfriei im uhi- ii l iwlv liornst i t0 becemi man anil wi then came the ordc ment to go abroad taking became to the i most a sacred rite a tumbler cf hot employing them break leose and in their disgust eight ladies on his holding of coo c and ioct tllc provision s hops acres says they will only work wheal t f t quarlcrs tlio westrcr is fin i a woman doctor dr m brady hasten ling ng up early in the morning 1 been appointed to take charge of the and on vv days they present a piti- baby clinic and infant welfare able spectacle many of them scheme under harrow council brought campstools and cans cf hot the measles epidemic at binning- 1 coffee and i heard the most treason- ham is decreasing fresh eases re- able sentiments expressed against the jcently in one week numbering 231 imperial house against 03 in the previous week j at time a fow wcsks at lille nov- beer arrived mr james harden nephew cf mr scott station master at balivuahinch has been awarded the french croix th our is wasted de guerre fcr meritorious service at anaemic persons should cat spin- verdun i ach leeks yolk of egg beef and ap- iluudreds of dependents of men pies as all of these contain iron old age is rarely attained by furlough far into the night i talking earnestly with dangers that lay before made her promise to lo she is all the world t just as much as you if by any chance you rj my death i want you that ring so that in iu our lives may be bound will wont you dearest there was no resistii inr and the woman fe pmplete the compara- irments and a sailor she yacht for a fit- it has been stated at the lcc u r that no more firemen can be spared a was fetching lreemorks a of bakir bred for the army without seriously iir- pound and dunrggi lkiecvoi ng 1 i tv fi voio nf perilling the efficierev of the brigade pound and dripping about the same ii uk ot inc 001 four austraiiai oldiers j cheap- figure the most inferior parts of j promise anvthing to mak tide saw the loid mayor who shook meat were priced at about two shill- hard to bear and lnus with them at the mansion per pound and the prime parts j her v 0 honor i f ueutcol a st hill gibbons open markets at from j it was not until he ha tanner put the whole of our guards now with the forces were recently ent old age is rarely attained by the kings liverpool regiment the well- th to four shillings per pojnd some time that she beg to light by opening his mouth and tertaitied at roebuck demesne luna- excessive feeder moderation and known biggame hunter and explorer w pf was bsouiteiy unprocur- tjiat she had are factors in long liv- has been called to the colors and ble the general opinion is that the promise nellie did passed for garrison duty there is no necersity for these outrage- 1 to be as circumspect as n thoii a i returns for the ous prices ari indeed the police have been with her lover 12 months endins march last year president of munich has expressed the thought of her sacrc how himself very forcibly on the subject 1 longing to the wife of ai i 1 denouncing the wholesale merchants as it would be if tom lost 1 ous of them in england half a pound of pea flour taken resolutions in favor of a stricter j as shameless crowd of vampres and nellie manywas he military hospital victoria bar- with a pint and a half of milk would censorship of cinema pictures have i wo meatless days had to be observ- pleasing without saying racks belfast were entertained to a supply all the essential ingredients been adopted by the birmingham ed every week and as fish was very mother went so far as to barrie mp letting fall his upper plate of false i by mr hugh t v dl and mrs barrie t 1- 1 i lj th strokestcwn police recently here is his description of the arab he 0 a lcc m etiquette of eating dates and milk agen and seized a large ouahtitv or the large wooden bowl of milk j ballads having reference to the recent j goes from hand to hand and you may rebellion in dublin delivered the tailors on drink it with a loud indrawing i qver forty wounded soldiers from of the breath an exhausting process but equalizing the amount you all get si in his secret heart dates you eat as fast as you can id him to the palace stoning them with one hand all the idden fom vulgar j time and it is de rigeiir to throwback j templehouse lake countv sligo mr jr with alhis tools the debris in the bowl i broke my j tim healy ballymoto landed a pike best tooth trying to eat fast enough which measured four feet nine inches mg the value of vegetables lies mineral salts vegetables should be h jus bsjn compietedj steamed not boiled or the salts are that i claims were made m drive and a picnic by the ladies of the west belfast uvf nursing so- 1 ciety while fishing with hook and lino in the court be iulsed with laughter vreat herculean sail- lirt v was equal to the of a days food a banana is of food value because of the large amount of sugar it con tains the fat in an ordinary banana is only g parts the sugar 89 tea coffee and cocoa all ewe their the front and e he ordered and on the inner side of phicked the needles jg model and when at lplcted the first real- lish manowars man he glory of his uni- f was immediate and loose trousers were the sailor for they d well over the knee as flying about as sea for my share but never had a chance in length and weighed 35 pounds i stimulating and refreshing effects to though among my fellowprisoners i j the school children of kinawley an active principle contained in them had at one time been very unpopular parish diocese of kilmore collected all the drug caffeins or one of its on account of the rate at which 1 1 dun the m of june 1s09 eggs i which were forwarded to the various the e used in our bodics fol saflors woued 0lders and the work of circulation respiration vptefj foan of canower co gal- digestion and keeping up the tern- way connatisht hangers has been j p is equal in one day to rais- magistrates and two women inspec tors of films have been appointed mr neville chamberlain has con sented to accept the position of lord mayor of birmingham for the second year his father mr j chamberlain held the office for three years 1s73- 76 bolted my food shoes you always took off and hats you always kept on this an noyed me much in bed where my feet were cold and my head hot but there was no appeal good report on crops c n r tribute to britains navy german rural women to share food vith those in towns adolph von batocki president of the german food regulation board the lying about as it j has issued an appeal to the women of society resolutions were passed pre a and in subtle rllra germany to divide their food testing against the decision of tin the feminine originator the upper part of the died a frock to this suit that tssvhk as only the blue of the trimmings day sailor wears t the collar means nee the neat collar with tape is quite a recent in- nd like most naval things with the women and children of the towns and cities herr von batocki in his appeal says that the harvest this year is in gen- awarded the dcm in mesopotamia for holding a line of- trenches against the turks after he had been wounded and his officer had been shot kncckmore house a fine old man sion situate about four miles from cork tne residence of mrs wilson has been completely destroyed by fire the inmates having a very nar row escape from suffocation at a meeting of the committee of brandonvale cooperative dairy pro- e at a mg government to lake up wool price much under market value sharp encounters between police and civilians have occurred at gal- wav during cattle drives rifles in oral abundant and that the cattle many instances were taken from he have recovered from the effects of the i police and one sergeant was so badly fodder scarcity of last winter which beaten with his own rifle that his life was caused by the failure of crops is despaired of last year at the meeting of the dublin muni- but with the maintenance of pro- ci comicil it was decided that the 1 i ii i s i- i town clerk taue the necessary steps duction he adds all is not done i he incornorauon cf add the product must be rightly distribut- arca of nontarf rjfumcondia and rigm in a strictly utihtar- p to those who require it millions glasnevin and the new kilmainham of soldiers are engaged in the hard- j wards in the city parliamentary re- cst kind of warfare they must be presentation well and abundantly fed hundreds j according to the report issued by receives statements from western agents a report upon the condition of the crop in western canada that is gen erally optimistic in character was re ceived at the head office of the can adian northern railway the other day it is made up of detailed state- ri 1 it iii it aisva ments from all the station agents the latter can be heard manj miles j aiog gom b tlous farther than the fcrmer j miles of the canadian northern sys- 2800 tons one foot high thunder v guns scarce and eggs were at such a price as to be only within the reach of the wealthy feeding on these days was a problem cant afford to wash not only was thero a lack of provi sions but all articles of clothing were fetching absured prces since the gov ernment have forbidien the looms to manufacture any material except that required by the military i found it almost impossible to get my boots re paired owing to the scarcity of leath er and whan at last the job was done i was charged about six shillings most of the german houses present a very bare and disordered appear ance just now as metal of every kind has been seized by the authorities and during the great battle of verdun tem situated in manitoba saskatch- the german people were very ford of ewan and alberta there areof decorating their oors stoves books the roar of artillery was said to be course contained it brief gum and ornaments with brass and copper audible in holland over a hundred i m of tne damage to the growing plaques miles away and the runs of flanders grain from rust and other causes in the question of soap too is caus- ask tom to release her fr misc two days after the lette her son was reported mi old ladys heart was very hearing the news but against hope that he mig heard of as though to pc self that he was yet alive not be induced to put on until actual official notice her of his death nellie on the other han more pessimistic view at would appear so from tit handsome mourning in wh soon decked herself out the girl played the pari hearted swecthe very w the affection arwympat other khakiclad boys as cally raised her eyes to t soon came the official tom had died of wounds afterwards one of his c ed to deliver the messa i died happily for his have often been heard in rent eng- southern manitoba and southeastern jng much anxiety among the house land j saskatchewan and also indications wives a small cake of common soap but it is a most remarkable fact that the hail has played havoc with costin in ordinary times twopence 0 m other woi f is nl- j tlillf l s5 being priced at about eightpence as f hear that although any great roa spia- leas tolie ntfult the laundries are charging has never been heard fourteen miles wjtu norma weather until the liar- high prices for their work in which from the flash and some of the sever normal weather vest is completed the territory they use inferior and cvilsnelling est thunderstorms of late years were through which the majority ot the soap inaudible seven miles away lines of the company run will proj everywhere in the city one saw em- it is interesting and often comfort- duce almost as large a percentage of pty shops closed restaurants and ing during thunder to be able to as- highgrade grain as was the case last hotels alld wock upon block of vacallt certain the distance of the focus of ye the storm which as far as personal i laki ule 1 as a whoie had been confirmation lovers death she reme had told her she was t and thought it would on her finger so she dole with the mother suggested that it wa of thousands lie wounded in the hos- 1 the belfast flax supply association the sight of the flash and the sound of successfully produced on the e in nelsons day and ords sailors wore their cues which hung down their ow as the sailor has always rchasc his own uniform ease with which the hair had an unhappy knack clothes and thereby depl ore of ready cash he evolved l who t w their mothers can of blue jean cloth which hung 1 not give them necessary food and serge and took all the grease thc parents then lose the strength teh had also the advantage 0 j and courage for work heap and readily washed it restrictions everywhere are neccs- however receive its three sarv and a t more necessary the f tape until after the death of j longer the war lasts these restric- when some means to keep his tions must be increased for rural amous victories alive in naval households anyone living on the was sought w consumes even half a litre iconc had a happy thought and of milk or a quarter of a pound more iree rows of tape one for the of butter or even an egg more than is y of copenhagen when nelson absolutely necessary sins against the danger is concerned is all that mat ters this can be done by remember ing that sound travels at the re to of about 1125 feet a second if therefore the interval between than it has ever been since grain was thev wel nevertheless repeated at 4 r- i rlinnnccfllllo linilliirl rtn flirt want a lasting peace but german savants insist on crease of empires donations headed by professor von wilamo miles and if a minute thirteen miles a distance at which thunder is very seldom heard j it may be safely concluded that if r any appreciable time elapses between j flash and sojnd the danger is not im minent the long rumble of thunder is caused by the longstrackthelightn be i fended several meetings j was in hc possessioi areas lying to the north of an imagin- held in the unter den linden by the 1 sec lo ary line drawn from winnipeg due extreme socialists for the purpose of a y said she want west expect almost a normal crop hut denouncing the war al although g n the not as heavy a yield as that of 1915 such meetings were immediately i v seemed to be wheuthe acreage was soinucli water charged and dispersed by the military pm as b so much ostentatioi cere she hardly 11st america s was able to re arked difference in tei as on a m people towards the which is it her had many opporl- fulfil her promise t unifies of seeing the crown princess run the risk 0 and her suite in the tiergarten the as sacred falling hyde park of berlin but people j others unworthy yieldreducing conditions gold cord a war peril heavy losses of officers caused by badges of rank one of the earliest lessons of the hardly bothered to turn their hca is to look at them during the early months of the war the fiercest invective was reserved for the british but a curious change has fatherland an organization will be created in order to buy up all butter beginning of the war eggs vegetables etc that can be lis- part as follows pensed with in the country and use i we did not take the sword in eyed orders and retrieved a lost the second for the battle of the which saved britain from inva- by napoleon and the third for battle of trafalgar when the smashed for ever britains rivals jie sea symbolise to the man in street as well as to the man in fleet the greatest seaman of old and as a sign of the navys pctual mourning for its idol the cksilk handkerchief one square rd of silk is knotted about the ck of the sailorman to this day there is one more instance of uni- rm which is traditionally ascribed admiral nelson and it happens to johnny the precisian c the only part of an officers uni- johnny said a mother as she orm to whish one can tack any looked at her son distrustfully some caning and that these rather one has taken a large piece cf cake the three buttons which each mid- out of the cake box in wears on the front of his johnny reddened guiltily shame on you said his mother i didnt think it was in you i c three buttons well mother was- the feeble re- goes i doiiot vouch for ply it isnt all in me part of it is in at ne day when the elsie j- 1 iiii ii umiuiig point of v reading in about five scconds between the first losses among them the lesson was t not necessarily conclusive sounds that strike your ears and the i earned and now it has become so ihem to feed the army and the poorer families in the big towns little can be accomplished by force or by continual increase in prices which have already become ex orbitant for many of the poorer fami lies only through rational spontan eous patriotic cooperation of the rural population can the object be attained hands for purposes of conquest now that we have had to draw it we will not cannot and must not put it back in the scabbard without having ob- j last looks not everything mr goodkatch your sister looks tained a peace which our enemies also good enough to cat will be compelled to keep but this small brother so docs her cook- peace cannot be won without the in- j ingbut gee whiz crease of our power and without the difficult at the front to identify an of ficer that a salute is overlooked on this ground there seems however a chance save fruit pits in germany the german war nutrition com mittee in berlin issued a proclamation with her till she would pass lo a the problem i what would our in the old lad answers choked i australia havir carrier the austral- chase of fifteo england to beg monwealtli in extension of the area in which our will will decide over war and peace for this we must have secure pledges and real guarantees commenting on the manifesto the vienna arbcitcrzeitung a socialist organ remarks all these professors may be quite capable persons in their own special subjects but this talk of theirs is injurious and fcolish tall patience and hard work are the i parents of skill the burglcrs call burglar just acquitted to his law yer i will drop in soon and sec you lawyer very good but in the day time please an old bachelor im going to be married soon how old arc you eighteen you will surprise people i yes i guess so i dont know jwhst my bachelor chums will say that this danger is being revived by j sa every oie who has felt the trallan wheat the regulations making the wearing scarcity of fats and oil in a disagree- far towards s of chevrons obligatory these chev- a way on his own body as we all steamers hav- rons are in the form of an inverted have will not permit the pits of fruits of 120000 to v and are worn on the right arm be- to he wasted ten cherry stones yield they can ma tween the elbow and shoulder to de- enough fat for soap to wash ones each to euro note that the wearer has been wound- hands and faco one hundred cherry year and tl ed and on the left to show the length st0 enough oil for a goodly portion 9000000 busl of time he has been at the front one saiuj t hod cross and schools of the cercalj showing one year of active service i are gathering wellwashed and dried here two for eighteen months they are of peaches apricots plums and australia worn in all sorts or material and the actual cash value of this bushels of k colors officers wearing them in gold j collection is turned over jcclnning ff and silver when worn on leave or to charitable purposes therefore dul l eoliecfyour fnntstoncs allow noth- ing to be wasted not he she if you had 1000000 what wouh you do the first year ho i wouldnt live that lofg n good point but at the front they draw upon their wearers the same danger thai badges of rank formerly did fl the worst man is sometimes cap able to giving the best arlvice rroeo is road ynrdsj next wheat to further j the go steamers with gratl ment off has long