n i the stouffville tribune thursday june 22 1916 local items mr d galloway has moved in to fred nighswanders house ooo mr eli vallentyiic has moved into cal yakes house ooo mr jas martin has moved in to wilfred mordens house on vie toria street ooo miss eva hodge of sharon is visiting with friends in town for a few days ooo mr jas martin has moved in to the house belonging to wilfred morden on victoria street ooo noticedr barker will not be in his office during the summer months on saturday afternoons ooo found- between wilcox lake and 4th concession of whitchur ch a ladys raincoat apply to a v scott west end stduitvile ooo mr and mrs r brimson have been visiting friends in toronto aurora and newmarket for the past two weeks ooo geo mustard while working around a ripsaw in the planing mill had one of his fingers cut off at the second joint ooo the womens patriotic league will meet in the council cham bers on monday june 26th at 230 p m 000 strawberry festival remember the annual straw berry festival under the auspi ces of the methodist ladies aid to be held at bloomington on tuly 4th watch for particulars next week ooo the choir of st james presby terian church were entertainedat the home of the pastor rev j mutch b d on wednesday even ing a yprypfljopihlp fvpjtincr was spent in games and musical sel ections ooo the mission band of st james presbyterian church held a very successful icnic on the grounds of mrs h stronach church st on saturday alternoon the children thoroughly enjoyed the games and did full justice to the refreshments many parents and friends were present ooo box social box social at bloomington on the school lawn on friday even ing june 30th program begins at 8 p m after which the sale oi boxes will take place the ladies are requested to- bring boxes half of the proceeds go to the bloomington womens patriotic league and half for school imp rovements ooo atha union picnic will be held this year in the groves of messrs hoover and n ighswander one and one half miles west of atha on saturday june 24th a large number of prizes are being offered lor football races etc a number of prominent speakers will be present and give addresses sto- uffville band will furnish music see bills for particulars ooo the women of stouffvillc and the surrounding country are ask ed to provide pies for four hund red soldiers camping in diamond park on july first a committee of women from our w p l will receive the pies in the council chambers on the morning of the first at 9 oclock this is a special appeal for the first of july only and the women are asked to give generous supp ort ooo mr and mrs a g lehman mr and mrs j hoover david mcconnochic mrs ed mcycrw h meyer mr and mrs d m hoover mrs sam wideman j b hoover chris hoover and mr and mrs john brownsbergcr all went over to vincland last saturday to attend the funeral of the late jacob fret only bro ther of sarah fretz he was bur ied on sunday at 2 p m i miss mabel yake leaves this week for a two weeks visit with her uncle in toronto ooo a number of baptists attended the whitby and lindsay associa tion held at clarcmont this week ooo on sunday next the stouffvillc orange lodge will hold their ann ual church parade the members are requested to be at the lodge rooms at 2 p m ooo hiseymckay miss vera mckay only daughter of mr and mrs wilfred mckay and mr abraham hisey of aur ora were married at the manse s torfi ville june 21st by the rev john mutch ooo mr and mrs alfred s collins daughter mabel ellen to mr announce the engagement ofithcir lome ii clarke b a mathe matical teacher of malvern ave collegiate institute toronto the marriage to take place on july 1st ooo rev j c emerson closes his work with the bloomington kingi wood and altona christian cliur ches sunday the 25th inst ser vice at bloomington at 11 o clock a m ringwood 230 p hi and altona at 7 p m his theme will be an angel or thunder which 000 mr betz has purchased the old morrison residence from mr ab brown and intends to erect a brick residence ooo there has been some complaint that certain persons have been in the habit of removing flowers jw the graves in the cemetery it chould not be necessity to fk aivcne to abstain fioni desecrat ing the craves of iltsiftcj lakes and farm land millions of acres of land now under water in the northwest will witbin the earlier years to come be redeemed for farming uses by means of irrigating and drainage plans all the states and provinces bordering on the great lakes have laws favoring this addition to land holdings the province of manitoba has under a new law organized its first irrigation district covering 18000 acres thus the irrigated area spreads farther and farther north and the unused waters are brought in to make agri culture immeasurably more certain than under the olden plan of waiting in the weather to supply the need ed moisture nntives of v s in canada a reminder that the united states has furnished canada with many of her great men in the political rail way and commercial world is furn ished by a list of persons to whom certificates of naturalization have been furnished under the naturaliza tion act recently passed up to de cember 31 of last year the first eight names on the hat are those of hon sir george halsey perley lord shaughnessy sir tol- liam van home k j chamberlin and howard g kelley of the grand trunk railway e g deville sur veyorgeneral of canada c f sise jr manager of the bell telephone company montreal and p f sise vicepresident and general manager of the northern electric company montreal all born in the united states further down the list ap pear the names of charles newton candee vicepresident of the gutta percha rubber company of toronto of jacob lewis englchart chairman of the temiskaming and northern ontario railway and of elmor ran dolph carrington vicepresident of the thiol detective service mont real all former americans baldwin larus baldwlndson deputy provin cial secretary a former native of denmark has also been naturalized as have under another section of the naturalization act gustav held- mann secretary to the minister of marine and fisheries and john henry stanford civil servant germancanadian brigade that a brigade of canadians of german descent be raised to fight for canada at the front is the suggestion which has been made to the minister of militia and is now being consid ered by him there are at present numbers of such men among the ranks of canadian soldiers at the front and they have done splendid service the chief intelligence offi cer with the first contingent is a germancanadian whose father was a german army officer and whose mother was the daughter of an aus trian general with threo brothers fighting in the austrian ranks today her son in tho canadian army has al ready been decorated for good ser vice children cry for fletchers oastoria 6tb line wh1tmcurch messrs m regan and w regan of toronto visited with friends on this line one day last week a number from this neighbor hood attended the union school picnic at musselmans lake on saturday afternoon mr fred steckley i and miss vema steckley were toronto vi sitors on friday of last week tj miss l harmon visited at mr geo emmersons on monday ev ening all members of the serenaders band arc recfuested to be in read iness as your services will be re quired very soon ladies aid was held at the home of mrs h talbot on thur sday last and afthough the wea ther was very wet there was a good attendance of ladies in tho afternoon and young people in the evening mrs j sibley spent the week end with relatives at zephyr we understand that mr robt ratcliff has purchased a new max well touring car mr and mrs wm ratcliff vis ited at mr f steckleys on sun day evening mr jos steckley took a trip to buffalo last week bethesda mr and mrs a snider and daughter of vandorf visited at mr jas pointons mr and mrsf w march and master eddie were guests of mr d snider on sunday quite a number of young people were the guests of mr a b sheffers on sunday for tea mrs h meyer has returned af ter spending a few weeks in tor onto mr and mrs evans have been spendings n time with her par- cpts iur and mrs j drewery mr and mrs w march and son spent tuesday in newmarket at mr jc steckleys runaways are all the rage now get good bits and keep a tight line boys glasgow mr h burnham of st cath arines spent the week end at mr john s latchams dr and mrs brewster called on mr knights last sunday miss wellman of new york is visitingi her parents mr and mrs w eckardt have rotprned from theirwedding trip misses lillie alsop greta jon es and vida knight and master edgar latcham are writing on the entrance examinations in stouff ville july i at stouffville decorate your car and get into the procession at 10 a m on the first twentyfive cents admits you to the park all day on the first out and in as often as you choo se hot and cold water provided for picnic parties in the park on the first seats on the grounds for the ladies we want you all day and evening for the big celebration july lstf the committee want every sto re and house in town decorated on july 1st l- the business men of stouffvillc have decided to close their plac es of business on fridays at 1230 during june july and august the three blacksmith shops will be closed on friday afternoons during july and augustt i the stouffvillc banks will be closed also on friday afternoons during june july and august market butter eggs chickens fowl i potatoes hogs n to 24 22 to 23 16 to 17 15 tojij 150 tol 75 1050 nmmer a m0ms nice hat to suit you at mrs f wilsons loth in style and quality see odu table of up- todate hats at 200 also visijllxtis kibisoks imees jfancy goods etc mrs f wilson notice the planing and chopping mills and lumbet yards will be closed on sajl- ubiiay afternoons un til further notice phone stouffville ont spring shipment ov a dies house dresses and wbittwear also cmlflrens dresses has arrived hey are good valuos and should ap peal to you do not leave your buy ing of these lines too late as all cotton goods are soaring buy now when you have a full rarif e to choose from do not forget our other departments iu which honest values are offered tliy general iferclmnt stouffville wxmowuiill roadways drug store stouffville roadways dritfct store htuuff ville auction sale- friday june 23 horse cows vehicles stereopticon tent etc the property of rev geo k honey lemon ville 4 mos credit geo cook auctioneer dominion day celebration at stouffvillc the program of our dominion day celebration is of a nature that has never been seen here be fore and which will not likely be repeated- the 220th batt will have a complete military camp run on strictly military lines in the evening you will hear the sunset gun you can see the sol diers cooking their meals for the re will be a camp kitchen just as in their regular camp at night they will have a bonfire and fire works the parade will be a uni que event for the best decorated automobile in the procession a prize of five dollars will be given several baseball teams will com pete for a twentyfive dollar cup three bands to furnish music dont miss it on the sunday following dom inion day there will be church parade in the park for the sol diers all- are invited j a alsop for smoked fresh meats of all kinds for sale 8 small pigs 4 weeks old at lot 26 con 10 markham percy tarr stouffville phone 7809 ftw illiil sffi licensed auctioneers for the couptigs of york and ontario sates promptly attendod to and trma reasonable phone 1202 stouffville photos a1ewnew new plalura photos are the newest biighest and raosl life like photos ever produaed we make nothing else vv e sanders studio s vvifts premier bonoless bacon 1 smoked hams pickled rolls sugar and pieklid hams lamb on saturdays will also purchase sheep tfkins horse and au4e hides of all binds high est market price paid stouffville phone 9701 j a alsop uxbridge and stouffville abraham brown highest price paid for hags iron metal uubber bones etc etc rubber 4c a lb hags lc a lb stoufmle ont phone 8605 call see our new sitting room and bedroom suites is almost upon us and we have a assortment of summer goods an inspection is worth your while ladies childrens middy waists in a nice assortment of collars ladies fine lawn waists at all prices mens and boys straw hats every thing for summer wear w h shaw phone 9512 stouftvill e store closes monday wednesday and friday at 680 bob n baker son h ave you tried gtiblin soap for stained or greasy hands try h and you will use no other sc a cake bananas oranges etc just in take a brick of neil son xee cream home with you mt baker sons phone 1002 g 000 we sell mectric light fix tures see us before order ing our goods will suit you and our prices are right phone 9801 w j mather siouffvhus try our chocolates they are always fresh rowbotham bros bakers grocers confectioners agutiaimmt tt- eri