italy adopts reprisals against german subjects declaration of war by the krers government expected to be the outcome austrian sub- a despatch from rome says a royal decree was submitted to the chamber of deputies on thursday containing reprisal measures against german subjects the decree was the result of the strained relations be tween italv and germany the de cree which was prepared by baron sonnino and signors sacchi and rain- eri extends to the alien enemies of italy and her allies every measure adopted against the lects the first part of the decree prohi bits every transfer of property tho second prohibits a recourse to law courts the third authorizes the gov ernment to adopt against the alien enemies of italy and her allies addi tional reprisal measures relations between germany and italy will now depend upon how germany views the decree wood was full of german dead not thirty left alive when the british secured possession a despatch from british headquar ters in france via london says troops on the left of the recent great british advance attacked the german line which ran in front of bnzentinlepetit wood and was pro tected by doublo lines of wire bri tish guns however had accounted for the wire and before the germans re alized it the british fire was lifted from their front line and british troops were pouring over the remn ants of the battered parapets on top of them two waves went ahead and as soon as they had swept the front line clear two other folloviji the right of the attacking force got through this part of the programme v ith comparatively few losses but the troops on the left suffered more severely having been raked by ma chinegun fire behind he german front line ran a great wood itself spanned by three successive lines of trenches each with wire protection these were taken one after another in a series of rushes the men going as fast as they could in the dim light of early morning through a wood dense and chocked with fallen timber and so full of huge shellholes that it was all climbing jumping scrambling and crawling whatever their method of going they got there they waited in one- trench while the guns behind concentrated their fire on the next line then they staggared forward as soon as the guns had lifted and while jtheartillery wenvfitthe next then the process was repeated- with alternate waits and rushes it took three hours to get through the wood it was full of german dead and liv ing and at the upper end machine guns were posted which searched the open spaces between the wrecks of trees as the british troops came on but nothing stopped them by soon after 7 oclock they had cleared the top of the wood and taken 300 pris oners the wood itself was full of dead and the germans taken there say they believe of all the troops who were in the wood not thirty men escaped a eoumank hi to help allies it is said she will enter the war in the very near future a despatch from london says roumania will cast her lot with the allies in the very near future that is the belif in london the plight of austria the continued successes of the russian armies successes that have reached and passed the rou manian border and the impending al lied offensive from saloniki will lead it is expected to the important de cision information from bucharest forecasts developments at almost any moment v ivtiv- latest zeppelins are monster aikships a copenhagen despatch to the london daily telegraph describes the new and very powerful zeppelins which it says are housed at the air ship and aeroplane station in darm stadt the most important in germany the new zeppelins the despatch says are 820 feet long with a gas capacity of 190075 cubic feet mount not only machine guns but light pieces of ar tillery have four armorplated gang ways connecting their cars engines of 4000 horsepower and can make 57 miles an hour and rise to more than 13000 feet when big guns have done their work german defences levelled by shell fire in preparation for an lnfantrj lissault naturally nothing could stand up under sucli ah avalanche of f ire london mirror photo markets of the world scores of bodies off the norwegian coast victims of jutland battle floating amid wreckage in north ipea a despatch from new york says scores of bodies of both english and breadstuff s toronto july 25 manitoba wheat no 1 northern 122 no 2 do 120 no 3 do 117 on track bay ports manitoba oats no 2 cw 49c no 3 do 48 extra no 1 feed 48c no 1 feed 48c no 2 do 47c on track bay ports american corn no 3 yellow 89c on track toronto ontario oats no 2 white 47 fi 48c according to freights outside ontario wheat no 1 commercial 98c to 1 no 2 do 95 to 97c no 3 do 89 to 91c feed 87 to 88c nom inal according to freights outside peas no 2 nominal 175 to 185 according to sample to 150 according to freights outside barley malting barley nominal 65 to 66c feed barley 00 to 02c ac cording to freights outside buckwheat nominal 70 to 71c ac cording to freights outside manitoba flour first patents in jute bags 650 second patents in jute bags 6 strong bakers in jute bags 580 toronto ontario flour winter according to ments 79244 bbls bran 1750 to 18 duluth july 25 wheat on track no 1 hard 118 no 1 nor thern 116 to 117 no 2 northern 111 to 112 no 1 northern to arrive 116 no 3 northern on track 100 xo 109 linseed on track 192 to 193 to arrive 192 july 192 bid december 192 asked october 190 asked november 190 bid december 1 89 asked ui stock markets pronto july 25 choice german sailors equipped with lifej sample 405 to 415 in bags track toronto prompt shipment 415 bulk seabord prompt shipment millfeed car lots delivered mont real freights bags included bran per ton 19 shorts per ton 22 mid dlings per ton 24 good feed flour per bag 165 to 170 preservers and floating in a mass of wreckage from the big jutland naval battle were encountered off the coast of norway on july 2 by the steamer lyngenfjord which arrived here from bergen on wednesday a fleet of small vessels sent out by the norweg ian government were collecting the dead canadas enlistments now total 350655 live ontario agricultural college large increase in attendance at sum mer course in 1915 the number attending the summer course for teachers at the on tario agricultural college was 105 while this year there are on the roll 182 five weeks is the length of the course and includes two years train ing the first year gives an element ary certificate and the second year the intermediate certificate in agriculture the regular staff of the college does the teaching but the courses are car ried on under the auspices of the de partment of education country and city school teachers get a better idea of scientific agriculture and the idea is to help in keeping young country people from going to the cities the inspector of elementary agricultural classes mr j b dandems is in charge of the school ontario leads with 145195 as com pared with quebecs 36890 a despatch from ottawa says total enlistments in canada up to july 15 number 350655 ontario lead ing with 145195 from the toronto division alone there are 79715 que bec has given 36890 men of whom 3q186 were from the montreal dis trict from the maritime provinces the number is 31633 and from mani toba to the coast 136939 forecasts big crops in canadian west a despatch from duluth minn says bumper crops for the canadian northwest were predicted by sir william mackenzie of toronto presi dent of the canadian northern rail way who was here on wednesday on his way to chicago he said the wheat yield alone this year would be 300- 000000 bushels and he did not think thc farmers would experience much difficulty in securing help to harvest the crops tax excess profits of shipping firms a despatch from london says an- nouncement was made in the house of commons on wednesday by tho chancellor of the exchequer reginald mckenna that tho government had decided to take in taxation seventy- j seven per cent of of shipping firm3 took 50 square miles in the past fortnight a despatch from london says an official eyewitness report of the som- me battle received on thursday night from paris states that the french troops within a fortnight have cap tured 50 square miles of german or ganizations including fortified vil lages quarries transformed into for tresses and woods turned into re doubts in addition 85 guns 100 machino guns 26 trench mortars and great quantities of other material as yet uncounted have been taken the prisoners number 235 officers and 12000 men country produce butter fresh dairy choice 26 to 27c inferior 24 to 25c creamery prints 29 to 31c inferior 28 to 29c eggs newlaid 29 to 30c do in cartons 31 to 33c beans 450 to 5 the latter for handpicked cheese new large 17c twins 17c triplets 17c maple syrup prices are steady at 140 to 150 per imperial gallon dressed poultry chickens 25 to 27c fowl 23 to 25c potatoes new brunswicks quoted at 2 per bag western 185 provisions bacon long clear 18 to 18 c per lb hams medium 24 to 25c do heavy 20 to 21c rolls 19 to 19c breakfast bacon 25 to 27c backs plain 26 to 27c boneless backs 29 to 30c lard pure lard tierces 16 to 17c and pails 17 to 17e com pound 14 to 14 c heavy steers 825 to 850 good heavy steers 8 to 825 butchers cattle choice 780 to 8 do medium 750 to 775 do common 635 to 675 butchers bulls choice 725 to 775 do good bulls 675 to 7 do rough bulls 450 to 5 butchers cows choice 710 to 735 do good 6 75 to 7 do medium 6 to 625 stockers 700 to 850 lbs 625 to 675 choice feeders de horned 640 to 725 canners and cutters 375 to 4 75 milkers choice each 70 to 80jdo common and medium each 4ui6 60 springers 50 to 90 light ewes 760 to825 sheep heavy 450 to 535 spring lambs per lb 13c to 14c calves good to choice 950 to 12 do medium 725 to 850 hogs fed and watered 1130 to 1140 do weigh ed off cars 1165 to 1180 do fob 1180 montreal july 25 export cattle choice 9 to 925 do medium 775 to 875 butchers cattle choice 725 to 825 do medium 525 to 625 canners 460 to 5 butchers cattle choice cows 6 to 7 do medium 550 to 575 do bulls 650 to 7 hogs fed and watered 1175 to 1225 do fob 1050 to 1150 munitions supply means everything new minister receives urgent message from gen haig a despatch from london says edwin samuel montagu the new munitions minister had the following letter from general sir douglas haig read at the conference of representa tives of trades unions on wednesday at this moment we are engaged in the greatest battle the british army ever fought i feel confident if the workmen could see their comrades fighting here both night and day with heroism beyond all praise they would not hesitate to surrender their two days august holiday a twodays cessation of work in the munition factories must have a most serious effect on our operations it might even mean an addition of many months to the war the army in franco looks to tho munitions work ers to enable it to complete its task and i feel sure that this appeal will not be in vain let the whole british nation forego any idea of a general holiday until our goal is reached a speedy and decisive victory will then be ours i mr montagu pointed out how vital was the question which had induced general haig to write such a letter in tho midst of his overwhelming re sponsibilities the confreres unani mously decided to send a reply to general haig assuring him that there would be no relaxation in their efforts and that all holidays would be post poned until military exigencies per mitted of their being taken tho decision was hearty and en thusiastic and the conference ended with the singing of the national an them an incident says the chronicle probably unknown at a labor conference any time within the last thirty or forty years a mans meal for five cents living on mush makes a mushy man a man who works with hand or brain i must have a mans food two shredded wheat biscuits with milk or cream will supply all the strengthgiv ing nutriment needed for a halfdays work or play at a cost of not over five cents simply crisp a few shredded wheat biscuits in the oven and serve with fresh fruits and milk or cream made in canada thousands to go overseas authorities anouhcc important move- ment of troops a despatch from ottawa says ten thousand soldiers principally j cian getting a bath in senegal takes tlirec days to secure neces sary government permit in the french colony of senegal the capital is a dull unprogressive town wherein officialism prevails to an extraordinary degree two french travellers had a most amusing ex perience when they wished to obtain a bath there was at the time no bathing establishment in the capital but rumor had it that it was possible to purchase a bath at the hospital accordingly the travellers repaired to that institution and made known their- want i certainly said the polite official names and birthplaces but they objected we merely want a bath quite so continued the official what are your names and where and when were you born and are you if wireless system has played a tremendous part in the war great britain nearly got a cerman system inslcd of his the astonishing part which signor marconi and his wireless system have played in this war to our advantage and how nearly the british came to replacing marconi by a german is told in two remarkable interviews by har old begbie in the london daily chron icle mr begbie saw signor marconi in london and writes here is the one universal man of this worldwar it is odd to look at him smoke with him and laugh with him re flecting that a thought of his brain is spun like a spiders web all over the bloody battlefields of europe all ove the seas of the world and high a- hove the clouds his invention you feel should belong to some legendary hero it is too immense a thing for a man still living and a younfe man a young man who has moods of fri volity who loves to laugh and who is perfectly simple modest and unas- silnifeijr a young old man he is at once a young old man and an old young man he is young as youth in his moments of gaiety and in his thought when he is seri ous and reflective he looks far older than his middleage his face lights government employes soldiers or of fleers no well the rules do not i u v an amost boyish de provide for this just a moment i will read them again yes here is your case you must first make out on stamped paper an application to the governor of the colony after favorable notice from his excellency you will send another application to tho chief colonial physician who will send for you and examine you but we are not ill pardon me gentlemen but it is the rule having examined you the doctor will give you two noncom missioned officers bath tickets to be delivered to the assistant physi- thc excess profits j university 1 190c liquor consumption in canada drops a despatch from ottawa says the consumption of alcoholic liquors in canada tlropped from 872 per cap ita to 745 per capita in the fiscal year just ended according to returns is sued on thursday by the inland rev enue department the consumption was about threequarters of a gallon per capita for spirits for beer nearly five gallons and for wine 0625 gallon the consumption of tobacco also shows a falling off of from 3421 pounds to 3329 pounds per head sir victor horsley dies in mesopotamia a despatch from london says sir victor horsley a noted surgeon died from a heat stroke in mesopotamia on sunday he was born in 1857 and was created a knight in 1902 he was emeritus professor of clinical sur gery and consulting surgeon at tho college hospital since montreal markets montreal july 25 corn american no 2 yellow 91 to 92c oats cana dian western no 2 53 to 53c do no 3 52 to 52c extra no 1 feed 52 to 53c no 2 local white 53c no 3 do 52c no 4 do 51c flour man spring wheat patents firsts 660 seconds 640 strong bakers 590 winnipeg patents choice 6 to 625 straight rollers 510 to 530 do bags 480 to 5 rolled oats barrels 405 to 545 do bags 90 lbs 240 to 260 bran 20 to 21 shorts 23 to 24 mid dlings 26 to 27 mouillie 31 to 32 hay no 2 per ton car lots 1860 cheese finest westerns 15 to 16c do easterns 15 to 15 butter choicest creamery 29c sec onds 28c eggs fresh 35c select ed 32c no 1 stock 29c no 2 stock 26 to 27c from camp borden are to proceed overseas soon it was anounced at the militia department on thursday morning the necessary arrange ments have been completed to secure ships the units going include seven battalions from camp borden and three from niagara no chaplains junior majors assistant adjutants or fiignalling officers will be included in the ten thousand to go overseas german mine layer will be exhibited a despatch from london says the first official announcement that great britian had captured a german minelaying submarine of the u35 class was made in the house of com mons on thursday by thomas james macnamara financial secretary of admiralty who said that one of these vessels would be brought to london to be yiewed by the public why noncommissioned officers bath asked one of the travellers becoming more and more interested for this reason in our accounts we recognize only two categories of persons officers and civil employes tho latter taking rank with officers or petty officers what period of time will all these formalities consume asked one of the travellers oh two or three days provided your application is approved at the government house germany to let loose airships and submarines winnipeg grain winnipeg july 25 cash quota tions wheat no 1 northern 115 no 2 northern 113 no 3 northern 110 no 4 105 no 5 99c oats no 2 cw 41 c no 3 cw 43c extra no 1 feed 42c no 1 feed 42c no 2 feed 41 c barley no 4 71 c re jected 64 c feed 64 c flax no 1 nwc 169 no 2 cw 166 germany bluffs over peace basis amsterdam july 20 a despatch from berlin to amsterdam says that the german national committee or ganised for producing an honorable peace states that germany desires to extend hor frontiers to tho east and procure real guarantees to the west as a basis for a permanent pence a despntch from berne switzer land to the london daily news says that count zeppelin in a speech to the workmen at fricderiehshafen said i have good news for you the kaiser has given his advisers a free 0 business hand regarding tho use of airships and submarines be patient vital blows will soon be struck light in a piece of fun but it be comes at other times more than seri ous and more than grave it becomes clouded and suffering and sorrowful few men are so many men he loves horses and music he loves fun and science he is interested in litera ture and politics he is fond of motoring and is something of a mystic he said to me i often think that dannunzio came pretty near the truth when he suggested that wireless is something of a symbol for religion we send our thoughts through silence to one who is invisible and a good deal of the process is still a mystery in any case the universe is mysterious enough the more i investigate the more i wonder the story concerning marconi which it is well to remember in the present is thus told by mr begbie if those people who raised a vul gar and disgraceful hullabaloo about tho jviarconi contract a few years ago had got their way- the government and the working classes of this country had viot stood firm as a rock in the midst of a mael strom of aristocratic and middleclass scandal germany might by now be mistress of the world might have been german for the great competitor of our english marconi was a german com pany and i assure you it was act ually on the cards that this german company might havo been brought over to london to drive marconi out news from england news by mail about jons bull and his people occurrences in the land that reign supremo in th commer cial world owing to the shortage of labor a number of city firms are now closing for an hour at midday girl guides have raised enough money to erect their recreation huts for the troops in france fotyfivo refugee children are to bo taught by a belgian tchcr f priory hall st pancras v about 10000 steel smelters in shef field will get increased pay under an award by judge arthur oconnor becauso the dustman would not collect some refuse a streatham trad er pent it by parcel post to the mayor of wandsworth a statue of king edward outside tho hearts of oak office in euston road london is not to be unveiled until after tho war at chivers caton in warwickshire ladies have been trained as bell ring ers and are doing duty for men who have joined the forces derbyshire school for training in tho domestic art3 will have to be closed as nearly all its girl pupils are now engaged in war work one of the doctors in attendance at tho birth of the prince of wales at white lodge in 1894 dr f j nadd has just died at richmond members of tho rochester police force including tho chief constable are to receive increased pay owing to tho present high cost of living tho electrification of the hampton court section of the london and southwestern railway has now been completed mr frank daniels who died at knightsbridge at the age of 70 be- queathed to the lord mayor of lon don 125000 to be distributed among charitable institutions practically completed the south african militaryohospital on a site granted by the king in richmond park will soon be handed over to tho army council a serious fire broke out at ports mouth harbor railway station which is largely used by tho isle of wight boat traffic great damage was done tho communication between portua and gosport was suspended at a meeting of essex womens war agricultural association it was said that women in the district would not do farm work because they were too busy providing refreshments for joy riders women are engaged at eming in keeping the parks clean and wives of lodgekeepers now on active service are permitted to remain in possession so long as they perform their hus bands duties dr a a davies headmaster of rugby speaking at rugby said that so far as the employment on tho land of boys for rugby was concerned they had already had many more ap plications than they could possibly meet sir j k rees mp mr wilfrid ashley mp and others have started a war loan club at stanmore near harrow to enable small investors by purchase government securities by instalments of six cents and upwards commander chas b neate rn who tfas chief of the expedition to rodriguez in 1877 to observe tho tran sit of venus and in more recent years superintendent of the packet service at dover has just died at ixworth priory suffolk italys forests suffer united states markets minneapolis july 25 wheat july 115 september 115 no 1 hard 122 no 1 northern 111 to 117 no 2 northern 112 to 110 corn no 3 yel low 82 to 83c oats no 3 white 38 to 88 flour unchanged ship- uboat postal service berlin to america a geneva despntch to tho exchango telegram london says that the munich nachrichten publishes a ber lin despatch saying that the postal authorities arc compiling regulations and scales of charges for a submarine postal service between germany and the united states germany outclassed in naval prisoners a despatch from london says tho british have captured 136 ger man naval officers and 2056 men while the germans havo captured 46 british naval officers and 346 mon thomas macnamara of tho admiral ty announced in the commons on thursday every responsible person in tho marconi company is now a member of tho british secret service they know things of tho highest import ance they hear every hour of tho day things which must be divulged to no one and who is thero among the slanderers to raise a voico even n whisper in condemnation of these j loyal subjects j such is tho initial romance of the wireless war we might have much timber is cut to supply the armys needs ocean freights on american lumber havo increased tenfold since the war began and the italian government is that is to say if j beginning to make inroads on its own precious reserve stocks of standing timber there are about 16000 square miles of forest area in italy or oneseventh of the total area of the country most of the timber wood is found in the apennino mountains which follow tho entire length of italy beginning north of genoa and rising out of the fertile plains of piedmont the wood is being used by the gov ernment in large quantities for tho construction of soldier barracks at tho front for btrergthening trenches for railroad and foot or wagon bridges along tho countless new ronds built at tho front as a part of the armys transportation system much of this lumber is carried piece by pieco far nbovo tho timber lino of tho moun tains where tho soldiers arc fighting on barren glaciers tho kind of wood being cut in italys forosts is fir oak and syca more woods formorly imported from j austria until recently many ship- w6 all talk too nuch becnuso there is so much to talk about are cleari k0sxichik2ss all dealeh3 gdbrtegssons hamilton been in german hands for n weapon which i 3 essential to national safety and now to tho war itself if i might toll you all i know about this matter and i know only a very little you would bo astonished nnd amazed but at least i can toll you enough to show you if you have not thought about tho matter before how romantically the invention of mar coni is interwoven into all this grim business of mutilation and slaughter on the earth adds mr begbio but the- chickenheartcil man crows only in liis sleep loads of pitch pine mostly from tho gulf ports of tho united states were delivorcd into italy but tho freight y and handling cost has made the price prohibitive lily a poison for all its beauty the lily of tho valloy is denounced by scientists on tho ground that both the stalks and the flowora contain a poison it is risky to put tho stalks into ones mouth s if tho sap happens to get into cvon tho tiniest crack in tho lips it may produce swelling often accompanied by pain