m yr vr t 0towffwlk obtwte vol y viii nq 20 6topffvlllev ontario thursday july 6 1916 whole number u71 i th tribune is published every thursday after noon at the office smiths block stoumille ost terms w in advance sl25 if not paid in advanse joli wort promplly attended to f c madill b a editoh andproprietor business cards mccullough button birristrs solicitor conveyancers 4c sand k ks biaock stouffville money to loan juiujsxali m sallth ld s dds dentist honor fraduate of toronto and chicago universities office over huntuys store residewe main st near office at jie every day except tuesday es barker lbs dbs oknttist stouffville ont honor graduate of royal coll ege of dental surgeons and of the university of toronto office hours 9 to 12 a m 2 to 5 p m office in grubins block over jew- elery store residence main street e end telephone res8202 off 8201 markham every tuesday office over m whites store lgaag ffcaman issuer os marriage lincenses 8voufi v i ljeoiu bert coulson writes from hospital mr r p coulsonreceived the following letter from his son bert which will be read with great- interest by his friends in town wilson war hospital reading ward 17 june231916 dear father i no doubt before this letter reaches you you will have heard that the huns got me j got mine on that memorr ablev morning of june 13thje- tweerji3q and 2 a m when the canadians won back their lost jirenches i will tell you of my wounds first as well as i can ly ing on my back and then of the great attack i got a shrapnel bullet through my leftlegjust above the knee entering from the left and coming out just oppos ite it nipped a bone but no fracture had x ray on it this morning to see if there is any little splinter in the knee as it- is rather a bad one being badly swollen a shrapnel bullet went through the calf of my right leg coming in from the left and pass ing clean through it is doing very nicely but my other one is sure a miracle and nothing else a shrapnel bullet you know they are round and about the size of a marble struck mjc in the left side travelled clean across the small of ray back and remain ed about onesixth of an inch be neath the surface on my right side it missed every vital spot spine kidneys stomach besides that i got nipped with a piece of shrapnel in the calf of my left leg but it doesnt amount to much i gofceiiough toikeiirib wageearners with the revival of indus trial activity throughout the fac tories of canada- resulting in the disbursement of large sums in wages it behooves each wageearner to provide against future unemploymentorunfore- seen contingencies you can do this by opening a savings account with this bank and systematically saving a portion of your income a the bank of npvaseotia paidup capital s 6800000 reserve fuhd 11000000 total resourcesovcr 100000000 stouffvilie branch w r adams manager kindness iwe trust however that we jjp be able to thank you all personally in the near future with every good wish for the tortier success of the in stitute we remain tours sincerely rs v hutchinson f hutchinson m notice- tte office of dr d c smith will closed every even ing at five iixlock and on friday afternoons during july and aug ust im the sfsaafr standard bank of canada head opflce toronto btbky tfood baak his a reserve fund a pro- viaiit for lau yean and the saevitabl raiay day tkis fnad ha been accumulated from surplus earainjt aad lea aoafae of straafth and stability breryaa skeald heva a resbrvb fund without it bo os 1 ia a saf caancial condition oar sariajs department offers an ideal opportunity for stauisbiaa your resbrvb fund 209 branch itd 1871 stouffville e burkhold4r dominion day a w jkathe funeral director and embauier 8toufj hijib uesilence main street two doors east presbyterian church paone nos 9801 or 0812 day and night calls promptly attended to insurance w h clark fire plate glass accident and life insurance cultivated farm property and past ure land for sale or rent w d clakk 8touffvillk s 6 lehman isons almira ont 1 manufacturers of pure woohen goods blankets flan nels socks yarn cloth quilt batts etc highest prices paid in cash or trade for wool dealers iu best grade manitoba flour pas try flour flour exchan ged for wheat or wool mail orders will have our prompt attention mill phone 607 rest 12 out of it for three or four msn- ths anyway and believe me i am not sorry you see this business started over fritz getting these trenches ney to my present abode from the canadians on the sec ond then a counter attack was made a couple of days later but failed not having enough good artillery preparation and supp ort well everything was fixed for thethirtcenth and believe me some artillery support this time you see we werent in the first of it that is when the trenches were lost we were in the div isional rest h q for ten days but that business cut our rest short as our division and the second supporting were picked on to win them back the day of the twelvth was wet and cold and we were all wet through no shelter but ditches etc half full of mud and water the day pass ed however and night set in the rain coming down ten times har der than before and the yuns bombarding the lines we were to take incessantly just imagine thousands of shells screaming ov erhead and fritzs replying i ill tell you father it was surely hell on earth we moved off to take up our positions for the attack about 1045 p m after wc arrived there our artillery open ed up every gun on the salient go ing about i of an hour- then the icth scottish moved off on the charge we went about 25 feet when i got mine i thought i surely was killed it just felt as if i were hit in a dozen places and by pieces as large as my fist i lay groaning with three or four others around that got it from the same shell major peck our second in command came up and said is this some of the 16th we said yes well cheer up boys help will be coming soon and took each of us by the hand by way of encouragement i lay there for j of an hour shells dropping all around and expec ting each minute that one would finish me another bunch of men came along and dragged us into a ditch nearby as i learned after wards nearly all our stretcher bearers were either killed or wounded at the commencement i lay in that ditch of mad and wat er for over fifteen hours before i was eventually taken in all the time mind you fritzes whizz bangs high explosive shells were dropping all around i certainly never expected a chance to get in a hospital 1 was taken from 1st field dressing station about eight miles back of the firing line from there to number 14 hospi tal just outside boulogne fran ce where i stayed four days it surely was a fine place a big cas tle like affair itjhadbeen used i believe as a big gambling estab lishment something after tne styi war it hasbeen converted into a hospital i then took the boat from boulogne to dover and from there a rather weary iour- i am i very glad i am settled now as so much moving around although it had to be done was rather hard on one i am feeling pretty good to day and will be glad when i can get out and hobble around alth ough ill have to possess with patience for a few weeks yet it will be my left leg which will- give me the most trouble as the wounds in my back only need dressing every other day now as they are healing so nicely and my right leg wont take long be ing a nice clean cut wound how ever im in no hurry to be back i dont want any of you to worry about me because all the i boys lucky enough to get wounded bad enough to be sent to england are envied by the other fellows give my best regards to the friends around town b k coulson a large nuiijer were present at stouff villus dominion day cele bration at 10 a mithe detachment of the 220th yqtic rangers led by their brass bind and bugle band and stouffvttrq band headed the big parade fthere followed a number of- handsomely decorated automobilesjthe prize for 4he best decorated car went to mr j a brillingf in the afterijftpn a big program of sports wasvprovided baseball was the leading feature in the firstgame for tiie twentyfive doll ar cup uxbridge put it over stouffville by score of 112 the second- game between the winners and the 220th battalion team wa hotly contested from start to finishi- at one time the score stood 951 in favor of ux- big success soldiers ing necessary for the life could be seen in the evening s splendid recrui ting meeting was held at which col brown major pink capt davis and capt mills issued a call for recruits five came for ward in response to the appeal there was a musical program in which the bands participated and atvliich lieut johnstone ren dered several solos the program concludedwith moving pictures and fireworks on sunday afternoon at 300 oclock a drumhead service was held on tte campgrounds cap tain pickup chaplain of the batt alion had charge m the service which was very bnel- owing to the irain on monday norhing the battalion left stouiville for van dorf and from thero the trek con- manager bridge but the soldiers rallied in jtinued to newmarket for the big the fourth innings losing however by one run th6 final score stand ing 98 tliev tugowar was won by len harris xteam his stalwarts easifjr pulled the 820th over the mark liut found more difficulty in handling w r ad ams team thlrlatter was not atisfied wlfeaiputt but were finally convinced that their opp onents were the best men with the rope the model military camp att- attracted many there every th- military parade and field day on wednesday the rumour which was absol utely without foundation and which has since been disproved by brigadiergeneral logie that thebattalionwasto be amalga mated with another unit hasser vedto increasetheenthusiasm- of the- officers and tfflfeti fotneir battalion and to stimulate their efforts to bring it up to full strength library notes it is a popular misconception that an education using a very common meaning of the term is only obtained at school in the school education is only begun it is the purpose of the school however to enable the individual to become educated to enable us to- help ourselves to the wor lds knowledge by reading we come in touch with the worlds knowledge everyone should be a reader our public library contains an abundnnce of good reading matter and it is access ible at a cost within the reach of all the value of being a syste matic reader cannot be overesti mated if you have not time to read much read a little and read it weil you will soon become a great reader roajttways 1rit store stouffville does food distress you when that feeling of discomfort comes to your stomach after eating take care for it may bo the forerunner of something serious nyals dyspepsia taijlets will cure any form of indigestion dys pepsin etc the tablets stimulate the weakened onjans into healthy normal action price 25 50c marketdrugstore o collard chemist druggist stouffville- stouffville honor roll our dead pte bert trull died in england 1915 stretcher bearer thos perkins killed in action allan perkins killed in action missing pte ross pipher lanjjemarckfrance 48th highlanders on active sprvice a widdifield on active service for second time the business men of stouffville have decided to close their plac es of business on fridays at 1230 during june july and august the three blacksmith shops will be closed on ffiday afternoons stouffville banks will be closed lalso on friday afternoons during june july and august presbyterian church jin canada travel canadian pacific for full particulars tickets and reaerva tioos apply co h- w- sanders local agent phune 8001 also c p r and allan line ocean tickets ordei your suit st james church stouffville rev john mut6h ma b d sunday july 9th 11 a m the minister 7 p m the miitr 945 a m s s and bible class seats free everybody welcome now all the new v at terns jpe fight cleaning and pressing done on shortest notice thanks to w i mrs w j thompson pres womens inst june 3 1916 somewhere in belgium dear mrs thompson it is with much pleasure that we acknowledge the receipt of i your letter and the three parcels which you rerc so kind as to send us out here en during the inconveniences and hardships we are called upon to endure wc believe that we are only doing our duty and we hope and trust that this terrible con flict will soon be over and that we shall be spared to return whenwe will be able to thank the members of the institute person ally wc enjoyed the contents of the parcels very much indeed and they certainly brightened up what would otherwise have been a very dull trip in the trenches you have nc idea how much par cels from home arc enjoyed by the boys at the front and we feel that we can hardly thank you proprly by letter for your freel yake will macklem frank underhill nelson nendick clarence fortier robert dales earl meek lloyd hill art mertens john evans harry stiver george hadden will bingham roy gohn bert coulson w e mtrtens fred jennings del tennings earl storey c pearson fred pearson harold irwin andy cowie jack mcmullen harold cain stewart mcdonald george martin harold zellers e g dalby lewis davis oliver harding roy baker tack anderson stanley mcdonald gordon mutch chas nendick wilmot kemp ernest crossin albert sutherland f d nighswander frank burgess ross davis wm macpherson willie hutchinson sidney hutchinson herbert forsyth percy pipher arthur cochrane art latcham robt mcnabb sam stouffer george smith robert jones j stiver len burgess arthur vanzant ross minns w h kester floyd davis in training percy jourdan roy mantle gordon pipher harry hill will shackel frank sievenpiper alex harris jas mainland stephen noble walter wilkinson bert smith c cooper e miller floyd r fisher arthur davis harvey mcconochie alfred mcconochie toe widdifield alf bothwright willie woods caton jourdan murray kemp clarence burkholder rolph burkholder earl byer stanley lawr ross lewis todd cook headquarters for seed buckwheat millet flour feed highest prices paid for hides and wool todd cook phone 1401 stouffville carriage works the leading tailor uah i wat these facts away in your mind for future reference we shoe horses in a scientific man ner having made it a life study you need not hesitate to bring your horse to us for hero he will receive the best of treatneit horses like to be shod by us we do our work so carefully phone 2112 ijflantle k watgon i latttstdry- wash days ail goods must he in by 10 a m on monday wed nesday or friday laundry ready on tuesday thursday and saturday evenings terms cash mah wat furniture i and undeptalgei all kinds of home furniture win dow shades curtain poles and picture framing alio furniture repairing agent lor newcombe pianos a good reliable piano over 16000 in use today toronto also singer sewing made in machines and maxwell motor cai d w dalton stouffville phone 3804 ont