Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), August 24, 1916, p. 2

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i s french offensive on somme shows masterly steady gains being made while losses in operations have been reduced to minimum gi e a despatch from paris says the operations on the somms on wednes day were merely a detail of the offen sive and of only local bearing a ijlgh military officer explained to the associated press but significance is derived from the fact that the ger mans did not counterattack as usual never before have they failed to re act when successfully attacked and their failure to do so in this case is either a sign of weakness or more likely because of confusion of orders the precision with which the french offensive has been carried out is shown by the fact that every ob jective designated in advance of an action has been reached at mauro- pas a certain number of houses were selected and every one of them was captured and occupied it never was intended to attempt the occupation of the entire village one consequence of this precision in the french operations is the reduc tion of losses to a minimum the operations in artois and in cham pagne cost five times more than all the ground gained on the somme the purpose is to destroy the gorman forces and the francobritish dofen- sivo also has accomplished the feat of holding on the western front the greater possible portion of the ger man forces it is fallacious to figure out the probable duration of hostilities on french soil by computing the average surface of ground gained per day every time an action takes place even though the gain may bo no more than a hundred yards or so the opposition is beaten he loses heavily and the weakening moral ef fect cannot bo measured in yards it is a cumulative effect which sooner or later will wear the enemy down so that he will be unable to hold the french gains to a few hundred yards s against hero campaign follows german note to the united states respecting boats carrying guns a despatch from paris says ger- ships according to the temps the manys submarine warfare against germans are now acting under this merchant ships is again in full swing according to the naval expert of the paris temps the temps declares that this new submarine campaign follows the german note to the united states of feb 10 in which it was said merchant snips carrying guns cannot be considered as peaceful notice and it says that three days ago the italian ship plata repulsed with gunfire attacks of an enemy sub marine the article concludes with an emphatic declaration that a simil- inr course will be followed by other commanders of allied merchant ships undismayed by the murder of capt fryatt germans fled in face of fire on losses in counterattacks the somme described r as enormous sa t nightly despatch from british head quarters on the somme front de scribes the sanguinary defeat of pow erful german counterattacks on sms for new drive troops on central portion of front are splendidly equipped rr3fetrtclii- wusstair armies on the central russian front says the continued success of gen eral brussiloffs two powerful move ments which gradually are envelop- j markets of the world ras breadstuff toronto aug 22 manitoba wheat no 1 northern tlsu no 2 ho 152i so 3 do 147 on track bay ports manitoba oat ho 2 cw 65c no i 3 cw 64c extra no 1 feed 64c so 1 reed 63c on track bay ports i american corn no 3 yellow 961c on truck toronto 7 v i ontario oats no 3 white 61 to 62c nominal according to freights outside j ontario wheat no 1 commercial 1118 to j120 no 2 do jll to j116 no 3 do 110 to 112 feed 9sc to 100 according to freights outside new crop no 2 122 to 125 peas no 2 nominal 185 to 195 according to freights outside liarley malting barley nominal feed barley nominal according to trying to trace the source j freights outside i buckwheat nominal according freights outside this itye no 2 new 9sc to 100 no 1 i commercial nominal according to j freights outside assumed alarming proportions a i lanitoba hour first patents in jute f tritro m a nnnpto- bags 810 second patents in juto ie aa a mere was a nouse-to- j bags 760 strong bakers in juto bags house search in berlin resulting in i winter according j e arrests of an editor and printer i to sample 550 to 560 nominal in associated with the socialist orgamz- i bags track toronto prompt shipment n stivmrost tmtnrc however new 5640 to 560 nominal bulk sea- strongest measures noweer board prompt shipment i failed to suppress this form of agita- 24 shorts per ton 26 to 27 mid- spread as to baffle the efforts of the german laboring glasses mm the verge of revolt authorities endeavoring to trace some of pamphlets advocating peace at any price a despatch from rotterdam says throughout germany the authorities j have their hands full confiscating and of pam- to phlets advocating peace at any price symptom of revolt among a t large section of the people recently brig general bird cb photographed at a recent vestiture by the king at buckingham palace picture shows brigadiergeneral bird cb wearing the gold upright stripe on his left arm to show ho has been wounded thursday in one of these attacks ing kovel and lemberg have begun the germans advanced six deep but j to have a marked effect on the situa- were taken under so heavy a fire that tion in th poisoning horses intended for britain a despatch from new york says a plot to poison the big shipments of horses from kansas city for the use of the british government is be ing investigated by secret service operators of the santa fe railroad and other roads which transport the horses to newport news where they embark for england for more than a month a great number of horses although leaving kansas city in per fect condition have been arriving at covington ky the first stopping place either ill or dead autopsies by british veterinnries disclose ars enic poisoning more than 10000 horses a month are leaving the la- throp missouri concentration camp over the santa fe railway and the work of the mysterious poisoner al ready has cost the british govern ment more thajlglooooo i tt3 raiirsewrfrf britain more pbztvl vty than she ever was dlings per ton 27 to 28 good feed hour per bag 180 to 185 hay new no 1 per ton 10 to 12 no 2 per ton 9 to 960 on track to ronto straw car lots per ton 6 to 7 on track toronto country produce wholesale wholesalers wero yesterday making the following quotations butter fresh dairy choice 27 to 2sc inferior 24 to 25c creamery prints 83 to 31c solids 31 to 32c eggs newlaid 29 to 30c do in cartons 33 to 35c beans 460 to 5 the latter for hand- picked cheese now large 183 to lsjc twins 18j to 18c triplets 183 to 19c dressed poultry chickens 27 to 29c fowl 21 to 22c livo poultry chickens 20 to 22c fowl 18 to lfc potatoes virginia new barrel 175 to s6o0 honey fivepound tins 12j to 13o do 10lb 12 to 12 jc maple syrui 160 per imperiul gal lon provisions wholesale cured meats and lard were quoted as follows bacon long clear is to ls5c per lb hams medium 24 to 25c do heavy military and police it is proof of the existence of a great undercurrent of discontent which approaches re bellion among the working classes of germany the well informed cologne corre spondent of tho tyd writes complete removal of the censor ship may be expected shortly as the authorities can no longer oppose the increasing stream of protests and the bitter agitation among the people from sunset coast what the western people are doing progress of the great west told in a few pointed paragraphs august started off with something of a lull in building activities in van couver track laying is soon to bo resumed in the pacific great eastern near clinton a foursaw shlnglo mill is to be opened at avola by sir talt of new j westminster lieut jno a jackson of chilll- the the only result of the governments wrck b has been awarded measures of suppression is the ap- military cross pearancc in succession of secretly j tho showing on the bell mine near produced pamphlets distributed from beaverdell is stated to be the best hand to hand which are increasing over seen in that camp the prevailing unrest and the general a sugar factory may be established feeling of collapse removing the censorship would be a safety valve for tho feeling is now increasing in bitterness among tho laboring classes from erins green isle news by mail from lands shores ire- happenlngs in the emerald isle of interest to irish- capt philip cruickshank of armagh and editor of the tyrone constitu tion is reported killed in action rev t bradley cc killlnkere ballieboro has volunteered as a chap lain with the british expeditionary forces mr henry f brenan has been ap pointed crown solicitor for kings in new westminster if the farmers will guarantee the boots john creed a wellknown resident of victoria died recently he had lived in the city 35 years after years of idleness work lias been resumed on the ruby rulno a few ralles west of nighthawk major alexander stewart of revel- stoko was sworn in as minister of finance in the provincial cabinet i mrs r h hume resident of brlt- ish columbia for over half a century died last week in new westminster a 30lb white spring salmon was caught tho other day near vancouver by a fisherman with trolling lino around 50 tons daily of carbonate zinc ore aro being shipped from the hudson bay mine salmo to ameri can smelters mrs norman hirst a young mar ried woman of hamilton ont was all diplomatic relations are severed till reparation for fryatts murder a despatch from london says re plying to a question in the house of commons on wednesday premier as- 1 drowned at beacon hill near victoria quith said tho government was deter- last week two indians while fishing near port e3sington bc found the body of a who was drown- mincd that this country will not tolerate a resumption of diplomatic fllf rlti with fij japanese fisherman relations with germany after the war until reparation is made for the mur ed over a year ago a representative of australian i 20j to 21c rolls 10 to 19jc breakfast i cmintv in niocponlon to tho into mr bacon 25 to 27c backs plain 25c j su to tile late mr boneless backs 27 to 2sc cooked ham richard fitzwiuiam barry 35 to me maze races ireland have been tubrrmd- sassivi irm sympatic tor compound 14 to 14jo the relatives of ulster soldiers who fell in the recent fighting lieutcol ross smyth officer com manding a battalion of tho innlskilling fusiliers has arrived at his home londondeiry wounded in col tho the an- they fled in retreat before even reach ing the british lines their losses aro described as enormous general haig also announces the seizure of a 100yard trench north west of bazcntinlepetit at the prow of the british advance toward the marlinpuich heights counterattacks delivered from the latter region he asserts were unsuccessful the french announce that they spent the day in consolidating the captured ground while general haig reports the further penetration for 300 yards of the german front west of the high wood germany may demand recall of u s envoy a despatch from london says britains honor is not dead her might is unbroken her destiny unful- centrat portion yf7hei he id shattered by her montreal markets montreal august 22 corn ameri can no 2 yellow 96 to 97c oats canadian western no 2 57c canadian western no 3 56sc no 2 local white j ardmore 56ic flour manitoba spring wheat action patents firsts 5820 seconds 770 i rpu ini rstiromont nf strong bakers- 750 winter patonts l n lm retirement of choice s700 straight rollers 620 to sir neville chamberlain from 640 straight rollers bags 290 to position of inspectorgeneral of 300 rolled oats barrels 565 to al t cnnstihiilnrv- in 575 bags 90 lbs 270 to 275 bran lonstaduiarv is 24 shorts 26 middlings 28 j nounced moulllle 31 to 34 hay no 2 per ton the debris in the sackville street car lots 17 cheese finest westerns tnrninc in hinrtv nfntinrt tho 18j to lssc finest easterns 18 to lsjc i area j z tne butter choicest creamery 334 to 34c port of dublin about 800 tons have seconds 32j to 33c eggs fresh 36c already gone as balast on a sailing selected 33c no 1 stock 30c no 2 shtp to augt a deputation from the dublin cor poration w re to thewion i j- rash fnotitinn strucafoii otitul5lmrwasreceived by imfmw no 2 t north- 1 the prime minister at the house of tt i commons mr charles edmond fair lld has stock 27c ilili ern 144j no 3 northern no 4 1343 no 6 1275 no 6 1163 feed 111s oats no 2 cw front which except for small russian t declared secretary for gains in the lake region of dvinsk i war loyd geor in addressing has remained virtually unaltered i welsh sin societies at the eisted- since the russians fell back last au- dfod at abe on thursday gust to the line from dvinsk to the 1s more alive more potent pinsk marshes the austrian line she has s dominions her influ- now has receded so far before the re- ence ls wlder her p deeper and farmer is owner of grain in storage question avhich has arisen in inter- pretation of grain act a despatch from ottawa says prof a magill chairman of the v grain commission and mr staples 4sc no 3 cw 471c extra no 1 been appointed clerk of the crown and f th h t feed 47 no 1 feed 4cc no 2 feed peace for the county of westmeath in i 0f d a m the f p ret tost feed 68c fjxo succession to tho late mr patrick conferring with the government rela- panyi which ilas recentiy bee re0 nwc193 no 3 cw sioii i robert kelly tlve to an important question which gan2 as tho wright coal mining i the police hut at fairymount in the has arisen in connection with the in- company has lately got to work on castlerea district lias been discon- j torpretation of the grain act the its properties in the bulkeley river der of capt fryatt some of our j dredging interests is in vancouver to allios continued the premier have j investigate the dredging prospects of suffered by brutalities even more the fraser river gross and on a more extended scale creameries aro the latest industries than ourselves by action of the ger- in a great many of the interior cities man authorities we are in consult- 1 0ne in revolstoke opened for bust- ation with them as to the best most j 0 the domfnion effective steps to be taken and as to j ands across the bav sunnyslde port what conditions should be expected in ji have prepared plans for a the terms of peace to secure repara- 520o school house tion that will satisfy justice a j creston raspberries have captured member asked if the government was the prairie market tills year and the growers cannot begin to bring in enough to supply the demand nelson citys tax rate for 1916 will bo approximately the same as last year38 mills on land and 2mills on 60 per cent of improvements cecil mills a little messenger boy of vanvouver was badly injured while riding his wheel close to an automo bile and hanging on to the back of the auto a strike of graphite is reported in the fraser valley and other minerals have also been discovered there not ably alunite which has high potash value tho old seaton coal mining coni- prepared to make a statement that emperor william is wanted for wil ful murder in this case no answer was returned to this in storage hitherto peated thrusts of the southwestern russian forces in southern poland and galicia that the germans are in danger of a flanking movement from the south and the automatic retire ment of the forces opposed to the russian centre despite the desultory bursts of ac tivity at various points russian offi cers say there are many indications that the germans are prepared to abandon their present line on this part of the front at any moment i more exalted than ever not her children sing why should toe in when walking bad feet are caused through toeing out united states markets minneapolis aug 22 wheat sep- tinued the hut was erected in 1902 i no hard i i whe t de fre estate was the powered to treat grain northern l50j to 1551 no 2 north- j scene of land war agitation with them as their own tow sicoatsintwhite m r r ftrrh co they have been doing this selling the lourunchan ull- er and replacing it with other 19 25 to 20 50 i sworn a lord justice for the vacancy duiuth aug 22 linseed on track i in the office of lord lientenant grain oltne same grade ihe farm- 215j to 216 to arrive 2151 sep- 1 while engaged with his son in exca- rs cleaim that they have no right to j s bid 1 november 2 16 j bid december vating building material in a quarry on do this that they can move the grain the saturday halfholiday act does 2151 asked wheat no 1 hardlhis farm at derreen athea patrick j but not sell it without authority the not appeal to the japanese population am 1 1 jl il tt is4 clnvnafnn nnrl flia to nnnoeo lutcl- district on the gtp mr charles mccoiumn of murray ville langley fell down the stops of his house and was injured in the thigh he is 88 years old and this is the first time in his life he has been under a doctors care he is improv- roumania friendly a despatch from rotterdam says germany is seriously considering the advisability of asking for the rccaii of united states ambassador james w gerard according to reports in a despatch from london gavs diplomatic cirdes here mr gerards bulgarian and roumanian relations approval of the british censorship have become more f y according and his criticisms of germany are j to a telegram from sofia transmitted said to have displeased the german corns ingrowing nails crooked toes bunions spreading feet arch trouble aching feet are all caused by toeing out while walking it is not natural for those who- start with normal feet to toe out it is natural to toe in not far in but just inside of a line straight ahead all children toe in nearly all youths toe in somo people toe in all their w 0 tlini was killed bya porion of the matter has been taken up with hon of steveston and the japanese timber 5150 embankment giving way i arthur meighen who it is under- chants union there has dratted a re- amongst those who have been killed st00 nas given his opinion in favor solution and taken action asking uiat jnihecanadian contingent is mr rj th f tti d has w moeran third son of the late very rev e b moeran dean of down who ilvo stock- markots j was for many years rector of killy- leagh i a soldier of the royal irish regi- i ment pte dallowye died at the king george v hospital dublin as the re sult ot a bullet wound accidentally re- been referred to the justice depart ment want maximum fixed quebec labor council petitions sir robert borden a despatch from quebec says the government british decoration for belgian queen a despatch from london says king george during his recent visit to belgian headquarters decorated queen elizabeth of belgium with the royal red cross of the first class says a government press bureau statement on wednesday by reuters amsterdam correspond ent tho readiness of the rouman ian government to agree to the ex change of goods between the two countries is very favorably comment ed upon in the budgarian capital says the despatch a toronto aug 22 choice heavy steers ss15 to s85 good heavy steers 775 to ss00 butchers cattle good 790 to s15 do medium 5725 to 750 do common 635 to 660 butchers bulls choice 725 to 750 do good bullw 605 to 675 do rough bulls 450 to 500 butchers cows choice 585 to 700 do good 650 to 665 do medium 575 to 610 stockers 700 to s50 lbs 600 to 635 choice a h if ft mill feeders dehorned 630 to 700 can- c during rule practice at tne mm- ners and cutters 5350 to 5460 milkers tary range skerries choice each 57000 to 9000 do com i a delegation of the dublin munlci- toward bulgaria ves but they are few all barefooted i tt vtnmo 60 ffit palrv has gone to paris to study the quebec district council of federated people toe in all moccasined indians i f bo sheep hcaw 50 to 5 3 5 i methods of reconstruction employed in trades and labor at a meeting on toe in no one can run without toeing spring lambs per lb 125 to i3ci towns and was received by tuesday night decided to petition the in no speed can bo made without do- j5 9 00to0oo hogs feu the committee of the exposition right hon premier borden asking s so unii watered 1300 do weighed off which is now being held at the tuil- his government to fix a maximum by toeing in tho spring of the foot ears 51325 do fob 1235 to 1240 leries comes from all the small bones of utel hl in reply to tho request of the ros front part of the foot in addiliohthei2o leverage that raises the body for the j to 5075 canni next step with the other foot is short- si s4 or when it conies from all the toes 5 to 10c sheep than when it conies from tho great tee alone the small bones and toes have more spring in them for their j treaty protects birds size than the large toe has when one toes out he is trying to walk on the canada and united stales guard in- inner side of the foot sect destroyers why does toeing out cause trouble because the strain upon the foot in i a despatch from washington says wednesday halfholiday be enforced for six months of tho year only lumber mills which are operating in the vicinity of kamloops aro find ing it difficult to secure men one mill man on the north river went to the coast last week and was forced to take 15 chinamen who knowing of the shortage of men strike hard bar gains treat them as barbarians sir edward carson would not renew relations with germany sir edward carson in an interview price for the sale of meat potatoes recently in the ijaris matin declares bread and all everyday life neces- that the germans are barbarians and the canadian national exhibition grand stand has a seating capacity of 1g800 with room for 8000 more on the lawn ceivo the consideration of the gener al officer conimandinginchief a shocking occurrence ls reported in ennis recently on a sunday when during mass at a local church in balllnwan mr patrick hegarty ofj with the cost of living forty million bushels a despatch from calgary says re turning from several weeks of travel sir edward e german is should treat him as such let all the allied govern ments declare forthwith lo the ger man people even when we shall haie signed peace we shall riot send any diplomatic representative to ber lin nor receive any diplomatic repre- very extensive food frauds are unearthed in germany traffickers several of whom veic government officials sold at profit of 300 per cent covers practically all kinds of bird life its administration will be left i bones as the strain continues tho tissues and ligaments that bind the bones in the forefoot together stretch and give way and finally it becomes to local authorities so far as it is separated somewhat and bulges out known this is the first treaty of the j into what is called a bunion a bunion j kind ever signed is a partial dislocation the most sensible covering ever tommys jam comes high i made for the feet is the moccasin of t a despatch from the hague says the existence of the flour reports the american indian worn without a a despatch from london says dur- tho new german war usury busay was concealed from government stocking sandals also are good tholss tne nast y the government reau has justified its existence by i stocktakers by all manner of arti- sneakers of children and tennis shoes spent 510000000 for jam for the the clan county council was sld t farmers in the province sentative of germany in our capitals l by land elevator men at line elevators of as long as you germans shall not a alberta farmers elevators comviw i d w v -ii- r 1 who have been guilty of murder ail pany c f brown vicepresident of ho have fc ilcse j that corporation on wednesday stated national which were set llp the government building at the that tho crop of this province would interests of humanity during past tnvs national exhibition has tf wheat yield alone of 40000000 centurie which have witnessed the it inward and away from tlm smaller aul ambassador bpnng- fr snace bushels kice walking is greater than it should bel treaty between great britain and it inclines tho first two bones of the the united states for the protection big toe toward the smaller toes by of insectdestroying birds on both degrees until the spring finally comes sides of the canadian boundary was from the inner side of the big too andj at the state department on denly attacked from other member of tho congregation who inflicted terrible gashes with razor ills assailant escaped s i is400 square feet of exhibit space the treaty is very broad and revealing surprising details of wide ly ramified food frauds according to reports received here the frauds are said to involve a halfdozen leaders and a hundred accomplices these men arc said to have smuggled hun dreds of tons of wheat rye and bar ley flour from tho province of west prussia to berlin where it was sold at n profit of 300 per cent ficcs and was shipped on night trains vth pliable rubber soles are next best i british soldiers it was announced in as potatoes or machinery among 7 i the commons today tho accomplices and ringleaders wero what bait several government officials and arc you inviting that queer fish mr jimson yes im dropping him a line smelting industry rom germany to britain england enters into agreement with australia for supply of zinc concentrates and spelter several station masters who arc charged with connivance in the fraud by consigning flour under false de scriptions f smallest dnvs attendance at the german newspapersare demanding canadian national exhibition in 1915 exemplary punishment for the men 28000 on opening day largest 141- arrestcd j 000 on labor day are clean mo stickiness all dealers gcpri2gssons v hamilton a despatch frr- london says an agreement has ben reached between great britain and australia under which great britain contracts to pur- the effect of the agreement will be to ensure the transfer of the smelting ence industry from germany to british i hands the amount involved in the i progress of civilization there is still another reason which makes such action necessary neut ral powers have passively looked on at the violation of customs of law es tablished by all nations they have been powerless or unwilling to pro test if then a special penalty decs not show clearly that these laws can not be transgressed that these usages cannot he violated with impunity wo must renounce in future all hope of introducing into war rules of human ity and henceforth no nation in tho world would see any use in sending representatives to a hague conven tion or any other diplomatic confer- philatclic philosophy chase 100000 tons of zinc concen- j agreement exceeds 25000000 cover- do thoughts that- came to you in trates and 45000 tons of spelter an- ing more than half of australias an- j tne ago evcr return asked the nunlly from australia during the mitl output the remainder of the originator of silly questions not period of the war and for ten years output is expected to be taken over unless i enclose stamps answered afterward j by france and belgium j the literary party

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