Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), June 22, 1916, p. 7

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canadian losses small in recent counterattack germans had planned to renew assault same day but were forestalled a despatch from london says the lorrcspondent of the morning post inscribing the successful counterat tack of the canadians at zillebeke says the night was wet cold and dis agreeable the men were in high spirits the enemy seemed to be taken by surprise and were complete ly overmatched two mchinc guns were captured prisoners state that the germans had planned a further attack there that very morning the canadians found a great quantity of stores they had left ten days previous ly practically intact phillip gibbs writes it was a great point of pride with the canadians tfl recapture the lost ground themselves their losses were not heavy in the counterattack in the astonishing piece of work the canadian guns play ed no small part a great orchestra of the heavier and field batteries played an annihilating devils tattoo upon the germans the attack was a complete success the men were sur prised as they expected greater trouble the enemys shellfire was heavy but the canadians got through under cover of our guns the men advanced two in open order down wards and southwards into their old positions our continual bombard ment prevented the enemy consolidat ing the positions they had captured the attack directed from the south ern end of sanctuary wood to mount sorel was most important because the high ground in the northern prt of hoogo is still in the enemys hand3 l the entire british empire is in it also spain venezuela and argentina rally to great trade movement the antigerman union an organ ization of english commercial and in dustrial interests is fast spreading throughout the british empire ac cording to a bulletin sent out recent ly from its headquarters in london it announces tht henceforth there and to prohibit the sale of land house property to germans to strengthen the hands of the government in dealing with enemy aliens and to repatriate at the end of the war oil who have been interned to urge the government to publish a list of german firms and of those in which enemy aliens have a controlling interest ask for legislation admitting that many of its aims are impossible of attainment in the absence of legislation the union has carried its commercial war against germany into parliament it is the sponsor for three important bills now pending these are the service fran chise bill the naturalization bill and the alien labor bill the object of the first is to obtain adequate repre sentation of soldiers and sailors in any new parliament the second is shall be no german influence no n i n w intended to repeal the existing na german labor and no german goods vi that compete with british so long as the union exists the slogan of german trenches captured lab man mil slope si french offensive also netted 139 prisoners v in the vosges enemy repulsed a despatch frcm paris says the active on wednesday night and french tool the offensive against the thursday but the german artillery german positions on le mort homme coh v heavy bombardments i i on both banks of the meuse against on thursday an attack was launch- j cilattancourt and hi 3 on thj lcft ul after the usual artillery prepara- j ana the thiaumont farm and tcon and a german trench on the fort de souville on the right bank southern slopes of the height was two attacks were undertaken by captured along with 130 prisoners german detachments in the vorges the german infantry remained in- j wednesday night but both failed austrian losses sber 300000 original austrian force been reduced to 300000 a despatch from petrograd says confidence prevails among russian observers of the offensive along the markets of the world br iz stuffs toronto june 20 manitoba wheat no l northern 117 no 2 110 no 3 do 1113 on track liny jorta multiloba oats no z c v 53e no jnulsj 3 ill nominal 52c extra no i feed 5c no j feed u5c on truck hay ports american corn no o yellow 7 sir on track hay ports sic on track toronto ontario cats no 3 white 4s to 49 c according to freights outside ontario wheat no 1 commercial 51 to si 01 no 2 do us to site no 3 do 92 to 93c feed s5 to 7c nominal ac cording to fro ir tits outsldc ieas no 2 nominal j 170 accord from old scotland j notes of interest from iieb banks and braes what is going on in the highland and lowlands of auld several important books that have been stolen from the advocates lib rary edinburgh have been recovered in london mr j b robertson a wellknown scottish road surveyor has justhlied at downsfield near dundee after a short illness general sarrail has presented the crob de la guerre to lord frenchs sister as president of the scottish red cross society licutgcn sir robert baden- powell recently visited glasgow and edinburgh when he reviewed the boy scouts at both cities the death has occurred at langholm of mr alex dalgleish who for over 10 years was a shepherd on the sheep farm of hopsrig near langholm montrose school board has decided to discontinue for this year the distri bution of prizes on the closing of the schools for the midsummer vacation plans were presented in dunferm line dean of guild court by the southern section of the battle line that to sample 125 to si 60 according scottish national housing company georges carpentier famous french pugilist and lieut navarre who has shot down 16 gorman aeroplanes turalizatlon laws and prohibit the change of names of aliens the third if enacted into law will make the em ployment of german labor practi cally prohibitive the activities of the union are by no means confined to the question of controlling foreign trade it takes credit for having rendered invaluable services to the government since the day of its foundation its agents everywhere in england have voluntar ily assisted in the protection of the public from german raiders and spies several of the latter have been con victed in the last few months through information obtained by these agents and turned over to the government authorities the membership rolls of the union include thousands of english women they are trained for the work in hand and sent into the field to arouse the nation in what is to be a cease less trade war against germany they are also engaged in raising a large fund which is intended to be used for the perpetuation of the organization between ontario and tish columbia bri- the organization is the british em pire for british subjects the union was founded in april 1915 practically all of the large commercial houses in england havo allied themselves with it entering into an ironclad agreement never to reestablish business relations with german producers branch offices have been opened in all of the large cities of the british isles an organi zing committee has canvassed the united kingdom and assigned agents to all of its important industrial centres not content however with throttling german trade in the united kingdom for all time to come as it is hoped there the parent organization has extended its operations and in fluence to all of the british dominions and dependencies in the empire dominions and neutrals the bulletin announces that the union has aroused widespread interest in india the membership there in cluding thousands of merchants and manufacturers who practically control the foreign trade of the country this is true also in australia and new zea land canada and british columbia were among the first of the dominions to join in the movement branches of t b departmental store the union having been established in of a wertheim is the bl c 11 of the large cities and commerce c kmd n germany catering thoroughly organized to continue its i c tot th and lower r pneumonia in trade war on everything german j c and ptki for en british south africa also has joined apness the other day it inserted ge0 jenni jg ol the union with a rush 12000 mem- prominent advertisement from its knled b ru horse at east kil- single p department taking care to onan georges carpentier the famous french pugilist and lieutenant na varre the fokker killer who has just brought down his sixteenth german warplane the airmen are standing in front of navarres machine and it tire line of the stripa is now occu- will be noted that the lieutenant has tied around his neck his talisman pied by the russians a ladys silk stocking lieut navarre is a popular idol and favorite the j the precipitancy of the retreat of bringing down of sixteen german aeros being quite a record for one j the austrians in many sectors is aviator he is familiarly known as the fokker killer the nickname be- shown by the fact that the russians ing quite a distinction carpentier is now a trained aviator and skillful i found several telegraphic and tele- pilot and can manoeuvre his machine in the air as well as any other pilot phonic installations intact and are in the flying corps now using them the cartridges cap tured in the stripa trenches would have sufficed fove use of the aus trians in the jf intensive sort of firing for several weeks i i freights outside the catalogue of the successes won by barlev malting barley 65 to 66c generals brussiloff and letchitsky is ff barley go to 62c according to tl i freights outside by no means complete it is estimated i buckwheat nominal 70 to 71c ac- that the teutonic losses along the cording to freights outside r itye no 1 commercial 14 to 95c ac- front from the pripet to the lou- mrtling to freights outside manian border now total 300000 or i manitoba nour first patents in i bags 670 second patents in jute bugs nearly half the original effectives 320 strong bakers in juto bags 6 great satisfaction is felt at the re- toronto i i ontario iloui- winter according to establishment of contact with the i sam 5410 to 420 in bags truck to- teutons along the whole south-west- ronto prompt shipment 410 to 420 ti bulk seaboard prompt shipment ern front but attention is cnielly mlifeed car lots delivered montreal centred upon the operations for freights bags included bran per ton 1 shire has informed r it 1 1 r 20 to 521 shorts per ton 24 to 2t kovol vladimir- volynski czernowitz middlings per ton 25 to 20 good feed and kolomca col shumsy summar- j flour per bag 165 to 170 izing the results of the fighting j countrtduce makes the deduction from the latest st fresh dairy choice 23 russian official statement that the en- to 2sc inferior 24 to 25e creamery i prints 29 to 31c inferior 28 to 30c eggs newlaid 26 to 27o do in car tons 27 to 29c llcans 4 to 150 the latter for 1 handplckcd cheese new large isc twins lse londonberlin food prices advertisements show english people to be better off items from provinces where many ontario boys and girls are living t calgary police rounded up a gang of auto thieves women are replacing men in the banks at edmonton there are good prospects for a fair average crop in manitoba every man in the city of regina will be asked to join some unit the saskatoon school board may be asked to educate a number of s diers p i toft regina is being held on a charge of making seditious utter ances capt l abounding a wellknown kenora there is no motive for the crime a reunion of veterans of the present war met last week at the home of pte f j rowlads of the 183rd bat talion who is president of the saska toon veterans society and enjoyed a very pleasant evening pte nat rudyk a member of the 214th saskatchewan wild cats bat talion ran amuck at clare sask last saturday and after terrorizing the citizens by firing his revolver at ran dom finally shot himself dead new russian shell acme of destructiveness will prevent collisions in darkness or fog a despatch from london says the morning post has the following from petrograd the russian artillery has been magnificent throughout this war but on the present occasion it has exceeded its own highest records the effect upon the enemy is terrify maple syrup prices are steady 140 to 150 per imperial gallon dressed foultry chickens 25 to 27c fowl 23 to 25c potatoes firm ontario s5 and new brunswicks at 5215 per bag westerns 195 for 239 houses to be built at rosyth about 40 cottages with gardens at tached are to be erected ut longnid- dry on lord weymss estate for the accommodation of disabled soldiers information has fieen received that piper thomson one of the best known and most accomplished players in cockcnzie pipe band has died in hos pital mr harry hope member for bute- the paymaster that he does not now desire any fur ther payment as a member of the house of commons lady beatty wife of admiral sir david beatty visited dunfermline re cently and opened an exhibition and sale of artificial flowers made by blind anil crippled girls lord provost dunlop has received llt i additional subscriptions amounting to over 1g495 towards the princess louise scottish hospital at erskine for limbless sailors and soldiers intelligence has been received from the war office and the chaplain of the gordon highlanders in which bacon long clear lsc per lb huml medium 23 to 24c do heavy 2j regiment he was of the death in 19 to 19sc provisions to 21jc rolls 19 to 19su breakfast bacon 24j to 2gjc backs plain 26j to 275c boneless backs 29s to 30h lard pure lard tierces 165 to 17c and palls 17 to 174c compound ii to 14jf ensued for the russians have invent ed a new shell and have used it in in credible quantities its deadly re- i suits are seen in the official bulletins a despatch from london says an- notfiing can be said of course about nouncement was made on wednesday the nature of the new shell from that william marconi will bring out what i have heard i should judge it shortly a new device which should admits of no effective defensive reply put an end to danger of collisions be- the universities of russia have been tween ships in darkness or fog it is j busily employed for twelve months past vying with one another in search for some superlative form of effective shell montreal markets montreal june 20 corn american no 2 yellow s3 to s4c oals canadian western no 2 64 to 5ijc do no 3 525 to 5sc extra no 1 feed 52j to 53c no 2 local white 52c no 3 local white 51c no 4 local white 50c barley malting 75 to 7ge flour manitoba spring wheat patents llrsts 060 antta general panic hes usually j- stsotfto 5 straight rollers 510 to 5560 do b france of pte james dryden of iontrose after having been a member of the teaching profession for over 50 years mr william wilson has intimated his resignation as headmaster of artorlot public scho which pos he has held for sltyears a representative committee of ladies has been formed to start the war hospital supply depot in ha wick and district lady polwarth has been appointed president of the com mittee a steel screw steamer of 2200 described as a simple contrivance eas- ily installed which will be operated from the bridge of a ship women of netherlands demand cheaper food a despatch from london says hundreds of dutch women went to bers having been recruited in a si bonar laws statement pleases the french a despatch from paris says the greatest interest has been roused 240 to 265 boiled oats barrels s475 to 505 do bags 90 lbs 226 to 1 265 bran 21 shorts 24 mid- j dlings 25 to 27 mouinie 2s to tons cargo capacity now building in jlolso 2 glasgow yard has been sold by eras 175 to 173c finest easterns 163 to messrs hendry mccallum co to i life seconds 2 eggl fresh english owners the price is stated 26 10 27c selected 29 to 30c no 1 slock to be 275000 or 125 per ton a memorial to the late sergeant george campbell kosb who died in february as the result of wounds received in action has been unveiled in the central hall of stranraer school a motion presented by provost bogle falkirk at the convention of royal burghs was unanimously day at johannesburg according to the mcnt th prlc v e i capt frank gane former professor dcmand that measures be taken to en- london bulletin exceptionally low and only good for mnitoba co hag b able the working classes to obtain at the outset it was not intended j th following thursday and saturday food by having prices reduced the the prime minister on wednesday to here by bonar laws statement to le that the antigerman union should attempt to extend its influence be yond the british empire but several neutral countries have come knock ing at the door and the parent body is now considering the extension of its influence to a point that will make it worldwide spain venezuela and argentina have volunteered to join in the movement and agents of the union has enlisted with the it is instructive to compare these berlin prices with the prices of simi- j c i 1 t j of saskatoon ar articles in seifridge s london ono c 1 ur 1 03 battalion store ot a higher class than wert- helms let us take a few examples mr f f lang edmonton killed j ui 11 1 herself and two children while in a demented state w h brunt a 6 ft and giant pniier promised to receive a deputa tion of women later the women then went to the house of the burgomaster casement to leave the tower of london in the order in which they appear in wertheims list canned beans per pound tin wert- heim 23c seifridge 8c canned herrings wertheim 28c self- mrg prin abw gent rc have been sent to these neutral coun- 1 s i s ol over windsor hotel for 3300 being casements lawyers he will be re tries to effect organizations jhcim 60 seltndge 13c w- damages for wrongful aeiiture moved from the tower to brixton the scope of the union is of the j- j pf w the body of w w cairns winni- where he will occupy a commo- broadest here are some of its aims w ih o 4 ti iif p was found in the ruins of the dious and comfortable cell pending and objects as announced in the l011- l f i stovol printing establishment i trial on june 26 he spends most kitty cross a fourteenyearold girl of hls tme writing of hartney man has raised 30 for matin that the british army is com pletely in accord with gen joffre and is prepared to move whenever the french headquarters staff sees fit the statement finally nails the lie that the british are indifferent to the french losses before verdun the press expresses much satisfaction over bonar laws frank statement from the outset the military author- winnlpeg grain winnipeg tune 20 cash notations wheat no 1 northern 1095 no 2 northern j10sj no s northern si 43 no i 99jc no 5 93lc no 6 s9jc feed 833c united states markets minneapolis juno 20 wheat 10sj september 1084 no 1 july hard 1151 no 1 northern slosj to ll33 adopted calling on the government no 2 northern 1043 to si 09j corn to construct a ship canal across scot- no 3 yellow 74 to 75c oats no 3 white 373 to 3sic flour unchanged j mi between the clyde and forth shipments 43737 barrels bran 1s00 the strike of cabmen in edinburgh t0 june 20 wheat on track ha been settled both the horse and o bard sijw s h drivers having been granted an 109s no 2 northern 104 to 10 1 s v no i northern to arrive 1095 no 3 increase in wages and the war bonus northern on track 971c to 103s iln- of 12 cents for each fare which va3 seed on track nnd to arrive i93 july s1s03 asked september 1301 asked the original subject of dispute will october 17sj bid november 51 7 bid i remain heavy cattle xiive stook markets toronto june 20 cholet ltcol lang and officers of the i from the outset the military autnor- steers 975 to 1020 butcher 05th battalion gave a dinner dance a despatch from london says it ties here have insisted that it would choice wto s j- in saskatoon last week 1 stated that in response to the ur- 1 bo playing germanys game for the common 800 to s23 butchers bulls ions of sir roger british to move before the psyci gical moment and they have scouted natures heating system don bulletin aims and objects to foster national ideals and keep alive the patriotic spirit of people ridge 1 to 137 fowls medium wertheim 188 seifridge 42 to 90c ducks wertheim 2 self- to rirge 78c to 112 roast ribs of beef the wertheim 39c with bones selr- ridge 28c beef inferior cuts wert- 0 j s525 butchers the antibritish rumors as idle or ma- j wifi 3l0ckf 7u0 licious gossip bonar law s statement ibs 50t5 to s775 choice feeders will go far to reassure them natural hot water supply for boise idaho boise the capital of idaho is tho to defend british freedom rights heim 54c seifridge 18c spring and privileges against german aggrcs- cabbage wertheim lie per pound sion i seifridge 4c to 6c red cabbage to fight against german influence wertheim 13c per pound self- in our social financial iiulustrial and ridge 4c to tic each white cabbage political life wertheim 9e per pound seifridge to expound the folly of granting 4c to tie each parsley bunch wert- peace on terms so easy as to make it heim 8c seifridge 2c oranges possible for the german again to dis- dozen wertheim 31c seifridge tinb the peace of europe and the 24c figs pound wertheim 18c world j 28c seifridge lie dates pound to advocate that all german pro- wertheim 24c to 32c seifridge cows choice ss25 to 750 lo 775 do com- j j onlymiity in the world to use natural horned 950 to 1000 lbs 825 to 5ss5 hot water to supply heat to housea j caniers and cutters 400 to 500 public buildings and business blocks milkers choice each 7500 to 10000 do com and mod each 4000 to 50000 water at a temperature of 171 deg f eligible teachers springers rooo to 10000 light ewes comes from wells in the low foothills must now enlist s5 the belgian relief from freewill of- an annoying practice calves good- toholco fe slim the citv and for twentyfive years it t jud campbell flournoy formerly a despatch from calgary says the do taeaium 7b to sshogs jed fw pm 1- burp calgary was fined 50 and of kentucky but now of washington calgary school board decided on j i1 00 10 f s j there are two welfs each eighteen costs for shipping uninspected horse was making a horseback tour through i tuesday night notsto reengage jlf rtnvtmo inches in diameter and four hundred ihis is the first conviction under new the mountains of his state once upon members of its staff at the close of jjjo common tofaw to ss15 j feet deep the natural flow was only 800000 gallons a day centrifugal a shaggy hillsman rode their engagement june 30th who are j bulls ci and joined him as they unmarried of recruitable age and 1 ck calgary battn three months is jogged along side by side the native without valid reasons for not enlist- 690 to 665 cannersjaiifl jailed for two years charged as after asking the strangers name and j ing the chairman of the board and j j- yho stock act i a time when franz leman calgary who served down a creek with now ja a german spy business volunteered some infofmaj tho chief recruiting officer for the i edgar bedard of lethbridge has tion touching upon himself provinco are to be judges of their sued the cpr for 25000 for in- 1 i oughter bo plowin my cawn he eligibility juries received in a wreck between said but i jest nntchelly felt like i dunmore and- dauntless j had to ride down to tho county sent german loss at verdun official winnipeg both military today them pesky fellers down thar i during five months xv iimuwi tint- 111 uiinuiu pro- t wertncinij zic to oc toeiiriugej i 1 i v v v pcrty throughout the empire shall be 7c fruit for stewing wertheim 28c ysuhv rftt fotched i as meand just like a man jad as security for compensating to 30c seifridge lie irntish subjects for losses caused by thi war to remove from public offices and honors or titles all persons of german origin and sympathies to discourage and if possible pre vent the employment of german labor in this country either by a tax on em- story published regarding austrians i got to go sec about it making cannon at tyndal man i whats the lawsuit abc i thos hewitt a bachelor of saska- ed the judge i toon was shot and killed by his neigh- a despatch from paris says fig- choice s to 825 fair to good 715 medium 575 to 650 choice 8 to s25 fair to good cutters 3s5 spring lambs choice 6 10 9 medium 6 to s hogs selects 1150 to 1165 rough and mixed lots 1050 to 11 sows 940 to 965 pumps have increased the supply to 1250000 gallons every day the wa ter is pumped into a tank or reservoir and thenco distributed to the users in the city one hundred and thirtynine buildings use it for all purposes in cluding heat and one hundred other plovers of such labor or by other suitable means to restrict the sale of all such ger man goods as can be supplied equally well from british sources arc not as well able to stand opera- and im agettin mighty tired of it tho verdun battles havo been raging lions a infants next day wlie ju f mrs neil huber and her 18-year- dropped into the courthouse he found daughter erraa were found mur- the object of litigation on trial upon been happier if you had hot marrlet the ctuprit1 11 be sorry for youdcred in their home at the oiympia an indictment alleging murder in the mo hcyes darling but i then if you ever get in trouble pline at seoal lake 35 miles from first degree wouldnt have known it in the same boat the overbearing lawyer ignor ance of the law excuses no one no more germans on london exchange buildings use it for bathing washing j and cooking purposes a despatch from london says the 1 engineers have tried to increase tho 1 chamber of commerce on thursday flow of water and they think that if about inquir- 1 tires compiled from reports received passe a requesting all they could tap the main subterranean i by the french war office state that i mem of german or austrian birth stream they would get enough hot wa- hits about my fatherinlaw they tho germans since tho beginning of j cv jf na subjects of grentjbr to supply all the needs of the city britain to resign 1 the heat is so lntenre tfint meii eta i work only eighteen feet below the sur- no meat for russians face and then only in tenminuto four days each week shifts tti r these hot springs were well known a despatch from london says the 1 by tho indians and they made tho russian duma has adopted a bill call- spot where boise now stands a sort ing fqr the abstention from eating of winter resort for the snake and meat four days in each week accord- bannock tribes that explains tho ing to a router despntch from petro- great indian burying grounds that srrad v f are found in the hills near boise she i suppose you would havo 1 i i

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