Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), September 14, 1916, p. 2

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are in possession of whole german second line ition enormously superior to that cf the enemy on other side of watershed markets of the world tch from at it po- london says fight to seize the high ridgi b the war correspondent feres and t the eastwards it was lt r i t i u i difficult to take and difficult to hold n the daily telegraph k cost was not nt british advance says xhey have now gained the crest of sufficiently realized that i the ridge and even if the offensive is y important gain the j brought to a dead halt which it wont uillemont and the ground j be the position for the winter is en- given the british the j ormously superior to that of the ger- german second line i mans on the other side of the water- sh troops had an uphill i shed prepare more gains y clearing away n trenches rom paris says the ared the way for the eir offensive south of jvhile their artillery jjjrer was busy prepar- j trenches for further c south of the river ueeze to the pincers ji closing on the ger- j attack is against i which is an ex- nt village situated 2 hill that dominates ts the little plateau berl where the ger rd large collections j ies berny-en-san- etres from villers- and fourfifths e somme is at the t ri6 of deep ravines 1 mmc and turning to ensure fitness of men enlisting age limit to be enforced and unfit applicants rejected a despatch from ottawa says new regulations arc being provided for ensuring the fitness of men ac cepted for service in the expedition ary force recruiting officers are to be required to make certain that men entering the force are within the age limits and medical officers will also be called upon to exercise great care against tho admission of unfit men a recruit will be examined first by the local medical officer at the place of enlistment and on reaching the mobilization centre he will be reex amined by a medical board after he is finally attached for overseas ser vice if there is any doubt as to his condition he may be reexamined on request by the medical officer steps are being taken also to keep some sort of record of men rejected for un fitness probably by obtaining from 3readstuf3 toronto sjt j2- manitoba wheat xo 1 northern j173 no 2 jo 171 no 2 do ixh on track llay hrts manitoba oats no 2 cvv 5fcc no 3 cm 57c entra no i feed 57c no 1 leed 561c on track kay ports american corn no 3 yellow ysic on track toronto ontario oats xevr no 2 ivhite 52 to 54c no 3 d o 51 to 53c according to freights outside ontario wheat no 1 commercial fl22 to 124 no 2 do si is to 5120 xo 3 do 111 to 116 according to freights outside new crop no 2 s12s to 130 peas xo 2 200 to 210 nomlal ac cording to freights outside barley malting barley s5 to 90c no minal feed barley so to s3c nominal according to freights outside buckwheat nominal according to freights outside i itye xo 2 new 115 to 117 xo 1 commercial nominal according to freights outside manitoba hour first patents in jute hags s40 second patents in jute bags 790 strong bakers in jute bags 770 toronto ontario flour new winter accord ing to sample 560 to 570 nominal in hags track toronto prompt shipment new 550 to 560 nominal hulk sea board prompt shipment millfced car lots delivered montreal freights bags included bran per ton 2s shorts per ton 29 middlings per ton 30 good feed hour per bag 225 hay xew xo 1 per ton 10 to 12 xo 2 9 to 960 on track toronto straw car lots per ton c to 7 on track toronto peaches vhilv till vi buiiiiiit i i sler the german gun i such men signed cards certifying to oak lnce by the french j their rejection this is for the pur- so the atiifani pose of preventing men once rejected from applying at other places a com mon practice lanion ld be disastrous an1 it would make it s them to with- in addition the isanterre great- king deniecourt is now three- jvill be wf flenck i admiral of august urg has memoratei london says tutland bainrst two weeks series coae british army in the pressl702 wounded ntends to ffl of 2s06 this nd the entince the begin- jhe medals 922 officers of manages i killed or died commemoided and 2800 achievement fortnight six a elizabetfc killed at of tho izabsojodies gold ann soldiers n may fc um thf says pn j says cauca- t therel of ognott ut nothi an hifiict- h of mej the enemy in country produce wholesale butter fresh dairy choice 30 to 31c inferior 24 to 2ge creamery prints 35 to 37c solids 34 to 35e kggs newlaid 31 to 32c do in cartons 35 to 3sc beans 450 to 5 the latter for hand- picked cheese xew large 19j to 20c twins 193 to 20ic triplets 20 to 20jc dressed poultry chickens 25 to 27c fowl is to 20c live poultry chickens is to 20c fowl 14 to 16c potatoes jerseys per bag 250 school building at portage la prairie ontnrios 235 to 210 british col- han was laid aueiisr 1 umbla kose per bag 2 j new bruns- q from the middle west between ontario and tish columbia bki items from provinces where many ontario boys and girls ar livini indians at fort la come sask will trenches tenanted by dead killed by the fumes of gas frightful effects of the new russian gas shell is shown in the recent fighting from erins 6 to you in the w but be sure news by mail v on shredded lands shoeiscuii with cream ation that ensures happenings in the emion health and interest to irpr the day s work mcn meat and kitchen major john carton m- serve this ready- ster regiment of glenjiole wheat food ary has been killed in at l ivmt tho death has occurinotjest itult uut arthur thornton farrelljjia f the up year a wellknown port vk v citor 5 t mi who wisne the regulation under rt xl in dublin requiring the r i indoors between midnight has now been withdrawn ryl limerick corpoi tho u a despatch from petrograd says the recent attack at svinjuchi 20 miles southeast of vladimir volynski was heralded by a dramatic incident harvest over 15000 bushels of grain this year wtalonet tn eas tssst 1 i j5 alberta p the teutons were treated an honor roll of the civic employees i iiberai to the new russian gas shell will be placed in the civic block at edmonton the cornerstone of a fine new wlek cobblers per haff 2 honey extra tine quality 1011 tins per lb 113c colb tins per lb 101c provisions wholesale t5acon long clear is to lsac per lb hams medium 24 to 26c do heavy 22 to 23c rolls 19 to 20c breakfast bacon 52 to 27c niproved business condi tions are reported at regina fourteen new elevators are being put up by alberta farmers about 1000 vacant lots have been cultivated in calgary thh year at carlyle lake sask last week the austrian fire was suddenly silenced the russians pushing for ward found the trenches tenanted only by dead grimly grotesque fig ures lying or leaning evidently killed instantly by tho fumes of the gas the number of austrians who thus perished is several hundred thursday morning there was a five- hour artillery preparation by two oclock in the afternoon three lines of securo recruits to fill the va teuton trenches had been captured along a front of 20 miles three thousand prisoners many of them germans have arrived at lutzk passed a resolution against the bill in favor j r time for great britain iino the congested district the quarter sessions ij mon obtained decrees a number of tenants who fai their annuities by the breaking of a ji ncction with a crane whic work at aughamaddock stradbally a man named instntly killed an effort is about to be no hasty end to the war another year before full pressure is exerted on germany the london times military expert boneless backs 2i to 29c cooked ham 35 to 37c lard pure lard tierces 1 tubs 171 to 17jc imils 17 compound 14 to 14jc backs plain 2c to sumnier visitors witnessed an oldtime j in optimistic review of tho present powwow by indians of the reserve milltarv situation points out his to 173c to l3e the crv of a baby in a winnipeg i reisons for believing that the war is house frightened away a burglar who not yet near lts end and discusses the had torn a screen door from its hinges i armn of tlu allied armies for the and entered campaigns of 1917 and 1918 a soldier of the 175th battalion at l 0ur in the field says rs 3 6 sarcee camp sask sneezed so hard h wrlter d0t jt adequate since r t roke a limb and had to be u does iot 6 annihilating preponderance which is necessary for victory next spring having com- british trade grows montreal markets montreal sept 12 oats canadian western no 2 extra no 1 feed 54c flour manitoba spring patents firsts ss50 seconds s00j taken to hospital strong bakers 7s0 winter patents onlv 541 recruits were silrnprt in choice 750 straifrht rollers sc90 to vifczll ja v s dieted our own sunnhps wn enn oof t s720 straiitht roifers bass s3 25 to the winnipeg district during the first i our supplies w can set to s3 10 rolled oats barrels 505 bass two weeks in august this is the t0 arm kuss1a with a will wo can fit out tho armies of 1917 and 1918 by exports increased in august about 75000000 a despatch from london says figures given out on thursday by the british board of trade for the month of august show that imports during the month were increased by 6710- 000 while the exports were increased euirtev ioa by 15281000 the principal in- creases in imports were cotton 3- 000000 and oils seeds and fats 2- 250000 the export increases were made up principally of manufactured articles of these cotton textiles in creased 3000000 iron and steel 2- 500000 and coal 1500000 10 lbs 290 bran 2o shorts 2 middlings s29 mouilie s31 to s34 hay no 2 per ton ear lots sll to 13 cneese finest westerns 103c to 20c l finest easterns 10j to 10sc butter choicest creamery 343 to 35c seconds 333 to 34c kkks fresh 37c selected 35c no 1 stock 30c no 2 stock 27c began winnipeg- trrain winnipeg sept 12 cash quotations wheat so 1 northern s1g48 no 2 northern 102 no 3 northern si 575 no 4 si 193 no 5 1422 oats no i veedv loll sl i ns 2 ill i mor con inuhendugi 3 so no 4 s3 rejected t0 supply the daily demand poorest record since the war iii march 4863 signed hay that cut four feet in length has been sent to calgary from the south west of the province of alberta the customs revenue during the month of july 1916 at edmonton shows an increase of nearly 20000 over the month of july 1915 there is approximately 12000 tons of coal in calgary at the present time 134 no flax no w s1s1 1 n w c roumania has seized many teuton factories a despatch from vienna to the ex change telegraph company london says the roumanian government has seized the austrian and german fac tories in roumania as well as indus- trial and financial establishments of the flcejt of ognott we i the central powers and four large until j soldiers terribly j petrol companies the roumaen- 1 commks to the west ische krcditbank and the banque gen- med armored motor erale roumaine have been taken over f had iks from the vil- by the bucharest government afteij region of chuk- memo furits t thiflow sndes are small pf- o guelph savs ke in the united states markets minneapolis sept 12 wheat sep tember 1603 no 1 hard s1g7j no 1 northern slgl no 2 northern 1573 to si 023 cornno 3 yellow 841 to s55c oats no 3 white 453 to 452c flour unchanged bran 21 to 22 duluth sept 12 wheat no 1 hard slgs no 1 northern 106 to 167 no 2 northern 102 to si 03 linseed on track and to arrive 2025 septem ber s2012 nominal october 2025 asked november 203a asked dec ember 202i nominal a shotgun in the hands ofhis nine- yearold brother accidentally dis charged caused the deatluari hour later of albert detburnerrrtged five the two boys are sons of a farmer living fifteen miles from watrous sask cadet sergt dalton mcwilliams the best boy shot in the british empire was taken to the general hospital in calgary dangerously ill with cerebro spinal meningitis in calgary several small lads were accused of rifling a magistrates homo of electric light fixtures for the benefit of an unlicensed junk dealer a ruthonian convention atsask- aeroilane plant at berlin wrecked a despath from london says the destruction of a large aeroplane fac tory at adlerhof near berlin is re- agricultural j ported in despatches received from sijlitions throughout j copenhagen an explosion wrecked rftfe encouraging cs- the structure which then burned ten military aeroplanes were destroyed no ons was killed xive stock markets toronto sept 12 choice heavy steers ss25 to ss5 good heavy n n uj steers s00 to ss10 butchers- cattle i at00n of hundred delegates sent good 750 to 790 do medium 700 the duke of connaught a message af- firming the loyalty of the uutlienians in canada aib roots and beans ips are not getting t they should po- 14 half a crop the sher is interfering jail the farm plots a thing their sys- n protects them film this cause but r ith flmusement tax i toronto stys ac- v t w mcgarry rer the amusement j bringing in so far i000 a month this ectations and some isat in the winter tjry will benefit to extent the treas- u the time the grad- itcd was that the an- jm this source would parents sad affliction lost three children within a couple of days a despatch from vancouver says mr and mrs w p bosunworth of north vancouver buried their infant daughter tuesday and on wednesday saw the lifeless bodies of their other two children six and eight years tak en from the bathing beach at english bay war will end by march says the prophet wells a despatch from paris says the 715 do common 000 to 015 butchers bulls choice 725 to 750 do good bulls 640 to so 50 do rough bulls si 50 to ssoo butchers cows calgary bank clearings for the past choice 650 to so 75 do s000 to week were 4191906 for the cor- stovkers ob tol5o week of last year they choice feeders dehorned 030 to 700 j were 2535900 eanners and cutters s350 to 426 a twoyearold tot at reeina npirli milkers choice each 7000 to 9000 i wi g cacll do com and mod each s4000 to 6000 as left by its mother for a few mo- springers 5000 to 9000 light ewes ments and when the latter returned 765 to s35 sheep heavy 535 spring iambs per calves good to choice do medium 900 to 1000 hogs fedturc and watered 1175 to s11s5 do a gold mining boom is starting in uu m i210 winnipeg and manitoba a numbed of montreal sept 12 butchers steers rich gold strikes have been made in i fl1 medium what is known as tho rice lake dis- 550 to 6 per cut butchers cows tri 1nn m n ixm good 6 to 650 fair 550 to 575 trlcl aoout i00 mies n0 of winnl- common 4 to 5 eanners 350 to peg 375 cutters 375 to s450 butchers the edmonton city dairy has re- favtolif eatm fti0 to c word that the buuer exfibus which must in the end crush the most frantic efforts of the central powers and as we can last so long or longer if necessary we can be satisfied with nothing but the complete satisfaction of our demands tho allies will end the war as such formidable military so superabundantly supplied with veterans and material that failing some gross negligence on the part of our governments during the peace parlejs germany will never be able to face a war atin in our time many soldiers firmly believe the politicians will sell out in the end but this opinion is certainly- wrong for theforce of public opinion behind the war is now so strong that the pub lic would think nothing of taking all the members of the government and hanging them in a row if they showed any inclination to throw away at the peace parleys the fruits of our stu pendous war efforts good average crop in canadian west superintendent of immigration says conditions are not bad a despatch from ottawa says w d scott superintendent of immigra tion who has returned from his an nual visit to the western provinces thinks that the crop will average well although conditions vary not only as between provinces but in each pro vince conditions said mr scott are not at all bad though in some parts the yield is light especially in southern manitoba and parts of sas katchewan it depends upon cultiva tion and early seeding prices are good i was told in the west that mnw there would be 165000000 bushels of the ulster division and a party from the army is si pected in belfast the tramway and elect partment of belfast corpor give next year 63400 to eral purpose committee fo lief of city rates having served for 25 yea b division of the dublin j tan police constable john a native of kings county tired from the force considerable damage was by a serious fire that broke the bleaching and finishing v muckamore belonging to t street flax spinning co at cork assizes michael l baker was sentenced to death murder of mr oconnor ho prietor milltown county kei the night of dec 20th last at a meeting of the dublin politan police force held in t national foresters hall a re was accepted expressing disa ment at the smallness of the g war bonus belfast corporation refus accept mrs mcmordie councillor was in bombardment bird stays on nest through period of heavy shellfire a british staff officer writes a blackbirds nest with three young birds in it was found in the acc ruins of a village which had been cap tured by us some days previously wheat there is plenty of labor for j mayoress as a the harvest the farmers having ask- ground that the electors ha ed for 40000 men and having secured given a mandate for the admiss 37000 in the firstresponse speak- women to the corporation ing of immigration mr scott said mr john briston command that americans of a good class were the belfast volunteer defence a body which for over a year been helping the military by ing docks etc has been com ed by the military authorities the lady mayoress of belf received a letter from lady st james palace conveying pression of his majestys high a despatch from ottawa says ciation of the gonerpgift taking up land in the west revenue for five months eightyfour millions as compared with sixty millions last year canadas revenue for the first five belfast to the queeijsfary months of the fiscal year aggregates 84000000 as compared with g0- 000000 in the same period of last year expenditure on ordinary pub lic works is down by 2000000 and on 500000 capital outlay on railways declined by 3- 000000 to this extent the heavier tliis particular village is situated war and pension expenditure will be practically right on the old german j offset front lino and thus the old bird must heavy 450 to she found tho baby iloating in water 1056 to 12 00 six feet deep but unhurt by its adven- havo sat on its nest during the whole of the preliminary bombardment and retrieved his name bulls 6 5 sheep 6 to 7c per pound lambs 94 to loac per pound calves milkfed 8 to 9c per lb grassfed 5c jyor lb hogs selects 1175 to 12 roughs and mixed lots 10 to 1125 cows 975 to 1000 all weighed off cars german army staff highly optimistic a tlespatch from amsterdam says a telegram received here from ber lin says that in view of the forthcom ing convocation of the reichstag there was held on tuesday a confer ence between chancellor von beth- mannhollweg and the party leaders the chancellor declared that field marshal von hindenburg chief of the i general staff and general von lud- i endorf the field marshals chief of rrdr tr reel that the military situa- the subsequent terrific fighting everything around the nest was smashed to atoms sent by the company to vancouver exhibition have all been awarded first prizes there was keen competition citizens of the hamlet of senlac jre taking steps with a view to securing ing the government for starting the incorporation as a village senlac is war accusing speculators of corner- situated on the wetaskiwin lino of ing food and urging the masses to re- german socialists fighting the war circulate leaflet urging the masses to refuse to support struggle a despatch from london says german socialists are circulating an antiwar leaflet asserting that tho germans are slowly starving blam november and the war will end by march this statement was made on thursday by ii g wells the fam ous british writer who has just re turned from the french and italian fronts success at verdun ids a mile of trenches ermans including six officers were made prisoners by gen joffres troops- rom paris says gen chapiire to chenois it was in this struck a powerful sector that the germans came nearest day on the verdun to effecting a serious breach in the crmnn trenches on a verdun defences the french captur- e captured in a storm- cd 280 prisoners including six of- livercd from vaux- ficers tion was favorable it was said there was no thought of raising the age limit of liability for military ser vice confidence was expressed in the success of the new war loan german mail service by zeppelin to u s a despatch from chicago says two double zeppelins unarmed and each with a carrying capacity of co tons have been built in germany to carry mail between berlin and the united states according to statements here by morris epstein agent of the ger manamerican alliances who return ed from europe on tuesday they are so constructed said epstein that they can rise higher than any aeroplane and thus escape hostile aviators they also can descend to the water and travel there under their own power the cpr near the alberta boundry returns received at the department of education of saskatchewan reveal the fact that 142 students from high schools and collegiate institutes in the province enlisted for active servlco last year the largest quota came from the saskatoon collegiate where 42 enlisted imperial effort to aid restoration a despatch from london says dr 1 w robertson of ottawa has crossed to france as canadian dele gate to the agricultural relief of the allies fund he will visit the ravag ed areas tho duke of portland has a scheme for the whole empire mak ing a joint effort to lend assistance for the rehabilitation of these lands in belgium france and sorbin at the conclusion of hostilities by the pro vision of seed implements and money fuse to support the war germans to resume uboat warfare a despatch from london says it is asserted in naval circles here that german submarine activity in the english channel and in the mediter ranean indicates that germany will shortly resume her submarine war fare by gallant conduct a despatch from london says an interesting story of a retrieval of lost character is contained in the an nouncement of the reinstatement of lieutcolonel elkington to the com mand of the warwickshires this of ficer had a south african war record and was courtmartialled and cash iered in september 1914 his of fence was not stated he then join ed the ranks of the french foreign legion and now has been reinstated for gallant conduct work guild a stained glass window to the memory of the late drew reid kcb and la by brigadiergeneral rei cmg their only son has b cated in st anns church d the bishop of cork the death has occurred at dence campsee house 0 dr il b fleming one of known medical practitioner county tyrone for 39 yeai the position of medical offi the omagh board of guard a petition bearing the of over 115000 persons has sented to the house of co the right hon robert mp for north belfast a the prohibition of the m and sale of intoxicating 1 the period of the war advertising agency changes name the firm of j walter thompson co limited with offices at toronto new york london and paris an nounce a change of name to smith denne and moore limited the change is one of name and ownership only as the principals have been in charge of the business for some time before jam 1 brussiloff british aviators smasii foe sub a despatch from amsterdam says british airmen bombarded and de stroyed a german submarine in zcc- bruggc harbor then returned safely to their base at dunkirk according to reports received in amsterdam on wednesday the great russian general is equally confident of the final result of the war a despatch from london says writing from a town in southern russia george ii mewcs says in a despatch to the daily mirror in company with stanley wash burn i recently motored to the head quarters of gen brussiloff who re- soldiers of france for his recent suc cesses he gave a j the credit to the russian soldier washburn asked the general if warsaw would be retaken this year he replied yes why not we havei settled thsj brussflolt has implicit faith in the russian soldier last year he re ceived us he talked to us for nearly treated owing to the lack of muni- an hour i tions he is as confident of the ulti- the fighting at verdun he said mate result as he is now of warsaw filled him with admiration for the i being retaken this year all portugal und called vast field of us by war ministcjjj portugal is today a yp manoeuvres said majoh mattos in a recent intervj correspondent of the pajf portugal being in a stnsltn with germany and austij cd major mattos wants in the war in the most and in a fraternity of ai we are preparing v forces to take this diroclfjcf fight the mobilization was received with entx 4 has not developed one we are continuing to rilyll first concern was for ttj ri of the staffs we havq lw 1500 officers and thii- vr be increased by tho coivcij has just taken place cvizhfir from 18 to 30 years ofliuiug condition to bear a form a corps of milittlllcij as to our troopsv n r through our garrison hit our military camps iy prfip you will sec our rottj sldd in intensive fnsha refill f tlv munitions our efforp v1i great part- of our na jtl in the irejejriee of the w we havelscttled the ii v- of transports and tftlk wllst we will be ready adelaide it is surprising hi man can find to doj want to do i

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